예제 #1
파일: main.py 프로젝트: evgenyorlov1/PPTX
        def set_tick(name, disable=False):
            tick = self.get_element_by_title(name+'-tick')
            value_e = self.get_element_by_title(name)
            # If both icons are either above 15% or below -10% on the same metric, 
            # only display actual amount for advisory icon
            if disable:

            # tick positioning
            v = self.get_cell(name)
            tick_w = self.get_element_sizes(tick)[0]
            if v < -.10: # If  amount is lower than -10%: Display at -10.5% on scale, display actual amount  (with no decimal point) above the icon
                pos_v = -.105
            elif v > .15:  # If amount is higher than 15%: Display at 15.5% on scale, display actual amount (with no decimal point) above the icon
                pos_v = .155
                pos_v = v # If both icons are either above 15% or below-10% on the same metric, only display actual amount for advisory icon

            x = x0 + (min(max(pos_v, -0.105), .155)+.1)*4*w # tick coord
            self.set_element_pos(tick, x-tick_w/2, None) # set tick on the chart

            value_e_w = self.get_element_sizes(value_e)[0] # tick label

            # if higher than 99%, just display 99%;  if Lower than -99%, just display -99% 
            if -0.99 < v < 0.99:
                text = self.format_percent(v, prec=1)+'%'
                text = self.format_percent(min(max(v, -0.99), .99), prec=0)+'%'
            self.set_element_text(value_e, text)
            self.set_element_pos(value_e, x-value_e_w/2, None)
예제 #2
파일: main.py 프로젝트: evgenyorlov1/PPTX
    def fill_headline_metrics(self):
        #If growth rate is negative: have chevron pointing down, else up.
        for c in C('C4')+C('F4')+C('H4')+C('K4'):
            val = self.get_cell(c)
            remove(self.get_element_by_title('%s-arrow-%s' % (c, 'up' if val < 0 else 'down')))

        #In 'Advisory' write 'Analytics' instead of 'Risk Analytics'.
        C2 = self.get_cell('C2')
        if C2 == 'Risk Analytics':
            C2 = 'Analytics'
        self.set_text('C2', C2)
예제 #3
파일: main.py 프로젝트: evgenyorlov1/PPTX
    def fill_enabling_areas(self):
        separate_chart_group = self.E('separate-enabling-areas')

        y1 = self.get_element_coords(self.E('enabling-areas-min'))[3]
        max_h = self.get_element_sizes(self.E('B11'))[1] # Largest value will be Max height

        for col in alpha_range('B', 'J'): 
            bar_e = self.E('%s11' % col) # section rectangle Bar Height (% of Max) 
            bar_coords = self.get_element_coords(bar_e)
            bar_hs = [] # sections height

            bar_h = max_h*self.get_cell('%s11' % col) # normalized height
            if bar_h < 0:
                # If negative value, display no bar, and display value just above x axis 
                # set section position
                self.set_element_pos(bar_e, None, y1-bar_h)
                self.set_element_size(bar_e, None, bar_h)

            for name in ['%s13' % col, '%s15' % col]:
                # lines height
                bar_h = self.get_cell(name)*max_h # section height
                e = self.E(name)
                if bar_h < 0:
                    # # If negative value, display no bar, and display value just above x axis 
                    self.set_element_pos(e, None, y1-bar_h)

            yoy = self.get_cell('%s16' % col) # YoY Cost Growth
            yoy_e = self.clone_template('enabling-areas-yoy-down' if yoy < 0 else 'enabling-areas-yoy-up')
            yoy_e_w, yoy_e_h = self.get_element_sizes(yoy_e) # label width, height
            # set YOY label
            self.set_element_text(yoy_e, self.format_percent(abs(yoy), prec=0)+'%')
예제 #4
파일: main.py 프로젝트: evgenyorlov1/PPTX
    def fill_blue_rect(self):
        separate_chart_group = self.E('separate-revenue-and-earnings')

        def rotate(e):
            # rotate elements(90 degrees)
            self.set_element_rotation(e, -5400000)
            w, h = self.get_element_sizes(e)
            shift = (h-w)/2
            coords = self.get_element_coords(e)
            x, y = coords[0], coords[1]
            x += shift
            y -= shift
            self.set_element_pos(e, x, y)
            self.set_element_text_alignment(e, 'r')

        coords = self.get_element_coords(self.shapes['big-blue-rect']) # base rectangle coords
        w, h = coords[2]-coords[0], coords[3]-coords[1]
        x0, y0 = coords[0], coords[3]
        # minor rectangles sizes
        sizes = zip(
            [self.get_cell(c) for c in C('B12')],
            [self.get_cell(c) for c in C('B16')],
        # If below 3.0% width: Do not show section at all. 
        sizes = [(l, wn, hn) if wn > 0.03 else (l, 0., 0.) for l, wn, hn in sizes]
        norm = sum(wn for l, wn, hn in sizes)

