def evaluate_dev(epoch): esnli_net.eval() global val_ppl_best, stop_training, last_improvement_epoch cum_dev_ppl = 0 cum_dev_n_words = 0 print('\DEV : Epoch {0}'.format(epoch)) # eSNLI s1 = snli_dev['s1'] s2 = snli_dev['s2'] expl_1 = snli_dev['expl_1'] expl_2 = snli_dev['expl_2'] expl_3 = snli_dev['expl_3'] label = snli_dev['label'] for i in range(0, len(s1), params.eval_batch_size): # prepare batch s1_batch, s1_len = get_batch(s1[i:i + params.eval_batch_size], word_vec) s2_batch, s2_len = get_batch(s2[i:i + params.eval_batch_size], word_vec) s1_batch, s2_batch = Variable(s1_batch.cuda()), Variable( s2_batch.cuda()) # print example if i % params.print_every == 0: print current_run_dir, '\n' print "SNLI DEV example" print "Sentence1: ", ' '.join(s1[i]), " LENGTH: ", s1_len[0] print "Sentence2: ", ' '.join(s2[i]), " LENGTH: ", s2_len[0] print "Gold label: ", get_key_from_val(label[i], NLI_DIC_LABELS) for index in range(1, 4): expl = eval("expl_" + str(index)) input_expl_batch, _ = get_batch(expl[i:i + params.eval_batch_size], word_vec) input_expl_batch = Variable(input_expl_batch[:-1].cuda()) if i % params.print_every == 0: print "Explanation " + str(index) + " : ", ' '.join(expl[i]) tgt_expl_batch, lens_tgt_expl = get_target_expl_batch( expl[i:i + params.eval_batch_size], word_index) assert tgt_expl_batch.dim() == 2, "tgt_expl_batch.dim()=" + str( tgt_expl_batch.dim()) tgt_expl_batch = Variable(tgt_expl_batch).cuda() if i % params.print_every == 0: print "Target expl " + str( index) + " : ", get_sentence_from_indices( word_index, tgt_expl_batch[:, 0]), " LENGHT: ", lens_tgt_expl[0] # model forward out_expl = esnli_net((s1_batch, s1_len), (s2_batch, s2_len), input_expl_batch, 'teacher', visualize=False) # ppl loss_expl = criterion_expl( out_expl.view(out_expl.size(0) * out_expl.size(1), -1), tgt_expl_batch.view( tgt_expl_batch.size(0) * tgt_expl_batch.size(1))) cum_dev_n_words += lens_tgt_expl.sum() cum_dev_ppl +=[0] answer_idx = torch.max(out_expl, 2)[1] if i % params.print_every == 0: print "Decoded explanation " + str( index) + " : ", get_sentence_from_indices( word_index, answer_idx[:, 0]) print "\n" dev_ppl.append(math.exp(cum_dev_ppl / cum_dev_n_words)) current_best_model_path = None if dev_ppl[-1] < val_ppl_best: last_improvement_epoch = epoch print('saving model at epoch {0}'.format(epoch)) # save with best_model_prefix = os.path.join(current_run_dir, 'best_devppl_') current_best_model_path = best_model_prefix + '_devPPL{0:.3f}__epoch_{1}'.format( dev_ppl[-1], epoch), current_best_model_path) for f in glob.glob(best_model_prefix + '*'): if f != current_best_model_path: os.remove(f) # also save model.state_dict() best_state_dict_prefix = os.path.join(current_run_dir, 'state_dict_best_devppl_') current_best_model_state_dict_path = best_state_dict_prefix + '_devPPL{0:.3f}__epoch_{1}'.format( dev_ppl[-1], epoch) state = { 'model_state': esnli_net.state_dict(), 'config_model': config_nli_model, 'params': params }, current_best_model_state_dict_path) for f in glob.glob(best_state_dict_prefix + '*'): if f != current_best_model_state_dict_path: os.remove(f) val_ppl_best = dev_ppl[-1] else: if 'sgd' in params.optimizer: optimizer.param_groups[0][ 'lr'] = optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] / params.lrshrink print('Shrinking lr by : {0}. New lr = {1}'.format( params.lrshrink, optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'])) if optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] < params.minlr: stop_training = True print "Stopping training because LR < ", params.minlr # for any optimizer early stopping if (epoch - last_improvement_epoch > params.early_stopping_epochs): stop_training = True print "Stopping training because no more improvement done in the last ", params.early_stopping_epochs, " epochs" return current_best_model_path
