import numpy as np
import sys
sys.path.append('..')  # add parent directory
import satelliteParam as P
from signalGenerator import signalGenerator
from satelliteAnimation import satelliteAnimation
from dataPlotter import dataPlotter

# instantiate reference input classes
reference = signalGenerator(amplitude=0.5, frequency=0.1)
thetaRef = signalGenerator(amplitude=2.0 * np.pi, frequency=0.1)
phiRef = signalGenerator(amplitude=0.5, frequency=0.1)
tauRef = signalGenerator(amplitude=5, frequency=.5)

# instantiate the simulation plots and animation
dataPlot = dataPlotter()
animation = satelliteAnimation()

t = P.t_start  # time starts at t_start
while t < P.t_end:  # main simulation loop

    # set variables
    r = reference.square(t)
    theta = thetaRef.sin(t)
    phi = phiRef.sin(t)
    tau = tauRef.sawtooth(t)

    # update animation
    state = np.array([[theta], [phi], [0.0], [0.0]])
    dataPlot.update(t, r, state, tau)
예제 #2
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()

if len(args) != 1:
    print("usage: <file>")

filename = args[0]

dev = ublox.UBlox(filename)

rtcmfile = open('rtcm2.dat', mode='wb')

if opts.plot:
    reference = util.ParseLLH(opts.reference).ToECEF()
    plotter = dataPlotter.dataPlotter(reference)

def position_estimate(messages, satinfo):
    '''process raw messages to calculate position

    # get get position the receiver calculated. We use this to check the calculations

    pos = positionEstimate.positionEstimate(satinfo)
    if pos is None:
        # not enough information for a fix

    if opts.plot:
        plotter.plotPosition(pos, 0)
        plotter.plotPosition(satinfo.average_position, 1)