        x = x0
        for l, wpn, hpn in sizes:
            wn = wpn*w/norm

            if wpn > .11:
                # If section is above 11% width (row 12): 
                # Max height of Earnings box (light blue) is 80%
                # Min Height of Earnings box (light blue) is 13.33% 
                hpn_min, hpn_max = .1333, .8

                def format_money(v):
                    if v > 9999:
                        return '$%sB' % self.format_float(v/10**3, prec=1)
                    return '$%s' % self.format_float(v, prec=0)
            elif wpn > .065:
                #  If section is below 10% width, and above 6.5% width: 
                # Min Height of Earnings box (light blue) is 20.5% 
                # Max height of earnings box (light blue) is 72%
                hpn_min, hpn_max = .205, .72

                def format_money(v):
                    return '$%s' % self.format_float(min(v, 999), prec=0)
            elif wpn > .03:
                # If below 6.5% width, above 3.0% width:
                # Max height of earnings box is 77% 
                # Minimum height of earnings box is 0%
                hpn_min, hpn_max = 0, .77
                # Do not show section at all. 
                hpn = 0

            hn = min(max(hpn, hpn_min), hpn_max)*h if wpn else 0

            # set rectangle
            r = self.shapes['%s-rect' % l]
            if wpn == 0:
                # if width == 0, remove 
                # set rectangle size and position
                self.set_element_pos(r, x, y0-hn)
                self.set_element_size(r, wn, hn)
            # set section title(A&F, ANLYT, Bussiness Risk, Tech Risk)
            section_title = self.get_element_by_title('%s9' % l)
            if wpn == 0:
                # if width == 0, remove rectangle
                self.set_element_pos(section_title, x, coords[1])
                if wpn <= .125:
                    # If width is below 12.5%, rotate name vertically ​​
                    if wn < self.get_element_sizes(section_title)[1]:
                        self.set_element_text_inset(section_title, 't', 0)
                        self.set_element_text_inset(section_title, 'b', 0)
                        self.set_element_text_vert_alignment(section_title, 'ctr')
                        self.set_element_size(section_title, None, wn)

            # set earnings
            earnings = self.get_element_by_title('%s13' % l)
            if wpn <= .065:
                earnings_value = self.get_cell('%s13' % l)/10.**6
                # if width > 11%: 
                # if height of earnings box is above 30%: display Earnings value($) in white, at 29.15%  
                # if 6.5% < width < 11% :
                # If earnings box is above 38%: display earnings  value ($)in white, at 37.5%
                # If earnings box is below 38%: display earnings  value($) in light blue, at 53.33%  
                t, low, high = (.3, .2915, .3677) if wpn > .11 else (.38, .375, .5333)
                earnings_hp = low if hpn > t else high
                color = 'FFFFFF' if hpn > t else'00B0F0' # set color of ERN label
                # set earnings label position, text and color 
                self.set_element_pos(earnings, x, y0-earnings_hp*h)
                self.set_element_text(earnings, format_money(earnings_value))
                self.set_element_text_color(earnings, color)

                # if section width below 11% rotate it
                if wpn < .11 and round(earnings_value, 0) >= 100:

            revenue_rotated = False
            margin_rotated = False

            for c in [10, 14]:
                title = '%s%s' % (l, c) #rectangle values
                val = self.get_cell(title)
                if c == 10:
                    val /= 10.**6 # format REV value
                s = self.get_element_by_title(title)
                if wpn <= .065:
                    remove(s) # remove values if width < 6.5%
                    # set REV label on template
                    self.set_element_pos(s, x, None)
                    self.set_element_text(s, format_money(val) if c == 10 else self.format_percent(val, prec=0)+'%') # format values
                    if c == 10 and wpn < .125:
                        # If width <12.5%, rotate name vertically, and move Revenue ($) at 70%​​
                        self.set_element_pos(s, None, y0-.7*h)
                    if wpn < .11 and (c == 10 and round(val, 0) >= 100 or val == 1):
                        if c == 14:
                            margin_rotated = True
                            revenue_rotated = True

            # set REV arrow
            rev_arrow = self.get_element_by_title('%s11-arrow' % l)
            if wpn <= .065:
                # If below 6.5% width, remove arrow
                self.set_element_text(rev_arrow, self.format_percent(self.get_cell('%s11' % l), prec=0)+'%')
                rev_w, rev_h = self.get_element_sizes(self.get_element_by_title('%s10' % l))
                shift = rev_w-self.get_element_sizes(rev_arrow)[0]
                self.set_element_pos(rev_arrow, x+shift/2, None)
                # If width < 12.5%, move Revenue Growth(%) at 55%
                if wpn < .125:
                    self.set_element_pos(rev_arrow, None, y0-.55*h)
                if revenue_rotated:
                    rot_shift = (rev_h - rev_w)/2
                    self.mod_element_pos(rev_arrow, rot_shift, -rot_shift)