def trainepoch(epoch): print('\nTRAINING : Epoch ' + str(epoch)) esnli_net.train() expl_costs = [] cum_n_words = 0 cum_ppl = 0 # shuffle the data permutation = np.random.permutation(len(train['s1'])) s1 = train['s1'][permutation] s2 = train['s2'][permutation] expl_1 = train['expl_1'][permutation] label = train['label'][permutation] optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] = optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] * params.decay if epoch>1\ and 'sgd' in params.optimizer else optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] print('Learning rate : {0}'.format(optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'])) for stidx in range(0, len(s1), params.batch_size): # prepare batch s1_batch, s1_len = get_batch(s1[stidx:stidx + params.batch_size], word_vec) s2_batch, s2_len = get_batch(s2[stidx:stidx + params.batch_size], word_vec) input_expl_batch, _ = get_batch( expl_1[stidx:stidx + params.batch_size], word_vec) # eliminate last input to explanation because we wouldn't need to input </s> and we need same number of input and output input_expl_batch = input_expl_batch[:-1] # make them variables and set them on cuda s1_batch, s2_batch, input_expl_batch = Variable( s1_batch.cuda()), Variable(s2_batch.cuda()), Variable( input_expl_batch.cuda()) # taget expl is a translation of one timestep tgt_expl_batch, lens_tgt_expl = get_target_expl_batch( expl_1[stidx:stidx + params.batch_size], word_index) assert tgt_expl_batch.dim() == 2, "tgt_expl_batch.dim()=" + str( tgt_expl_batch.dim()) tgt_expl_batch = Variable(tgt_expl_batch).cuda() # model forward train out_expl = esnli_net((s1_batch, s1_len), (s2_batch, s2_len), input_expl_batch, 'teacher', visualize=False) answer_idx = torch.max(out_expl, 2)[1] # print example if stidx % params.print_every == 0: print current_run_dir, '\n' print 'epoch: ', epoch print "Sentence1: ", ' '.join(s1[stidx]), " LENGTH: ", s1_len[0] print "Sentence2: ", ' '.join(s2[stidx]), " LENGTH: ", s2_len[0] print "Gold label: ", get_key_from_val(label[stidx], NLI_DIC_LABELS) print "Explanation: ", ' '.join(expl_1[stidx]) print "Target expl: ", get_sentence_from_indices( word_index, tgt_expl_batch[:, 0]), " LENGTH: ", lens_tgt_expl[0] print "Decoded explanation: ", get_sentence_from_indices( word_index, answer_idx[:, 0]), "\n\n\n" # loss expl; out_expl is T x bs x vocab_sizes, tgt_expl_batch is T x bs loss_expl = criterion_expl( out_expl.view(out_expl.size(0) * out_expl.size(1), -1), tgt_expl_batch.view( tgt_expl_batch.size(0) * tgt_expl_batch.size(1))) expl_costs.append([0]) cum_n_words += lens_tgt_expl.sum() cum_ppl +=[0] # backward optimizer.zero_grad() loss_expl.backward() # infersent version of gradient clipping shrink_factor = 1 current_bs = len(s1_len) # total grads norm total_norm = 0 for name, p in esnli_net.named_parameters(): if p.requires_grad: total_norm +=**2 total_norm = np.sqrt(total_norm) total_norms.append(total_norm) # encoder grads norm