예제 #1
파일: models.py 프로젝트: ASidiq/DeepTrader
    def run_all2(self):

        for i in range(9):
            print("epoch " + str(i + 1) + " out of 9")
            prices = data_handler.read_data(
                "./Data/lob_datatrial000" + str(i + 1) + ".csv", "MIC")
            X, y = data_handler.split_data(prices, self.steps)
            self.train(X, y, 100, 0)

        time = data_handler.read_data("./Data/lob_data.csv", "TIME")
        prices = data_handler.read_data("./Data/lob_data.csv", "MIC")
        X, y = data_handler.split_data(prices, self.steps)
        self.test(X, y, verbose=1)
예제 #2
def process_numpy_data(file_path='data/', region='ME'):
	processes data from the numpy array for the given region into lists that are more well suited for
	subsequent function calls and the model itself

		- file_path: file_path of the numpy array data
		- region: which region will be processed (ie: 'ME')

		- train_list: list containing training data
		- val_list: list containing validation data
		- test_list: list containing test data

    # load the numpy array data for a given region and get train, val, and test data splits
    region_data = np.load(file_path + region + '.npy')
    energy_train, energy_val, energy_test = data_handler.split_data(

    # turn the split-up data into lists where each entry contains data for 1 encoder/decoder cycle
    train_list = data_handler.create_lists_of_data(energy_train)
    val_list = data_handler.create_lists_of_data(energy_val)
    test_list = data_handler.create_lists_of_data(energy_test)

    return train_list, val_list, test_list
예제 #3
def get_fitness(in_sample_df, pop):
    Return the testing accuracy, which is our fitness function.
    fitness = []

    for p in pop:
        p_df = translate_dna(in_sample_df, p)

        # getting test and training
        train_df, test_df = dh.split_data(p_df, 0.63)
        # split x (features) and y (target)
        training_array = train_df.as_matrix()
        x_array, y_array = training_array[:, 1:], training_array[:, 0]
        # create Tensors to hold inputs and outputs, and wrap them in Variables,
        x = torch.tensor(x_array, dtype=torch.float, requires_grad=True)
        y = torch.tensor(y_array, dtype=torch.float, requires_grad=False)

        # construct and train model
        model, optimiser, trained_model, model_se = construct_model(x, y)

        # test the nn using test data
        model_accuracy = tst.test_net(trained_model, test_df)

    return fitness
예제 #4
파일: models.py 프로젝트: ASidiq/DeepTrader
    def run_all(self):

        time = data_handler.read_data("./Data/lob_data.csv", "TIME")
        prices = data_handler.read_data("./Data/lob_data.csv", "MIC")
        X, y = data_handler.split_data(prices, self.steps)

        split_ratio = [9, 1]
        train_X, test_X = data_handler.split_train_test_data(X, split_ratio)
        train_X = train_X.reshape((-1, self.steps, 1))
        test_X = test_X.reshape((-1, self.steps, 1))
        train_y, test_y = data_handler.split_train_test_data(y, split_ratio)

        self.train(train_X, train_y, 200, verbose=1)
        self.test(test_X, test_y, verbose=1)
예제 #5
def main_GA(df):
    Generate a network with the genetic algorithm.
    Args: df (data frame): all data
    dna_size = len(df.columns) - 1  # dna for input vector
    pop = np.random.randint(2, size=(POP_SIZE, dna_size))

    # get validation data set (10% of data set)
    validation_df, in_sample_df = dh.split_data(df, 0.1)

    for g in range(N_GENERATIONS):
        fitness = get_fitness(in_sample_df, pop)
        generational_best = [pop[np.argmax(fitness), :]]
        print(" Most fitted DNA: ", generational_best[0], "best =",
              np.max(fitness), ", generational average =", np.mean(fitness))

        pop = select(pop, fitness)
        pop1 = copy.copy(pop)
        children = 0

        for parent in pop:
            pr_multiplier = min(10 / (len(pop) - children), 1)
            # produce a child by crossover operation
            child = crossover(parent, pop1, dna_size, pr_multiplier)
            # mutate child
            child = mutate(child, dna_size, pr_multiplier)
            # replace parent with its child
            parent[:] = child
            children += 1

    # validate best model in last generation but first need to train based on chromosome
    val_train_df = translate_dna(in_sample_df, generational_best[0])
    training_array = val_train_df.as_matrix()
    x_array, y_array = training_array[:, 1:], training_array[:, 0]
    # create Tensors to hold inputs and outputs, and wrap them in Variables,
    x = torch.tensor(x_array, dtype=torch.float, requires_grad=True)
    y = torch.tensor(y_array, dtype=torch.float, requires_grad=False)
    # construct and train model
    model, optimiser, trained_model, model_se = construct_model(x, y)

    val_test_df = translate_dna(validation_df, generational_best[0])
    validation_results = tst.test_net(trained_model, val_test_df)
    print("generational best: ", generational_best)
    print("validation results: " + str(validation_results))
예제 #6
def train():

