예제 #1
 def setOptions(self, table: Dict[int, Dict[str, Union[List[float], str]]],
                suffix: Tuple[bool, Optional[str]]) -> None:
     # Validate options
     errors = list()
     if not table:
         errors.append(('noAttr', 'Error: at least one attribute should be chosen'))
     if suffix[0] and not suffix[1]:
         errors.append(('suffix', 'Error: new attribute suffix must be specified'))
     if errors:
         raise exp.OptionValidationError(errors)
     options: Dict[int, Tuple[List[float], List[str]]] = dict()
     for row, opts in table.items():
         if not opts.get('bins', None) or not opts.get('labels', None):
             errors.append(('notSet', 'Error: options at row {:d} are not set'.format(row)))
         # Edges are already parsed by delegate
         edges: List[float] = opts['bins']
         # Labels must be parsed
         labels: List[str] = splitString(opts['labels'], sep=' ')
         labNum = len(edges) - 1
         if len(labels) != labNum:
                            'Error: Labels at row {:d} is not equal to the number of intervals '
                            'defined ({:d})'.format(row, labNum)))
         options[row] = (edges, labels)
         if len(errors) > 8:
     if errors:
         raise exp.OptionValidationError(errors)
     # If everything went well set options
     self.__attributes = options
     self.__attributeSuffix = suffix[1] if suffix[0] else None
예제 #2
 def setOptions(
         self, attributes: Dict[int, Dict[str, Tuple[float,
                                                     float]]]) -> None:
     # { attr_index: (min, max) }
     selectedAttributes: Dict[int, Tuple[float, float]] = dict()
     errors = list()
     if not attributes:
         raise exp.OptionValidationError([
             ('noOptions', 'Error: no attributes are selected')
     if not all(map(lambda v: bool(v), attributes.values())):
             ('notAllOptions', 'Error: some attributes have no options'))
     for k, opts in attributes.items():
         vRange = opts.get('range', None)
         if not vRange:
             raise exp.OptionValidationError([
                 ('nr', 'Error: no range is set at row {:d}'.format(k))
         if not (len(vRange) == 2 and vRange[0] < vRange[1]):
             raise exp.OptionValidationError([
                 ('ir', 'Error: range is invalid at row {:d}'.format(k))
         selectedAttributes[k] = vRange
     # Set options
     self.__attributes = selectedAttributes
예제 #3
 def setOptions(self, table: Dict[int, Dict[str, str]],
                inverted: bool) -> None:
     if not table:
         raise exp.OptionValidationError([
             ('nooptions', 'Error: no attributes are selected')
     options: Dict[int, Tuple[List[List], List]] = dict()
     for c, opt in table.items():
         type_c = self.shapes[0].colTypes[c]
         values: str = opt.get('values', None)
         replace: str = opt.get('replace', None)
         if not values or not replace:
             raise exp.OptionValidationError([
                  'Error: options are not set at row {:d}'.format(c))
         lists: List[str] = splitString(values, ';')
         replace: List[str] = splitString(replace, ';')
         if not lists or not replace:
             raise exp.OptionValidationError([
                 ('incompleteoptions', 'Error: options are not set at row '
         if len(lists) != len(replace):
             raise exp.OptionValidationError([
                 ('wrongnum', 'Error: number of intervals is not equal to '
                  'the number of values to replace at row {:d}'.format(c))
         parsedValues: List[List[str]] = [
             splitString(s, ' ') for s in lists
         if type_c == Types.Numeric:
             if not all(map(isFloat, replace)):
                 err = ('numericinvalid',
                        'Error: list of values to replace contains non '
                        'numeric value at row {:d}, but selected attribute '
                        'is numeric'.format(c))
                 raise exp.OptionValidationError([err])
             replace: List[float] = [float(x) for x in replace]
             parsedValues: List[List[float]] = [
                 floatList(l, invalid='drop') for l in parsedValues
             # If type is not numeric everything will be treated as string
             replace: List = parseNan(replace)
             parsedValues: List[List] = [parseNan(a) for a in parsedValues]
         # Save parsed options for this column
         options[c] = (parsedValues, replace)
     self.__attributes = options
     self.__invertedReplace = inverted
예제 #4
 def setOptions(self, table: Dict[int, Dict[str, str]]) -> None:
     errors = list()
     if not table:
             ('no', 'Error: at least one column should be selected'))
     elif not table.values():
             ('values', 'Error: selected columns target names are not set'))
         names: Dict[int, str] = {
