def insert_actor_of_show(show_id, actor): actor_id = actor['person']['ids']['trakt'] existing_actor = execute_select( "SELECT id FROM actors WHERE id=%(actor_id)s", {'actor_id': actor_id}) if len(existing_actor) == 0: execute_dml_statement( """ INSERT INTO actors (id, name, birthday, death, biography) VALUES (%(id)s, %(name)s, %(birthday)s, %(death)s, %(biography)s); """, { "id": actor_id, "name": actor['person']['name'], "birthday": actor['person']['birthday'], "death": actor['person']['death'], "biography": actor['person']['biography'] }) execute_dml_statement( """ INSERT INTO show_characters (show_id, actor_id, character_name) VALUES (%(show_id)s, %(actor_id)s, %(character_name)s) """, { 'show_id': show_id, 'actor_id': actor_id, 'character_name': actor['character'] })
def insert_seasons(show_id): url = TRAKT_API_URL + '/shows/' + str( show_id) + '/seasons?extended=full,episodes' season_request = requests.get(url, headers=headers) for season_raw in season_request.json(): statement = """ INSERT INTO seasons ( id, season_number, title, overview, show_id) VALUES ( %(id)s, %(season_number)s, %(title)s, %(overview)s, %(show_id)s ); """ season = get_season_entity(season_raw, show_id) execute_dml_statement(statement, season) insert_episodes(season)
def insert_shows(limit=20, max_show_count=1000): if limit < 1: limit = 1 if limit > TRAKT_MAX_LIMIT: limit = TRAKT_MAX_LIMIT if max_show_count > TRAKT_MAX_SHOW_COUNT: max_show_count = TRAKT_MAX_SHOW_COUNT inserted_ids = [] result_page = 1 total_counter = 0 while total_counter < max_show_count: url = "{api_url}/shows/popular?limit={limit}&page={page}&extended=full".format( api_url=TRAKT_API_URL, limit=limit, page=result_page) result_page += 1 result_set = requests.get(url, headers=headers) if result_set == '[]': break for show_raw in result_set.json(): # If max_show_count is not dividable by the limit, we have to jump out before processing all received shows if total_counter >= max_show_count: break show = get_show_entity(show_raw) # Some shorts have no id, some has no date, etc... Skip these if show['id'] is None or show['year'] is None: continue statement = """ INSERT INTO shows (id, title, year, overview, runtime, trailer, homepage, rating) VALUES (%(id)s, %(title)s, %(year)s, %(overview)s, %(runtime)s, %(trailer)s, %(homepage)s, %(rating)s);""" try: execute_dml_statement(statement, show) inserted_ids.append(show['id']) if len(show['genres']) > 0: genre_ids = get_genre_ids(show['genres']) insert_show_genres(genre_ids, show) except DataError: print('Error while inserting ' + show['title'] + '. Skipping this show...') # except IntegrityError: # print('Show (' + show['title'] + ') already exists...') insert_seasons(show['id']) insert_cast(show['id']) progress_bar(total_counter + 1, max_show_count, prefix='Inserting shows:', suffix=show['title']) total_counter += 1 clear_progress_bar('Inserted ' + str(len(inserted_ids)) + ' shows') return inserted_ids
def insert_genres_of_show(genre_ids, show_entity): for genre_id in genre_ids: execute_dml_statement( """ INSERT INTO show_genres (show_id, genre_id) VALUES (%(show_id)s, %(genre_id)s); """, { 'show_id': show_entity['id'], 'genre_id': genre_id })
def insert_genres(): genres = tmdb.Genres().tv_list()["genres"] genres += tmdb.Genres().movie_list()["genres"] genres = {x['id']: x for x in genres}.values() i = 0 for i, genre in enumerate(genres): statement = "INSERT INTO genres (id, name) VALUES (%(id)s, %(name)s) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;" execute_dml_statement(statement, genre) progress_bar(i, len(genres), prefix='Inserting genres:') clear_progress_bar('Inserted ' + str(i) + ' genres')
def insert_genres(): url = TRAKT_API_URL + '/genres/movies' genre_request = requests.get(url, headers=headers) counter = 0 for i, genre in enumerate(genre_request.json()): statement = "INSERT INTO genres (name) VALUES (%(name)s);" execute_dml_statement(statement, {'name': genre['name']}) progress_bar(i, TRAKT_EXPECTED_GENRE_COUNT, prefix='Inserting genres:') counter = i clear_progress_bar('Inserted ' + str(counter) + ' genres')
def insert_genres(): url = f'{TRAKT_API_URL}/genres/movies' genre_request = requests.get(url, headers=headers) counter = 0 trakt_expected_genre_count = len(genre_request.json()) for i, genre in enumerate(genre_request.json()): statement = "INSERT INTO genres (name) VALUES (%(name)s);" execute_dml_statement(statement, {'name': genre['name']}) progress_bar(i, trakt_expected_genre_count, prefix='Inserting genres:') counter = i clear_progress_bar('Inserted ' + str(counter) + ' genres')
