def evaluate_batches( sess, model, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_use_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_use_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, current_step, encoder_inputs, decoder_outputs, current_epoch=0 ): n_joints = 17 if not(FLAGS.predict_14) else 14 nbatches = len( encoder_inputs ) all_dists, start_time, loss = [], time.time(), 0. log_every_n_batches = 100 for i in range(nbatches): if current_epoch > 0 and (i+1) % log_every_n_batches == 0: print("Working on test epoch {0}, batch {1} / {2}".format( current_epoch, i+1, nbatches) ) enc_in, dec_out = encoder_inputs[i], decoder_outputs[i] dp = 1.0 step_loss, loss_summary, poses3d = model.step( sess, enc_in, dec_out, dp, isTraining=False ) loss += step_loss enc_in = data_utils.unNormalizeData( enc_in, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d ) dec_out = data_utils.unNormalizeData( dec_out, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d ) poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData( poses3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d ) dtu3d = np.hstack( (np.arange(3), dim_to_use_3d) ) if not(FLAGS.predict_14) else dim_to_use_3d dec_out = dec_out[:, dtu3d] poses3d = poses3d[:, dtu3d] assert dec_out.shape[0] == FLAGS.batch_size assert poses3d.shape[0] == FLAGS.batch_size if FLAGS.procrustes: for j in range(FLAGS.batch_size): gt = np.reshape(dec_out[j,:],[-1,3]) out = np.reshape(poses3d[j,:],[-1,3]) _, Z, T, b, c = compute_similarity_transform(gt,out,compute_optimal_scale=True) out = (b* poses3d[j,:] = np.reshape(out,[-1,17*3] ) if not(FLAGS.predict_14) else np.reshape(out,[-1,14*3] ) sqerr = (poses3d - dec_out)**2 dists = np.zeros( (sqerr.shape[0], n_joints) ) dist_idx = 0 for k in np.arange(0, n_joints*3, 3): dists[:,dist_idx] = np.sqrt( np.sum( sqerr[:, k:k+3], axis=1 )) dist_idx = dist_idx + 1 all_dists.append(dists) assert sqerr.shape[0] == FLAGS.batch_size step_time = (time.time() - start_time) / nbatches loss = loss / nbatches all_dists = np.vstack( all_dists ) joint_err = np.mean( all_dists, axis=0 ) total_err = np.mean( all_dists ) return total_err, joint_err, step_time, loss
def get_srnn_gts(actions, model, test_set, data_mean, data_std, dim_to_ignore, to_euler=True): srnn_gts_euler = {} # print ("entering here") for action in actions: srnn_gt_euler = [] _, _, srnn_expmap = model.get_batch_srnn(test_set, action, noise_rate=FLAGS.n_r) # expmap -> rotmat -> euler for i in np.arange(srnn_expmap.shape[0]): denormed = data_utils.unNormalizeData(srnn_expmap[i, :, :], data_mean, data_std, dim_to_ignore, actions) if to_euler: for j in np.arange(denormed.shape[0]): # print (denormed.shape) for k in np.arange(3, 97, 3): denormed[j, k:k + 3] = data_utils.rotmat2euler( data_utils.expmap2rotmat(denormed[j, k:k + 3])) srnn_gt_euler.append(denormed) # Put back in the dictionary, every action will have 8 sequences of euler space srnn_gts_euler[action] = srnn_gt_euler # print (np.array(srnn_gts_euler[action]).shape) return srnn_gts_euler
def denormalize_and_convert_to_euler(data, data_mean, data_std, dim_to_ignore, actions, one_hot): """ Denormalizes data and converts to Euler angles (all losses are computed on Euler angles). Args data: dictionary with human poses. data_mean: d-long vector with the mean of the training data. data_std: d-long vector with the standard deviation of the training data. dim_to_ignore: dimensions to ignore because the std is too small or for other reasons. actions: list of strings with the actions in the data dictionary. one_hot: whether the data comes with one-hot encoding. Returns all_denormed: a list with nbatch entries. Each entry is an n-by-d matrix that corresponds to a denormalized sequence in Euler angles """ all_denormed = [] # expmap -> rotmat -> euler for i in np.arange(data.shape[0]): denormed = data_utils.unNormalizeData(data[i, :, :], data_mean, data_std, dim_to_ignore, actions, one_hot) for j in np.arange(denormed.shape[0]): for k in np.arange(3, 97, 3): denormed[j, k:k + 3] = data_utils.rotmat2euler( data_utils.expmap2rotmat(denormed[j, k:k + 3])) all_denormed.append(denormed) return all_denormed
def draw_seqpose(pose, pose_dir, name, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, verbose=0, unnorm=False): import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if unnorm: pose = data_utils.fillData(pose, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d) else: pose = data_utils.unNormalizeData(pose, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d) #plt.figure() gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) plt.axis('off') # draw for sequence[t] plt.clf() ax2 = plt.subplot(gs1[0]) viz.show2Dpose_seq(pose, ax2) ax2.invert_yaxis() if not os.path.exists(pose_dir): os.system('mkdir -p "{}"'.format(pose_dir)) plt.savefig(os.path.join(pose_dir, name), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, dpi=200) #transparent=True,
def get_srnn_gts(actions, model, test_set, data_mean, data_std, dim_to_ignore, one_hot, from_exp=True, to_euler=True): """ Get the ground truths for srnn's sequences, and convert to Euler angles. (the error is always computed in Euler angles). Args actions: a list of actions to get ground truths for. model: training model we are using (we only use the "get_batch" method). test_set: dictionary with normalized training data. data_mean: d-long vector with the mean of the training data. data_std: d-long vector with the standard deviation of the training data. dim_to_ignore: dimensions that we are not using to train/predict. one_hot: whether the data comes with one-hot encoding indicating action. to_euler: whether to convert the angles to Euler format or keep thm in exponential map Returns srnn_gts_euler: a dictionary where the keys are actions, and the values are the ground_truth, denormalized expected outputs of srnns's seeds. """ srnn_gts = {} for action in actions: srnn_gt = [] _, _, srnn = model.get_batch_srnn(test_set, action, False) for i in np.arange(srnn.shape[0]): denormed = data_utils.unNormalizeData(srnn[i, :, :], data_mean, data_std, dim_to_ignore, actions, one_hot) if from_exp and to_euler: for j in np.arange(denormed.shape[0]): for k in np.arange(3, 97, 3): denormed[j, k:k + 3] = data_utils.rotmat2euler( data_utils.expmap2rotmat(denormed[j, k:k + 3])) if not from_exp and not to_euler: # from euler to exp for j in np.arange(denormed.shape[0]): for k in np.arange(3, 97, 3): denormed[j, k:k + 3] = data_utils.rotmat2expmap( data_utils.euler2rotmat(denormed[j, k:k + 3])) srnn_gt.append(denormed) # Put back in the dictionary srnn_gts[action] = srnn_gt return srnn_gts
def video(sequence, tmp_dir, video_dir, name, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, verbose=0, unnorm=True): import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if unnorm: sequence = data_utils.unNormalizeData(sequence, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d) else: sequence = data_utils.fillData(sequence, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d) gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) plt.axis('off') for t in range(sequence.shape[0]): # draw for sequence[t] plt.clf() ax2 = plt.subplot(gs1[0]) p2d = sequence[t, :] viz.show2Dpose(p2d, ax2) ax2.invert_yaxis() if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir): os.system('mkdir -p "{}"'.format(tmp_dir)) plt.savefig(os.path.join(tmp_dir, '%04d.jpg' % (t))) if not os.path.exists(video_dir): os.system('mkdir -p "{}"'.format(video_dir)), name), sequence) if verbose: os.system('ffmpeg -framerate 16 -y -i "' + os.path.join(tmp_dir, "%04d.jpg") + '" "' + os.path.join(video_dir, name + '.mp4"')) else:[ 'ffmpeg', '-framerate', '16', '-y', '-i', os.path.join(tmp_dir, "%04d.jpg"), os.path.join(video_dir, name + '.mp4') ], stdout=open(os.devnull, "w"), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) os.system('rm ' + os.path.join(tmp_dir, '*'))
def get_srnn_gts(self, actions, model, test_set, data_mean, data_std, dim_to_ignore, one_hot, to_euler=True): # """ # Get the ground truths for srnn's sequences, and convert to Euler angles. # (the error is always computed in Euler angles). # Args # actions: a list of actions to get ground truths for. # model: training model we are using (we only use the "get_batch" method). # test_set: dictionary with normalized training data. # data_mean: d-long vector with the mean of the training data. # data_std: d-long vector with the standard deviation of the training data. # dim_to_ignore: dimensions that we are not using to train/predict. # one_hot: whether the data comes with one-hot encoding indicating action. # to_euler: whether to convert the angles to Euler format or keep thm in exponential map # Returns # srnn_gts_euler: a dictionary where the keys are actions, and the values # are the ground_truth, denormalized expected outputs of srnns's seeds. # """ srnn_gts_euler = {} for action in actions: srnn_gt_euler = [] _, _, srnn_expmap = model.get_batch_srnn(test_set, action) # expmap -> rotmat -> euler for i in np.arange(srnn_expmap.shape[0]): denormed = data_utils.unNormalizeData(srnn_expmap[i, :, :], data_mean, data_std, dim_to_ignore, actions, one_hot) # if to_euler: # for j in np.arange( denormed.shape[0] ): # for k in np.arange(3,97,3): # denormed[j,k:k+3] = data_utils.rotmat2euler( data_utils.expmap2rotmat( denormed[j,k:k+3] )) srnn_gt_euler.append(denormed) # Put back in the dictionary srnn_gts_euler[action] = srnn_gt_euler return srnn_gts_euler
def get_srnn_gts_sample(actions, model, test_set, data_mean, data_std, dim_to_ignore, one_hot, to_euler=True): """ Get the ground truths for srnn's sequences, and convert to Euler angles. (sampling) (the error is always computed in Euler angles). Args actions: a list of actions to get ground truths for. model: training model we are using (we only use the "get_batch" method). test_set: dictionary with normalized training data. data_mean: d-long vector with the mean of the training data. data_std: d-long vector with the standard deviation of the training data. dim_to_ignore: dimensions that we are not using to train/predict. one_hot: whether the data comes with one-hot encoding indicating action. to_euler: whether to convert the angles to Euler format or keep thm in exponential map Returns srnn_gts_euler: a dictionary where the keys are actions, and the values are the ground_truth, denormalized expected outputs of srnns's seeds. """ srnn_gts_euler = {} for action in actions: srnn_gt_euler = [] encoder_input, decoder_input, decoder_output = model.get_batch_srnn(test_set, action) if FLAGS.omit_one_hot: srnn_expmap = np.zeros((8, 100+8, 54), dtype=float) else: srnn_expmap = np.zeros((8, 100+8, 54+len(actions)), dtype=float) for i in np.arange(decoder_output.shape[0]): sequence = np.concatenate((encoder_input[i][-7:],decoder_input[i][0:1], decoder_output[i][:]),axis=0) srnn_expmap[i, :, :] = sequence[:,:] # print(srnn_expmap.shape) # expmap -> rotmat -> euler for i in np.arange(srnn_expmap.shape[0]): denormed = data_utils.unNormalizeData(srnn_expmap[i,:,:], data_mean, data_std, dim_to_ignore, actions, one_hot) if to_euler: for j in np.arange(denormed.shape[0]): for k in np.arange(3,97,3): denormed[j,k:k+3] = data_utils.rotmat2euler( data_utils.expmap2rotmat(denormed[j,k:k+3])) srnn_gt_euler.append(denormed); # Put back in the dictionary srnn_gts_euler[action] = srnn_gt_euler return srnn_gts_euler
def get_srnn_gts(actions, test_set, data_mean, data_std, dim_to_ignore, one_hot, subject, subsequence, to_euler=True): """ Get the ground truths for srnn's sequences, and convert to Euler angles. (the error is always computed in Euler angles). Args actions: a list of actions to get ground truths for. test_set: dictionary with normalized training data. data_mean: d-long vector with the mean of the training data. data_std: d-long vector with the standard deviation of the training data. dim_to_ignore: dimensions that we are not using to train/predict. one_hot: whether the data comes with one-hot encoding indicating action. to_euler: whether to convert the angles to Euler format or keep thm in exponential map Returns srnn_gts_euler: a dictionary where the keys are actions, and the values are the ground_truth, denormalized expected outputs of srnns's seeds. """ srnn_gts_euler = {} for action in actions: srnn_gt_euler = [] # _, _, srnn_expmap = get_batch_srnn( test_set, action ) srnn_expmap = get_batch_srnn(test_set, action, subject, subsequence) # expmap -> rotmat -> euler for i in np.arange(srnn_expmap.shape[0]): denormed = data_utils.unNormalizeData(srnn_expmap[i, :, :], data_mean, data_std, dim_to_ignore, actions, one_hot) if to_euler: for j in np.arange(denormed.shape[0]): for k in np.arange(3, 97, 3): denormed[j, k:k + 3] = data_utils.rotmat2euler( data_utils.expmap2rotmat(denormed[j, k:k + 3])) srnn_gt_euler.append(denormed) # Put back in the dictionary srnn_gts_euler[action] = np.array(srnn_gt_euler) return srnn_gts_euler