             i: d.get('rename', ' ').strip()
             for i, d in table.items()
         nameList = set(names.values())
         if not all(nameList):
             errors.append(('set', 'Error: some names are not set'))
         if len(nameList) != len(list(names.values())):
                 ('set', 'Error: some column names are duplicate'))
         if nameList & set(self.shapes[0].colNames):
                  'Error: some new columns names are already present'))
     if errors:
         raise exp.OptionValidationError(errors)
     self.__attributes = names
예제 #5
 def setOptions(self, series: Dict[str, List[Tuple[str, int, int]]],
                time: List[str], outName: str) -> None:
     # series = { series: [ (frameName, attributeIndex, timeLabelIndex) ] }
     # outName = new workbench entry name
     # time = [ 'wave1', 'wave2', ... ]
     errors = list()
     if not outName:
         errors.append(('noname', 'Error: an output name must be set'))
     if not time:
             ('notimelabels', 'Error: the time labels are not set'))
     if not series:
         errors.append(('noseries', 'Error: no series are defined'))
         lengthOk = all(
             map(lambda s: s and len(s) == len(time), series.values()))
         noDuplicates = all(
             map(lambda s: s and len(set(map(lambda t: t[2], s))) == len(s),
         if not lengthOk:
                 'Error: you set {:d} time labels, but some series is made up '
                 'of a different number of attributes'.format(len(time))))
         if not noDuplicates:
                  'Error: some series contain duplicated time labels'))
     if errors:
         raise exp.OptionValidationError(errors)
     self.__series = copy.deepcopy(series)
     self.__outputName = outName
     self.__timeLabels = copy.deepcopy(time)
예제 #6
파일: join.py 프로젝트: alek9z/dataMole
    def setOptions(self, ls: str, rs: str, onindex: bool, onleft: int, onright: int,
                   joinType: JoinType) -> None:
        errors = list()
        ls = ls.strip()
        rs = rs.strip()
        if not ls or not rs:
            errors.append(('suffix', 'Error: both suffixes are required'))
        elif ls == rs:
            errors.append(('suffixequals', 'Error: suffixes must be different'))
        if not joinType:
            errors.append(('jointype', 'Error: join type is not set'))
        # if not all(self.shapes):
        #     errors.append(('shape', 'Error: some input is missing. Connect all source inputs before '
        #                             'setting options'))
        if all(self.shapes):
            if onindex:
                # Check index types
                if not self.shapes[0].index or not self.shapes[1].index:
                    errors.append(('index', 'Error: join on indices require both indices to be set'))
                    llen = self.shapes[0].nIndexLevels
                    rlen = self.shapes[1].nIndexLevels
                    if llen == rlen == 1:
                        # Single index join
                        tl = self.shapes[0].indexTypes[0]
                        tr = self.shapes[1].indexTypes[0]
                        if not self._checkColumnTypes(tl, tr):
                            errors.append(('type', 'Error: type "{}" and "{}" are not '
                                                   'compatible'.format(tl.name, tr.name)))
                        # Multiindex join, check that name intersection in compatible
                        indexNamesL = set(self.shapes[0].index)
                        indexNamesR = set(self.shapes[1].index)
                        indexDictL = self.shapes[0].indexDict
                        indexDictR = self.shapes[1].indexDict
                        for name in indexNamesL:
                            if name in indexNamesR:
                                tl = indexDictL[name]
                                tr = indexDictR[name]
                                if not self._checkColumnTypes(tl, tr):
                                    errors.append(('type', 'Error: common index level "{}" has '
                                                           'different types "{}" and "{}" which are not '
                                                           'compatible'.format(name, tl.name, tr.name)))
                # Merge on columns: check types
                tl: Type = self.shapes[0].colTypes[onleft]
                tr: Type = self.shapes[1].colTypes[onright]
                if not self._checkColumnTypes(tl, tr):
                    errors.append(('type', 'Error: column types "{}" and "{}" are not compatible'
                                   .format(tl.name, tr.name)))
        if errors:
            raise exp.OptionValidationError(errors)

        self.__lSuffix = ls
        self.__rSuffix = rs
        self.__onIndex = onindex
        self.__leftOn = onleft
        self.__rightOn = onright
        self.__type = joinType
예제 #7