            # set MARG arrow
            if wpn > .065:
                marg_arrow_val = self.get_cell('%s15' % l) # MARG value
                marg_arrow = self.clone_template('marg-arrow-up' if marg_arrow_val >= 0 else 'marg-arrow-down') # MARG arrow up/down
                self.set_element_text(marg_arrow, self.format_float(min(abs(marg_arrow_val), 999), prec=0)+'BPS') # set MARG value(BPS)
                marg_w, marg_h = self.get_element_sizes(self.get_element_by_title('%s14' % l)) # MARG value(%)
                shift = marg_w-self.get_element_sizes(marg_arrow)[0]
                self.set_element_pos(marg_arrow, x+shift/2, None)
                if margin_rotated:
                    rot_shift = (marg_h - marg_w)/2
                    self.mod_element_pos(marg_arrow, rot_shift, -rot_shift)

            x += wn
예제 #5
파일: main.py 프로젝트: evgenyorlov1/PPTX
    def fill_blue_rect(self):
        separate_chart_group = self.E("separate-revenue-and-earnings")

        coords = self.get_element_coords(self.shapes["big-blue-rect"])  # base rectangle
        w, h = coords[2] - coords[0], coords[3] - coords[1]  # rectangle width, height
        x0, y0 = coords[0], coords[3]
        # section sizes and values
        sizes = zip(
            [self.get_cell(c) for c in C("B12", "E12")],  # Width (%)
            [self.get_cell(c) for c in C("B18", "E18")],  # CE Height (%, if width != 0)
            [self.get_cell(c) for c in C("B14", "E14")],  # EBA Height (Dotted Line), if width != 0
        # If width of section is below 4% Do not display
        sizes = [(l, wn, hn, lpn) if wn > 0.04 else (l, 0.0, 0.0) for l, wn, hn, lpn in sizes]
        norm = sum(wn for l, wn, hn, lpn in sizes)  # normalize section width

        x = x0
        for l, wpn, hpn, lpn in sizes:
            wn = wpn * w / norm  # normalized section width

            gap_size = 0.08  # minimum difference between CE Margin height and EBA Margin Height is 8%
            hpn_min, hpn_max = 0.2, 0.69  # Min CE Height; Max CE Height
            lpn_min, lpn_max = 0.28, 0.77  # Min EBA Height; Max EBA Height

            if wpn > 0.10:
                # If Width of a section is above 10%
                def format_money(v):  # Max value of all $ figures is $9999
                    if v > 9999:
                        return "$%sB" % self.format_float(v / 10 ** 3, prec=1)
                    return "$%s" % self.format_float(v, prec=0)

                font_size = 15  # Font size of all values is 15 pt
            elif wpn > 0.07:
                # If Width of a Section is between 10%-7%
                def format_money(v):  # Max value of all $ figures is $9999
                    if v > 999:
                        return "$%sB" % self.format_float(v / 10 ** 3, prec=1)
                    return "$%s" % self.format_float(v, prec=0)

                font_size = 12  # Change font size of all values to 12pt
            elif wpn > 0.04:
                # If width of a section is between 7%-4%
                hpn_min, hpn_max = 0, 0.9  # No MIN value; MAX of Blue square 90%
                lpn_max = 0.91  # MAX of Dotted line is 91%
                # if width == 0, remove section
                hpn = 0

            gape_needed_adjustment = max(gap_size - (lpn - hpn), 0)  # diff between CE Margin h. and EBA Margin h.
            if gape_needed_adjustment:
                # To fit text, minimum difference between CE Margin height and EBA Margin Height is 8%
                # If difference is less than 8%:
                if lpn_max - lpn < gape_needed_adjustment / 2:
                    hpn -= gape_needed_adjustment - (lpn_max - lpn)
                    lpn = lpn_max
                elif hpn - hpn_min < gape_needed_adjustment / 2:
                    lpn += gape_needed_adjustment - (hpn - hpn_min)
                    hpn = hpn_min
                    hpn -= gape_needed_adjustment / 2
                    lpn += gape_needed_adjustment / 2

            hn = min(max(hpn, hpn_min), hpn_max) * h if wpn else 0  # CE Height(%), if width != 0
            ln = min(max(lpn, lpn_min), lpn_max) * h if wpn else 0  # EBA Height, if width != 0

            rect = self.shapes["%s-rect" % l]  # section
            line = self.get_element_by_title("%s-line" % l)  # dotted line(EBA)

            revenue = self.get_element_by_title("%s10" % l)  # REV.
            revenue_arrow = self.get_element_by_title("%s11-arrow" % l)  # REV. arrow
            earnings = self.get_element_by_title("%s13" % l)  # ABA
            ce_marg = self.get_element_by_title("%s15" % l)  # C.E
            ce_marg_p = self.get_element_by_title("%s16" % l)  # C.E Marg