    X, y = load_char_data_and_labels()
    #print X
    vocab_list, vocab_dict, rev_vocab_dict = create_char_vocabulary(X)
    X, seq_lens = data_to_character_ids(X, vocab_dict)

    #print X
    train_X, train_y, train_seq_lens, valid_X, valid_y, valid_seq_lens = \
        split_data(X, y, seq_lens)

    with tf.Session() as sess:

        # Load old model or create new one
        model = create_model(sess, FLAGS)

        # Train results
        returned = generate_epoch(train_X, train_y, train_seq_lens,
                                  FLAGS.num_epochs, FLAGS.batch_size)
        #print "THE PROBLEM : ", returned

        #for epoch_num, epoch in enumerate(returned):
        #    print "EPOCH:", epoch_num , "  \n ",epoch.next(), "\n\n"

        for epoch_num, epoch in enumerate(returned):
            print "EPOCH:", epoch_num

            sess.run(tf.assign(model.lr, FLAGS.learning_rate * \
                (FLAGS.learning_rate_decay_factor ** epoch_num)))

            train_loss = []
            train_accuracy = []
            for batch_num, (batch_X, batch_y,
                            batch_seq_lens) in enumerate(epoch):

                _, loss, accuracy = model.step(sess,


            print "EPOCH %i SUMMARY" % epoch_num
            print "Training loss %.3f" % np.mean(train_loss)
            print "Training accuracy %.3f" % np.mean(train_accuracy)
            print "----------------------"

            # Validation results
            for valid_epoch_num, valid_epoch in enumerate(
                valid_loss = []
                valid_accuracy = []

                for valid_batch_num, \
                    (valid_batch_X, valid_batch_y, valid_batch_seq_lens) in \

                    loss, accuracy = model.step(sess,


            print "Validation loss %.3f" % np.mean(valid_loss)
            print "Validation accuracy %.3f" % np.mean(valid_accuracy)
            print "----------------------"

            # Save checkpoint every epoch.
            if not os.path.isdir(FLAGS.ckpt_dir):
            checkpoint_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.ckpt_dir, "model.ckpt")
            print "Saving the model."
예제 #7
params = {
    'axes.labelsize': 30,
    'font.size': 30,
    'legend.fontsize': 15,
    'xtick.labelsize': 20,
    'ytick.labelsize': 20,
    'figure.figsize': [10, 8],
    'font.family': "Arial"


if __name__ == '__main__':
    feature_names, features, labels = data_handler.get_data()

    training_features, training_labels, test_features, test_labels = data_handler.split_data(
        features, labels)

    svm_model = model.Model(training_features, training_labels, test_features,
                            test_labels, feature_names)

    # confusion matrix and accuracy

    # ROC curve
    svc_disp = plot_roc_curve(svm_model.clf, svm_model.test_features,
    plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1],
예제 #8
#A function to predict data
def predict(model, data, label_scaler):
    data_x = data[:seq_length]
    data_x = np.expand_dims(data_x, axis=0)
    pred_y = model.predict(data_x)
    pred_y = label_scaler.inverse_transform(pred_y)

    return pred_y.reshape(output_seq_length, 1)

raw_x, raw_y = data_handler.fetch_data()
#Standardizing data to force it to lie on the same range
scaler_x, x, scaler_y, y = data_handler.standardize_data(raw_x, raw_y)
#Splitting data into training and testing sets
train_x, test_x = data_handler.split_data(x)
train_y, test_y = data_handler.split_data(y)
#Define validation data as the entire training set
validation_data = (test_x.reshape(-1, seq_length,
                                  1), test_y.reshape(-1, output_seq_length, 1))
#Build model
model, callbacks = build_model()
#Accept inputs from command line
train = sys.argv[1]

if (train == 'train'):
    #Call the input generator to yield a batch of sequences
    input_gen = data_handler.generate_input_pipe(train_x, train_y, batch_size,
                                                 seq_length, output_seq_length)
    #Train the model
예제 #9
def main_relevance(df_all):
    Automatically reduce our network size by removing inputs that we deemed irrelevant by neuron relevance.
    We iteratively reduce the network until empty, returning best performing network (via sampling).
    training_results = dict()  # store standard errors
    test_results = dict()  # store accuracy
    global_model = dict()  # store best local model
    validation_pruned = dict()  # validation df
    model_pruned = True

    # get validation data set (10% of data set)
    validation_df, in_sample_df = dh.split_data(df_all, 0.1)
    validation_pruned[len(in_sample_df.columns) - 1] = validation_df

    while len(in_sample_df.columns) - 1 >= 1 and model_pruned:
        total_error = 0
        total_accuracy = 0
        local_best = [0, 0]

        for i in range(MODEL_SAMPLING):
            # get training and validation data sets
            train_df, test_df = dh.split_data(in_sample_df, 0.63)

            training_array = train_df.as_matrix()
            # split x (features) and y (target)
            x_array, y_array = training_array[:, 1:], training_array[:, 0]
            # create Tensors to hold inputs and outputs, and wrap them in Variables,
            x = torch.tensor(x_array, dtype=torch.float, requires_grad=True)
            y = torch.tensor(y_array, dtype=torch.float, requires_grad=False)

