def train(args): generator = Generator(patch_size=args.size, batch_size=args.batch, channels=args.channels, augment=args.augmentation) model, model_name = get_model(args.algorithm, args.size, args.classes, get_loss(args.loss), args.channels) if run_name = "{}_{}".format(model_name, else: timenow ="%Y.%m.%d_%H.%M.%S") run_name = "{}_{}_{}channel_{}_{}".format(model_name, timenow, args.channels, args.loss, "augment" if args.augmentation else "noaugment") create_directories(run_name) # TODO: Update with ability to choose weights if os.path.isfile('weights/{}.hdf5'.format(model_name)): load = input("Saved weights found. Load? (y/n)") if load == "y": print("Loading saved weights") model.load_weights('weights/{}.hdf5'.format(model_name)) if args.verbose: model.summary() # Some doesn't have graphviz installed. Skip if not installed. try: plot_model(model, os.path.join('images', run_name, 'model.png')) plot_model(model, os.path.join('images', run_name, 'model_shapes.png'), show_shapes=True) except Exception as e: logger.warning("GraphViz missing. Skipping model plot") logger.warning(e) model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint('weights/{}.hdf5'.format(run_name), monitor='val_loss', save_best_only=True) # Setup tensorboard model tensorboard_callback = TensorBoard(log_dir='tensorboard_log/{}/'.format(run_name), histogram_freq=0, write_graph=True, write_images=False) val_x, val_y = generator.get_validation_data() logger.debug("Starting training") model.fit_generator(generator.generator(), steps_per_epoch=args.batch, epochs=args.epochs, verbose=1 if args.verbose else 2, callbacks=[model_checkpoint, tensorboard_callback], validation_data=(val_x, val_y))
def __init__(self): # Get dataset self.loader = Generator() # Get Agent if p.model_path == "": lane_agent = agent.Agent() else: lane_agent = agent.Agent() lane_agent.load_weights(640, "tensor(0.2298)") # Check GPU print('Setup GPU mode') if torch.cuda.is_available(): lane_agent.cuda() # testing print('Testing loop') lane_agent.evaluate_mode() self.lane_agent = lane_agent
def Testing(): print('Testing') ######################################################################### ## Get dataset ######################################################################### print("Check mode for dataset") #skip dataset loading if will be tested on special image or video if (p.mode not in [1, 2]): loader = Generator() print("Dataset loaded") else: print("Skipped loading dataset") ############################## ## Get agent and model ############################## print('Get agent') if p.model_path == "": lane_agent = agent.Agent() else: lane_agent = agent.Agent() lane_agent.load_weights(640, "tensor(0.2298)") ############################## ## Check GPU ############################## print('Setup GPU mode') if torch.cuda.is_available(): lane_agent.cuda() ############################## ## testing ############################## print('Testing loop') lane_agent.evaluate_mode() if p.mode == 0: # check model with test data for _, _, _, test_image in loader.Generate(): _, _, ti = test(lane_agent, np.array([test_image])) cv2.imshow("test", ti[0]) cv2.waitKey(0) elif p.mode == 1: # check model with video cap = cv2.VideoCapture("video_path") while (cap.isOpened()): ret, frame = prevTime = time.time() frame = cv2.resize(frame, (512, 256)) / 255.0 frame = np.rollaxis(frame, axis=2, start=0) _, _, ti = test(lane_agent, np.array([frame])) curTime = time.time() sec = curTime - prevTime fps = 1 / (sec) s = "FPS : " + str(fps) cv2.putText(ti[0], s, (0, 100), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 255, 0)) cv2.imshow('frame', ti[0]) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() elif p.mode == 2: # check model with a picture test_image = cv2.imread(p.test_root_url + "clips/0530/1492720840345996040_0/20.jpg") test_image = cv2.resize(test_image, (512, 256)) / 255.0 test_image = np.rollaxis(test_image, axis=2, start=0) _, _, ti = test(lane_agent, np.array([test_image])) cv2.imshow("test", ti[0]) cv2.waitKey(0) elif p.mode == 3: #evaluation print("evaluate") evaluation(loader, lane_agent)