enc_norm = 0 for p in esnli_net.encoder.parameters(): if p.requires_grad: enc_norm +=**2 enc_norm = np.sqrt(enc_norm) enc_norms.append(enc_norm) if total_norm > params.max_norm: shrink_factor = params.max_norm / total_norm current_lr = optimizer.param_groups[0][ 'lr'] # current lr (no external "lr", for adam) optimizer.param_groups[0][ 'lr'] = current_lr * shrink_factor # just for update # optimizer step optimizer.step() optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] = current_lr # print and reset losses if len(expl_costs) == params.avg_every: train_expl_costs.append(np.mean(expl_costs)) train_ppl.append(math.exp(cum_ppl / cum_n_words)) print '{0} ; epoch: {1}, loss : {2} ; train ppl : {3}'.format( stidx, epoch, round(train_expl_costs[-1], 2), round(train_ppl[-1], 2)) expl_costs = [] cum_n_words = 0 cum_ppl = 0
def eval_datasets_without_expl(esnli_net, expl_to_labels_net, which_set, data, word_vec, word_vec_expl, word_emb_dim, batch_size, print_every, current_run_dir): dict_labels = NLI_DIC_LABELS esnli_net.eval() correct = 0. s1 = data['s1'] s2 = data['s2'] label = data['label'] headers = [ "gold_label", "Premise", "Hypothesis", "pred_label", "pred_expl" ] expl_csv = os.path.join( current_run_dir, time.strftime("%d:%m") + "_" + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") + "_" + which_set + ".csv") remove_file(expl_csv) expl_f = open(expl_csv, "a") writer = csv.writer(expl_f) writer.writerow(headers) for i in range(0, len(s1), batch_size): # prepare batch s1_batch, s1_len = get_batch(s1[i:i + batch_size], word_vec) s2_batch, s2_len = get_batch(s2[i:i + batch_size], word_vec) current_bs = s1_batch.size(1) assert_sizes(s1_batch, 3, [s1_batch.size(0), current_bs, word_emb_dim]) assert_sizes(s2_batch, 3, [s2_batch.size(0), current_bs, word_emb_dim]) s1_batch, s2_batch = Variable(s1_batch.cuda()), Variable( s2_batch.cuda()) tgt_label_batch = Variable(torch.LongTensor(label[i:i + batch_size])).cuda() expl_t0 = Variable( torch.from_numpy(word_vec['<s>']).float().unsqueeze(0).expand( current_bs, word_emb_dim).unsqueeze(0)).cuda() assert_sizes(expl_t0, 3, [1, current_bs, word_emb_dim]) # model forward pred_expls = esnli_net((s1_batch, s1_len), (s2_batch, s2_len), expl_t0, mode="forloop", visualize=False) pred_expls_with_sos = np.array( [['<s>'] + [word for word in sent.split()] + ['</s>'] for sent in pred_expls]) pred_expl_batch, pred_expl_len = get_batch(pred_expls_with_sos, word_vec_expl) pred_expl_batch = Variable(pred_expl_batch.cuda()) out_lbl = expl_to_labels_net((pred_expl_batch, pred_expl_len)) # accuracy pred =[1] correct += pred.long().eq( # write csv row of predictions # Look up for the headers order for j in range(len(pred_expls)): row = [] row.append(get_key_from_val(label[i + j], dict_labels)) row.append(' '.join(s1[i + j][1:-1])) row.append(' '.join(s2[i + j][1:-1])) row.append(get_key_from_val(pred[j], dict_labels)) row.append(pred_expls[j]) writer.writerow(row) # print example if i % print_every == 0: print which_set.upper() + " example: " print "Premise: ", ' '.join(s1[i]), " LENGHT: ", s1_len[0] print "Hypothesis: ", ' '.join(s2[i]), " LENGHT: ", s2_len[0] print "Gold label: ", get_key_from_val(label[i], dict_labels) print "Predicted label: ", get_key_from_val(pred[0], dict_labels) print "Predicted explanation: ", pred_expls[0], "\n\n\n" eval_acc = round(100 * correct / len(s1), 2) print which_set.upper() + " no train ", eval_acc, '\n\n\n' expl_f.close() return eval_acc
