def __init__(self, _run): print 'Calculating models...' M = {} output = [] fpath_D = './../OUTPUT_FILES/RUNS/' + _run.subdir + 'PICKLES/data.pkl' with open(fpath_D, 'r') as fD: D = cPickle.load(fD) c_old = simps(D['pCO2'],D['time']) start_time = time.time() L_of_tau = partial(Compute_Model,D['pCO2'],D['time'],0.1,c_old) pool = Pool(5) output +=,_run.tau) pool.close() pool.join() delta_time = time.time() - start_time #For each tau, compute a model prediction depending also on A and B. #This avoids running repeatd convolution calculations. for (_tau,_conv_pCO2) in output: for (_A,_B) in _run.parspace_AB: M[data_handling.pars2label(_A,_tau,_B)] = _A * _conv_pCO2 + _B M['parspace'] = _run.parspace data_handling.save_pickle(_run.subdir, 'models.pkl', M) print ' Run took ', format(delta_time, '.1f'), 's' print ' Approx ', format(delta_time / _run.N_cells * 1.e6, '.3f'), ' mus/cell' print ' Done.\n'
def get_most_likely_model(self): fpath = os.path.join('./../OUTPUT_FILES/RUNS/' + self._run.subdir, 'most_likely_A_tau.csv') df = pd.read_csv(fpath, header=0, low_memory=False, dtype='str') cond = (df['voxel'] == str(self._idx_space)).values A = float(df['A'].values[cond][0]) tau = float(df['tau'].values[cond][0]) self.most_likely = self.M[data_handling.pars2label(A, tau)]
def add_models(self): models = data_handling.get_master_pickle(self._run) for (A, tau) in self.M['parspace']: model = self.M[data_handling.pars2label(A, tau)]['time'][1:], model, ls='--', marker='None', color='gray', alpha=0.3)
def __init__(self, _run): print 'Calculating likelihoods...' L = {} A_qE = (_run.A_step / 2.)**2. fpath_S = './../OUTPUT_FILES/RUNS/' + _run.subdir + 'PICKLES/smooth.pkl' fpath_M = './../OUTPUT_FILES/RUNS/' + _run.subdir + 'PICKLES/models.pkl' fpath_out = './../OUTPUT_FILES/RUNS/' + _run.subdir + 'most_likely_A_tau.csv' N_trials = 0 with open(fpath_S, 'r') as fS, open(fpath_M, 'r') as fM,\ open(fpath_out, 'w') as out: S, M = cPickle.load(fS), cPickle.load(fM) out.write('voxel,A,A_unc_l,A_unc_u,tau,tau_unc_l,tau_unc_u') columns = zip(*_run.parspace_Atau) As, taus = np.array(columns[0]), np.array(columns[1]) cond = data_handling.region2cond(_run, S['time']) N_voxels = S['signal_ns'].shape[0] ln_B_range = np.log(_run.B[-1] - _run.B[0]) start_time = time.time() print ' N voxels = ' + str(N_voxels) for idx_space in range(N_voxels): #for idx_space in [3523]: #fewer voxels. 15821 print idx_space N_trials += 1 bold_voxel = S['signal_ns'][idx_space, :] signal_unc = S['signal_noise'][idx_space, :] pCO2_unc = S['pCO2_noise'] ln_L = [] for (A, tau) in _run.parspace_Atau: label = data_handling.pars2label(A, tau, 0.) unc = np.sqrt(signal_unc**2. + (A * pCO2_unc)**2.) #improve. ln_L_of_B = np.array([ cf.compute_L( bold_voxel[cond], M[data_handling.pars2label(A, tau, B)][cond], unc[cond]) for B in _run.B ]) ln_L_of_B_clean, max_base = stats.treat_array(ln_L_of_B) ln_L_margin = (cf.marg(ln_L_of_B_clean, _run.B) + max_base - ln_B_range) ln_L.append(ln_L_margin) ln_L = np.array(ln_L) L['likelihood_list_' + str(idx_space)] = ln_L outvars = stats.get_contour_uncertainties(As, taus, ln_L, A_qE) line = vars2line1(idx_space, outvars) out.write('\n' + str(idx_space) + line) delta_time = time.time() - start_time data_handling.save_pickle(_run.subdir, 'likelihoods.pkl', L) print ' Run took ', format(delta_time, '.1f'), 's' #print ' Approx ', format(delta_time / float(N_voxels), '.3f'), ' s/voxel' print ' Approx ', format(delta_time / float(N_trials), '.3f'), ' s/voxel' print ' Done.\n'