예제 #1
def order_graph():
    """Creates an item order graph, which is an
        order in which the items may be picked up
        and a set of tentative paths to do that"""
    g = basicgraph.BasicGraph()
    order = item_order.order()
    current = "START"
    current_items = item_set.ItemSet()
    for item_name in order:
        # first, BFS from current to find a candidate entrance
        finished, offers = g.BFS(current)

        # Choose the entrance at random
        entrance = random.choice(list(finished))
        path = basicgraph.bfs_path(offers, current, entrance)
        # Add items along the path
        for a, b in pairwise(path):
            g.update_edge_lambda(a, b, [current_items.copy()], operator.add)

        # Choose the exit at random from among the existing nodes
        exit = random.choice(list(g.nodes.keys()))

        # Add the new node
        g.add_edge(entrance, item_name, data=[current_items.copy()])
        current_items = current_items.add(item_name)
        g.add_edge(item_name, exit, data=[current_items.copy()])
    return order, g
예제 #2
def embed_room_graph(room_graph, subroom_graph, min_entrance_size,
    """Embed the room graph into the subroom graph, resulting in a new graph
    which is the graph that will actually be searched over during subroom generation."""
    # Key - subroom_id, value - list of nodes belonging to that subroom
    # Used to create a subgraph when building the subroom
    subroom_nodes = collections.defaultdict(list)
    # The subrooms which the graph embedding actually uses
    # Used to calculate the subrooms which are completely unused.
    used_subrooms = set()
    g = basicgraph.BasicGraph()
    for node1, node2 in room_graph.get_edges():
        itemset = room_graph.get_edge_data(node1, node2)
        #TODO: randomized DFS?
        finished, offers = subroom_graph.DFS(node1, node2)
        path = basicgraph.bfs_path(offers, node1, node2)
        current_node = None
        for first, second in zip(path, path[1:]):
            if first in room_graph:
                # First is an obstacle node
                # Copy the data: the rectangle of actual tiles that this obstacle represents
                #TODO: might only want the last two entries: the target squares
                if first not in g:
                    g.add_node(first, data=subroom_graph.nodes[first].data)
                current_node = first
            elif second in room_graph:
                # Second is an obstacle node
                if second not in g:
                    g.add_node(second, data=subroom_graph.get_data[second])
                current_node = second
                # edge between two subroom nodes
                edge_fs = subroom_graph.get_edge_data(first, second)
                edge_sf = subroom_graph.get_edge_data(second, first)
                fs_name = str(first) + "-" + str(second)
                sf_name = str(second) + "-" + str(first)
                # Add a node for the exit to the old subroom and the entrance to the new one
                if fs_name not in g:
                    # subroom interface nodes should only be added two at a time
                    assert sf_name not in g
                    # Choose a place to break the wall between the two subrooms
                    #TODO: Decide the type of each entrance based on what items are available
                    e = edge_fs.add_entrance(min_entrance_size,
                    # Create a node in the first subroom
                    g.add_node(fs_name, data=e)
                    # Create a node in the second subroom
                    g.add_node(sf_name, data=e)
                # Regardless of what type of node, connect them up
                # TODO: update edge append instead!
                g.add_edge_append(current_node, fs_name, data=itemset)
                g.add_edge_append(fs_name, sf_name, data=itemset)
                current_node = fs_name
    return g, subroom_nodes, used_subrooms
예제 #3
 def __init__(self, start_subroom, walls, obstacles):
     #TODO: how to represent cross-room adjacencies?
     #TODO: are "walls" actually used?
     self.subroom_id_counter = 0
     self.recycle_ids = []
     self.walls = walls
     self.obstacles = obstacles
     self.g = basicgraph.BasicGraph()
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, cmap, size, room_id, pos, graph=None):
        self.enemies = []
        self.plms = []
        self.doors = []
        self.items = []
        if graph is None:
            self.graph = basicgraph.BasicGraph()
            self.graph = graph
        self.cmap = cmap
        self.size = size
        self.room_id = room_id
        self.pos = pos

        self.up_scroll = 0x70
        self.down_Scroll = 0xa0
예제 #5
def subroom_adjacency_graph(subroom_leaves):
    g = basicgraph.BasicGraph()
    # Add a node for each subroom and each obstacle that holds the target region of the obstacle
    for leaf in subroom_leaves:
        leaf_name = str(leaf.id)
        # Add an edge between each obstacle and the leaf that contains it.
        for o in leaf.obstacles:
            g.add_node(o.name, data=o)
            g.add_edge(leaf_name, o.name)
            g.add_edge(o.name, leaf_name)
    # Once all the subrooms have been added, produce the adjacencies
    for leaf in subroom_leaves:
        for neighbor_adj in leaf.adj:
            leaf_name = str(leaf.id)
            other_name = str(neighbor_adj.get_other_id(leaf.id))
            g.add_edge(leaf_name, other_name, data=neighbor_adj)
    return g