def smooth(n2ds, poses3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_use_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d): # print(poses3d.shape) # (498, 64, 48) n_joints = 17 if not (FLAGS.predict_14) else 14 n_batches = len(poses3d) total_poses3d = np.asarray(poses3d[0]) for i in range(1, n_batches): total_poses3d = np.concatenate((total_poses3d, np.asarray(poses3d[i])), axis=0) dp = 1.0 # print(total_poses3d.shape) total_poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData(total_poses3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d) # print(total_poses3d.shape) # Keep only the relevant dimensions dtu3d = np.hstack( (np.arange(3), dim_to_use_3d)) if not (FLAGS.predict_14) else dim_to_use_3d total_poses3d = total_poses3d[:, dtu3d] # Smoothing rate = 0.7 n = total_poses3d.shape[0] n_lines, _ = total_poses3d.shape indice = np.cumsum([0] + n2ds) #indice of first frames smoothed_poses3d = [] for j in range(len(indice) - 1): if indice[j] != n - 1: smoothed_poses3d.append(total_poses3d[indice[j]] * rate + (1 - rate) * total_poses3d[indice[j] + 1]) else: smoothed_poses3d.append(total_poses3d[indice[j]]) for i in range(indice[j] + 1, indice[j + 1] - 1): if i == n - 1: break smoothed_poses3d.append(total_poses3d[i - 1] * ((1 - rate) / 2.) + total_poses3d[i] * rate + total_poses3d[i + 1] * ((1 - rate) / 2.)) smoothed_poses3d.append(total_poses3d[i - 1] * (1 - rate) + total_poses3d[i] * rate) smoothed_poses3d = np.asarray(smoothed_poses3d) # (31872, 51) smoothed_poses3d = np.split(smoothed_poses3d, n_batches) return smoothed_poses3d
def predict_batch(data, center, scale, batch_size=128): """ Input: data: matrix with shape (#frames, 32) center: length-2 array with center coordinate scale: stacked hourglass scale parameter """ fig = plt.figure() ax_2d = fig.add_subplot(121) ax_3d = fig.add_subplot(122, projection='3d') data = np.array(data) # Wrap in another matrix if there's only a single clip if len(data.shape) == 1: data = np.array([data]) if data.shape[1] != 32: raise ValueError("Expected data shape to be (?, 32), got " + str(data.shape)) data, destination_indices = data_utils.process_stacked_hourglass(data) normalized_data, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d = normalize_batch(data) viz.show2Dpose(np.reshape(data[30], (64, 1)), ax_2d) ax_2d.invert_yaxis() with tf.Session() as sess: model = load_model(sess, batch_size) dp = 1.0 dec_out = np.zeros((normalized_data.shape[0], 48)) _, _, points = model.step(sess, normalized_data, dec_out, dp, isTraining=False) points = data_utils.unNormalizeData(points, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d) viz.show3Dpose(points[30,:], ax_3d) points = np.reshape(points, (-1, 32, 3)) return points
def sample(): """Get samples from a model and visualize them""" actions = data_utils.define_actions( FLAGS.action ) # Load camera parameters SUBJECT_IDS = [1,5,6,7,8,9,11] rcams = cameras.load_cameras(FLAGS.cameras_path, SUBJECT_IDS) # Load 3d data and load (or create) 2d projections train_set_3d, test_set_3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, dim_to_use_3d, train_root_positions, test_root_positions = data_utils.read_3d_data( actions, FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.camera_frame, rcams, FLAGS.predict_14 ) if FLAGS.use_sh: train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.read_2d_predictions(actions, FLAGS.data_dir) else: train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.create_2d_data( actions, FLAGS.data_dir, rcams ) print( "done reading and normalizing data." ) device_count = {"GPU": 0} if FLAGS.use_cpu else {"GPU": 1} with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto( device_count = device_count )) as sess: # === Create the model === print("Creating %d layers of %d units." % (FLAGS.num_layers, FLAGS.linear_size)) batch_size = 128 model = create_model(sess, actions, batch_size) print("Model loaded") for key2d in test_set_2d.keys(): (subj, b, fname) = key2d print( "Subject: {}, action: {}, fname: {}".format(subj, b, fname) ) # keys should be the same if 3d is in camera coordinates key3d = key2d if FLAGS.camera_frame else (subj, b, '{0}.h5'.format(fname.split('.')[0])) key3d = (subj, b, fname[:-3]) if (fname.endswith('-sh')) and FLAGS.camera_frame else key3d enc_in = test_set_2d[ key2d ] n2d, _ = enc_in.shape dec_out = test_set_3d[ key3d ] n3d, _ = dec_out.shape assert n2d == n3d # Split into about-same-size batches enc_in = np.array_split( enc_in, n2d // batch_size ) dec_out = np.array_split( dec_out, n3d // batch_size ) all_poses_3d = [] for bidx in range( len(enc_in) ): # Dropout probability 0 (keep probability 1) for sampling dp = 1.0 _, _, poses3d = model.step(sess, enc_in[bidx], dec_out[bidx], dp, isTraining=False) # denormalize enc_in[bidx] = data_utils.unNormalizeData( enc_in[bidx], data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d ) dec_out[bidx] = data_utils.unNormalizeData( dec_out[bidx], data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d ) poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData( poses3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d ) all_poses_3d.append( poses3d ) # Put all the poses together enc_in, dec_out, poses3d = map( np.vstack, [enc_in, dec_out, all_poses_3d] ) # Convert back to world coordinates if FLAGS.camera_frame: N_CAMERAS = 4 N_JOINTS_H36M = 32 # Add global position back dec_out = dec_out + np.tile( test_root_positions[ key3d ], [1,N_JOINTS_H36M] ) # Load the appropriate camera subj, _, sname = key3d cname = sname.split('.')[1] # <-- camera name scams = {(subj,c+1): rcams[(subj,c+1)] for c in range(N_CAMERAS)} # cams of this subject scam_idx = [scams[(subj,c+1)][-1] for c in range(N_CAMERAS)].index( cname ) # index of camera used the_cam = scams[(subj, scam_idx+1)] # <-- the camera used R, T, f, c, k, p, name = the_cam assert name == cname def cam2world_centered(data_3d_camframe): data_3d_worldframe = cameras.camera_to_world_frame(data_3d_camframe.reshape((-1, 3)), R, T) data_3d_worldframe = data_3d_worldframe.reshape((-1, N_JOINTS_H36M*3)) # subtract root translation return data_3d_worldframe - np.tile( data_3d_worldframe[:,:3], (1,N_JOINTS_H36M) ) # Apply inverse rotation and translation dec_out = cam2world_centered(dec_out) poses3d = cam2world_centered(poses3d) # Grab a random batch to visualize enc_in, dec_out, poses3d = map( np.vstack, [enc_in, dec_out, poses3d] ) idx = np.random.permutation( enc_in.shape[0] ) enc_in, dec_out, poses3d = enc_in[idx, :], dec_out[idx, :], poses3d[idx, :] # Visualize random samples import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec # 1080p = 1,920 x 1,080 fig = plt.figure( figsize=(19.2, 10.8) ) gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(5, 9) # 5 rows, 9 columns gs1.update(wspace=-0.00, hspace=0.05) # set the spacing between axes. plt.axis('off') subplot_idx, exidx = 1, 1 nsamples = 15 for i in np.arange( nsamples ): # Plot 2d pose ax1 = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx-1]) p2d = enc_in[exidx,:] viz.show2Dpose( p2d, ax1 ) ax1.invert_yaxis() # Plot 3d gt ax2 = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx], projection='3d') p3d = dec_out[exidx,:] viz.show3Dpose( p3d, ax2 ) # Plot 3d predictions ax3 = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx+1], projection='3d') p3d = poses3d[exidx,:] viz.show3Dpose( p3d, ax3, lcolor="#9b59b6", rcolor="#2ecc71" ) exidx = exidx + 1 subplot_idx = subplot_idx + 3
def main(_): smoothed = read_openpose_json() plt.figure(2) smooth_curves_plot = show_anim_curves(smoothed, plt) #return pngName = 'gif_output/smooth_plot.png' smooth_curves_plot.savefig(pngName)'writing gif_output/smooth_plot.png') if FLAGS.interpolation:"start interpolation") framerange = len( smoothed.keys() ) joint_rows = 36 array = np.concatenate(list(smoothed.values())) array_reshaped = np.reshape(array, (framerange, joint_rows) ) multiplier = FLAGS.multiplier multiplier_inv = 1/multiplier out_array = np.array([]) for row in range(joint_rows): x = [] for frame in range(framerange): x.append( array_reshaped[frame, row] ) frame = range( framerange ) frame_resampled = np.arange(0, framerange, multiplier) spl = UnivariateSpline(frame, x, k=3) #relative smooth factor based on jnt anim curve min_x, max_x = min(x), max(x) smooth_fac = max_x - min_x smooth_resamp = 125 smooth_fac = smooth_fac * smooth_resamp spl.set_smoothing_factor( float(smooth_fac) ) xnew = spl(frame_resampled) out_array = np.append(out_array, xnew)"done interpolating. reshaping {0} frames, please wait!!".format(framerange)) a = np.array([]) for frame in range( int( framerange * multiplier_inv ) ): jnt_array = [] for jnt in range(joint_rows): jnt_array.append( out_array[ jnt * int(framerange * multiplier_inv) + frame] ) a = np.append(a, jnt_array) a = np.reshape(a, (int(framerange * multiplier_inv), joint_rows)) out_array = a interpolate_smoothed = {} for frame in range( int(framerange * multiplier_inv) ): interpolate_smoothed[frame] = list( out_array[frame] ) plt.figure(3) smoothed = interpolate_smoothed interpolate_curves_plot = show_anim_curves(smoothed, plt) pngName = 'gif_output/interpolate_{0}.png'.format(smooth_resamp) interpolate_curves_plot.savefig(pngName)'writing gif_output/interpolate_plot.png') enc_in = np.zeros((1, 64)) enc_in[0] = [0 for i in range(64)] actions = data_utils.define_actions(FLAGS.action) SUBJECT_IDS = [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11] rcams = cameras.load_cameras(FLAGS.cameras_path, SUBJECT_IDS) train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.read_2d_predictions( actions, FLAGS.data_dir) train_set_3d, test_set_3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, dim_to_use_3d, train_root_positions, test_root_positions = data_utils.read_3d_data( actions, FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.camera_frame, rcams, FLAGS.predict_14) device_count = {"GPU": 1} png_lib = [] before_pose = None with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto( device_count=device_count, allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess: #plt.figure(3) batch_size = 128 model = create_model(sess, actions, batch_size) iter_range = len(smoothed.keys()) export_units = {} twod_export_units = {} for n, (frame, xy) in enumerate(smoothed.items()):"calc frame {0}/{1}".format(frame, iter_range)) # map list into np array joints_array = np.zeros((1, 36)) joints_array[0] = [0 for i in range(36)] for o in range(len(joints_array[0])): #feed array with xy array joints_array[0][o] = xy[o] twod_export_units[frame]={} for abs_b, __n in enumerate(range(0, len(xy),2)): twod_export_units[frame][abs_b] = {"translate": [xy[__n],xy[__n+1]]} _data = joints_array[0] # mapping all body parts or 3d-pose-baseline format for i in range(len(order)): for j in range(2): # create encoder input enc_in[0][order[i] * 2 + j] = _data[i * 2 + j] for j in range(2): # Hip enc_in[0][0 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][1 * 2 + j] + enc_in[0][6 * 2 + j]) / 2 # Neck/Nose enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][15 * 2 + j] + enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j]) / 2 # Thorax enc_in[0][13 * 2 + j] = 2 * enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j] - enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j] # set spine spine_x = enc_in[0][24] spine_y = enc_in[0][25] enc_in = enc_in[:, dim_to_use_2d] mu = data_mean_2d[dim_to_use_2d] stddev = data_std_2d[dim_to_use_2d] enc_in = np.divide((enc_in - mu), stddev) dp = 1.0 dec_out = np.zeros((1, 48)) dec_out[0] = [0 for i in range(48)] _, _, poses3d = model.step(sess, enc_in, dec_out, dp, isTraining=False) all_poses_3d = [] enc_in = data_utils.unNormalizeData(enc_in, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d) poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData(poses3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d) gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) gs1.update(wspace=-0.00, hspace=0.05) # set the spacing between axes. plt.axis('off') all_poses_3d.append( poses3d ) enc_in, poses3d = map( np.vstack, [enc_in, all_poses_3d] ) subplot_idx, exidx = 1, 1 _max = 0 _min = 10000 for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]): for j in range(32): tmp = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1] poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1] = tmp if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] > _max: _max = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] < _min: _min = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]): for j in range(32): poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = _max - poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] + _min poses3d[i][j * 3] += (spine_x - 630) poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] += (500 - spine_y) # Plot 3d predictions ax = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx - 1], projection='3d') ax.view_init(18, -70) if FLAGS.cache_on_fail: if np.min(poses3d) < -1000: poses3d = before_pose p3d = poses3d to_export = poses3d.tolist()[0] x,y,z = [[] for _ in range(3)] for o in range(0, len(to_export), 3): x.append(to_export[o]) y.append(to_export[o+1]) z.append(to_export[o+2]) export_units[frame]={} for jnt_index, (_x, _y, _z) in enumerate(zip(x,y,z)): export_units[frame][jnt_index] = {"translate": [_x, _y, _z]} viz.show3Dpose(p3d, ax, lcolor="#9b59b6", rcolor="#2ecc71") pngName = 'png/pose_frame_{0}.png'.format(str(frame).zfill(12)) plt.savefig(pngName) if FLAGS.write_gif: png_lib.append(imageio.imread(pngName)) if FLAGS.cache_on_fail: before_pose = poses3d if FLAGS.write_gif: if FLAGS.interpolation: #take every frame on gif_fps * multiplier_inv png_lib = np.array([png_lib[png_image] for png_image in range(0,len(png_lib), int(multiplier_inv)) ])"creating Gif gif_output/animation.gif, please Wait!") imageio.mimsave('gif_output/animation.gif', png_lib, fps=FLAGS.gif_fps) _out_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'maya/3d_data.json') twod_out_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'maya/2d_data.json') with open(_out_file, 'w') as outfile:"exported maya json to {0}".format(_out_file)) json.dump(export_units, outfile) with open(twod_out_file, 'w') as outfile:"exported maya json to {0}".format(twod_out_file)) json.dump(twod_export_units, outfile)"Done!".format(pngName))