            # if section exists, set icon under it(Advisory, Audit etc)
            if wpn:
                icon = self.clone_template("icon-%s" % self.get_cell("%s9" % l).lower())
                self.set_element_pos(icon, x + self.get_element_coords(icon)[1] - coords[1], None)

            # If width of a section is between 7%-4%
            if wpn <= 0.07:
                # Remove all values, just display correct heights of margin boxes/lines
                for e in [revenue, revenue_arrow, earnings, ce_marg, ce_marg_p]:
                # If Width of a Section is above 7% of total width
                # Set all values
                for e in [revenue, earnings, ce_marg, ce_marg_p]:
                    self.set_element_text_size(e, font_size)
                # display all values
                self.set_element_pos(revenue, x, None)  # set REV.
                self.set_element_text(revenue, format_money(self.get_cell("%s10" % l) / 10.0 ** 6))

                revenue_arrow_shift = (
                    self.get_element_sizes(revenue)[0] - self.get_element_sizes(revenue_arrow)[0]
                )  # set REV. arrow
                self.set_element_pos(revenue_arrow, x + revenue_arrow_shift / 2, None)
                self.set_element_text(revenue_arrow, self.format_percent(self.get_cell("%s11" % l), prec=0) + "%")

                earnings_value = self.get_cell("%s13" % l) / 10.0 ** 6  # set EBA
                self.set_element_pos(earnings, x, y0 - ln)
                self.set_element_text(earnings, format_money(earnings_value))

                ce_marg_val = self.get_cell("%s15" % l) / 10.0 ** 6  # set C.E
                self.set_element_pos(ce_marg, x, None)
                self.set_element_text(ce_marg, format_money(ce_marg_val))

                ce_marg_p_val = self.get_cell("%s16" % l)  # set C.E Marg
                self.set_element_pos(ce_marg_p, x, None)
                self.set_element_text(ce_marg_p, self.format_percent(ce_marg_p_val, prec=1) + "%")

                marg_arrow_val = self.get_cell("%s17" % l)  # set C.E Marg arrow
                marg_arrow = self.clone_template("marg-arrow-up" if marg_arrow_val >= 0 else "marg-arrow-down")
                shift = self.get_element_sizes(ce_marg_p)[0] - self.get_element_sizes(marg_arrow)[0]
                self.set_element_text(marg_arrow, self.format_float(min(abs(marg_arrow_val), 999), prec=0) + "BPS")
                self.set_element_pos(marg_arrow, x + shift / 2, None)

            if wpn == 0:
                # if section width == 0, remove section
                # add section and EBA line
                self.set_element_pos(rect, x, y0 - hn)
                self.set_element_size(rect, wn, hn)

                self.set_element_pos(line, x, y0 - ln)
                self.set_element_size(line, wn, None)

            x += wn

            if l != "E":
                s = self.get_elements_by_title("%s-sep" % l)[0]
                if wn == 0:
                    self.set_element_pos(s, x, None)
예제 #6
파일: main.py 프로젝트: evgenyorlov1/PPTX
        def fill_chart(chart_name, values, non_data_row):
            # if chart values are empty (no No-Period Driven expenses etc) than remove chart and return
            if len(values) == 1:

            chart = self.get_chart_by_title(chart_name) # get pie chart
            label_angle = math.radians(angle)

            # delete all numbers on pie chart
            numCache = chart.xpath('//c:numCache')[0]
            ptCount = chart.xpath('.//c:ptCount', numCache)[0]
            ptCount.set('val', str(len(values)))
            for e in chart.xpath('.//c:pt', numCache):

            # delete all strings on pie chart
            strCache = chart.xpath('//c:cat/c:strRef/c:strCache')[0]
            ptCount = chart.xpath('.//c:ptCount', strCache)[0]
            ptCount.set('val', str(len(values)))
            for e in chart.xpath('.//c:pt', strCache):

            ser = chart.xpath('//c:ser')[0]
            for e in chart.xpath('.//c:dPt', ser):
            dLbls = chart.xpath('.//c:dLbls', ser)[0]
            for e in chart.xpath('c:dLbl', dLbls):
            chart.xpath('//c:dLbls/c:showVal')[0].set('val', '1')
            chart.xpath('//c:dLbls/c:showLeaderLines')[0].set('val', '0')
            chart.xpath('//c:firstSliceAng')[0].set('val', self.format_float(angle, prec=0))
            txPr = chart.xpath('//c:dLbls/c:txPr')[0]

            coords = self.get_plot_area_coords_from_chart(chart_name)
            r = max((coords[2]-coords[0]), (coords[3]-coords[1]))*.5
            c = ((coords[2]+coords[0])*.5, (coords[3]+coords[1])*.5)

            for i, row in enumerate(values):
                pt = etree.SubElement(strCache, '{%s}pt' % chart.NS['c'])
                pt.set('idx', str(i))
                v = etree.SubElement(pt, '{%s}v' % chart.NS['c'])
                v.text = row[0]

