예제 #1
def getLocationGraphs(request, location_id=None):
    Function to get graph data from DW by url
     - Input: location ID
     - Output: JSON object of highchart data
     - if called without location ID, returns empty dict
    if location_id == None:
        chart_dict = {}
        adapter = EMOD_Adapter()
        location_dict = adapter.fetch_locations()
        # get HighChart data object
            chart_dict = adapter.fetch_weather_chart(location_id, 'chart-div',
            chart_dict = {}
    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(chart_dict), mimetype="application/json")
예제 #2
    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        """Extension of get_context_data

        Add context data to drive detail view.
        context = super(TemplateDetailView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        context['selected_scenario'] = self.request.session['selected_scenario']
        adapter = EMOD_Adapter()

        my_template_id = kwargs['template_id']
        my_temp_list = adapter.fetch_template_list()
        for id in my_temp_list:
            if id == int(my_template_id):
                context['template_name'] = my_temp_list[id]['name']
                context['template_description'] = my_temp_list[id]['description']
                context['template_campaign_description'] = my_temp_list[id]['files']['campaign.json']['description']
                context['template_config_description'] = my_temp_list[id]['files']['config.json']['description']

                my_loc_list = adapter.fetch_locations()
                for loc_id in my_loc_list:
                    if loc_id == my_temp_list[id]['location_ndx']:
                        context['template_location_name'] = my_loc_list[loc_id]['place'] + ', ' + my_loc_list[loc_id]['country']
                        context['template_location_start_date'] = my_loc_list[loc_id]['start_date']
                        context['template_location_end_date'] = my_loc_list[loc_id]['end_date']
                        context['template_location_resolution'] = my_loc_list[loc_id]['resolution']
                        context['template_location_link'] = my_loc_list[loc_id]['link']

        my_temp = adapter.fetch_template(int(kwargs['template_id']))

        my_config = ast.literal_eval(my_temp['config.json'])
        context['template_campaign_warning'] = my_config['parameters']['Enable_Interventions']

        context['template_config'] = re.sub("\r{2,}", '\r', my_temp['config.json'])
        context['template_campaign'] = re.sub("\r{2,}", '\r', my_temp['campaign.json'])

        return context
예제 #3
    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        """Extension of get_context_data

        Add context data to drive menu nav highlights, breadcrumbs and pagers.
        context = super(ScenarioBrowseView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        the_request = self.request

        context['nav_button'] = 'scenario_browse'

        pager_size = the_request.POST.get('pager_size') or the_request.GET.get('pager_size')
        if pager_size is None:
            pager_size = 10
            pager_size = int(pager_size)

        # Get list of folders in this folder (if no current folder, include folders with no parent)
        if 'folder_id' in kwargs.keys():
            current_folder = kwargs['folder_id'] or the_request.POST.get('folder_id') or the_request.GET.get('folder_id') or None
            context['current_folder'] = Folder.objects.get(pk=current_folder)
            current_folder = None

        # get a list of all scenarios in order to get count of sims in each folder
        scenario_list_all = list(DimBaseline.objects.filter(user=DimUser.objects.get(username=self.request.user.username),
        my_count = {}
        for scen in scenario_list_all:
            if scen.folder_id in my_count.keys():
                my_count[scen.folder_id] += 1
                my_count[scen.folder_id] = 1

        # create a dictionary of children (keys are parents, value is list of children)
        folder_list_all = list(Folder.objects.filter(user=DimUser.objects.get(username=self.request.user.username),
        my_dict = defaultdict(list)

        for folder in folder_list_all:
            if folder.id in my_count.keys():
                counter = ' (' + str(my_count[folder.id]) + ')'
                counter = ''
            if folder.parent is None:
                my_dict[0].append({'id': folder.id, 'name': folder.name, 'child_count': counter})
                my_dict[folder.parent.id].append({'id': folder.id, 'name': folder.name, 'child_count': counter})

        current_found = 0  # Set flag that deterimines if the current folder has been visited in the tree

        if None in my_count.keys():
            counter_root = ' (' + str(my_count[None]) + ')'
            counter_root = ''

        folder_tree = '{title: "My Simulations' + counter_root + '", folder: true, expanded: true'
        if current_folder is None:
            folder_tree += ', active: true'
            current_found = 1