def hankgogo(gogodata, gogodatafake): """Get samples from a model and visualize them""" actions = data_utils.define_actions(FLAGS.action) SUBJECT_IDS = [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11] rcams = cameras.load_cameras(FLAGS.cameras_path, SUBJECT_IDS) # Load 3d data and load (or create) 2d projections train_set_3d, test_set_3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, dim_to_use_3d, train_root_positions, test_root_positions = data_utils.read_3d_data( actions, FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.camera_frame, rcams, FLAGS.predict_14) #if FLAGS.use_sh: # train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.read_2d_predictions(actions, FLAGS.data_dir) #else: train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.create_2d_data( actions, FLAGS.data_dir, rcams) print("done reading and normalizing data.") device_count = {"GPU": 0} if FLAGS.use_cpu else {"GPU": 1} with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(device_count=device_count)) as sess: # === Create the model === print("Creating %d layers of %d units." % (FLAGS.num_layers, FLAGS.linear_size)) batch_size = 1 model = create_model_my(sess, actions, batch_size) print("Model loaded") # Dropout probability 0 (keep probability 1) for sampling dp = 1.0 poses3d = model.step(sess, gogodata, isTraining=False) tesmp = poses3d poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData(poses3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d), os.path.join(mysave_dir, "gogo")) # Grab a random batch to visualize # enc_in, dec_out, poses3d = map( np.vstack, [enc_in, dec_out, poses3d] ) # idx = np.random.permutation( enc_in.shape[0] ) # enc_in, dec_out, poses3d = enc_in[idx, :], dec_out[idx, :], poses3d[idx, :] # Visualize random samples import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec # 1080p = 1,920 x 1,080 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(19.2, 10.8)) gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(5, 9) # 5 rows, 9 columns gs1.update(wspace=-0.00, hspace=0.05) # set the spacing between axes. plt.axis('off') subplot_idx, exidx = 1, 1 nsamples = 1 # Plot 2d pose #ax1 = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx-1]) #p2d = enc_in[exidx,:] #viz.show2Dpose( p2d, ax1 ) #ax1.invert_yaxis() # Plot 3d gt #ax2 = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx], projection='3d') #p3d = dec_out[exidx,:] #viz.show3Dpose( p3d, ax2 ) # Plot 3d predictions ax3 = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx + 1], projection='3d') p3d = poses3d viz.show3Dpose(p3d, ax3, lcolor="#9b59b6", rcolor="#2ecc71") exidx = exidx + 1 subplot_idx = subplot_idx + 3
def main(_): # 出力用日付 now_str = "{0:%Y%m%d_%H%M%S}".format( logger.debug("FLAGS.person_idx={0}".format(FLAGS.person_idx)) # 日付+indexディレクトリ作成 subdir = '{0}/{1}_3d_{2}_idx{3:02d}'.format( os.path.dirname(openpose_output_dir), os.path.basename(openpose_output_dir), now_str, FLAGS.person_idx) os.makedirs(subdir) frame3d_dir = "{0}/frame3d".format(subdir) os.makedirs(frame3d_dir) #関節位置情報ファイル posf = open(subdir + '/pos.txt', 'w') #正規化済みOpenpose位置情報ファイル smoothedf = open(subdir + '/smoothed.txt', 'w') idx = FLAGS.person_idx - 1 smoothed = openpose_utils.read_openpose_json(openpose_output_dir, idx, level[FLAGS.verbose] == 3)"reading and smoothing done. start feeding 3d-pose-baseline") logger.debug(smoothed) plt.figure(2) smooth_curves_plot = show_anim_curves(smoothed, plt) pngName = subdir + '/smooth_plot.png' smooth_curves_plot.savefig(pngName) enc_in = np.zeros((1, 64)) enc_in[0] = [0 for i in range(64)] actions = data_utils.define_actions(FLAGS.action) SUBJECT_IDS = [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11] rcams = cameras.load_cameras(FLAGS.cameras_path, SUBJECT_IDS) train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.read_2d_predictions( actions, FLAGS.data_dir) train_set_3d, test_set_3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, dim_to_use_3d, train_root_positions, test_root_positions = data_utils.read_3d_data( actions, FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.camera_frame, rcams, FLAGS.predict_14) before_pose = None device_count = {"GPU": 1} png_lib = [] with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(device_count=device_count, allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess: #plt.figure(3) batch_size = 128 model = create_model(sess, actions, batch_size) for n, (frame, xy) in enumerate(smoothed.items()):"calc idx {0}, frame {1}".format(idx, frame)) # map list into np array joints_array = np.zeros((1, 36)) joints_array[0] = [0 for i in range(36)] for o in range(len(joints_array[0])): #feed array with xy array joints_array[0][o] = xy[o] _data = joints_array[0] smoothedf.write(' '.join(map(str, _data))) smoothedf.write("\n") # mapping all body parts or 3d-pose-baseline format for i in range(len(order)): for j in range(2): # create encoder input enc_in[0][order[i] * 2 + j] = _data[i * 2 + j] for j in range(2): # Hip enc_in[0][0 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][1 * 2 + j] + enc_in[0][6 * 2 + j]) / 2 # Neck/Nose enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][15 * 2 + j] + enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j]) / 2 # Thorax enc_in[0][13 * 2 + j] = 2 * enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j] - enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j] # set spine spine_x = enc_in[0][24] spine_y = enc_in[0][25] # logger.debug("enc_in - 1") # logger.debug(enc_in) enc_in = enc_in[:, dim_to_use_2d] mu = data_mean_2d[dim_to_use_2d] stddev = data_std_2d[dim_to_use_2d] enc_in = np.divide((enc_in - mu), stddev) dp = 1.0 dec_out = np.zeros((1, 48)) dec_out[0] = [0 for i in range(48)] _, _, poses3d = model.step(sess, enc_in, dec_out, dp, isTraining=False) all_poses_3d = [] enc_in = data_utils.unNormalizeData(enc_in, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d) poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData(poses3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d) gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) gs1.update(wspace=-0.00, hspace=0.05) # set the spacing between axes. plt.axis('off') all_poses_3d.append(poses3d) enc_in, poses3d = map(np.vstack, [enc_in, all_poses_3d]) subplot_idx, exidx = 1, 1 max = 0 min = 10000 # logger.debug("enc_in - 2") # logger.debug(enc_in) for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]): for j in range(32): tmp = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1] poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1] = tmp if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] > max: max = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] < min: min = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]): for j in range(32): poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = max - poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] + min poses3d[i][j * 3] += (spine_x - 630) poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] += (500 - spine_y) # Plot 3d predictions ax = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx - 1], projection='3d') ax.view_init(18, 280) logger.debug(np.min(poses3d)) if np.min(poses3d) < -1000 and before_pose is not None: poses3d = before_pose p3d = poses3d # logger.debug("poses3d") # logger.debug(poses3d) if level[FLAGS.verbose] == logging.INFO: viz.show3Dpose(p3d, ax, lcolor="#9b59b6", rcolor="#2ecc71", add_labels=True) # 各フレームの単一視点からのはINFO時のみ pngName = frame3d_dir + '/tmp_{0:012d}.png'.format(frame) plt.savefig(pngName) png_lib.append(imageio.imread(pngName)) before_pose = poses3d # 各フレームの角度別出力はデバッグ時のみ if level[FLAGS.verbose] == logging.DEBUG: for azim in [0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315, 360]: ax2 = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx - 1], projection='3d') ax2.view_init(18, azim) viz.show3Dpose(p3d, ax2, lcolor="#FF0000", rcolor="#0000FF", add_labels=True) pngName2 = frame3d_dir + '/tmp_{0:012d}_{1:03d}.png'.format( frame, azim) plt.savefig(pngName2) #関節位置情報の出力 write_pos_data(poses3d, ax, posf) posf.close() # INFO時は、アニメーションGIF生成 if level[FLAGS.verbose] == logging.INFO: "creating Gif {0}/movie_smoothing.gif, please Wait!".format( subdir)) imageio.mimsave('{0}/movie_smoothing.gif'.format(subdir), png_lib, fps=FLAGS.gif_fps)"Done!".format(pngName))
def main(_): smoothed = read_openpose_json()"reading and smoothing done. start feeding 3d-pose-baseline") plt.figure(2) smooth_curves_plot = show_anim_curves(smoothed, plt) pngName = 'png/smooth_plot.png' smooth_curves_plot.savefig(pngName) enc_in = np.zeros((1, 64)) enc_in[0] = [0 for i in range(64)] actions = data_utils.define_actions(FLAGS.action) SUBJECT_IDS = [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11] rcams = cameras.load_cameras(FLAGS.cameras_path, SUBJECT_IDS) train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.read_2d_predictions( actions, FLAGS.data_dir) train_set_3d, test_set_3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, dim_to_use_3d, train_root_positions, test_root_positions = data_utils.read_3d_data( actions, FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.camera_frame, rcams, FLAGS.predict_14) device_count = {"GPU": 1} png_lib = [] with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(device_count=device_count, allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess: #plt.figure(3) batch_size = 128 model = create_model(sess, actions, batch_size) for n, (frame, xy) in enumerate(smoothed.items()):"calc frame {0}".format(frame)) # map list into np array joints_array = np.zeros((1, 36)) joints_array[0] = [0 for i in range(36)] for o in range(len(joints_array[0])): #feed array with xy array joints_array[0][o] = xy[o] _data = joints_array[0] # mapping all body parts or 3d-pose-baseline format for i in range(len(order)): for j in range(2): # create encoder input enc_in[0][order[i] * 2 + j] = _data[i * 2 + j] for j in range(2): # Hip enc_in[0][0 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][1 * 2 + j] + enc_in[0][6 * 2 + j]) / 2 # Neck/Nose enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][15 * 2 + j] + enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j]) / 2 # Thorax enc_in[0][13 * 2 + j] = 2 * enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j] - enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j] # set spine spine_x = enc_in[0][24] spine_y = enc_in[0][25] enc_in = enc_in[:, dim_to_use_2d] mu = data_mean_2d[dim_to_use_2d] stddev = data_std_2d[dim_to_use_2d] enc_in = np.divide((enc_in - mu), stddev) dp = 1.0 dec_out = np.zeros((1, 48)) dec_out[0] = [0 for i in range(48)] _, _, poses3d = model.step(sess, enc_in, dec_out, dp, isTraining=False) all_poses_3d = [] enc_in = data_utils.unNormalizeData(enc_in, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d) poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData(poses3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d) gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) gs1.update(wspace=-0.00, hspace=0.05) # set the spacing between axes. plt.axis('off') all_poses_3d.append(poses3d) enc_in, poses3d = map(np.vstack, [enc_in, all_poses_3d]) subplot_idx, exidx = 1, 1 max = 0 min = 10000 for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]): for j in range(32): tmp = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1] poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1] = tmp if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] > max: max = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] < min: min = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]): for j in range(32): poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = max - poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] + min poses3d[i][j * 3] += (spine_x - 630) poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] += (500 - spine_y) # Plot 3d predictions ax = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx - 1], projection='3d') ax.view_init(18, -70) logger.debug(np.min(poses3d)) if np.min(poses3d) < -1000: poses3d = before_pose p3d = poses3d logger.debug(poses3d) viz.show3Dpose(p3d, ax, lcolor="#9b59b6", rcolor="#2ecc71") pngName = 'png/test_{0}.png'.format(str(frame)) plt.savefig(pngName) png_lib.append(imageio.imread(pngName)) before_pose = poses3d"creating Gif png/movie_smoothing.gif, please Wait!") imageio.mimsave('png/movie_smoothing.gif', png_lib, fps=FLAGS.gif_fps)"Done!".format(pngName))