                pt = etree.SubElement(numCache, '{%s}pt' % chart.NS['c'])
                pt.set('idx', str(i))
                v = etree.SubElement(pt, '{%s}v' % chart.NS['c'])
                v.text = self.format_float(row[2]/10.**6, prec=0)

                dPt = etree.SubElement(ser, '{%s}dPt' % chart.NS['c'])
                etree.SubElement(dPt, '{%s}idx' % chart.NS['c']).set('val', str(i))
                spPr = etree.SubElement(dPt, '{%s}spPr' % chart.NS['c'])

                if row is non_data_row:
                    etree.SubElement(spPr, '{%s}noFill' % chart.NS['a'])
                    solidFill = etree.SubElement(spPr, '{%s}solidFill' % chart.NS['a'])
                    etree.SubElement(solidFill, '{%s}srgbClr' % chart.NS['a']).set('val', colors.pop())

                dLbl = etree.Element('{%s}dLbl' % chart.NS['c'])
                etree.SubElement(dLbl, '{%s}idx' % chart.NS['c']).set('val', str(i))
                etree.SubElement(dLbl, '{%s}showVal' % chart.NS['c']).set('val', '0' if row is non_data_row else '1')
                etree.SubElement(dLbl, '{%s}dLblPos' % chart.NS['c']).set('val', 'inEnd')
                if float(row[2])/total <= .05:
                    txPr_clone = copy.deepcopy(txPr)
                    self.xpath('.//a:defRPr', txPr_clone)[0].set('sz', '1200')
                elif row[2]/10.**6 > 9999:
                    etree.SubElement(dLbl, '{%s}layout' % chart.NS['c'])
                    rich_e = etree.SubElement(
                            '{%s}tx' % chart.NS['c']
                        '{%s}rich' % chart.NS['c']
                        '{%s}bodyPr' % chart.NS['a'],
                        '{%s}lstStyle' % chart.NS['a'],
                                '{%s}p' % chart.NS['a'],
                            '{%s}r' % chart.NS['a'],
                        '{%s}t' % chart.NS['a']
                    ).text = '$9,999'
                dLbls.insert(i, dLbl)
                element_names = [
                for e_name in element_names:
                    etree.SubElement(dLbl, '{%s}%s' % (chart.NS['c'], e_name)).set('val', '0')

                def get_shift(e, angle):
                    angle -= int(angle)/360*360
                    w, h = self.get_element_sizes(e)
                    pPr = self.xpath('.//a:pPr', e)[0]
                    bodyPr = self.xpath('.//a:bodyPr', e)[0]

                    if 45 <= angle < 135:
                        x = 0
                        pPr.set('algn', 'l')
                    elif 225 <= angle < 315:
                        x = w
                        pPr.set('algn', 'r')
                        x = w/2

                    if 45 <= angle < 135 or 225 <= angle < 315:
                        y = h/2
                    elif 135 <= angle < 225:
                        y = 0
                        bodyPr.set('anchor', 'b')
                        y = h
                        bodyPr.set('anchor', 't')

                    return (x, y+h/2)  # should be (x, y)

                angle_n = row[2]/float(total)*2*math.pi
                if row is not non_data_row:
                    point_angle = label_angle+angle_n*.5

                    p = (c[0]+r*math.sin(point_angle), c[1]-r*math.cos(point_angle))
                    label = self.clone_template('estimated-uses-chart-label')
                    shift_x, shift_y = get_shift(label, math.degrees(point_angle))
                    self.set_element_text(label, row[0])
                    self.set_element_pos(label, p[0]-shift_x, p[1]-shift_y)
                label_angle += angle_n

예제 #7
파일: main.py 프로젝트: evgenyorlov1/PPTX
    def fill_cost_breakdown(self):
        def rotate(e):
            # rotate on 90 deg
            self.xpath('.//a:xfrm', e)[0].set('rot', '-5400000')
            w, h = self.get_element_sizes(e)
            shift = (h-w)/2
            coords = self.get_element_coords(e)
            x, y = coords[0], coords[1]
            x += shift
            y -= shift
            self.set_element_pos(e, x, y)
                pPr = self.xpath('.//a:pPr', e)[0]
            except ValueError:
                pPr = etree.Element('{%s}pPr' % self.NS['a'])
                self.xpath('.//a:p', e)[0].insert(0, pPr)
            pPr.set('algn', 'r')

        cols = 'BCDEF'

        values = [] # (rec. width, amount($))
        s = 0
        for l in cols:
            amount = round(self.get_cell('%s22' % l)/10.**6, 0) # Cerrent Amount
            width = self.get_cell('%s24' % l) # % of Max