def save_data(group_id, cards, boards): current_boards = data_manager.execute_select("""SELECT id FROM boards""") current_cards = data_manager.execute_select("""SELECT id FROM cards""") for board in boards: if is_in_current_data(current_boards, board['id']): data_manager.execute_dml_statement("""UPDATE boards SET title=%(title)s,is_active=%(is_active)s WHERE id=%(board_id)s AND group_id=%(group_id)s""", {'title': board['title'], 'is_active': board['is_active'], 'board_id': board['id'], 'group_id': group_id}) else: data_manager.execute_dml_statement( """INSERT INTO boards (title, is_active, group_id) VALUES (%(title)s,%(is_active)s,%(group_id)s)""", {'title': board['title'], 'is_active': board['is_active'], 'group_id': group_id}) for card in cards: if card['board_id'] is None: remove_card(card['id']) else: if is_in_current_data(current_cards, card['id']): data_manager.execute_dml_statement("""UPDATE cards SET title=%(title)s,board_id=%(board_id)s,status_id=%(status_id)s,"order"=%(order)s WHERE id=%(card_id)s """, {'title': card['title'], 'board_id': card['board_id'], 'status_id': card['status_id'], 'order': card['order'], 'card_id': card['id']}) else: data_manager.execute_dml_statement( """INSERT INTO cards (title, board_id) VALUES (%(title)s,%(board_id)s)""", {'title': card['title'], 'board_id': card['board_id']})
def update_card(updated_card): return data_manager.execute_dml_statement( ''' UPDATE cards SET title = %(title)s, board_id = %(board_id)s, status_id = %(status_id)s, "order" = %(order)s WHERE id = %(id)s; ''', updated_card)
def insert_shows(max_show_count=1000): max_show_count = max(1, min(max_show_count, TMDB_MAX_SHOW_COUNT)) result_page = 1 total_counter = 0 while total_counter < max_show_count: result_set = tmdb.TV().popular(page=result_page)['results'] result_page += 1 for show in result_set: progress_bar(total_counter, max_show_count, prefix='Inserting shows:', suffix=show['name']) if total_counter < START_WITH: total_counter += 1 continue # Some shorts have no id, some has no date, etc... Skip these if show['id'] is None or show['first_air_date'] is None: print('Some data is missing for ' + show['title'] + '. Skipping this show...') statement = """ INSERT INTO shows (id, title, air_date, overview, rating) VALUES (%(id)s, %(name)s, %(first_air_date)s, %(overview)s, %(vote_average)s) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; """ try: execute_dml_statement(statement, show) except DataError: print('Error while inserting ' + show['name'] + '. Skipping this show...') else: insert_genres_of_show(show['genre_ids'], show) insert_seasons_of_show(show['id']) total_counter += 1 # If max_show_count is not dividable by the limit, we have to jump out before processing all received shows if total_counter >= max_show_count: break clear_progress_bar('Inserted ' + str(total_counter) + ' shows')
def insert_actors_of_type(cast_type, type_id, cast): for actor in cast: insert_actor(actor) query = sql.SQL(""" INSERT INTO {0} ({1}, actor_id, character_name) VALUES (%(type_id)s, %(actor_id)s, %(character_name)s) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; """).format( sql.Identifier(ACTOR_TYPE[cast_type]['table']), sql.Identifier(ACTOR_TYPE[cast_type]['id']), ) execute_dml_statement( query, { 'type_id': type_id, 'actor_id': actor['id'], 'character_name': actor['character'] })
def add_new_user(username, password): return data_manager.execute_dml_statement( ''' INSERT INTO users VALUES (DEFAULT, %(username)s, %(password)s) ''', { "username": username, "password": password })
def insert_episodes_of_season(season): for episode in season['episodes']: stmt = """ INSERT INTO episodes ( id, title, episode_number, overview, season_id) VALUES ( %(id)s, %(title)s, %(episode_number)s, %(overview)s, %(season_id)s ); """ execute_dml_statement(stmt, get_episode_entity(season['id'], episode))
def insert_seasons_of_show(show_id): show_details = tmdb.TV(show_id).info(append_to_response="credits") show_credits = show_details.get('credits', {}) insert_actors_of_type('show', show_details['id'], show_credits.get('cast', [])) for i, season_raw in enumerate(show_details['seasons']): statement = """ INSERT INTO seasons (id, season_number, air_date, episode_count, poster_path, title, overview, show_id) VALUES (%(id)s, %(season_number)s, %(air_date)s, %(episode_count)s, %(poster_path)s, %(name)s, %(overview)s, %(show_id)s) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; """ season = get_season_entity(season_raw, show_id) execute_dml_statement(statement, season) insert_episodes_of_season(show_id, season['season_number']) progress_bar(i + 1, len(show_details['seasons']), prefix='Inserting seasons:', suffix=f"{show_details['name']} - {season['name']}")
def create_board(board_title, user_id): return data_manager.execute_dml_statement( """ INSERT INTO boards (title, is_active, user_id, creation_time, modified_time) VALUES (%(board_title)s, FALSE, %(user_id)s, now(), now()) RETURNING id """, { 'board_title': board_title, 'user_id': user_id })