def video(): """Get samples from a model and visualize them""" actions_all = data_utils.define_actions("All") # Load camera parameters SUBJECT_IDS = [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11] rcams = cameras.load_cameras(FLAGS.cameras_path, SUBJECT_IDS) # Load 3d data and load (or create) 2d projections train_set_3d, test_set_3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, dim_to_use_3d, train_root_positions, test_root_positions = data_utils.read_3d_data( actions_all, FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.camera_frame, rcams, FLAGS.predict_14) train_set_3d = data_utils.remove_first_frame(train_set_3d) test_set_3d = data_utils.remove_first_frame(test_set_3d) train_root_positions = data_utils.remove_first_frame(train_root_positions) test_root_positions = data_utils.remove_first_frame(test_root_positions) print("Finished Read 3D Data") train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.read_2d_predictions( actions_all, FLAGS.data_dir) train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.transform_to_2d_biframe_prediction( train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d) print("Finished Read 2D Data") print(test_set_2d) device_count = {"GPU": 0} if FLAGS.use_cpu else {"GPU": 1} with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(device_count=device_count)) as sess: # === Create the model === print("Creating %d layers of %d units." % (FLAGS.num_layers, FLAGS.linear_size)) batch_size = FLAGS.batch_size #Intial code is 64*2 model = predict_3dpose_biframe.create_model(sess, actions_all, batch_size) print("Model loaded") for key2d in test_set_2d.keys(): (subj, b, fname) = key2d # if subj != 11: # continue # #if fname != 'Discussion 1.55011271.h5-sh': if (fname, subj) not in [("Greeting 1.60457274.h5-sh", 9), ("Photo.58860488.h5-sh", 9), ("Directions 1.54138969.h5-sh", 9), ("Purchases 1.55011271.h5-sh", 9), ("Greeting.54138969.h5-sh", 11), ("Discussion 1.55011271.h5-sh", 11), ("Eating 1.55011271.h5-sh", 11), ("Purchases 1.55011271.h5-sh", 11)]: continue print("Subject: {}, action: {}, fname: {}".format(subj, b, fname)) enc_in = test_set_2d[key2d] n2d, _ = enc_in.shape print("Model Input has size : ", enc_in.shape) # Split into about-same-size batches enc_in = np.array_split(enc_in, n2d // batch_size) all_poses_3d = [] for bidx in range(len(enc_in)): # Dropout probability 0 (keep probability 1) for sampling dp = 1.0 anything = np.zeros((enc_in[bidx].shape[0], 48)) _, _, poses3d = model.step(sess, enc_in[bidx], anything, dp, isTraining=False) # denormalize enc_in[bidx] = data_utils.unNormalizeData( enc_in[bidx], data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d) poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData(poses3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d) all_poses_3d.append(poses3d) # Put all the poses together enc_in, poses3d = map(np.vstack, [enc_in, all_poses_3d]) # Convert back to world coordinates if FLAGS.camera_frame: N_CAMERAS = 4 N_JOINTS_H36M = 32 cname = fname.split( '.' )[1] #camera_mapping[fname.split('.')[0][-1]] # <-- camera name "55011271" scams = {(subj, c + 1): rcams[(subj, c + 1)] for c in range(N_CAMERAS)} # cams of this subject scam_idx = [ scams[(subj, c + 1)][-1] for c in range(N_CAMERAS) ].index(cname) # index of camera used the_cam = scams[(subj, scam_idx + 1)] # <-- the camera used R, T, f, c, k, p, name = the_cam assert name == cname def cam2world_centered(data_3d_camframe): data_3d_worldframe = cameras.camera_to_world_frame( data_3d_camframe.reshape((-1, 3)), R, T) data_3d_worldframe = data_3d_worldframe.reshape( (-1, N_JOINTS_H36M * 3)) # subtract root translation return data_3d_worldframe - np.tile( data_3d_worldframe[:, :3], (1, N_JOINTS_H36M)) # Apply inverse rotation and translation poses3d = cam2world_centered(poses3d) # Grab a random batch to visualize enc_in, poses3d = map(np.vstack, [enc_in, poses3d]) #1080p = 1,920 x 1,080 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7)) gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) plt.axis('on') # dir_2d_poses = FLAGS.data_dir + 'S' + str(subj) + '/VideoBiframe/' + fname + '/2Destimate/' # if not os.path.isdir(dir_2d_poses): # os.makedirs(dir_2d_poses) dir_3d_estimates = FLAGS.data_dir + 'S' + str( subj) + '/VideoBiframe/' + fname + '/3Destimate/' if not os.path.isdir(dir_3d_estimates): os.makedirs(dir_3d_estimates)
def main(_): actions_all = data_utils.define_actions("All") actions = data_utils.define_actions("Discussion") # Load camera parameters SUBJECT_IDS = [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11] rcams = cameras.load_cameras(FLAGS.cameras_path, SUBJECT_IDS) # Load 3d data and load (or create) 2d projections train_set_3d, test_set_3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, dim_to_use_3d, train_root_positions, test_root_positions = data_utils.read_3d_data( actions, FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.camera_frame, rcams, FLAGS.predict_14) train_set_3d = data_utils.remove_first_frame(train_set_3d) test_set_3d = data_utils.remove_first_frame(test_set_3d) train_root_positions = data_utils.remove_first_frame(train_root_positions) test_root_positions = data_utils.remove_first_frame(test_root_positions) print("Finished Read 3D Data") # train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.read_2d_predictions(actions_all, FLAGS.data_dir) # train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.transform_to_2d_biframe_prediction(train_set_2d, # test_set_2d, # data_mean_2d, # data_std_2d, # dim_to_ignore_2d, # dim_to_use_2d) train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.create_2d_data( actions_all, FLAGS.data_dir, rcams) train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.transform_to_2d_biframe_prediction( train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d) SH_TO_GT_PERM = np.array( [SH_NAMES.index(h) for h in H36M_NAMES if h != '' and h in SH_NAMES]) assert np.all(SH_TO_GT_PERM == np.array( [6, 2, 1, 0, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 12, 11, 10])) test_set = {} manipulation_dir = os.path.dirname(FLAGS.data_dir) manipulation_dir = os.path.dirname(manipulation_dir) manipulation_dir += '/manipulation_video/' manipulation_folders = glob.glob(manipulation_dir + '*') subj = 1 action = 'manipulation-video' for folder in manipulation_folders: seqname = os.path.basename(folder) with h5py.File(folder + '/' + seqname + '.h5', 'r') as h5f: poses = h5f['poses'][:] # Permute the loaded data to make it compatible with H36M poses = poses[:, SH_TO_GT_PERM, :] # Reshape into n x (32*2) matrix poses = np.reshape(poses, [poses.shape[0], -1]) poses_final = np.zeros([poses.shape[0], len(H36M_NAMES) * 2]) dim_to_use_x = np.where( np.array([x != '' and x != 'Neck/Nose' for x in H36M_NAMES]))[0] * 2 dim_to_use_y = dim_to_use_x + 1 dim_to_use = np.zeros(len(SH_NAMES) * 2, dtype=np.int32) dim_to_use[0::2] = dim_to_use_x dim_to_use[1::2] = dim_to_use_y poses_final[:, dim_to_use] = poses print(seqname, poses_final.shape) poses_final[poses_final == 0.] = 0.1 test_set[(subj, action, seqname)] = poses_final test_set = data_utils.uni_frame_to_bi_frame(test_set) test_set_2d = data_utils.normalize_data(test_set, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_use_2d) for key in test_set.keys(): test_set[key] = test_set[key][0::2, :] dim_to_use_12_manipulation_joints = np.array([ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83 ]) print("Finished Normalize Manipualtion Videos") device_count = {"GPU": 0} if FLAGS.use_cpu else {"GPU": 1} with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(device_count=device_count)) as sess: # === Create the model === print("Creating %d layers of %d units." % (FLAGS.num_layers, FLAGS.linear_size)) batch_size = FLAGS.batch_size #Intial code is 64*2 model = predict_3dpose_biframe.create_model(sess, actions_all, batch_size) print("Model loaded") j = 0 for key2d in test_set_2d.keys(): (subj, b, fname) = key2d # if fname != specific_seqname + '.h5': # continue print("Subject: {}, action: {}, fname: {}".format(subj, b, fname)) enc_in = test_set_2d[key2d] n2d, _ = enc_in.shape # Split into about-same-size batches enc_in = np.array_split(enc_in, n2d // 1) all_poses_3d = [] for bidx in range(len(enc_in)): # Dropout probability 0 (keep probability 1) for sampling dp = 1.0 anything = np.zeros((enc_in[bidx].shape[0], 48)) _, _, poses3d = model.step(sess, enc_in[bidx], anything, dp, isTraining=False) # Denormalize enc_in[bidx] = data_utils.unNormalizeData( enc_in[bidx], data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d) poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData(poses3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d) all_poses_3d.append(poses3d) # Put all the poses together enc_in, poses3d = map(np.vstack, [enc_in, all_poses_3d]) enc_in, poses3d = map(np.vstack, [enc_in, poses3d]) poses3d_12_manipulation = poses3d[:, dim_to_use_12_manipulation_joints] annotated_images = glob.glob(manipulation_dir + fname + '/info/*.xml') annotated_images = sorted(annotated_images) # 1080p = 1,920 x 1,080 fig = plt.figure(j, figsize=(10, 10)) gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 3) gs1.update(wspace=-0, hspace=0.1) # set the spacing between axes. plt.axis('off') subplot_idx = 1 nsamples = 3 for i in np.arange(nsamples): # Plot 2d Detection ax1 = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx - 1]) img = mpimg.imread( manipulation_dir + fname + '/skeleton_cropped/' + os.path.basename(annotated_images[i]).split('_')[0] + '.jpg') ax1.imshow(img) # Plot 2d pose ax2 = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx]) # p2d = enc_in[i,:] # viz.show2Dpose( p2d, ax2 ) # ax2.invert_yaxis() ax2.imshow(img) # Plot 3d predictions # Compute first the procrustion and print error gt = getJ3dPosFromXML(annotated_images[i]) A = poses3d_12_manipulation[i, :].reshape(gt.shape) _, Z, T, b, c = procrustes.compute_similarity_transform( gt, A, compute_optimal_scale=True) sqerr = np.sqrt(np.sum((gt - (b * - c)**2, axis=1)) print("{0} - {1} - Mean Error (mm) : {2}".format( fname, os.path.basename(annotated_images[i]), np.mean(sqerr))) ax3 = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx + 1], projection='3d') temp = poses3d[i, :].reshape((32, 3)) temp = c + #Do not scale # p3d = temp.reshape((1, 96)) p3d = poses3d[i, :] viz.show3Dpose(p3d, ax3, lcolor="#9b59b6", rcolor="#2ecc71") ax3.invert_zaxis() ax3.invert_yaxis() subplot_idx = subplot_idx + 3 j += 1