 def setOptions(self, attributes: Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]]) -> None:
     selection = list(attributes.keys())
     if not selection:
         raise exp.OptionValidationError([
             ('noOptions', 'Error: no attributes are selected')
     self.__selected = selection
예제 #8
 def setOptions(self, attributes: Dict[int, Dict]) -> None:
     # { attr_index: dict() }
     if not attributes:
         raise exp.OptionValidationError([
             ('noOptions', 'Error: no attributes are selected')
     # Set options
     self.__attributes = list(attributes.keys())
예제 #9
    def setOptions(self, attributes: Dict[int, Dict[str, str]], errors: str) -> None:
        err = list()
        if not attributes:
            err.append(('nooptions', 'Error: select at least one attribute'))
        if not errors:
            err.append(('Noerror', 'Error: error mode must be specified'))
        if err:
            raise exp.OptionValidationError(err)

        self.__attributes = list(attributes.keys())
        self.__errorMode = errors
예제 #10
파일: rename.py 프로젝트: alek9z/dataMole
 def setOptions(self, names: Dict[int, str]) -> None:
     # Compute the output shape
     s = self._shapes[0]
     if s:
         s = s.clone()
         for index, name in self.__names.items():
             s.colNames[index] = name
         if len(set(s.colNames)) < s.nColumns:
             raise exp.OptionValidationError([
                 ('dup', 'Error: new names contain duplicates')
     self.__names = copy.deepcopy(names)
예제 #11
 def setOptions(self, attributes: Dict[int, Dict[str, str]], errors: str) -> None:
     valErrors = list()
     if not attributes:
         valErrors.append(('noSelected', 'Error: no attributes are selected'))
     if not errors:
         valErrors.append(('noMode', 'Error: error modality must be selected'))
     if valErrors:
         raise exp.OptionValidationError(valErrors)
     # Set options
     for row, opts in attributes.items():
         f = opts.get('format', None)
         self.__attributes[row] = f if f else None
     self.__errorMode = errors
예제 #12
 def setOptions(self, attributes: Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]]) -> None:
     if not attributes:
         raise exp.OptionValidationError([('nooptions', 'Error: select at least one attribute')])
     options: Dict[int, Tuple[Optional[List[str]], bool]] = dict()
     for c, opt in attributes.items():
         catString: Optional[str] = opt.get('cat', None)
         categories: Optional[List[str]] = None
         orderCategories: Optional[bool] = opt.get('ordered', None)
         if catString:
             categories = splitString(catString, sep=' ')
             if not categories:
                 categories = None
         options[c] = (categories, orderCategories)
     # Options are correctly set
     self.__attributes = options
예제 #13
 def setOptions(self, file: str, separator: str, name: str, splitByRow: int,
                selectedCols: Set[int]) -> None:
     errors = list()
     if not name:
             ('nameError', 'Error: a valid name must be specified'))
     if not selectedCols:
                        'Error: at least 1 attribute must be selected'))
     if errors:
         raise exp.OptionValidationError(errors)
     self.__file = file
     self.__separator = separator
     self.__wName = name
     self.__splitByRowN = splitByRow if (splitByRow
                                         and splitByRow > 0) else None
     self.__selectedColumns = selectedCols
예제 #14
    def setOptions(self, frame: str, file: str, sele: Dict[int, None],
                   sep: str, nan: str, ffloat: str, decimal: str, header: bool,
                   index: bool, date: str) -> None:
        errors = list()
        if frame not in self.workbench.names:
            errors.append(('e1', 'Error: frame name is not valid'))
        if not sele:
            errors.append(('e2', 'Error: no attribute to write are selected'))
        nan = parseUnicodeStr(nan)
        sep = parseUnicodeStr(sep)
        if not sep:
            errors.append(('es1', 'Error: a separator char is required'))
        elif len(sep) > 1:
                ('es2', 'Error: separator must be a single character'))
        if not decimal:
            errors.append(('na1', 'Error: a decimal separator is required'))
        elif len(decimal) > 1:
                ('na2', 'Error: decimal separator must be a single character'))
        if not date:
            errors.append(('d1', 'Error: datetime format must be specified'))
        if not file:
            errors.append(('f1', 'Error: no output file specified'))
        if errors:
            raise exp.OptionValidationError(errors)

        # Save selected column names
        columns: List[str] = self.workbench.getDataframeModelByName(

        self.__frame_name = frame
        self.__path = file
        self.__selected_columns = [columns[i] for i in sele.keys()]
        self.__date_format = date
        self.__sep = sep