def Testing(): print('Testing') ######################################################################### ## Get dataset ######################################################################### if p.mode != 2: print("Get dataset") loader = Generator() ############################## ## Get agent and model ############################## print('Get agent') if p.model_path == "": lane_agent = agent.Agent() else: lane_agent = agent.Agent() # lane_agent.load_weights(804, "tensor(0.5786)") lane_agent.load_weights(32, "tensor(1.1001)") ############################## ## Check GPU ############################## print('Setup GPU mode') if torch.cuda.is_available(): lane_agent.cuda() ############################## ## testing ############################## print('Testing loop') lane_agent.evaluate_mode() if p.mode == 0 : # check model with test data for _, _, _, test_image in loader.Generate(): _, _, ti = test(lane_agent, np.array([test_image])) cv2.imshow("test", ti[0]) cv2.waitKey(0) elif p.mode == 1: # check model with video cap = cv2.VideoCapture("/home/kym/research/autonomous_car_vision/lane_detection/code/Tusimple/git_version/LocalDataset_Day.mp4") while(cap.isOpened()): ret, ori_frame = torch.cuda.synchronize() prevTime = time.time() frame = cv2.resize(ori_frame, (512,256))/255.0 frame = np.rollaxis(frame, axis=2, start=0) _, _, ti = test(lane_agent, np.array([frame])) curTime = time.time() sec = curTime - prevTime fps = 1/(sec) s = "FPS : "+ str(fps) ti[0] = cv2.resize(ti[0], (1280,800)) # cv2.putText(ti[0], s, (0, 100), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 255, 0)) # cv2.imshow('frame',ti[0]) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() elif p.mode == 2: # check model with a picture # test_image = cv2.imread(p.test_root_url+"clips/0530/1492720840345996040_0/20.jpg") # test_image = cv2.resize(test_image, (512,256))/255.0 # test_image = np.rollaxis(test_image, axis=2, start=0) # _, _, ti = test(lane_agent, np.array([test_image])) # cv2.imshow("test", ti[0]) # cv2.waitKey(0) test_images = './test_curves' save_test_dir = './test_curves_result' if not os.path.exists(save_test_dir): os.makedirs(save_test_dir) img_list = os.listdir(test_images) img_list = [img for img in img_list if '.jpg' in img] use_ori = True print("image test") for img in img_list[3:4]: print("Now Dealing With:",img) ori_image = cv2.imread(test_images + '/' + img) #hw, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED test_image = cv2.resize(ori_image, (p.x_size, p.y_size)) / 255.0 test_image = np.rollaxis(test_image, axis=2, start=0) if not use_ori: _, _, ti = test(lane_agent, np.array([test_image])) if use_ori: w_ratio = p.x_size * 1.0 / ori_image.shape[1] h_ratio = p.y_size* 1.0 / ori_image.shape[0] _, _, ti = test_ori(lane_agent, ori_image, np.array([test_image]), w_ratio, h_ratio,draw_type= 'point',thresh=p.threshold_point) cv2.imwrite(save_test_dir + '/' + "{}_tested.jpg".format(img.split('.jpg')[0]), ti[0]) elif p.mode == 3: #evaluation print("evaluate") evaluation(loader, lane_agent)
def Testing(): print('Testing') ## Get dataset print("Get dataset") loader = Generator() ## Get agent and model print('Get agent') if p.model_path == "": lane_agent = agent.Agent() else: lane_agent = agent.Agent() lane_agent.load_weights(804, "tensor(0.5786)") ## testing print('Testing loop') lane_agent.evaluate_mode() if p.mode == 0: # check model with test data for _, _, _, test_image in loader.Generate(): _, _, ti = test(lane_agent, np.array([test_image])) cv2.imshow("test", ti[0]) cv2.waitKey(0) elif p.mode == 1: # check model with video cap = cv2.VideoCapture( "/Users/minootaghavi/Desktop/GA/Capstone-Project-1/test/IMG_1398.mp4" ) writer = cv2.VideoWriter('filename.avi', cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'MJPG'), 10, (1280, 800)) while (cap.isOpened()): ret, frame = #torch.cuda.synchronize() prevTime = time.time() frame = cv2.resize(frame, (512, 256)) / 255.0 frame = np.rollaxis(frame, axis=2, start=0) _, _, ti = test(lane_agent, np.array([frame])) curTime = time.time() sec = curTime - prevTime fps = 1 / (sec) s = "FPS : " + str(fps) ti[0] = cv2.resize(ti[0], (1280, 800)) cv2.putText(ti[0], s, (0, 100), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 255, 0)) cv2.imshow('frame', ti[0]) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break writer.write(ti[0]) cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() elif p.mode == 2: # check model with a picture test_image = cv2.imread( "/Users/minootaghavi/Desktop/GA/tusimple-trained model/minoo/Deep Neural Networks/data/test_set/clips/0530/1492626047222176976_0/20.img" ) test_image = cv2.resize(test_image, (512, 256)) / 255.0 test_image = np.rollaxis(test_image, axis=2, start=0) _, _, ti = test(lane_agent, np.array([test_image])) cv2.imwrite( '/Users/minootaghavi/Desktop/GA/tusimple-trained model/minoo/Deep Neural Networks/save_test/image2_result.png', ti[0]) cv2.imshow("test", ti[0]) cv2.waitKey(0) elif p.mode == 3: #evaluation print("evaluate") evaluation(loader, lane_agent)