def sample(): """Get samples from a model and visualize them""" path = '{}/samples_sh'.format(FLAGS.train_dir) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) actions = data_utils.define_actions(FLAGS.action) # Load camera parameters SUBJECT_IDS = [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11] rcams = cameras.load_cameras(FLAGS.cameras_path, SUBJECT_IDS) n_joints = 17 if not (FLAGS.predict_14) else 14 # Load 3d data and load (or create) 2d projections train_set_3d, test_set_3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, dim_to_use_3d, train_root_positions, test_root_positions = data_utils.read_3d_data( actions, FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.camera_frame, rcams, FLAGS.predict_14) if FLAGS.use_sh: train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.read_2d_predictions( actions, FLAGS.data_dir) else: train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d, _ = data_utils.create_2d_data( actions, FLAGS.data_dir, rcams) device_count = {"GPU": 0} if FLAGS.use_cpu else {"GPU": 1} with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(device_count=device_count)) as sess: # === Create the model === batch_size = 128 model = create_model(sess, actions, batch_size) print("Model loaded") for key2d in test_set_2d.keys(): (subj, b, fname) = key2d # choose SittingDown action to visualize if b == 'SittingDown': print("Subject: {}, action: {}, fname: {}".format( subj, b, fname)) # keys should be the same if 3d is in camera coordinates key3d = key2d if FLAGS.camera_frame else ( subj, b, '{0}.h5'.format(fname.split('.')[0])) key3d = (subj, b, fname[:-3]) if ( fname.endswith('-sh')) and FLAGS.camera_frame else key3d enc_in = test_set_2d[key2d] n2d, _ = enc_in.shape dec_out = test_set_3d[key3d] n3d, _ = dec_out.shape assert n2d == n3d # Split into about-same-size batches enc_in = np.array_split(enc_in, n2d // batch_size) dec_out = np.array_split(dec_out, n3d // batch_size) # store all pose hypotheses in a list pose_3d_mdm = [[], [], [], [], []] for bidx in range(len(enc_in)): # Dropout probability 0 (keep probability 1) for sampling dp = 1.0 loss, _, out_all_components = model.step(sess, enc_in[bidx], dec_out[bidx], dp, isTraining=False) # denormalize the input 2d pose, ground truth 3d pose as well as 3d pose hypotheses from mdm out_all_components = np.reshape( out_all_components, [-1, model.HUMAN_3D_SIZE + 2, model.num_models]) out_mean = out_all_components[:, :model.HUMAN_3D_SIZE, :] enc_in[bidx] = data_utils.unNormalizeData( enc_in[bidx], data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d) dec_out[bidx] = data_utils.unNormalizeData( dec_out[bidx], data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d) poses3d = np.zeros( (out_mean.shape[0], 96, out_mean.shape[-1])) for j in range(out_mean.shape[-1]): poses3d[:, :, j] = data_utils.unNormalizeData( out_mean[:, :, j], data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d) # extract the 17 joints dtu3d = np.hstack( (np.arange(3), dim_to_use_3d )) if not (FLAGS.predict_14) else dim_to_use_3d dec_out_17 = dec_out[bidx][:, dtu3d] pose_3d_17 = poses3d[:, dtu3d, :] sqerr = (pose_3d_17 - np.expand_dims(dec_out_17, axis=2))**2 dists = np.zeros( (sqerr.shape[0], n_joints, sqerr.shape[2])) for m in range(dists.shape[-1]): dist_idx = 0 for k in np.arange(0, n_joints * 3, 3): dists[:, dist_idx, m] = np.sqrt( np.sum(sqerr[:, k:k + 3, m], axis=1)) dist_idx = dist_idx + 1 [ pose_3d_mdm[i].append(poses3d[:, :, i]) for i in range(poses3d.shape[-1]) ] # Put all the poses together enc_in, dec_out = map(np.vstack, [enc_in, dec_out]) for i in range(poses3d.shape[-1]): pose_3d_mdm[i] = np.vstack(pose_3d_mdm[i]) # Convert back to world coordinates if FLAGS.camera_frame: N_CAMERAS = 4 N_JOINTS_H36M = 32 # Add global position back dec_out = dec_out + np.tile(test_root_positions[key3d], [1, N_JOINTS_H36M]) for i in range(poses3d.shape[-1]): pose_3d_mdm[i] = pose_3d_mdm[i] + np.tile( test_root_positions[key3d], [1, N_JOINTS_H36M]) # Load the appropriate camera subj, action, sname = key3d cname = sname.split('.')[1] # <-- camera name scams = {(subj, c + 1): rcams[(subj, c + 1)] for c in range(N_CAMERAS)} # cams of this subject scam_idx = [ scams[(subj, c + 1)][-1] for c in range(N_CAMERAS) ].index(cname) # index of camera used the_cam = scams[(subj, scam_idx + 1)] # <-- the camera used R, T, f, c, k, p, name = the_cam assert name == cname def cam2world_centered(data_3d_camframe): data_3d_worldframe = cameras.camera_to_world_frame( data_3d_camframe.reshape((-1, 3)), R, T) data_3d_worldframe = data_3d_worldframe.reshape( (-1, N_JOINTS_H36M * 3)) # subtract root translation return data_3d_worldframe - np.tile( data_3d_worldframe[:, :3], (1, N_JOINTS_H36M)) # Apply inverse rotation and translation dec_out = cam2world_centered(dec_out) for i in range(poses3d.shape[-1]): pose_3d_mdm[i] = cam2world_centered(pose_3d_mdm[i]) # sample some results to visualize np.random.seed(42) idx = np.random.permutation(enc_in.shape[0]) enc_in, dec_out = enc_in[idx, :], dec_out[idx, :] for i in range(poses3d.shape[-1]): pose_3d_mdm[i] = pose_3d_mdm[i][idx, :] exidx = 1 nsamples = 20 for i in np.arange(nsamples): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 5)) subplot_idx = 1 gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 7) # 5 rows, 9 columns gs1.update(wspace=-0.00, hspace=0.05) # set the spacing between axes. plt.axis('off') # Plot 2d pose ax1 = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx - 1]) p2d = enc_in[exidx, :] viz.show2Dpose(p2d, ax1) ax1.invert_yaxis() # Plot 3d gt ax2 = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx], projection='3d') p3d = dec_out[exidx, :] viz.show3Dpose(p3d, ax2) # Plot 3d pose hypotheses for i in range(poses3d.shape[-1]): ax3 = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx + i + 1], projection='3d') p3d = pose_3d_mdm[i][exidx] viz.show3Dpose(p3d, ax3, lcolor="#9b59b6", rcolor="#2ecc71") # plt.savefig('{}/sample_{}_{}_{}_{}.png'.format( path, subj, action, scam_idx, exidx)) plt.close(fig) exidx = exidx + 1
def evaluate_batches(sess, model, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_use_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_use_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, current_step, encoder_inputs, decoder_outputs, current_epoch=0): """ Generic method that evaluates performance of a list of batches. May be used to evaluate all actions or a single action. Args sess model data_mean_3d data_std_3d dim_to_use_3d dim_to_ignore_3d data_mean_2d data_std_2d dim_to_use_2d dim_to_ignore_2d current_step encoder_inputs decoder_outputs current_epoch Returns total_err joint_err step_time loss """ n_joints = 17 if not (FLAGS.predict_14) else 14 nbatches = len(encoder_inputs) # Loop through test examples all_dists, start_time, loss = [], time.time(), 0. log_every_n_batches = 100 all_poses_3d = [] all_enc_in = [] for i in range(nbatches): if current_epoch > 0 and (i + 1) % log_every_n_batches == 0: print("Working on test epoch {0}, batch {1} / {2}".format( current_epoch, i + 1, nbatches)) enc_in, dec_out = encoder_inputs[i], decoder_outputs[i] # enc_in = data_utils.generage_missing_data(enc_in, FLAGS.miss_num) dp = 1.0 # dropout keep probability is always 1 at test time step_loss, loss_summary, out_all_components_ori = model.step( sess, enc_in, dec_out, dp, isTraining=False) loss += step_loss out_all_components = np.reshape( out_all_components_ori, [-1, model.HUMAN_3D_SIZE + 2, model.num_models]) out_mean = out_all_components[:, :model.HUMAN_3D_SIZE, :] # denormalize enc_in = data_utils.unNormalizeData(enc_in, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d) enc_in_ = copy.deepcopy(enc_in) all_enc_in.append(enc_in_) dec_out = data_utils.unNormalizeData(dec_out, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d) pose_3d = np.zeros((enc_in.shape[0], 96, out_mean.shape[-1])) for j in range(out_mean.shape[-1]): pose_3d[:, :, j] = data_utils.unNormalizeData(out_mean[:, :, j], data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d) pose_3d_ = copy.deepcopy(pose_3d) all_poses_3d.append(pose_3d_) # Keep only the relevant dimensions dtu3d = np.hstack( (np.arange(3), dim_to_use_3d)) if not (FLAGS.predict_14) else dim_to_use_3d dec_out = dec_out[:, dtu3d] pose_3d = pose_3d[:, dtu3d, :] assert dec_out.shape[0] == FLAGS.batch_size assert pose_3d.shape[0] == FLAGS.batch_size if FLAGS.procrustes: # Apply per-frame procrustes alignment if asked to do so for j in range(FLAGS.batch_size): for k in range(model.num_models): gt = np.reshape(dec_out[j, :], [-1, 3]) out = np.reshape(pose_3d[j, :, k], [-1, 3]) _, Z, T, b, c = procrustes.compute_similarity_transform( gt, out, compute_optimal_scale=True) out = (b * + c pose_3d[j, :, k] = np.reshape( out, [-1, 17 * 3]) if not (FLAGS.predict_14) else np.reshape( pose_3d[j, :, k], [-1, 14 * 3]) # Compute Euclidean distance error per joint sqerr = (pose_3d - np.expand_dims(dec_out, axis=2) )**2 # Squared error between prediction and expected output dists = np.zeros( (sqerr.shape[0], n_joints, sqerr.shape[2])) # Array with L2 error per joint in mm for m in range(dists.shape[-1]): dist_idx = 0 for k in np.arange(0, n_joints * 3, 3): # Sum across X,Y, and Z dimenstions to obtain L2 distance dists[:, dist_idx, m] = np.sqrt(np.sum(sqerr[:, k:k + 3, m], axis=1)) dist_idx = dist_idx + 1 all_dists.append(dists) assert sqerr.shape[0] == FLAGS.batch_size step_time = (time.time() - start_time) / nbatches loss = loss / nbatches all_dists = np.vstack(all_dists) aver_minerr = np.mean(np.min(np.sum(all_dists, axis=1), axis=1)) / n_joints return aver_minerr, step_time, loss
def evaluate_batches( sess, model, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_use_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_use_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, current_step, encoder_inputs, decoder_outputs, current_epoch=0 ): """ Generic method that evaluates performance of a list of batches. May be used to evaluate all actions or a single action. Args sess model data_mean_3d data_std_3d dim_to_use_3d dim_to_ignore_3d data_mean_2d data_std_2d dim_to_use_2d dim_to_ignore_2d current_step encoder_inputs decoder_outputs current_epoch Returns total_err joint_err step_time loss """ n_joints = 17 if not(FLAGS.predict_14) else 14 nbatches = len( encoder_inputs ) # Loop through test examples all_dists, start_time, loss = [], time.time(), 0. log_every_n_batches = 100 for i in range(nbatches): if current_epoch > 0 and (i+1) % log_every_n_batches == 0: print("Working on test epoch {0}, batch {1} / {2}".format( current_epoch, i+1, nbatches) ) enc_in, dec_out = encoder_inputs[i], decoder_outputs[i] dp = 1.0 # dropout keep probability is always 1 at test time step_loss, loss_summary, poses3d = model.step( sess, enc_in, dec_out, dp, isTraining=False ) loss += step_loss # denormalize enc_in = data_utils.unNormalizeData( enc_in, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d ) dec_out = data_utils.unNormalizeData( dec_out, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d ) poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData( poses3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d ) # Keep only the relevant dimensions dtu3d = np.hstack( (np.arange(3), dim_to_use_3d) ) if not(FLAGS.predict_14) else dim_to_use_3d dec_out = dec_out[:, dtu3d] poses3d = poses3d[:, dtu3d] assert dec_out.shape[0] == FLAGS.batch_size assert poses3d.shape[0] == FLAGS.batch_size if FLAGS.procrustes: # Apply per-frame procrustes alignment if asked to do so for j in range(FLAGS.batch_size): gt = np.reshape(dec_out[j,:],[-1,3]) out = np.reshape(poses3d[j,:],[-1,3]) _, Z, T, b, c = procrustes.compute_similarity_transform(gt,out) out = poses3d[j,:] = np.reshape(out,[-1,17*3] ) if not(FLAGS.predict_14) else np.reshape(out,[-1,14*3] ) # Compute Euclidean distance error per joint sqerr = (poses3d - dec_out)**2 # Squared error between prediction and expected output dists = np.zeros( (sqerr.shape[0], njoints) ) # Array with L2 error per joint in mm dist_idx = 0 for k in np.arange(0, n_joints*3, 3): # Sum across X,Y, and Z dimenstions to obtain L2 distance dists[:,dist_idx] = np.sqrt( np.sum( sqerr[:, k:k+3], axis=1 )) dist_idx = dist_idx + 1 all_dists.append(dists) assert sqerr.shape[0] == FLAGS.batch_size step_time = (time.time() - start_time) / nbatches loss = loss / nbatches all_dists = np.vstack( all_dists ) # Error per joint and total for all passed batches joint_err = np.mean( all_dists, axis=0 ) total_err = np.mean( all_dists ) return total_err, joint_err, step_time, loss