            # construct and train model
            model, optimiser, trained_model, model_se = construct_model(x, y)

            # test the nn using test data
            model_accuracy = tst.test_net(trained_model, test_df)
            # evaluate model data
            total_error = total_error + model_se
            total_accuracy = total_accuracy + model_accuracy
            if model_accuracy > local_best[1]:
                local_best = [trained_model, model_accuracy]

        # update dictionary and global best model
        training_results[len(in_sample_df.columns) -
                         1] = total_error / MODEL_SAMPLING
        test_results[len(in_sample_df.columns) -
                     1] = total_accuracy / MODEL_SAMPLING
        global_model[len(in_sample_df.columns) - 1] = local_best[0]

        # prune model based on relevance measure on inputs
        prune_input = trn.get_min_phat(model, x, y, optimiser)
        if prune_input is not None:
            in_sample_df = trn.remove_input(in_sample_df, prune_input)
            prior_val_df = validation_pruned[len(in_sample_df.columns)]
            validation_pruned[len(in_sample_df.columns) -
                              1] = trn.remove_input(prior_val_df, prune_input)
            print("Model has been pruned to include " +
                  str(len(in_sample_df.columns) - 1) +
                  " inputs. Best performance was " + str(local_best[1]) +
                  ". Average performance was " +
                  str(total_accuracy / MODEL_SAMPLING))
            model_pruned = False

    # select best model, and test validation set
    best_acc = max(test_results, key=test_results.get)
    best_model = global_model[best_acc]
    validation_results = tst.test_net(best_model, validation_pruned[best_acc])

    dh.plot_data(test_results, training_results)
    print("the best model had " + str(best_acc) + " inputs, with " +
          str(test_results[best_acc]) + " accuracy.")
    print("validation results: " + str(validation_results))
    return best_model
예제 #10

files = ['kc1.csv', 'kc2.csv', 'pc1.csv']
for filename in files:
    df = load_csv(filename)  #os dados estao como csv agora
    for i in range(len(df[0]) - 1):
        data_conversion_to_float(df, i)
    str_column_to_int(df, len(df[0]) - 1)
    split = int(0.7 * len(df))

    kn = [1, 3]
    number_prototypes = [50, 100, 150, 200]
    lvq_training_set = []
    knn_test_set = []

    split_data(df, split, lvq_training_set, knn_test_set)

    lvq_training_set = np.array(lvq_training_set)
    knn_test_set = np.array(knn_test_set)

    lvq_training_set = data_balance(lvq_training_set)

    lrate = 0.1
    epochs = 30
    accuracy_lvq1_k1 = []
    accuracy_lvq2_k1 = []
    accuracy_lvq3_k1 = []
    accuracy_lvq1_k3 = []
    accuracy_lvq2_k3 = []
    accuracy_lvq3_k3 = []
    accuracy_knn = []
예제 #11
    prices = data_handler.read_data("lob_datatrial0001.csv", "MIC")

    # splitting data into chunks of 4
    steps = 59
    reshape = True
    # X, y = data_handler.split_data(prices, steps, reshape)

    # split_ratio = [9,1]
    # train_X, test_X = data_handler.split_train_test_data(X, split_ratio)

    # train_X = train_X.reshape((-1, steps, 1))
    # test_X = test_X.reshape((-1, steps, 1))

    # train_y, test_y = data_handler.split_train_test_data(y, split_ratio)

    model = Vanilla_LSTM((steps, 1))

    for i in range(9):
        print("epoch " + str(i + 1) + " out of 9")
        prices = data_handler.read_data(
            "lob_datatrial000" + str(i + 1) + ".csv", "MIC")
        X, y = data_handler.split_data(prices, steps, reshape)
        model.train(X, y, 200, 0)

    checkpoint_path = "./Models/vanilla.ckpt"

    # model.save_model(checkpoint_path)
    # model.test(test_X, test_y)

    prices = data_handler.read_data("lob_datatrial0010.csv", "MIC")
예제 #12
from cnn import (get_1_layer_model, get_2_layers_model, get_3_layers_model,
                 get_4_layers_model, load_model, save_model)
from data_handler import get_data, shuffle_data, split_data
from performance import evaluate, predictions, show_plots
from utils import path_relative_to
from variables import BATCH_SIZE, EPOCHS, TRAIN_PERC, models_dir

MODEL_FILE_NAME = 'cnn_4_layers'

(train_data, train_labels), (test_data,
                             test_labels) = get_data(to_normalize=True)
train_data, train_labels = shuffle_data(train_data, train_labels)

(train_data, train_labels), (xvalidate_data, xvalidate_labels) = split_data(
    train_data, train_labels, TRAIN_PERC)

# model = load_model(MODEL_FILE_NAME, models_dir())
# model = model or get_2_layers_model()
model = get_4_layers_model()
print('model', model.summary())

results = model.fit(train_data,
                    validation_data=(xvalidate_data, xvalidate_labels))

save_model(model, MODEL_FILE_NAME, models_dir())

print('history', results.history)