        self.__nan_rep = nan
        self.__float_format = ffloat
        self.__decimal = decimal
        self.__index = index
        self.__header = header
예제 #15
    def setOptions(self, selected: Dict[int, Dict[str, Union[List, Tuple]]],
                   suffix: Tuple[bool, Optional[str]]) -> None:
        errors = list()
        if not selected:
            errors.append(('attribute', 'Error: no attribute is selected'))
        if suffix[0] and not suffix[1]:
            errors.append(('suff', 'Error: suffix is unspecified'))
        selection: Dict[int, Tuple[List[pd.Timestamp], List[str], bool,
                                   bool]] = dict()
        for k, opts in selected.items():
            optionsTuple: Tuple[List[pd.Timestamp], bool,
                                bool] = opts.get('ranges', None)
            labels: Optional[List[str]] = opts.get('labels', None)
            if not optionsTuple or not optionsTuple[0]:
                     'Error: bins are not specified at row {:d}'.format(k)))
            if not labels:
                     'Error: no labels are specified at row {:d}'.format(k)))
            if labels and len(set(labels)) != len(labels):
                errors.append(('unique', 'Error: labels are not unique'))
            if optionsTuple:
                bins, byDate, byTime = optionsTuple  # unpack
                if labels and bins and len(labels) != len(bins) - 1:
                        ('len', 'Error: interval number ({:d}) '
                         'does not match labels number ({:d}) at row {:d}'.
                         format(len(bins) - 1, len(labels), k)))
                # byTimeOnly = byTime and not byDate
                selection[k] = bins, labels, byDate, byTime
            if len(errors) > 8:
                # Don't stack to many errors
            # Not necessary to check for overlapping dates, since that is ensured by the delegate
        if errors:
            raise exp.OptionValidationError(errors)

        self.__attributesSuffix = suffix[1] if suffix[0] else None
        self.__attributes = selection
예제 #16
    def setOptions(self, attributes: Dict[int, Dict[str, str]], strategy: BinStrategy,
                   suffix: Tuple[bool, Optional[str]]) -> None:
        # Validate options
        def isPositiveInteger(x):
                y = int(x)
            except ValueError:
                return False
                if y > 1:
                    return True
                return False

        errors = list()
        if not attributes:
            errors.append(('nosel', 'Error: At least one attribute should be selected'))
        for r, options in attributes.items():
            bins = options.get('bins', None)
            if not bins:
                errors.append(('nooption', 'Error: Number of bins must be set at row {:d}'.format(r)))
            elif not isPositiveInteger(bins):
                errors.append(('binsNotInt', 'Error: Number of bins must be > 1 at row {:d}'.format(r)))
        if strategy is None:
            errors.append(('missingStrategy', 'Error: Strategy must be set'))
        if suffix[0] and not suffix[1]:
            errors.append(('suffix', 'Error: suffix for new attribute must be specified'))
        if errors:
            raise exp.OptionValidationError(errors)
        # Clear attributes
        self.__attributes = dict()
        # Set options
        for r, options in attributes.items():
            k = int(options['bins'])
            self.__attributes[r] = k
        self.__strategy = strategy
        self.__attributeSuffix = suffix[1] if suffix[0] else None
예제 #17
 def onAcceptEditor(self) -> None:
         if self.operation.needsOptions():
             # Validate and set standard options
             options = self.editor.getOptions()
             if isinstance(options, dict):
         if self._hasInputOutputOptions:
             # Validate and set input and output options
             name: str = self._outputNameBox.getData()
             if name is not None:
                 name = name.strip()
             selected: str = self._inputComboBox.currentText()
             if not name or not selected or self._inputComboBox.currentIndex(
             ) < 0:
                 raise exp.OptionValidationError([
                     ('wrapper', 'Error: output name or input data has not '
                      'been selected')
             self.operation.outName = name
             self.operation.inputName = selected
     except exp.OptionValidationError as e:
         self.wrapperStateChanged.emit(self.uid, 'start')
         # Prepare worker
         self.__worker = threads.Worker(self.operation, args=self._inputs)
         # Connect
         # Start worker
예제 #18
 def setOptions(self, attributes: Dict[int, None]) -> None:
     if not attributes:
         raise exp.OptionValidationError([('noopt', 'Error: select at least one attribute')])
     self.__attributes = list(attributes.keys())