def save_card_title(card_id, title): return data_manager.execute_dml_statement( """ UPDATE cards SET title = %(title)s WHERE id = %(card_id)s RETURNING id; """, { 'card_id': card_id, 'title': title })
def save_board_status(boardId, is_active): return data_manager.execute_dml_statement( """ UPDATE boards SET is_active = %(is_active)s WHERE = %(boardId)s RETURNING id; """, { 'is_active': is_active, 'boardId': boardId })
def create_user(username, password): return data_manager.execute_dml_statement( """ INSERT INTO users (user_name,password) VALUES(%(username)s,%(password)s) RETURNING id; """, { 'username': username, 'password': password })
def edit_card(card_id, status_id, order): return data_manager.execute_dml_statement( """ UPDATE cards SET status_id = %(status_id)s, "order" = %(order)s WHERE id = %(card_id)s; """, { 'card_id': card_id, 'status_id': status_id, 'order': order })
def insert_actor(actor): execute_dml_statement( """ INSERT INTO actors (id, name, gender, profile_path, birthday, death, biography, popularity, place_of_birth, homepage) VALUES (%(id)s, %(name)s, %(gender)s, %(profile_path)s, %(birthday)s, %(death)s, %(biography)s, %(popularity)s, %(place_of_birth)s, %(homepage)s) ON CONFLICT(id) DO UPDATE SET (name, gender, profile_path, birthday, death, biography, popularity, place_of_birth, homepage) = (%(name)s, %(gender)s, %(profile_path)s, %(birthday)s, %(death)s, %(biography)s, %(popularity)s, %(place_of_birth)s, %(homepage)s); """, { "id": actor.get('id', None), "name": actor.get('name', None), "gender": actor.get('gender', None), "profile_path": actor.get('profile_path', None), "birthday": actor.get('birthday', None), "death": actor.get('deathday', None), "biography": actor.get('biography', None), "popularity": actor.get('popularity', None), "place_of_birth": actor.get('place_of_birth', None), "homepage": actor.get('homepage', None), })
def insert_episodes_of_season(show_id, season_number): season_details = tmdb.TV_Seasons( show_id, season_number).info(append_to_response="credits") episodes = season_details['episodes'] season_credits = season_details.get('credits', {}) insert_actors_of_type('season', season_details['id'], season_credits.get('cast', [])) for i, episode in enumerate(episodes): stmt = """ INSERT INTO episodes (id, title, episode_number, overview, season_id) VALUES (%(id)s, %(title)s, %(episode_number)s, %(overview)s, %(season_id)s) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; """ execute_dml_statement( stmt, get_episode_entity(season_details["id"], episode)) # episode_credits = tmdb.TV_Episodes(show_id, season_number, episode['episode_number']).credits() # insert_actors_of_type('episode', episode['id'], episode_credits.get('cast', [])) progress_bar(i + 1, len(episodes), prefix='Inserting episodes:', suffix=f"{season_details['name']} - {episode['name']}")
def create_new_card(title, board_id, user_id): next_order = get_new_order(board_id)[0] if next_order is None: next_order = 1 else: next_order += 1 return data_manager.execute_dml_statement( """ INSERT INTO cards (title, board_id, status_id, "order", user_id) VALUES (%(title)s, %(board_id)s, 1, %(next_order)s, %(user_id)s) RETURNING id,"order" """, { 'title': title, 'board_id': board_id, 'next_order': next_order, 'user_id': user_id })
def remove_group(group_id): data_manager.execute_dml_statement(""" DELETE FROM groups WHERE; """, {'group_id': group_id})
def add_user_account(name, password): response = data_manager.execute_dml_statement( """INSERT INTO accounts (username, password) VALUES (%(name)s, %(pass)s)""", {'name': name, 'pass': password} ) return response
def get_userid_by_name(username): return data_manager.execute_dml_statement( """ SELECT id FROM users WHERE user_name = %(user_name)s; """, {'user_name': username})
def add_user_to_group(account_id, group_id): data_manager.execute_dml_statement(""" INSERT INTO account_groups (account_id, group_id) VALUES (%(account_id)s, %(group_id)s) """, {'account_id': account_id, 'group_id': group_id})
def execute_sql_file(filename): with open(filename, encoding="utf8") as file: execute_dml_statement(
def get_new_order(board_id): return data_manager.execute_dml_statement( """ SELECT MAX("order") FROM cards WHERE board_id = %(board_id)s AND status_id = 1; """, {'board_id': board_id})
def add_group(account_id, title): group_id = data_manager.execute_dml_statement("""INSERT INTO groups (name) VALUES (%(title)s) RETURNING id""", {'title': title}) data_manager.execute_dml_statement( """INSERT INTO account_groups (account_id, group_id) VALUES (%(account_id)s,%(group_id)s)""", {'account_id': account_id, 'group_id': group_id})
def execute_sql_file(filename): with open(filename) as file: execute_dml_statement(