def Testing(): print('Testing') ######################################################################### ## Get dataset ######################################################################### print("Get dataset") loader = Generator() ############################## ## Get agent and model ############################## print('Get agent') if p.model_path == "": lane_agent = agent.Agent() else: lane_agent = agent.Agent() lane_agent.load_weights(804, "tensor(0.5786)") ############################## ## Check GPU ############################## print('Setup GPU mode') if torch.cuda.is_available(): lane_agent.cuda() cudnn.benchmark = True cudnn.fastest = True ############################## ## testing ############################## print('Testing loop') lane_agent.evaluate_mode() if p.mode == 0: # check model with test data for _, _, _, test_image in loader.Generate(): _, _, ti = test(lane_agent, np.array([test_image])) cv2.imshow("test", ti[0]) cv2.waitKey(0) elif p.mode == 1: # check model with video cap = cv2.VideoCapture( "/home/tim/Codes-for-Lane-Detection/ERFNet-CULane-PyTorch/data/day2.MOV" ) while (cap.isOpened()): ret, frame = torch.cuda.synchronize() prevTime = time.time() # frame = frame[:-489, :, :] frame = cv2.resize(frame, (512, 256)) / 255.0 frame = np.rollaxis(frame, axis=2, start=0) _, _, ti = test(lane_agent, np.array([frame])) curTime = time.time() sec = curTime - prevTime fps = 1 / (sec) s = "FPS : " + str(fps) ti[0] = cv2.resize(ti[0], (1280, 800)) cv2.putText(ti[0], s, (0, 100), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 255, 0)) cv2.imshow('frame', ti[0]) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() elif p.mode == 2: # check model with a picture test_image = cv2.imread(p.test_root_url + "clips/0530/1492720840345996040_0/20.jpg") test_image = cv2.resize(test_image, (512, 256)) / 255.0 test_image = np.rollaxis(test_image, axis=2, start=0) _, _, ti = test(lane_agent, np.array([test_image])) cv2.imshow("test", ti[0]) cv2.waitKey(0) elif p.mode == 3: #evaluation print("evaluate") evaluation(loader, lane_agent)
def Testing(): print('Testing') ######################################################################### ## Get dataset ######################################################################### print("Get dataset") loader = Generator() ############################## ## Get agent and model ############################## print('Get agent') if p.model_path == "": lane_assistant = Assistant.Assistant() else: lane_assistant = Assistant.Assistant() lane_assistant.load_weights(804, "tensor(0.5786)") ############################## ## Check GPU ############################## print('Setup GPU mode') if torch.cuda.is_available(): lane_assistant.cuda() ############################## ## testing ############################## print('Testing loop') lane_assistant.evaluate_mode() if p.mode == 0: # check model with test data for _, _, _, test_image in loader.Generate(): _, _, ti = test(lane_assistant, np.array([test_image])) cv2.imshow("test", ti[0]) cv2.waitKey(0) elif p.mode == 1: # check model with video cap = cv2.VideoCapture("abc.mp4") while (cap.isOpened()): ret, frame = torch.cuda.synchronize() prevTime = time.time() frame = cv2.resize(frame, (512, 256)) / 255.0 frame = np.rollaxis(frame, axis=2, start=0) _, _, ti = test(lane_assistant, np.array([frame])) curTime = time.time() sec = curTime - prevTime fps = 1 / (sec) s = "FPS : " + str(fps) ti[0] = cv2.resize(ti[0], (1280, 800)) cv2.putText(ti[0], s, (0, 100), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 255, 0)) cv2.imshow('frame', ti[0]) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() elif p.mode == 2: # check model with a picture test_image = cv2.imread('20.jpg') test_image = cv2.resize(test_image, (512, 256)) / 255.0 test_image = np.rollaxis(test_image, axis=2, start=0) _, _, ti = test(lane_assistant, np.array([test_image])) cv2.imshow("test", ti[0]) cv2.waitKey(0) elif p.mode == 3: #evaluation print("evaluate") evaluation(loader, lane_assistant)
def Testing(filename=None): print('Testing') ######################################################################### ## Get dataset ######################################################################### print("Get dataset") loader = Generator() ############################## ## Get agent and model ############################## print('Get agent') if p.model_path == "": lane_agent = agent.Agent() else: lane_agent = agent.Agent() lane_agent.load_weights(640, "tensor(0.2298)") ############################## ## Check GPU ############################## print('Setup GPU mode') if torch.cuda.is_available(): lane_agent.cuda() ############################## ## testing ############################## print('Testing loop') lane_agent.evaluate_mode() if p.mode == 0: # check model with test data for _, _, _, test_image in loader.Generate(): _, _, ti = test(lane_agent, np.array([test_image])) cv2.imshow("test", ti[0]) cv2.waitKey(0) elif p.mode == 1: # check model with video cap = cv2.VideoCapture("video_path") while (cap.isOpened()): ret, frame = prevTime = time.time() frame = cv2.resize(frame, (512, 256)) / 255.0 frame = np.rollaxis(frame, axis=2, start=0) _, _, ti = test(lane_agent, np.array([frame])) curTime = time.time() sec = curTime - prevTime fps = 1 / (sec) s = "FPS : " + str(fps) cv2.putText(ti[0], s, (0, 100), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 255, 0)) cv2.imshow('frame', ti[0]) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() elif p.mode == 2: # check model with a picture #test_image = cv2.imread(p.test_root_url+"clips/0530/1492720840345996040_0/20.jpg") test_image = cv2.imread(filename) assert test_image is not None, 'Test image {} not Found.'