            # If lower than 3% of total width do not display
            # If Value is $10,000+ and width below 7.5% do not display
            if width < .03 or amount >= 10**4 and width < .075:
                width = 0

            values.append((width, amount))
            s += width # real width

        values = [(w/s, a) for w, a in values] # change values for new width
        marg = 12700*2

        box = self.get_element_by_title('cost-breakdown-box') # chart
        coords = self.get_element_coords(box)
        x0, y0 = coords[0], coords[1]
        w, h = self.get_element_sizes(box) # chart width and height
        x = x0
        for col, (wn, an) in zip(cols, values):
            title = self.get_element_by_title('%s21' % col) # rectangle title(CS Sal. P&A etc)
            amount = self.get_element_by_title('%s22' % col) # amount
            yoy = self.get_element_by_title('%s23-arrow' % col) # YOY growth (arrow) 
            rect = self.get_element_by_title('%s24-rect' % col) # rectangle width
            color = self.get_cell('%s25' % col) # rectangle color
            color = '93C83D' if color.strip().lower() == 'green' else 'B1B3B5' # rectangle hex color

            # if width == 0, remove section 
            if wn == 0:
                for e in [title, amount, yoy, rect]:

            xn = wn*w

            def format_money(val):
                val = self.format_float(val, prec=0)
                if len(val) > 3:
                    val = val[:-3] + ',' + val[-3:]
                return '$' + val
            font_size = 14 # Font size for all figures is 14pt
            rotated = False
            # If value is less than $999
            if an < 999:
                # If between 7% and 3% width
                if wn < .07:
                    font_size = 12 # Change to 12pt font
                    rotated = True # Turn 90 degrees
            # If value is between $1,000-$9,999
            elif an < 9999:
                # If width is between 9% and 7.5%
                if .075 <= wn < .09:
                    font_size = 12 # display horizontally at 12 pt font
                # If between 7.5% and 3%
                elif wn < .075:
                    font_size = 10 # Change to 10pt font
                    rotated = False # Turn 90 degrees
                # If Value is $10,000+ (Max is $99,999)
                if .075 <= wn < .1:
                    # If between 10% and 7.5%
                    format_money = lambda val: '$' + self.format_float(val/1000, prec=1) + 'B' # isplay in billions with 1 decimal point
                    font_size = 12 # display at 12 pt font

            # set title position
            self.set_element_pos(title, x, y0-2*h)
            self.set_element_size(title, xn, 2*h)
            self.set_element_text_direction(title, 'vert270' if rotated else None) # set rotation
            if rotated:
                self.set_element_text(title, self.get_cell('%s21' % col)[:7])
                bodyPr = self.xpath('.//a:bodyPr', title)[0]
                bodyPr.set('lIns', '0')
                bodyPr.set('rIns', '0')
                lines = [''.join(c) for c in chunks(self.get_cell('%s21' % col), 7)][:3] # underline text
                self.set_element_text_lines(title, lines)

            # set amount
            self.set_element_pos(amount, x, y0)
            self.set_element_size(amount, xn, h)
            self.set_element_text(amount, format_money(an))
            self.set_element_text_size(amount, font_size)
            self.set_element_text_direction(amount, 'vert270' if rotated else None)

            # set YOY growth
            self.set_element_pos(yoy, x+(xn-self.get_element_sizes(yoy)[0])/2, None)
            self.set_element_text(yoy, self.format_percent(self.get_cell('%s23' % col), prec=1)+'%')

            # set rectangle
            self.set_element_pos(rect, x+marg, None)
            self.set_element_size(rect, xn-2*marg, None)
            srgbClr = self.xpath('.//a:srgbClr', rect)[0]
            srgbClr.set('val', color)

            x += xn
예제 #8
파일: main.py 프로젝트: evgenyorlov1/PPTX
    def fill_blue_rect(self):
        separate_chart_group = self.E('separate-revenue-and-earnings')

        coords = self.get_element_coords(self.shapes['big-blue-rect'])
        w, h = coords[2]-coords[0], coords[3]-coords[1] # chart widht and height
        x0, y0 = coords[0], coords[3]
        # rectangle sizes and values
        sizes = zip(
            [self.get_cell(c) for c in C('B12', 'E12')], # rectangle width(%)
            [self.get_cell(c) for c in C('B18', 'E18')], # CE Height(%) 
            [self.get_cell(c) for c in C('B14', 'E14')], # EBA Height (Dotted Line)(%)
        # f width of section is below 4% Do not display. Add width to next smallest section to maintain size.
        sizes = [(l, wn, hn, lpn) if wn > 0.04 else (l, 0., 0.) for l, wn, hn, lpn in sizes]
        norm = sum(wn for l, wn, hn, lpn in sizes)

        x = x0
        for l, wpn, hpn, lpn in sizes:
            wn = wpn*w/norm # normilize width

            hpn_min, hpn_max = .2, .69 # Min height of CE Height is 20%; Max height of CE Height is 69%
            lpn_max = .77 # The Maximum height of the dotted line (EBA Height) is 77%