def evaluate_snli_final(esnli_net, expl_to_labels_net, criterion_expl, dataset, data, snli_dev_no_unk, snli_test_no_unk, word_vec, word_index, batch_size, print_every, current_run_dir, visualize): assert dataset in ['snli_dev', 'snli_test'] print dataset.upper() esnli_net.eval() correct = 0. cum_test_ppl = 0 cum_test_n_words = 0 headers = [ "gold_label", "Premise", "Hypothesis", "pred_label", "pred_expl", "Expl_1", "Expl_2", "Expl_3" ] expl_csv = os.path.join( current_run_dir, time.strftime("%d:%m") + "_" + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") + "_" + dataset + ".csv") remove_file(expl_csv) expl_f = open(expl_csv, "a") writer = csv.writer(expl_f) writer.writerow(headers) s1 = data['s1'] s2 = data['s2'] expl_1 = data['expl_1'] expl_2 = data['expl_2'] expl_3 = data['expl_3'] label = data['label'] for i in range(0, len(s1), batch_size): #print "\n\n\n i ", i # prepare batch s1_batch, s1_len = get_batch(s1[i:i + batch_size], word_vec) s2_batch, s2_len = get_batch(s2[i:i + batch_size], word_vec) s1_batch, s2_batch = Variable(s1_batch.cuda()), Variable( s2_batch.cuda()) tgt_label_batch = Variable(torch.LongTensor(label[i:i + batch_size])).cuda() # print example if i % print_every == 0: print "Final SNLI example from " + dataset print "Sentence1: ", ' '.join(s1[i]), " LENGHT: ", s1_len[0] print "Sentence2: ", ' '.join(s2[i]), " LENGHT: ", s2_len[0] print "Gold label: ", get_key_from_val(label[i], NLI_DIC_LABELS) out_lbl = [0, 1, 2, 3] for index in range(1, 4): expl = eval("expl_" + str(index)) input_expl_batch, _ = get_batch(expl[i:i + batch_size], word_vec) input_expl_batch = Variable(input_expl_batch[:-1].cuda()) if i % print_every == 0: print "Explanation " + str(index) + " : ", ' '.join(expl[i]) tgt_expl_batch, lens_tgt_expl = get_target_expl_batch( expl[i:i + batch_size], word_index) assert tgt_expl_batch.dim() == 2, "tgt_expl_batch.dim()=" + str( tgt_expl_batch.dim()) tgt_expl_batch = Variable(tgt_expl_batch).cuda() if i % print_every == 0: print "Target expl " + str( index) + " : ", get_sentence_from_indices( word_index, tgt_expl_batch[:, 0]), " LENGHT: ", lens_tgt_expl[0] # model forward, tgt_labels is still None bcs in test mode we get the predicted labels out_expl = esnli_net((s1_batch, s1_len), (s2_batch, s2_len), input_expl_batch, mode="teacher", visualize=False) # ppl loss_expl = criterion_expl( out_expl.view(out_expl.size(0) * out_expl.size(1), -1), tgt_expl_batch.view( tgt_expl_batch.size(0) * tgt_expl_batch.size(1))) cum_test_n_words += lens_tgt_expl.sum() cum_test_ppl +=[0] answer_idx = torch.max(out_expl, 2)[1] if i % print_every == 0: print "Decoded explanation " + str( index) + " : ", get_sentence_from_indices( word_index, answer_idx[:, 0]) print "\n" pred_expls = esnli_net((s1_batch, s1_len), (s2_batch, s2_len), input_expl_batch, mode="forloop", visualize=visualize) if visualize: weights_1 = pred_expls[1] weights_2 = pred_expls[2] pred_expls = pred_expls[0] # plot attention weights sentence1_split = s1[i] #print "sentence1_split ", sentence1_split sentence2_split = s2[i] #print "sentence2_split ", sentence2_split pred_explanation_split = pred_expls[0].split() #print "pred_explanation_split ", pred_explanation_split #print " weights_1 ", weights_1.size() #print " weights_2 ", weights_2.size() #print "weights_1[0:len(sentence1_split) ", weights_1[:, :len(sentence1_split)].size() #print "weights_2[0:len(sentence2_split) ", weights_2[:, :len(sentence2_split)].size() all_weights =[ weights_1[:, :len(sentence1_split)], weights_2[:, :len(sentence2_split)] ], 1).transpose(1, 0) # size: (len_p + len_h) x current_T_dec all_weights = # yaxis is the concatenation of premise and hypothesis y = np.array(range(len(sentence1_split) + len(sentence2_split))) #print "len(sentence1_split) + len(sentence2_split) ", len(sentence1_split) + len(sentence2_split) my_yticks = np.append(sentence1_split, sentence2_split) #print "my_yticks ", my_yticks # x axis is the pred expl x = np.array(range(len(pred_explanation_split))) #print "len(pred_explanation_split) ", len(pred_explanation_split) my_xticks = pred_explanation_split plt.xticks(x, my_xticks) plt.xticks(rotation=90) plt.yticks(y, my_yticks) plt.imshow(all_weights, cmap="gray", vmin=0, vmax=1) plt.savefig(os.path.join( current_run_dir, time.strftime("%d:%m") + "_" + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") + "_att_" + str(i) + ".png"), dpi=1000) if i % print_every == 0: print "Fully decoded explanation: ", pred_expls[0] pred_expls_with_sos = np.array( [['<s>'] + [word for word in sent.split()] + ['</s>'] for sent in pred_expls]) pred_expl_batch, pred_expl_len = get_batch(pred_expls_with_sos, word_vec) pred_expl_batch = Variable(pred_expl_batch.cuda()) out_lbl = expl_to_labels_net((pred_expl_batch, pred_expl_len)) # accuracy pred =[1] if i % print_every == 0: print "Predicted label: ", get_key_from_val( pred[0], NLI_DIC_LABELS), "\n\n\n" correct += pred.long().eq( # write csv row of predictions # headers = ["gold_label", "Premise", "Hypothesis", "pred_label", "pred_expl", "Expl_1", "Expl_2", "Expl_3"] for j in range(len(pred_expls)): row = [] row.append(get_key_from_val(label[i + j], NLI_DIC_LABELS)) row.append(' '.join(s1[i + j][1:-1])) row.append(' '.join(s2[i + j][1:-1])) row.append(get_key_from_val(pred[j], NLI_DIC_LABELS)) row.append(pred_expls[j]) row.append(' '.join(expl_1[i + j][1:-1])) row.append(' '.join(expl_2[i + j][1:-1])) row.append(' '.join(expl_3[i + j][1:-1])) writer.writerow(row) expl_f.close() eval_acc = round(100 * correct / len(s1), 2) eval_ppl = math.exp(cum_test_ppl / cum_test_n_words) if dataset == 'snli_dev': bleu_score = bleu_prediction(expl_csv, snli_dev_no_unk) else: bleu_score = bleu_prediction(expl_csv, snli_test_no_unk) bleu_score = 100 * bleu_score print dataset.upper( ) + ' SNLI accuracy: ', eval_acc, 'bleu score: ', bleu_score, 'ppl: ', eval_ppl return eval_acc, round(bleu_score, 2), round(eval_ppl, 2)
def visualize_attention(esnli_net, dataset, data, word_vec, word_index, current_run_dir, batch_size=1): assert dataset in ['snli_dev', 'snli_test'] print dataset.upper() esnli_net.eval() correct = 0. cum_test_ppl = 0 cum_test_n_words = 0 headers = [ "gold_label", "Premise", "Hypothesis", "pred_label", "pred_expl", "Expl_1", "Expl_2", "Expl_3" ] expl_csv = os.path.join( current_run_dir, time.strftime("%d:%m") + "_" + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") + "_" + dataset + ".csv") remove_file(expl_csv) expl_f = open(expl_csv, "a") writer = csv.writer(expl_f) writer.writerow(headers) s1 = data['s1'] s2 = data['s2'] expl_1 = data['expl_1'] expl_2 = data['expl_2'] expl_3 = data['expl_3'] label = data['label'] for i in range(0, len(s1), batch_size): # prepare batch s1_batch, s1_len = get_batch(s1[i:i + batch_size], word_vec) s2_batch, s2_len = get_batch(s2[i:i + batch_size], word_vec) s1_batch, s2_batch = Variable(s1_batch.cuda()), Variable( s2_batch.cuda()) tgt_label_batch = Variable(torch.LongTensor(label[i:i + batch_size])).cuda() # print example if i % print_every == 0: print "Final SNLI example from " + dataset print "Sentence1: ", ' '.join(s1[i]), " LENGHT: ", s1_len[0] print "Sentence2: ", ' '.join(s2[i]), " LENGHT: ", s2_len[0] print "Gold label: ", get_key_from_val(label[i], NLI_DIC_LABELS) out_lbl = [0, 1, 2, 3] for index in range(1, 4): expl = eval("expl_" + str(index)) input_expl_batch, _ = get_batch(expl[i:i + batch_size], word_vec) input_expl_batch = Variable(input_expl_batch[:-1].cuda()) if i % print_every == 0: print "Explanation " + str(index) + " : ", ' '.join(expl[i]) tgt_expl_batch, lens_tgt_expl = get_target_expl_batch( expl[i:i + batch_size], word_index) assert tgt_expl_batch.dim() == 2, "tgt_expl_batch.dim()=" + str( tgt_expl_batch.dim()) tgt_expl_batch = Variable(tgt_expl_batch).cuda() if i % print_every == 0: print "Target expl " + str( index) + " : ", get_sentence_from_indices( word_index, tgt_expl_batch[:, 0]), " LENGHT: ", lens_tgt_expl[0] # model forward, tgt_labels is still None bcs in test mode we get the predicted labels out_expl = esnli_net((s1_batch, s1_len), (s2_batch, s2_len), input_expl_batch, mode="teacher") # ppl loss_expl = criterion_expl( out_expl.view(out_expl.size(0) * out_expl.size(1), -1), tgt_expl_batch.view( tgt_expl_batch.size(0) * tgt_expl_batch.size(1))) cum_test_n_words += lens_tgt_expl.sum() cum_test_ppl +=[0] answer_idx = torch.max(out_expl, 2)[1] if i % print_every == 0: print "Decoded explanation " + str( index) + " : ", get_sentence_from_indices( word_index, answer_idx[:, 0]) print "\n" pred_expls = esnli_net((s1_batch, s1_len), (s2_batch, s2_len), input_expl_batch, mode="forloop") if i % print_every == 0: print "Fully decoded explanation: ", pred_expls[0] pred_expls_with_sos = np.array( [['<s>'] + [word for word in sent.split()] + ['</s>'] for sent in pred_expls]) pred_expl_batch, pred_expl_len = get_batch(pred_expls_with_sos, word_vec) pred_expl_batch = Variable(pred_expl_batch.cuda()) out_lbl = expl_to_labels_net((pred_expl_batch, pred_expl_len)) # accuracy pred =[1] if i % print_every == 0: print "Predicted label: ", get_key_from_val( pred[0], NLI_DIC_LABELS), "\n\n\n" correct += pred.long().eq( # write csv row of predictions # headers = ["gold_label", "Premise", "Hypothesis", "pred_label", "pred_expl", "Expl_1", "Expl_2", "Expl_3"] for j in range(len(pred_expls)): row = [] row.append(get_key_from_val(label[i + j], NLI_DIC_LABELS)) row.append(' '.join(s1[i + j][1:-1])) row.append(' '.join(s2[i + j][1:-1])) row.append(get_key_from_val(pred[j], NLI_DIC_LABELS)) row.append(pred_expls[j]) row.append(' '.join(expl_1[i + j][1:-1])) row.append(' '.join(expl_2[i + j][1:-1])) row.append(' '.join(expl_3[i + j][1:-1])) writer.writerow(row) expl_f.close() eval_acc = round(100 * correct / len(s1), 2) eval_ppl = math.exp(cum_test_ppl / cum_test_n_words) if dataset == 'snli_dev': bleu_score = bleu_prediction(expl_csv, snli_dev_no_unk, False, False) else: bleu_score = bleu_prediction(expl_csv, snli_test_no_unk, False, False) print dataset.upper( ) + ' SNLI accuracy: ', eval_acc, 'bleu score: ', bleu_score, 'ppl: ', eval_ppl return eval_acc, round(bleu_score, 2), round(eval_ppl, 2)