def main(_): global framenum #clear out all old frames os.system("rm png/*") #set done to empty array, it will hold the json files from openpose that we've already processed done = [] #initialize input tensor to 1x64 array of zeroes [[0. 0. 0. ...]] #this is list of numpy vectors to feed as encoder inputs (32 2d coordinates) enc_in = np.zeros((1, 64)) enc_in[0] = [0 for i in range(64)] #actions to run on, default is all actions = data_utils.define_actions(FLAGS.action) #the list of Human3.6m subjects to look at SUBJECT_IDS = [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11] #load camera parameters from the h36m dataset rcams = cameras2.load_cameras(FLAGS.cameras_path, SUBJECT_IDS) #loads 2d data from precomputed Stacked Hourglass detections train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.read_2d_predictions( actions, FLAGS.data_dir) #loads 3d poses, zero-centres and normalizes them train_set_3d, test_set_3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, dim_to_use_3d, train_root_positions, test_root_positions = data_utils.read_3d_data( actions, FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.camera_frame, rcams, FLAGS.predict_14) device_count = {"GPU": 0} png_lib = [] #run a tensorflow inference session with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(device_count=device_count, allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess: #plt.figure(3) #load pre-trained model batch_size = 128 model = create_model(sess, actions, batch_size) #infinitely show 3d pose visualization while True: #wait for key to be pressed key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF _, frame = cv2.VideoCapture( 0).read() #ignore the other returned value #resize and rotate the incoming image frame frame, W, H = resize_img(frame) frame = cv2.rotate(frame, cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE) start = time.time() #run posenet inference on the frame joints_2d = estimate_pose(frame) #throw out confidence score and flatten _data = joints_2d[..., :2].flatten() #open pop-up and draw the keypoints found img2D = draw_2Dimg(frame, joints_2d, 1) #fake the thorax point by finding midpt between left and right shoulder lt_should_x = _data[10] lt_should_y = _data[11] rt_should_x = _data[12] rt_should_y = _data[13] thorax = midpoint(lt_should_x, lt_should_y, rt_should_x, rt_should_y) #print("testing thorax pt at ", thorax) #insert thorax into data where it should be, at index 1 _data = np.insert(_data, 2, thorax[0]) _data = np.insert(_data, 3, thorax[1]) #print("new _data is ", _data) _data = np.around(_data) #set xy to the array of 2d joint data xy = _data #create new 1x36 array of zeroes, which will store the 18 2d keypoints joints_array = np.zeros((1, 36)) joints_array[0] = [0 for i in range(36)] #index into our data array index = 0 #iterates 18 times for o in range(int(len(joints_array[0]) / 2)): #feed array with xy array (the 18 keypoints), but switch ordering: posenet to openpose for j in range(2): #print("o is", o, "j is", j, "index is ", index) index_into_posenet_data = order_pnet_to_openpose[o] * 2 + j #print("putting posenet[", index_into_posenet_data, "], value ", xy[index_into_posenet_data], " , into joints_array[0][", index, "]") joints_array[0][index] = xy[index_into_posenet_data] index += 1 #set _data to the array containing the 36 coordinates of the 2d keypts _data = joints_array[0] #print("_data is ", _data) #mapping all body parts for 3d-pose-baseline format (32 2d coordinates) for i in range(len(order)): #iterates 14 times #select which coordinateof this point: x or y for j in range(2): #create encoder input, switching around the order of the joint points enc_in[0][order[i] * 2 + j] = _data[i * 2 + j] #now enc_in contains 14 points (28 total coordinates) #at this pt enc_in should be array of 64 vals for j in range(2): #place hip at index 0 enc_in[0][0 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][1 * 2 + j] + enc_in[0][6 * 2 + j]) / 2 #place neck/nose at index 14 enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][15 * 2 + j] + enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j]) / 2 #place thorax at index 13 enc_in[0][13 * 2 + j] = 2 * enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j] - enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j] #set spine found by openpose spine_x = enc_in[0][24] spine_y = enc_in[0][25] #dim_to_use_2d is always [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12 13 14 15 16 17 24 25 26 27 30 31 34 35 36 37 38 39 50 51 52 53 54 55] #take 32 entries of enc_in enc_in = enc_in[:, dim_to_use_2d] #find mean of 2d data mu = data_mean_2d[dim_to_use_2d] #find stdev of 2d data stddev = data_std_2d[dim_to_use_2d] #subtract mean and divide std for all enc_in = np.divide((enc_in - mu), stddev) #dropout keep probability dp = 1.0 #output tensor, initialize it to zeroes. We'll get 16 joints with 3d coordinates #this is list of numpy vectors that are the expected decoder outputs dec_out = np.zeros((1, 48)) dec_out[0] = [0 for i in range(48)] #get the 3d poses by running the 3d-pose-baseline inference. Model operates on 32 points _, _, poses3d = model.step(sess, enc_in, dec_out, dp, isTraining=False) #poses3d comes back as a 1x96 array (I guess its 32 points) end = time.time() #print("ELAPSED: ", end-start) #hold our 3d poses while we're doing some post-processing all_poses_3d = [] #un-normalize the input and output data using the means and stdevs enc_in = data_utils.unNormalizeData(enc_in, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d) poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData(poses3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d) #create a grid for drawing gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) #set spacing between axes gs1.update(wspace=-0.00, hspace=0.05) plt.axis('off') #fill all_poses_3d with the 3d poses predicted by the model step fxn all_poses_3d.append(poses3d) #vstack stacks arrays in sequence vertically (row wise) #this doesn't do anything in this case, as far as I can tell enc_in, poses3d = map(np.vstack, [enc_in, all_poses_3d]) subplot_idx, exidx = 1, 1 _max = 0 _min = 10000 #iterates once for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]): #iterate over all 32 points in poses3d for j in range(32): #save the last coordinate of this point into tmp tmp = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] #swap the second and third coordinates of this pt poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1] poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1] = tmp #keep track of max of last coordinate if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] > _max: _max = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] < _min: _min = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] #iterates once for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]): #iterate over all 32 points in poses3d (2nd and 3rd coords have all been swapped at this pt) for j in range(32): #change the third coord of this pt, subtracting it from sum of max and min third coord to get new value poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = _max - poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] + _min #modify first coord of this pt by adding the x coord of the spine found by 2d model poses3d[i][j * 3] += (spine_x - 630) #modify third coord of this pt by adding 500 minus y coord of spine found by 2d model poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] += (500 - spine_y) #Plot 3d predictions ax = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx - 1], projection='3d') ax.view_init(18, -70) logger.debug(np.min(poses3d)) #TODO: if something happened with the data, reuse data from last frame (before_pose) p3d = poses3d #plot the 3d skeleton viz.show3Dpose(p3d, ax, lcolor="#9b59b6", rcolor="#2ecc71") #keep track of this poses3d in case we need to reuse it for next frame before_pose = poses3d #save this frame as a png in the ./png/ folder pngName = 'png/test_{0}.png'.format(str(framenum)) #print("pngName is ", pngName) plt.savefig(pngName) #read this frame which was just saved as png img = cv2.imread(pngName, 0) rect_cpy = img.copy() #show this frame cv2.imshow('3d-pose-baseline', rect_cpy) framenum += 1 #quit if q is pressed if key == ord('q'): break sess.close()
def main(_): done = [] enc_in = np.zeros((1, 64)) enc_in[0] = [0 for i in range(64)] actions = data_utils.define_actions(FLAGS.action) SUBJECT_IDS = [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11] rcams = cameras.load_cameras(FLAGS.cameras_path, SUBJECT_IDS) train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.read_2d_predictions( actions, FLAGS.data_dir) train_set_3d, test_set_3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, dim_to_use_3d, train_root_positions, test_root_positions = data_utils.read_3d_data( actions, FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.camera_frame, rcams, FLAGS.predict_14) device_count = {"GPU": 0} png_lib = [] with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(device_count=device_count, allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess: #plt.figure(3) batch_size = 128 model = create_model(sess, actions, batch_size) while True: key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF"start reading data") # check for other file types list_of_files = glob.iglob("{0}/*".format( openpose_output_dir)) # You may use iglob in Python3 latest_file = "" try: latest_file = max(list_of_files, key=os.path.getctime) except ValueError: #empthy dir pass if not latest_file: continue try: _file = file_name = latest_file print(latest_file) if not os.path.isfile(_file): raise Exception("No file found!!, {0}".format(_file)) data = json.load(open(_file)) #take first person _data = data["people"][0]["pose_keypoints"] xy = [] #ignore confidence score for o in range(0, len(_data), 3): xy.append(_data[o]) xy.append(_data[o + 1]) frame_indx = re.findall("(\d+)", file_name) frame = int(frame_indx[0]) joints_array = np.zeros((1, 36)) joints_array[0] = [0 for i in range(36)] for o in range(len(joints_array[0])): #feed array with xy array joints_array[0][o] = xy[o] _data = joints_array[0] # mapping all body parts or 3d-pose-baseline format for i in range(len(order)): for j in range(2): # create encoder input enc_in[0][order[i] * 2 + j] = _data[i * 2 + j] for j in range(2): # Hip enc_in[0][0 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][1 * 2 + j] + enc_in[0][6 * 2 + j]) / 2 # Neck/Nose enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][15 * 2 + j] + enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j]) / 2 # Thorax enc_in[0][ 13 * 2 + j] = 2 * enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j] - enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j] # set spine spine_x = enc_in[0][24] spine_y = enc_in[0][25] enc_in = enc_in[:, dim_to_use_2d] mu = data_mean_2d[dim_to_use_2d] stddev = data_std_2d[dim_to_use_2d] enc_in = np.divide((enc_in - mu), stddev) dp = 1.0 dec_out = np.zeros((1, 48)) dec_out[0] = [0 for i in range(48)] _, _, poses3d = model.step(sess, enc_in, dec_out, dp, isTraining=False) all_poses_3d = [] enc_in = data_utils.unNormalizeData(enc_in, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d) poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData(poses3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d) gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) gs1.update(wspace=-0.00, hspace=0.05) # set the spacing between axes. plt.axis('off') all_poses_3d.append(poses3d) enc_in, poses3d = map(np.vstack, [enc_in, all_poses_3d]) subplot_idx, exidx = 1, 1 _max = 0 _min = 10000 for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]): for j in range(32): tmp = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1] poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1] = tmp if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] > _max: _max = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] < _min: _min = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]): for j in range(32): poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = _max - poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] + _min poses3d[i][j * 3] += (spine_x - 630) poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] += (500 - spine_y) # Plot 3d predictions ax = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx - 1], projection='3d') ax.view_init(18, -70) logger.debug(np.min(poses3d)) if np.min(poses3d) < -1000 and frame != 0: poses3d = before_pose p3d = poses3d viz.show3Dpose(p3d, ax, lcolor="#9b59b6", rcolor="#2ecc71") before_pose = poses3d pngName = 'png/test_{0}.png'.format(str(frame)) plt.savefig(pngName) img = cv2.imread(pngName, 0) rect_cpy = img.copy() cv2.imshow('3d-pose-baseline', rect_cpy) done.append(file_name) if key == ord('q'): break except Exception as e: print(e) sess.close()