            if wpn > .10:
                # If Width of a section is above 10% of total width
                def format_money(v):
                    # Max value of all $ figures is $9999
                    if v > 9999:
                        # If higher put as $1X.XB (only 1 decimal point)    
                        return '$%sB' % self.format_float(v/10**3, prec=1)
                    return '$%s' % self.format_float(v, prec=0)
                font_size = 15 # Font size of all values is 15 pt
            elif wpn > .07:
                # If Width of a Section is between 10%-7% of total width
                def format_money(v):
                    # If a $ value reaches 4 digits, display in Billions with 1 decimal place($7894 = $7.9B)
                    if v > 999:
                        return '$%sB' % self.format_float(v/10**3, prec=1)
                    return '$%s' % self.format_float(v, prec=0)
                font_size = 12 # Change font size of all values to 12pt
            elif wpn > .04:
                # If width of a section is between 7%-4%
                hpn_min, hpn_max = 0, .9 # No MIN CE Height value; Max CE Height is 90%
                lpn_max = .91 # MAX of Dotted line is 91%
                # If width of section is below 4%
                # Do not display.
                hpn = 0

            hn = min(max(hpn, hpn_min), hpn_max)*h if wpn else 0 # CE Height
            ln = min(lpn, lpn_max)*h if wpn else 0 # EBA Height

            rect = self.shapes['%s-rect' % l] # section rectangle
            line = self.get_element_by_title('%s-line' % l) # dotted line

            revenue = self.get_element_by_title('%s10' % l) # REV value
            revenue_arrow = self.get_element_by_title('%s11-arrow' % l) # Revenue Growth From Prior
            earnings = self.get_element_by_title('%s13' % l) # EBA
            ce_marg = self.get_element_by_title('%s15' % l) # Controllable Earnings
            ce_marg_p = self.get_element_by_title('%s16' % l) # CE Margin

            if wpn <= .07:
                # If width of a section is between 7%-4%
                # Remove all values, just display correct heights of margin boxes/lines
                for e in [revenue, revenue_arrow, earnings, ce_marg, ce_marg_p]:
                # set section value labels
                for e in [revenue, earnings, ce_marg, ce_marg_p]:
                    self.set_element_text_size(e, font_size)

                # section icon(Ad, A, C and T)
                icon = self.clone_template('icon-%s' % self.get_cell('%s9' % l).lower())
                self.set_element_pos(icon, x, None)

                # set Rev value
                self.set_element_pos(revenue, x, None)
                self.set_element_text(revenue, format_money(self.get_cell('%s10' % l)/10.**6))

                # set revenue arrow
                revenue_arrow_shift = self.get_element_sizes(revenue)[0]-self.get_element_sizes(revenue_arrow)[0]
                self.set_element_pos(revenue_arrow, x+revenue_arrow_shift/2, None)
                self.set_element_text(revenue_arrow, self.format_percent(self.get_cell('%s11' % l), prec=0)+'%')

                # set EBA
                earnings_value = self.get_cell('%s13' % l)/10.**6
                self.set_element_pos(earnings, x, y0-ln)
                self.set_element_text(earnings, format_money(earnings_value))

                # Controllable Earnings (C.E)
                ce_marg_val = self.get_cell('%s15' % l)/10.**6
                self.set_element_pos(ce_marg, x, None)
                self.set_element_text(ce_marg, format_money(ce_marg_val))

                # CE Margin (C.E Marg)
                ce_marg_p_val = self.get_cell('%s16' % l)
                self.set_element_pos(ce_marg_p, x, None)
                self.set_element_text(ce_marg_p, self.format_percent(ce_marg_p_val, prec=0)+'%')

                # set CE Margin arrow
                marg_arrow_val = self.get_cell('%s17' % l)
                marg_arrow = self.clone_template('marg-arrow-up' if marg_arrow_val >= 0 else 'marg-arrow-down')
                shift = self.get_element_sizes(ce_marg_p)[0]-self.get_element_sizes(marg_arrow)[0]
                self.set_element_text(marg_arrow, self.format_float(min(abs(marg_arrow_val), 999), prec=0)+'BPS') 
                self.set_element_pos(marg_arrow, x+shift/2, None)

            if wpn == 0:
                # If width is 0, remove section
                # set rectangle
                self.set_element_pos(rect, x, y0-hn)
                self.set_element_size(rect, wn, hn)

                # set dotted line
                self.set_element_pos(line, x, y0-ln)
                self.set_element_size(line, wn, None)

            x += wn

            if l != 'E':
                s = self.get_elements_by_title('%s-sep' % l)[0]
                if wn == 0:
                    self.set_element_pos(s, x, None)
예제 #9
파일: main.py 프로젝트: evgenyorlov1/PPTX
    def fill_chart(self):
        cols = alpha_range('B', 'M') # excel cells in range.