        # context['folder_tree'] = '{title: "My Tororo Folder full of Simulations (and folders) in home folder ", folder: true }, ' \
        #                          '{title: "Folder 2", folder: true, ' \
        #                              'children: [ ' \
        #                                 '{ title: "Sub-item 2.1", folder: true }, ' \
        #                                 '{ title: "Sub-item 2.2" }] }, ' \
        #                          '{ title: "Item 3" }'
        # without root:
        # context['folder_tree'] = '{title: "Solomon Islands", folder: true}, {title: "Second folder", folder: true, children: [ {title: "subfolder", folder: true}] }'
        #folder_tree = add_children(0, my_dict)
        # with root:
        # context['folder_tree'] = '{title: "My Simulations", folder: true, children: [ {title: "Solomon Islands", folder: true}, {title: "Second folder", folder: true, children: [ {title: "subfolder", folder: true}] }] }'

        folder_tree += add_children(0, my_dict, current_folder, current_found) + '}'

        context['folder_tree'] = str(folder_tree)

        # Get list of scenarios
        scenario_list = list(DimBaseline.objects.filter(user=DimUser.objects.get(username=self.request.user.username),

        if scenario_list is None:
            return context

        # sort descending by id (for those old scenarios that all have the same old time_created
        scenario_list = sorted(scenario_list, key=lambda x: x.id, reverse=True)
        # sort descending by time_saved (version)
        scenario_list = sorted(scenario_list, key=lambda x: x.last_modified, reverse=True)

        # merge folders into scenario list
        # - show folders in file list
        #scenario_list = folder_list + scenario_list

        # Flag scenarios that are representative
        for scenario in scenario_list:
            # Hack for now. I don't remember if it is still needed, but I will fix it later. Not currently important.
            if scenario.description == "Made with representative workflow" and not scenario.metadata:
                scenario.metadata = json.dumps({'representative': ''})
            if scenario.metadata:
                metadata = json.loads(scenario.metadata)

                if 'representative' in metadata:
                    scenario.is_representative = True
                    if 'is_complete' in metadata['representative']:
                        scenario.representative_is_complete = metadata['representative']['is_complete']
                        scenario.representative_is_complete = False
                    scenario.name = derive_autoname(scenario)
                    scenario.is_representative = False

        paginator = Paginator(scenario_list, pager_size)
        page = int(the_request.GET.get('page') or 1)

            scenarios = paginator.page(page)
        except PageNotAnInteger:
            # If page is not an integer, deliver first page.
            scenarios = paginator.page(1)
        except EmptyPage:
            # If page is out of range (e.g. 9999), deliver last page of results.
            scenarios = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)

        scenario_count = len(scenario_list)

        context['pager_size'] = pager_size
        context['scenarios'] = scenarios
        context['scenario_range'] = range(paginator.num_pages)
        context['scenario_count'] = scenario_count
        context['current_start'] = (page-1)*pager_size + 1
        context['current_stop'] = min(scenario_count, (page-1)*pager_size + pager_size)
        context['my_username'] = self.request.user.username

        # get locations (need name from dict by id)
        adapter = EMOD_Adapter(self.request.user.username)
        template_list = adapter.fetch_template_list()
        location_dict = adapter.fetch_locations()  # gets list based on EMOD_buffer list in model_adapter.py

        # determine which step edit buttons link to
        step_list = [i[0] for i in named_baseline_forms]
        for scenario in scenario_list:
            if scenario._meta.object_name != 'Folder':
                    # check to see if it has a campaign file (besides the empty default)
                    if scenario.is_approved:
                        my_scenario = EMODBaseline.from_dw(pk=scenario['id'])
                            scenario_campaign = json.dumps(ast.literal_eval(my_scenario.get_file_by_type('campaign').content),
                                                           sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
                        except (AttributeError, ObjectDoesNotExist):
                                # if file list was returned, use last file
                                scenario_campaign = json.dumps(ast.literal_eval(
                                                                             - 1].content), sort_keys=True, indent=4,
                                                               separators=(',', ': '))
                            except ObjectDoesNotExist:

                        if len(json.loads(scenario_campaign)['Events']) > 0:
                            scenario['has_interventions'] = 1

                    if scenario.template:
                        scenario.location_name = str(DimTemplate.objects.get(id=scenario.template.id).location_key)

                        # add model version to scenario
                        scenario.model_version = DimTemplate.objects.get(id=scenario.template.id)\
                            .model_version.replace('emod ',  '')
        return context