.format( filename) test_image = cv2.resize(test_image, (512, 256)) / 255.0 test_image = np.rollaxis(test_image, axis=2, start=0) _, _, ti = test(lane_agent, np.array([test_image])) folder, filename_ = os.path.split(filename) name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename_) output_filename = os.path.join(folder, name + '_output.' + ext) cv2.imwrite(output_filename, ti[0]) #cv2.imshow("test", ti[0]) #cv2.waitKey(0) elif p.mode == 3: #evaluation print("evaluate") evaluation(loader, lane_agent)
def Training(): print('Training') #################################################################### ## Hyper parameter #################################################################### print('Initializing hyper parameter') vis = visdom.Visdom() loss_window = vis.line(X=torch.zeros((1, )).cpu(), Y=torch.zeros((1)).cpu(), opts=dict(xlabel='epoch', ylabel='Loss', title='Training Loss', legend=['Loss'])) ######################################################################### ## Get dataset ######################################################################### print("Get dataset") loader = Generator() ############################## ## Get agent and model ############################## print('Get agent') if p.model_path == "": lane_agent = agent.Agent() else: lane_agent = agent.Agent() lane_agent.load_weights(4235, "tensor(0.2127)") ############################## ## Check GPU ############################## print('Setup GPU mode') if torch.cuda.is_available(): lane_agent.cuda() ############################## ## Loop for training ############################## print('Training loop') step = 0 for epoch in range(p.n_epoch): lane_agent.training_mode() for inputs, target_lanes, target_h, test_image in loader.Generate(): #training print("epoch : " + str(epoch)) print("step : " + str(step)) loss_p = lane_agent.train(inputs, target_lanes, target_h, epoch, lane_agent) loss_p = loss_p.cpu().data if step % 50 == 0: vis.line(X=torch.ones((1, 1)).cpu() * int(step / 50), Y=torch.Tensor([loss_p]).unsqueeze(0).cpu(), win=loss_window, update='append') if step % 100 == 0: lane_agent.save_model(int(step / 100), loss_p) testing(lane_agent, test_image, step, loss_p) step += 1 #evaluation if epoch > 0 and epoch % 10 == 0: print("evaluation") lane_agent.evaluate_mode() th_list = [0.3, 0.5, 0.7] lane_agent.save_model(int(step / 100), loss_p) for th in th_list: print("generate result") print(th) test.evaluation(loader, lane_agent, thresh=th, name="test_result_" + str(epoch) + "_" + str(th) + ".json") for th in th_list: print("compute score") print(th) with open("eval_result_" + str(th) + "_.txt", 'a') as make_file: make_file.write("epoch : " + str(epoch) + " loss : " + str(loss_p.cpu().data)) make_file.write( evaluation.LaneEval.bench_one_submit( "test_result_" + str(epoch) + "_" + str(th) + ".json", "test_label.json")) make_file.write("\n") if int(step) > 700000: break
def test(args): prediction_cutoff = 0.5 generator = Generator(patch_size=args.size, channels=args.channels) model, model_name = get_model(args.algorithm, args.size, args.classes, get_loss(args.loss), args.channels) weight_file = select_weights(model_name) logger.debug("Loading saved weights from weights/{}".format(weight_file)) model.load_weights('weights/{}'.format(weight_file)) create_directories(os.path.splitext(weight_file)[0]) save_folder = os.path.join('images', os.path.splitext(weight_file)[0]) test_images = ['6140_3_1', '6180_4_3'] for test_image in test_images: logger.debug('Testing image {}'.format(test_image)) test_x, test_y, new_size, splits, w, h = generator.get_test_patches(image=test_image, network_size=args.size) cutoff_array = np.full((len(test_x), args.size, args.size, 1), fill_value=prediction_cutoff) test_y_result = model.predict(test_x, batch_size=1, verbose=1) test_y_result = np.append(cutoff_array, test_y_result, axis=3) out = np.zeros((new_size, new_size, args.classes + 1)) for row in range(splits): for col in range(splits): out[args.size * row:args.size * (row + 1), args.size * col:args.size * (col + 1), :] = test_y_result[row * splits + col, :, :, :] result = np.argmax(np.squeeze(out), axis=-1).astype(np.uint8) result = result[:w, :h] palette = [] palette.extend([255, 255, 255]) for i in range(args.classes): palette.extend(list(webcolors.hex_to_rgb(COLOR_MAPPING[int(i + 1)]))) # for i in range(len(test_x)): result_img = Image.fromarray(result, mode='P') result_img.putpalette(palette), '{}_{}.png'.format(test_image, model_name))) if test_y is not None: y_train = np.load(os.path.join('data/cache/{}_y.npy'.format(test_image))) y_train[:, :, 6] = np.logical_or(y_train[:, :, 6], y_train[:, :, 7]) y_train = y_train[:, :, :args.classes] y_mask = generator.flatten(y_train) result_img = Image.fromarray(y_mask, mode='P') result_img.putpalette(palette), '{}_gt.png'.format(test_image))) y_mask_flat = y_mask.flatten() result_flat = result.flatten() mean_iou = calculate_mean_iou(y_mask_flat, result_flat, args.classes) print('Mean IoU: {}'.format(mean_iou)) print_confusion_matrix(y_mask_flat, result_flat, args.classes) # Old plotting methods. # Maybe we need some of this later '''
def Testing(): print('Testing') ######################################################################### ## Get dataset ######################################################################### print("Get dataset") loader = Generator() ############################## ## Get agent and model ############################## print('Get agent') if p.model_path == "": lane_agent = agent.Agent() else: lane_agent = agent.Agent() lane_agent.load_weights(296, "tensor(1.6947)") ############################## ## Check GPU ############################## print('Setup GPU mode') if torch.cuda.is_available(): lane_agent.cuda() ############################## ## testing ############################## print('Testing loop') lane_agent.evaluate_mode() if p.mode == 0 : # check model with test data for _, _, _, test_image in loader.Generate(): _, _, ti = test(lane_agent, np.array([test_image])) cv2.imshow("test", ti[0]) cv2.waitKey(0) elif p.mode == 1: # check model with video cap = cv2.VideoCapture("C:\\Users\\sprkzoff\\Desktop\\PINet_new\\CULane\\dataset\\test_set\\Driving.mp4") while(cap.isOpened()): ret, frame = torch.cuda.synchronize() prevTime = time.time() frame = cv2.resize(frame, (512,256))/255.0 frame = np.rollaxis(frame, axis=2, start=0) _, _, ti = test(lane_agent, np.array([frame])) curTime = time.time() sec = curTime - prevTime fps = 1/(sec) s = "FPS : "+ str(fps) ti[0] = cv2.resize(ti[0], (1280,800)) cv2.putText(ti[0], s, (0, 100), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 255, 0)) cv2.imshow('frame',ti[0]) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() elif p.mode == 2: # check model with a picture #test_image = cv2.imread(p.test_root_url+"clips/0530/1492720840345996040_0/20.jpg") test_image = cv2.imread("./aa.png") test_image = cv2.resize(test_image, (512,256))/255.0 test_image = np.rollaxis(test_image, axis=2, start=0) _, _, ti = test(lane_agent, np.array([test_image])) cv2.imshow("test", ti[0]) cv2.waitKey(0) elif p.mode == 3: #evaluation print("evaluate") evaluation(loader, lane_agent)
def Training(): print('Training') # Hyper parameter print('Initializing hyper parameter') vis = visdom.Visdom() loss_window = vis.line(X=torch.zeros((1, )).cpu(), Y=torch.zeros((1)).cpu(), opts=dict(xlabel='epoch', ylabel='Loss', title='Training Loss', legend=['Loss'])) ## Get dataset print("Get dataset") loader = Generator() ## Get agent and model print('Get agent') if p.model_path == "": lane_agent = agent.Agent() else: lane_agent = agent.Agent() lane_agent.load_weights(1912, "tensor(0.9420)") ## Loop for training print('Training loop') step = 0 sampling_list = None for epoch in range(p.n_epoch): lane_agent.training_mode() for inputs, target_lanes, target_h, test_image, data_list in loader.Generate( sampling_list): #training #util.visualize_points(inputs[0], target_lanes[0], target_h[0]) print("epoch : " + str(epoch)) print("step : " + str(step)) loss_p = lane_agent.train(inputs, target_lanes, target_h, epoch, lane_agent, data_list) torch.cuda.synchronize() loss_p = loss_p.cpu().data if step % 50 == 0: vis.line(X=torch.ones((1, 1)).cpu() * int(step / 50), Y=torch.Tensor([loss_p]).unsqueeze(0).cpu(), win=loss_window, update='append') if step % 100 == 0: lane_agent.save_model(int(step / 100), loss_p) testing(lane_agent, test_image, step, loss_p) step += 1 sampling_list = copy.deepcopy(lane_agent.get_data_list()) lane_agent.sample_reset() #evaluation if epoch >= 0 and epoch % 1 == 0: print("evaluation") lane_agent.evaluate_mode() th_list = [0.8] index = [3] lane_agent.save_model(int(step / 100), loss_p) for idx in index: print("generate result") test.evaluation(loader, lane_agent, index=idx, name="test_result_" + str(epoch) + "_" + str(idx) + ".json") if int(step) > 700000: break