        x0, y0, x1, y1 = self.get_element_coords(self.get_element_by_title('chart-box'))
        w = x1-x0 # chart box width
        h = y1-y0 # chart box height

        self.set_element_pos(self.get_element_by_title('eba'), None, y0+h*.75)

        x = x0
        for c in cols:
            wpn = self.get_cell('%s8' % c)
            wn = wpn*w
            hpn = min(max(self.get_cell('%s11' % c), .08), .83) # solid box height is between 8% and 83%
            hn = hpn*h

            rotated = wpn <= .04

            rect = self.get_element_by_title('%s11' % c) # solid box
            eba_label = self.get_element_by_title('%s10' % c) # Earnings
            growth_e = self.get_element_by_title('%s9' % c) # Revenue Growth 
            revenue_label = self.get_element_by_title('%s7' % c) # Revenue
            title = self.get_element_by_title('%s6' % c) # column title
            arrow = self.clone_template('template-arrow') # get arrow chevron

            self.set_element_size(rect, wn, hn) # set solid box size
            self.set_element_pos(rect, x, y0+h-hn) # set solid box position

            # Rules for displaying EBA ($) figure, solid box:
            if hpn >= .32:
                # If EBA Margin is between 83%-32%, display EBA ($) in white with top of text at 32% height
                self.set_element_pos(eba_label, None, y0+h-.32*h)
            elif hpn >= .27:
                # If EBA Margin is 32%-27% Display EBA ($) in the color of the function (grey, dark blue, light blue, or green) with top of text at 34.5% height
                self.set_element_text_color(eba_label, self.get_element_fill_color(rect))
                self.set_element_pos(eba_label, None, y0+h-.345*h)
                # If EBA Margin in 27%-8%, display EBA ($) in the color of the function (grey, dark blue, light blue, or green) with top of text at 32% height
                self.set_element_text_color(eba_label, self.get_element_fill_color(rect))
                self.set_element_pos(eba_label, None, y0+h-.32*h)

            # right-top corner of title box should be at center of section horizontally
            title_w, title_h = self.get_element_sizes(title)
            title_angle = math.radians(self.get_element_rotation(title)/60000)
            # calculating horizonatal shift of right-top corner of box from its center
            title_shift = (title_w*math.cos(title_angle)+title_h*math.sin(title_angle))/2
            self.set_element_pos(title, x+(wn-title_w)/2-title_shift, None)

            # Rules for displaying Revenue Growth (%) chevron:
            if wpn > .015:
                # When width of a section is above 1.5%, the chevron of Revenue Growth(up/down) should appear
                self.set_element_pos(arrow, x+(wn-self.get_element_sizes(arrow)[0])/2, None)

                if self.get_cell('%s9' % c) < 0:
                    # When Revenue Growth is positive, chevron goes up.
                    self.set_element_flipv(arrow, True)
                    self.set_element_fliph(arrow, True)

            # For Width of columns, except First column.  
            for l in [7, 9, 10, 12]:
                label = self.get_element_by_title('%s%s' % (c, l))
                if wpn <= .015:
                    # If Width is below 1.5%, Do not display any  numbers on the column
                    self.set_element_size(label, wn, None)
                    self.set_element_pos(label, x, None)
                    # If Larger than 3.5%, just do typical horizontal type with 13.6 size font.
                    #If Between 3.5% and 1.5%, turn all text horizontal but keep at same size font
                    self.set_element_text_direction(label, 'vert270' if .015 < wpn < .035 else None)
                    self.set_element_text_alignment(label, 'r' if .015 < wpn < .035 else 'ctr')

            # For Width of the First column.
            if c == cols[0]:
                if rotated:
                    #  If smaller than 4% wide, move labels (Revenue,  EBA, Margin)  outside the left edge of the chart.
                    for e_title in ['eba', 'revenue', 'margin']:
                        e = self.get_element_by_title(e_title)
                        self.set_element_pos(e, x0-self.get_element_sizes(e)[0], None) # to the left edge
                        self.set_element_text_color(e, '000000') # set them black color
                    # If width larger than 4%:
                    if hpn < .25:
                        # If margin is below 25%, display EBA $ at the normal 25% level and change color to match the box below it. 
                    #  If margin is higher than 80%, change color of the Revenue # Amount to white, move 25% above Height 
                    elif hpn > .8:
                        revenue_e = self.get_element_by_title('revenue')
                        self.set_element_pos(revenue_e, None, y0+.25*h)
                        self.set_element_pos(revenue_label, None, y0+.25*h-self.get_element_sizes(revenue_label)[1])
                        self.set_element_text_color(revenue_label, 'FFFFFF')
                        self.set_element_text_color(revenue_e, 'FFFFFF')

            x += wn

            if c != cols[-1]:
                sep = self.get_element_by_title('%s-sep' % c)
                self.set_element_pos(sep, x, None)

        # Set advisory, audit, consulting and tax in the middle of the column.
        for label_name, (first, last) in [
            ('advisory', 'BE'),
            ('audit', 'FF'),
            ('consulting', 'GI'),
            ('tax', 'JM'),
            label = self.get_element_by_title(label_name)
            start = self.get_element_by_title('%s11' % first)
            end = self.get_element_by_title('%s11' % last)