def Training(): print('Training') #################################################################### ## Hyper parameter #################################################################### print('Initializing hyper parameter') ######################################################################### ## Get dataset ######################################################################### print("Get dataset") loader = Generator() ############################## ## Get agent and model ############################## print('Get agent') if p.model_path == "": lane_agent = agent.Agent() lane_agent.load_weights(50, "tensor(0.2378)", False) # quan model else: lane_agent = agent.Agent() lane_agent.load_weights(50, "tensor(0.2378)") # quan model ############################## ## Check GPU ############################## print('Setup GPU mode') if torch.cuda.is_available(): lane_agent.cuda() ############################## ## Loop for training ############################## print('Training loop') step = 0 sampling_list = None for epoch in range(p.n_epoch): lane_agent.training_mode() for inputs, target_lanes, target_h, test_image, data_list in loader.Generate( sampling_list): #training print("epoch : " + str(epoch)) print("step : " + str(step)) loss_p = lane_agent.train(inputs, target_lanes, target_h, epoch, lane_agent, data_list) torch.cuda.synchronize() loss_p = loss_p.cpu().data step += 1 sampling_list = copy.deepcopy(lane_agent.get_data_list()) lane_agent.sample_reset() #evaluation if epoch >= 0 and epoch % 1 == 0: print("evaluation") lane_agent.evaluate_mode() th_list = [0.8] index = [3] lane_agent.save_model(int(step / 100), loss_p) for idx in index: print("generate result") test.evaluation(loader, lane_agent, index=idx, name="./eval_res/test_result_" + str(epoch) + "_" + str(idx) + ".json") for idx in index: print("compute score") with open("./eval_res/eval_acc.txt", 'a') as make_file: make_file.write("epoch : " + str(epoch) + " loss : " + str(loss_p.cpu().data)) make_file.write( evaluation.LaneEval.bench_one_submit( "./eval_res/test_result_" + str(epoch) + "_" + str(idx) + ".json", "test_label.json")) make_file.write("\n") if int(step) > 50000: break if epoch > 20: # Freeze quantizer parameters lane_agent.d_observer() if epoch > 20: # Freeze batch norm mean and variance estimates lane_agent.freeze_bn()
def Testing(): print('Testing') ######################################################################### ## Get dataset ######################################################################### print("Get dataset") loader = Generator() ############################## ## Get agent and model ############################## print('Get agent') if p.model_path == "": lane_agent = agent.Agent() else: lane_agent = agent.Agent() lane_agent.load_weights(36, "tensor(0.6383)") ############################## ## Check GPU ############################## print('Setup GPU mode') if torch.cuda.is_available(): lane_agent.cuda() ############################## ## testing ############################## print('Testing loop') lane_agent.evaluate_mode() if p.mode == 0: # check model with test data for _, _, _, test_image in loader.Generate(): _, _, ti = test(lane_agent, np.array([test_image])) cv2.imshow("test", ti[0]) cv2.waitKey(0) elif p.mode == 1: # check model with video cap = cv2.VideoCapture( "/home/kym/research/autonomous_car_vision/lane_detection/code/Tusimple/git_version/LocalDataset_Day.mp4" ) while (cap.isOpened()): ret, frame = torch.cuda.synchronize() prevTime = time.time() frame = cv2.resize(frame, (512, 256)) / 255.0 frame = np.rollaxis(frame, axis=2, start=0) _, _, ti = test(lane_agent, np.array([frame])) curTime = time.time() sec = curTime - prevTime fps = 1 / (sec) s = "FPS : " + str(fps) ti[0] = cv2.resize(ti[0], (1280, 800)) cv2.putText(ti[0], s, (0, 100), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 255, 0)) cv2.imshow('frame', ti[0]) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() elif p.mode == 2: # check model with a picture file_folder = "0530/" + p.test_folder + "/" save_folder = "PI_Net_Results_epoch36_4h/" + file_folder if not os.path.exists(save_folder): os.makedirs(save_folder) test_image = None with p.test_root_url + "clips/" + file_folder + str(1) + ".jpg", 'rb') as f: test_image = np.asarray(bytearray(, dtype="uint8") test_image = cv2.imdecode(test_image, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) height, width, channels = test_image.shape for i in range(1, 21): with p.test_root_url + "clips/" + file_folder + str(i) + ".jpg", 'rb') as f: test_image = np.asarray(bytearray(, dtype="uint8") test_image = cv2.imdecode(test_image, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) height, width, channels = test_image.shape # test_image = cv2.imread(p.test_root_url+"clips/0530/1492626047222176976_0/1.jpg") # cv2.imshow("test_11", test_image) test_image = cv2.resize(test_image, (512, 256)) / 255.0 test_image = np.rollaxis(test_image, axis=2, start=0) _, _, ti = test(lane_agent, np.array([test_image])) # cv2.imshow("test", ti[0]) cv2.imwrite(save_folder + str(i) + '_Result.png', cv2.resize(ti[0], (width, height))) # cv2.waitKey(0) # img = cv2.imread(save_folder+str(i)+'_Result.png') # video.write(img) img = cv2.imread(save_folder + '1_Result.png') height, width, channels = img.shape fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v') video = cv2.VideoWriter( save_folder + file_folder.split('/')[-2] + '.mp4', fourcc, 10, (width, height)) for i in range(1, 21): img = cv2.imread(save_folder + str(i) + '_Result.png') video.write(img) cv2.destroyAllWindows() video.release() elif p.mode == 3: #evaluation print("evaluate") evaluation(loader, lane_agent)
def Testing(): print('Testing') ######################################################################### ## Get dataset ######################################################################### print("Get dataset") loader = Generator() ############################## ## Get agent and model ############################## print('Get agent') if p.model_path == "": lane_agent = agent.Agent() else: lane_agent = agent.Agent() lane_agent.load_weights(50, "tensor(0.2378)") # quan model ############################## ## Check GPU ############################## print('Setup GPU mode') if torch.cuda.is_available(): lane_agent.cuda() ############################## ## testing ############################## print('Testing loop') lane_agent.evaluate_mode() if p.mode == 0: # check model with test data for test_image, _, _, _, i in loader.Generate_Test( ): #loader.Generate() _, _, ti = test(lane_agent, np.array([test_image])) cv2.imwrite("./eval/{}_test.png".format(i), ti[0]) elif p.mode == 1: # check model with video test_videos = 'test_videos.txt' save_dir = 'test_video_result' video_list = open(test_videos).readlines() use_ori = True for video in video_list: video = video.strip() save_video_dir = save_dir + "/".join(video.split("/")[-3:-1]) if not os.path.exists(save_video_dir): os.makedirs(save_video_dir) cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video) fps = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)) size = (int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)), int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))) print(size) # wh h, w = size[1], size[0] hcrop = h // 5 tmp = hcrop * 2 videoWriter = cv2.VideoWriter( save_video_dir + '/{}.avi'.format(video.split('/')[-1][:-4]), cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'), fps, size) count = 0 while (cap.isOpened()): ret, ori_frame = count += 1 if ret == False: break crop_frame = ori_frame[tmp:, :] prevTime = time.time() frame = cv2.resize(crop_frame, (256, 256)) / 255.0 frame = np.rollaxis(frame, axis=2, start=0) if not use_ori: _, _, ti = test(lane_agent, np.array([frame])) if use_ori: ratio_w = p.x_size * 1.0 / (size[0]) ratio_h = p.y_size * 1.0 / (size[1] - tmp) _, _, ti = test_ori(tmp, lane_agent, ori_frame, np.array([frame]), ratio_w, ratio_h, draw_type='point', thresh=p.threshold_point) curTime = time.time() sec = curTime - prevTime fps = 1 / (sec) s = "FPS : " + str(round(fps, 3)) cv2.putText(ti[0], s, (0, 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 255, 0)) videoWriter.write(ti[0]) cap.release() print("video writer finished") elif p.mode == 2: # check model with a picture test_images = "./test_pic" save = "./test_pic_res/" img_list = os.listdir(test_images) img_list = [img for img in img_list if '.jpg' in img] use_ori = True print("image test") for img in img_list: ori_image = cv2.imread(test_images + '/' + img) #hw h, w = ori_image.shape[0], ori_image.shape[1] hcrop = h // 5 tmp = hcrop * 2 crop_image = ori_image[tmp:, :] test_image = cv2.resize(crop_image, (256, 256)) / 255.0 test_image = np.rollaxis(test_image, axis=2, start=0) if not use_ori: _, _, ti = test(lane_agent, np.array([test_image])) if use_ori: ratio_w = p.x_size * 1.0 / ori_image.shape[1] ratio_h = p.y_size * 1.0 / (ori_image.shape[0] - tmp) _, _, ti = test_ori(tmp, lane_agent, ori_image, np.array([test_image]), ratio_w, ratio_h, draw_type='point', thresh=p.threshold_point) cv2.imwrite(save + img, ti[0]) elif p.mode == 3: #evaluation print("evaluate") evaluation(loader, lane_agent)
def Training(): print('Training') #################################################################### ## Hyper parameter #################################################################### print('Initializing hyper parameter') vis = visdom.Visdom() loss_window = vis.line(X=torch.zeros((1, )).cpu(), Y=torch.zeros((1)).cpu(), opts=dict(xlabel='epoch', ylabel='Loss', title='Training Loss', legend=['Loss'])) ######################################################################### ## Get dataset ######################################################################### print("Get dataset") loader = Generator() ############################## ## Get agent and model ############################## print('Get agent') if p.model_path == "": lane_assistant = Assistant.Assistant() else: lane_assistant = Assistant.Assistant() lane_assistant.load_weights(1912, "tensor(0.9420)") ############################## ## Check GPU ############################## print('Setup GPU mode') if torch.cuda.is_available(): lane_assistant.cuda() #torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark=True ############################## ## Loop for training ############################## print('Training loop') step = 0 sampling_list = None for epoch in range(p.n_epoch): lane_assistant.training_mode() for inputs, target_lanes, target_h, test_image, data_list in loader.Generate( sampling_list): #training #util.visualize_points(inputs[0], target_lanes[0], target_h[0]) print("epoch : " + str(epoch)) print("step : " + str(step)) loss_p = lane_assistant.train(inputs, target_lanes, target_h, epoch, lane_assistant, data_list) torch.cuda.synchronize() loss_p = loss_p.cpu().data if step % 50 == 0: vis.line(X=torch.ones((1, 1)).cpu() * int(step / 50), Y=torch.Tensor([loss_p]).unsqueeze(0).cpu(), win=loss_window, update='append') if step % 100 == 0: lane_assistant.save_model(int(step / 100), loss_p) testing(lane_assistant, test_image, step, loss_p) step += 1 sampling_list = copy.deepcopy(lane_assistant.get_data_list()) lane_assistant.sample_reset() #evaluation if epoch >= 0 and epoch % 1 == 0: print("evaluation") lane_assistant.evaluate_mode() th_list = [0.8] index = [3] lane_assistant.save_model(int(step / 100), loss_p) for idx in index: print("generate result") test.evaluation(loader, lane_assistant, index=idx, name="test_result_" + str(epoch) + "_" + str(idx) + ".json") for idx in index: print("compute score") with open( "/home/kym/Dropbox/eval_result2_" + str(idx) + "_.txt", 'a') as make_file: make_file.write("epoch : " + str(epoch) + " loss : " + str(loss_p.cpu().data)) make_file.write( evaluation.LaneEval.bench_one_submit( "test_result_" + str(epoch) + "_" + str(idx) + ".json", "test_label.json")) make_file.write("\n") with open("eval_result_" + str(idx) + "_.txt", 'a') as make_file: make_file.write("epoch : " + str(epoch) + " loss : " + str(loss_p.cpu().data)) make_file.write( evaluation.LaneEval.bench_one_submit( "test_result_" + str(epoch) + "_" + str(idx) + ".json", "test_label.json")) make_file.write("\n") if int(step) > 700000: break
def Training(): print('Training') #################################################################### ## Hyper parameter #################################################################### print('Initializing hyper parameter') vis = visdom.Visdom() loss_window = vis.line(X=torch.zeros((1,)).cpu(), Y=torch.zeros((1)).cpu(), opts=dict(xlabel='epoch', ylabel='Loss', title='Training Loss', legend=['Loss'])) ######################################################################### ## Get dataset ######################################################################### print("Get dataset") loader = Generator() ############################## ## Get agent and model ############################## print('Get agent') if p.model_path == "": lane_agent = agent.Agent() else: lane_agent = agent.Agent() lane_agent.load_weights(0, "tensor(1.3984)") ############################## ## Check GPU ############################## print('Setup GPU mode') if torch.cuda.is_available(): lane_agent.cuda() #torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark=True ############################## ## Loop for training ############################## print('Training loop') step = 0 sampling_list = None for epoch in range(p.n_epoch): lane_agent.training_mode() for inputs, target_lanes, target_h, test_image, data_list in loader.Generate(sampling_list): #util.visualize_points(inputs[0], target_lanes[0], target_h[0]) #training print("epoch : " + str(epoch)) print("step : " + str(step)) loss_p = lane_agent.train(inputs, target_lanes, target_h, epoch, lane_agent, data_list) torch.cuda.synchronize() loss_p = loss_p.cpu().data if step%50 == 0: vis.line( X=torch.ones((1, 1)).cpu() * int(step/50), Y=torch.Tensor([loss_p]).unsqueeze(0).cpu(), win=loss_window, update='append') if step%100 == 0: lane_agent.save_model(int(step/100), loss_p) testing(lane_agent, test_image, step, loss_p) step += 1 sampling_list = copy.deepcopy(lane_agent.get_data_list()) lane_agent.sample_reset() #evaluation if epoch%1 == 0: print("evaluation") lane_agent.evaluate_mode() th_list = [0.9] index = [3] lane_agent.save_model(int(step/100), loss_p) for idx in index: print("generate result") test.evaluation(loader, lane_agent, index = idx, name="test_result_"+str(epoch)+"_"+str(idx)+".json") name = "epoch_idx_"+str(epoch) + str(idx) + str(step/100) os.system("sh /home/kym/research/autonomous_car_vision/lane_detection/code/ITS/CuLane/evaluation_code/SCNN_Pytorch/utils/lane_evaluation/CULane/ " + name) if int(step)>700000: break