def sample(): actions = data_utils.define_actions( FLAGS.action ) SUBJECT_IDS = [1,5,6,7,8,9,11] rcams = load_cameras(FLAGS.cameras_path, SUBJECT_IDS) train_set_3d, test_set_3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, dim_to_use_3d, train_root_positions, test_root_positions = data_utils.read_3d_data( actions, FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.camera_frame, rcams, FLAGS.predict_14 ) if FLAGS.use_sh: train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.read_2d_predictions(actions, FLAGS.data_dir) else: train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.create_2d_data( actions, FLAGS.data_dir, rcams ) print( "done reading and normalizing data." ) device_count = {"GPU": 0} if FLAGS.use_cpu else {"GPU": 1} with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto( device_count = device_count )) as sess: print("Creating %d layers of %d units." % (FLAGS.num_layers, FLAGS.linear_size)) batch_size = 128 model = create_model(sess, actions, batch_size) print("Model loaded") for key2d in test_set_2d.keys(): (subj, b, fname) = key2d print( "Subject: {}, action: {}, fname: {}".format(subj, b, fname) ) key3d = key2d if FLAGS.camera_frame else (subj, b, '{0}.h5'.format(fname.split('.')[0])) key3d = (subj, b, fname[:-3]) if (fname.endswith('-sh')) and FLAGS.camera_frame else key3d enc_in = test_set_2d[ key2d ] n2d, _ = enc_in.shape dec_out = test_set_3d[ key3d ] n3d, _ = dec_out.shape assert n2d == n3d enc_in = np.array_split( enc_in, n2d // batch_size ) dec_out = np.array_split( dec_out, n3d // batch_size ) all_poses_3d = [] for bidx in range( len(enc_in) ): dp = 1.0 _, _, poses3d = model.step(sess, enc_in[bidx], dec_out[bidx], dp, isTraining=False) enc_in[bidx] = data_utils.unNormalizeData( enc_in[bidx], data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d ) dec_out[bidx] = data_utils.unNormalizeData( dec_out[bidx], data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d ) poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData( poses3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d ) all_poses_3d.append( poses3d ) enc_in, dec_out, poses3d = map( np.vstack, [enc_in, dec_out, all_poses_3d] ) if FLAGS.camera_frame: N_CAMERAS = 4 N_JOINTS_H36M = 32 dec_out = dec_out + np.tile( test_root_positions[ key3d ], [1,N_JOINTS_H36M] ) subj, _, sname = key3d cname = sname.split('.')[1] scams = {(subj,c+1): rcams[(subj,c+1)] for c in range(N_CAMERAS)} scam_idx = [scams[(subj,c+1)][-1] for c in range(N_CAMERAS)].index( cname ) the_cam = scams[(subj, scam_idx+1)] R, T, f, c, k, p, name = the_cam assert name == cname def cam2world_centered(data_3d_camframe): data_3d_worldframe = camera_to_world_frame(data_3d_camframe.reshape((-1, 3)), R, T) data_3d_worldframe = data_3d_worldframe.reshape((-1, N_JOINTS_H36M*3)) return data_3d_worldframe - np.tile( data_3d_worldframe[:,:3], (1,N_JOINTS_H36M) ) dec_out = cam2world_centered(dec_out) poses3d = cam2world_centered(poses3d) enc_in, dec_out, poses3d = map( np.vstack, [enc_in, dec_out, poses3d] ) idx = np.random.permutation( enc_in.shape[0] ) enc_in, dec_out, poses3d = enc_in[idx, :], dec_out[idx, :], poses3d[idx, :] import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec fig = plt.figure( figsize=(19.2, 10.8) ) gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(5, 9) gs1.update(wspace=-0.00, hspace=0.05) plt.axis('off') subplot_idx, exidx = 1, 1 nsamples = 15 for i in np.arange( nsamples ): ax1 = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx-1]) p2d = enc_in[exidx,:] viz.show2Dpose( p2d, ax1 ) ax1.invert_yaxis() ax2 = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx], projection='3d') p3d = dec_out[exidx,:] viz.show3Dpose( p3d, ax2 ) ax3 = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx+1], projection='3d') p3d = poses3d[exidx,:] viz.show3Dpose( p3d, ax3, lcolor="#9b59b6", rcolor="#2ecc71" ) exidx = exidx + 1 subplot_idx = subplot_idx + 3
def evaluate_batches( sess, model, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_use_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_use_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, current_step, encoder_inputs, decoder_outputs, current_epoch=0 ): """ Generic method that evaluates performance of a list of batches. May be used to evaluate all actions or a single action. Args sess model data_mean_3d data_std_3d dim_to_use_3d dim_to_ignore_3d data_mean_2d data_std_2d dim_to_use_2d dim_to_ignore_2d current_step encoder_inputs decoder_outputs current_epoch Returns total_err joint_err step_time loss """ n_joints = 17 if not(FLAGS.predict_14) else 14 nbatches = len( encoder_inputs ) # Loop through test examples all_dists, start_time, loss = [], time.time(), 0. log_every_n_batches = 100 for i in range(nbatches): if current_epoch > 0 and (i+1) % log_every_n_batches == 0: print("Working on test epoch {0}, batch {1} / {2}".format( current_epoch, i+1, nbatches) ) enc_in, dec_out = encoder_inputs[i], decoder_outputs[i] dp = 1.0 # dropout keep probability is always 1 at test time step_loss, loss_summary, poses3d = model.step( sess, enc_in, dec_out, dp, isTraining=False ) loss += step_loss # denormalize enc_in = data_utils.unNormalizeData( enc_in, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d ) dec_out = data_utils.unNormalizeData( dec_out, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d ) poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData( poses3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d ) # Keep only the relevant dimensions dtu3d = np.hstack( (np.arange(3), dim_to_use_3d) ) if not(FLAGS.predict_14) else dim_to_use_3d dec_out = dec_out[:, dtu3d] poses3d = poses3d[:, dtu3d] assert dec_out.shape[0] == FLAGS.batch_size assert poses3d.shape[0] == FLAGS.batch_size if FLAGS.procrustes: # Apply per-frame procrustes alignment if asked to do so for j in range(FLAGS.batch_size): gt = np.reshape(dec_out[j,:],[-1,3]) out = np.reshape(poses3d[j,:],[-1,3]) _, Z, T, b, c = procrustes.compute_similarity_transform(gt,out,compute_optimal_scale=True) out = (b* poses3d[j,:] = np.reshape(out,[-1,17*3] ) if not(FLAGS.predict_14) else np.reshape(out,[-1,14*3] ) # Compute Euclidean distance error per joint sqerr = (poses3d - dec_out)**2 # Squared error between prediction and expected output dists = np.zeros( (sqerr.shape[0], n_joints) ) # Array with L2 error per joint in mm dist_idx = 0 for k in np.arange(0, n_joints*3, 3): # Sum across X,Y, and Z dimenstions to obtain L2 distance dists[:,dist_idx] = np.sqrt( np.sum( sqerr[:, k:k+3], axis=1 )) dist_idx = dist_idx + 1 all_dists.append(dists) assert sqerr.shape[0] == FLAGS.batch_size step_time = (time.time() - start_time) / nbatches loss = loss / nbatches all_dists = np.vstack( all_dists ) # Error per joint and total for all passed batches joint_err = np.mean( all_dists, axis=0 ) total_err = np.mean( all_dists ) return total_err, joint_err, step_time, loss
def sample(): """Sample predictions for srnn's seeds""" if FLAGS.load <= 0: raise (ValueError, "Must give an iteration to read parameters from") actions = define_actions(FLAGS.action) # Use the CPU if asked to device_count = {"GPU": 0} if FLAGS.use_cpu else {"GPU": 1} with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(device_count=device_count)) as sess: # Load all the data train_set, test_set, train_seq_len, test_seq_len, rp_stats, ch_stats, max_seq_len = read_all_data( actions, FLAGS.data_dir, not FLAGS.omit_one_hot) # === Create the model === print("Creating %d layers of %d units." % (FLAGS.num_layers, FLAGS.size)) model = create_model(sess, actions, max_seq_len) print("Model created") # Clean and create a new h5 file of samples SAMPLES_DNAME = 'samples' try: import shutil shutil.rmtree(SAMPLES_DNAME) except OSError: pass # Predict and save for each action for action in actions: inputs = test_set[:, 0] inputs = np.pad(inputs, [[0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 0]], 'constant') gts = test_set[:, 1] seq_length = test_seq_len forward_only = True sample = True pred_loss, pred_poses, _ = model.step(sess, inputs, gts, seq_length, forward_only, sample) pred_poses = np.array(pred_poses) shape = test_set.shape unNormalized_test_set = np.zeros( [shape[0], shape[1], shape[2], 63]) unNormalized_pred_poses = np.zeros([shape[0], shape[2], 63]) # denormalizes too #unNormalized_test_set[:,0] = data_utils.unNormalizeData(test_set[:,0], rp_stats, actions, False) #unNormalized_test_set[:,1] = data_utils.unNormalizeData(test_set[:,1], ch_stats, actions, False) unNormalized_pred_poses = data_utils.unNormalizeData( np.reshape(pred_poses, [pred_poses.shape[1], pred_poses.shape[0], -1]), ch_stats, actions, False) unNormalized_test_set = read_all_data(actions, FLAGS.data_dir, not FLAGS.omit_one_hot, GT=True) # Save the conditioning seeds print("loss: {}".format(np.mean(pred_loss))) # Save the samples os.mkdir(SAMPLES_DNAME) for i in range(len(unNormalized_pred_poses)): np.savez(SAMPLES_DNAME + '/sample{}.npz'.format(i), real_person=unNormalized_test_set[i, 0], character=unNormalized_pred_poses[i], ground_truth=unNormalized_test_set[i, 1], loss=pred_loss[i]) '''' # Compute and save the errors here mean_errors = np.zeros( (len(srnn_pred_expmap), srnn_pred_expmap[0].shape[0]) ) for i in np.arange(8): eulerchannels_pred = srnn_pred_expmap[i] for j in np.arange( eulerchannels_pred.shape[0] ): for k in np.arange(0,eulerchannels_pred.shape[1],3): eulerchannels_pred[j,k:k+3] = data_utils.rotmat2euler( data_utils.expmap2rotmat( eulerchannels_pred[j,k:k+3] )) eulerchannels_pred[:,0:6] = 0 # Pick only the dimensions with sufficient standard deviation. Others are ignored. idx_to_use = np.where( np.std( eulerchannels_pred, 0 ) > 1e-4 )[0] euc_error = np.power( srnn_gts_euler[action][i][:,idx_to_use] - eulerchannels_pred[:,idx_to_use], 2) euc_error = np.sum(euc_error, 1) euc_error = np.sqrt( euc_error ) mean_errors[i,:] = euc_error mean_mean_errors = np.mean( mean_errors, 0 ) print( action ) print( ','.join(map(str, mean_mean_errors.tolist() )) ) with h5py.File( SAMPLES_FNAME, 'a' ) as hf: node_name = 'mean_{0}_error'.format( action ) hf.create_dataset( node_name, data=mean_mean_errors ) ''' return
def main(_): #ABS_DIR = os.path.abspath('.') posf = open(pose_output_dir, 'w') #smoothedf = open(ABS_DIR + '/tmp/smoothed.txt', 'w') smoothed = read_openpose_json() plt.figure(2) smooth_curves_plot = show_anim_curves(smoothed, plt) pngName = 'gif_output/smooth_plot.png' smooth_curves_plot.savefig(pngName)'writing gif_output/smooth_plot.png') if FLAGS.interpolation:"start interpolation") framerange = len( smoothed.keys() ) joint_rows = 36 array = np.concatenate(list(smoothed.values())) array_reshaped = np.reshape(array, (framerange, joint_rows) ) print(array_reshaped[0,:]) arm = [4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11] multiplier = FLAGS.multiplier multiplier_inv = 1/multiplier out_array = np.array([]) for row in range(joint_rows): x = [] for frame in range(framerange): x.append( array_reshaped[frame, row] ) frame = range( framerange ) frame_resampled = np.arange(0, framerange, multiplier) spl = UnivariateSpline(frame, x, k=3) #relative smooth factor based on jnt anim curve min_x, max_x = min(x), max(x) smooth_fac = max_x - min_x if row in arm: smooth_resamp = 1 else: smooth_resamp = 75 smooth_fac = smooth_fac * smooth_resamp spl.set_smoothing_factor( float(smooth_fac) ) xnew = spl(frame_resampled) out_array = np.append(out_array, xnew)"done interpolating. reshaping {0} frames, please wait!!".format(framerange)) a = np.array([]) for frame in range( int( framerange * multiplier_inv ) ): jnt_array = [] for jnt in range(joint_rows): jnt_array.append( out_array[ jnt * int(framerange * multiplier_inv) + frame] ) a = np.append(a, jnt_array) a = np.reshape(a, (int(framerange * multiplier_inv), joint_rows)) out_array = a interpolate_smoothed = {} for frame in range( int(framerange * multiplier_inv) ): interpolate_smoothed[frame] = list( out_array[frame] ) plt.figure(3) smoothed = interpolate_smoothed interpolate_curves_plot = show_anim_curves(smoothed, plt) pngName = 'gif_output/interpolate_{0}.png'.format(smooth_resamp) interpolate_curves_plot.savefig(pngName)'writing gif_output/interpolate_plot.png') enc_in = np.zeros((1, 64)) enc_in[0] = [0 for i in range(64)] actions = data_utils.define_actions(FLAGS.action) SUBJECT_IDS = [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11] rcams = cameras.load_cameras(FLAGS.cameras_path, SUBJECT_IDS) train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.read_2d_predictions( actions, FLAGS.data_dir) train_set_3d, test_set_3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, dim_to_use_3d, train_root_positions, test_root_positions = data_utils.read_3d_data( actions, FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.camera_frame, rcams, FLAGS.predict_14) device_count = {"GPU": 1} png_lib = [] with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto( device_count=device_count, allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess: #plt.figure(3) batch_size = 128 model = create_model(sess, actions, batch_size) iter_range = len(smoothed.keys()) for n, (frame, xy) in enumerate(smoothed.items()):"calc frame {0}/{1}".format(frame, iter_range)) # map list into np array joints_array = np.zeros((1, 36)) joints_array[0] = [0 for i in range(36)] for o in range(len(joints_array[0])): #feed array with xy array joints_array[0][o] = xy[o] _data = joints_array[0] #smoothedf.write(' '.join(map(str, _data))) #smoothedf.write("\n") # mapping all body parts or 3d-pose-baseline format for i in range(len(order)): for j in range(2): # create encoder input enc_in[0][order[i] * 2 + j] = _data[i * 2 + j] for j in range(2): # Hip enc_in[0][0 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][1 * 2 + j] + enc_in[0][6 * 2 + j]) / 2 # Neck/Nose enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][15 * 2 + j] + enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j]) / 2 # Thorax enc_in[0][13 * 2 + j] = 2 * enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j] - enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j] # set spine spine_x = enc_in[0][24] spine_y = enc_in[0][25] enc_in = enc_in[:, dim_to_use_2d] mu = data_mean_2d[dim_to_use_2d] stddev = data_std_2d[dim_to_use_2d] enc_in = np.divide((enc_in - mu), stddev) dp = 1.0 dec_out = np.zeros((1, 48)) dec_out[0] = [0 for i in range(48)] _, _, poses3d = model.step(sess, enc_in, dec_out, dp, isTraining=False) all_poses_3d = [] enc_in = data_utils.unNormalizeData(enc_in, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d) poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData(poses3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d) gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) gs1.update(wspace=-0.00, hspace=0.05) # set the spacing between axes. plt.axis('off') all_poses_3d.append( poses3d ) enc_in, poses3d = map( np.vstack, [enc_in, all_poses_3d] ) subplot_idx, exidx = 1, 1 _max = 0 _min = 10000 for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]): for j in range(32): tmp = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1] poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1] = tmp if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] > _max: _max = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] < _min: _min = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]): for j in range(32): poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = _max - poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] + _min poses3d[i][j * 3] += (spine_x - 630) poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] += (500 - spine_y) # Plot 3d predictions ax = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx - 1], projection='3d') ax.view_init(18, -70) if np.min(poses3d) < -1000: try: poses3d = before_pose except: pass p3d = poses3d #viz.show3Dpose(p3d, ax, lcolor="#9b59b6", rcolor="#2ecc71") # pngName = 'png/pose_frame_{0}.png'.format(str(frame).zfill(12)) # plt.savefig(pngName) # if FLAGS.write_gif: # png_lib.append(imageio.imread(pngName)) before_pose = poses3d write_pos_data(poses3d, ax, posf) posf.close()
def generate_3dpose_eccv18(): # Generate directory for CSV prediction files if FLAGS.for_submission == True: predict_step_dir = FLAGS.prediction_dir + "_" + str(FLAGS.load) else: predict_step_dir = FLAGS.prediction_dir + "_Val_" + str(FLAGS.load) if not (os.path.isdir(predict_step_dir)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(predict_step_dir)) actions = data_utils.define_actions(FLAGS.action) # Load 3d & 2d data _, _, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, dim_to_use_3d = data_utils.read_data_eccv18( FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.centering_2d, FLAGS.detector_2d, FLAGS.idx_split, dim=3, for_submission=FLAGS.for_submission) train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.read_data_eccv18( FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.centering_2d, FLAGS.detector_2d, FLAGS.idx_split, dim=2, for_submission=FLAGS.for_submission) # Load test filename_list (Unshuffled) file_list = [] if (FLAGS.for_submission == False): split_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, "split", 'Val_list_' + FLAGS.detector_2d + '.csv') else: split_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, "split", 'Test_list_' + FLAGS.detector_2d + '.csv') with open(split_path, 'r') as f: csvReader = csv.reader(f) for row in csvReader: # file_list.append(row[0].split('.jp')[0]) file_list.append(row) device_count = {"GPU": 0} if FLAGS.use_cpu else {"GPU": 1} idx_file = 0 with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(device_count=device_count)) as sess: # === Create the model === print("Creating %d layers of %d units." % (FLAGS.num_layers, FLAGS.linear_size)) model = create_model(sess, actions, FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.centering_2d, for_eccv18=True) print("Model loaded") n_joints = 17 if not (FLAGS.predict_14) else 14 encoder_inputs = model.get_all_batches_2D_eccv18(test_set_2d) nbatches = len(encoder_inputs) print("Model (%d step) created" % FLAGS.load) g_step = model.global_step.eval() print("g_step: ", g_step) for i in range(nbatches): enc_in = encoder_inputs[i] dp = 1.0 # dropout keep probability is always 1 at test time poses3d = model.step_only_enc(sess, enc_in, dp, isTraining=False) # denormalize poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData(poses3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d) # Keep only the relevant dimensions dtu3d = np.hstack( (np.arange(3), dim_to_use_3d)) if not (FLAGS.predict_14) else dim_to_use_3d poses3d = poses3d[:, dtu3d] batch_size = poses3d.shape[0] n_joints = 17 if not (FLAGS.predict_14) else 14 for i in range(batch_size): pose3d_sample = poses3d[i].reshape(n_joints, -1) print(predict_step_dir + "/" + file_list[idx_file][0] + ".csv") np.savetxt(predict_step_dir + "/" + file_list[idx_file][0] + ".csv", pose3d_sample, delimiter=",", fmt='%.3f') idx_file += 1 # convert csv files to a json file src_path = predict_step_dir out_path = src_path + "_json" # out_path = '_'.join(src_path.split("_")[ : 3]) + "_json" # print (src_path, out_path, poses3d.shape) # # save prediction results as a single CSV file # if not (os.path.isdir(out_path)): # os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_path)) # # np.savetxt(out_path + "/split_" + str(FLAGS.idx_split) + ".csv", poses3d, delimiter=",", fmt='%.3f') csv2json(src_path, out_path)
def predict_3d(poses, estimator): enc_in = np.zeros((1, 64)) enc_in[0] = [0 for i in range(64)] with estimator.persistent_sess.as_default(): with estimator.graph.as_default(): _3d_predictions = [] for n, xy in enumerate(poses): joints_array = np.zeros((1, 36)) joints_array[0] = [float(xy[o]) for o in range(36)] _data = joints_array[0] # mapping all body parts or 3d-pose-baseline format for i in range(len(order)): for j in range(2): # create encoder input enc_in[0][order[i] * 2 + j] = _data[i * 2 + j] for j in range(2): # Hip enc_in[0][0 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][1 * 2 + j] + enc_in[0][6 * 2 + j]) / 2 # Neck/Nose enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][15 * 2 + j] + enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j]) / 2 # Thorax enc_in[0][ 13 * 2 + j] = 2 * enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j] - enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j] # set spine spine_x = enc_in[0][24] spine_y = enc_in[0][25] enc_in = enc_in[:, estimator.dim_to_use_2d] mu = estimator.data_mean_2d[estimator.dim_to_use_2d] stddev = estimator.data_std_2d[estimator.dim_to_use_2d] enc_in = np.divide((enc_in - mu), stddev) # ? dp = 1.0 dec_out = np.zeros((1, 48)) dec_out[0] = [0 for i in range(48)] _, _, poses3d = estimator.model.step(estimator.persistent_sess, enc_in, dec_out, dp, isTraining=False) all_poses_3d = [] enc_in = data_utils.unNormalizeData(enc_in, estimator.data_mean_2d, estimator.data_std_2d, estimator.dim_to_ignore_2d) poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData( poses3d, estimator.data_mean_3d, estimator.data_std_3d, estimator.dim_to_ignore_3d) all_poses_3d.append(poses3d) enc_in, poses3d = map(np.vstack, [enc_in, all_poses_3d]) subplot_idx, exidx = 1, 1 _max = 0 _min = 10000 # ?????? for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]): for j in range(32): tmp = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1] poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1] = tmp if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] > _max: _max = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] < _min: _min = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]): for j in range(32): poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = _max - poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] + _min poses3d[i][j * 3] += (spine_x - 630) poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] += (500 - spine_y) # np.min(poses3d) é o score do frame if False: # FLAGS.cache_on_fail ;; TODO: colocar regra pra não inserir keypoint if np.min(poses3d) < -1000: poses3d = before_pose p3d = poses3d x, y, z = [[] for _ in range(3)] if not poses3d is None: to_export = poses3d.tolist()[0] else: to_export = [0.0 for _ in range(96)] for o in range(0, len(to_export), 3): x.append(to_export[o]) y.append(to_export[o + 1]) z.append(to_export[o + 2]) export_units = {} for jnt_index, (_x, _y, _z) in enumerate(zip(x, y, z)): export_units[jnt_index] = [_x, _y, _z] _3d_predictions.append(export_units) return _3d_predictions
def main(_): done = [] enc_in = np.zeros((1, 64)) enc_in[0] = [0 for i in range(64)] actions = data_utils.define_actions(FLAGS.action) SUBJECT_IDS = [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11] rcams = cameras.load_cameras(FLAGS.cameras_path, SUBJECT_IDS) train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.read_2d_predictions( actions, FLAGS.data_dir) train_set_3d, test_set_3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, dim_to_use_3d, train_root_positions, test_root_positions = data_utils.read_3d_data( actions, FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.camera_frame, rcams, FLAGS.predict_14) device_count = {"GPU": 0} png_lib = [] with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(device_count=device_count, allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess: #plt.figure(3) batch_size = 128 model = create_model(sess, actions, batch_size) rows = 0 filename = "Realtimedata.xlsx" workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(filename) worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet() while True: key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF"start reading data") # check for other file types list_of_files = glob.iglob("{0}/*".format( openpose_output_dir)) # You may use iglob in Python3 latest_file = "" try: latest_file = max(list_of_files, key=os.path.getctime) except ValueError: #empthy dir pass if not latest_file: continue try: _file = file_name = latest_file print(latest_file) if not os.path.isfile(_file): raise Exception("No file found!!, {0}".format(_file)) data = json.load(open(_file)) #take first person _data = data["people"][0]["pose_keypoints_2d"] xy = [] #ignore confidence score """for o in range(0,len(_data),3): xy.append(_data[o]) xy.append(_data[o+1])""" if len(_data) >= 53: #openpose incl. confidence score #ignore confidence score for o in range(0, len(_data), 3): xy.append(_data[o]) xy.append(_data[o + 1]) else: #tf-pose-estimation xy = _data frame_indx = re.findall("(\d+)", file_name) frame = int(frame_indx[0]) joints_array = np.zeros((1, 36)) joints_array[0] = [0 for i in range(36)] for o in range(len(joints_array[0])): #feed array with xy array joints_array[0][o] = xy[o] _data = joints_array[0] # mapping all body parts or 3d pose offline format for i in range(len(order)): for j in range(2): # create encoder input enc_in[0][order[i] * 2 + j] = _data[i * 2 + j] for j in range(2): # Hip enc_in[0][0 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][1 * 2 + j] + enc_in[0][6 * 2 + j]) / 2 # Neck/Nose enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j] = (enc_in[0][15 * 2 + j] + enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j]) / 2 # Thorax enc_in[0][ 13 * 2 + j] = 2 * enc_in[0][12 * 2 + j] - enc_in[0][14 * 2 + j] # set spine spine_x = enc_in[0][24] spine_y = enc_in[0][25] enc_in = enc_in[:, dim_to_use_2d] mu = data_mean_2d[dim_to_use_2d] stddev = data_std_2d[dim_to_use_2d] enc_in = np.divide((enc_in - mu), stddev) dp = 1.0 dec_out = np.zeros((1, 48)) dec_out[0] = [0 for i in range(48)] _, _, poses3d = model.step(sess, enc_in, dec_out, dp, isTraining=False) all_poses_3d = [] enc_in = data_utils.unNormalizeData(enc_in, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d) poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData(poses3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d) gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) gs1.update(wspace=-0.00, hspace=0.05) # set the spacing between axes. plt.axis('off') all_poses_3d.append(poses3d) enc_in, poses3d = map(np.vstack, [enc_in, all_poses_3d]) subplot_idx, exidx = 1, 1 _max = 0 _min = 10000 for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]): for j in range(32): tmp = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1] poses3d[i][j * 3 + 1] = tmp if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] > _max: _max = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] if poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] < _min: _min = poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] for i in range(poses3d.shape[0]): for j in range(32): poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] = _max - poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] + _min poses3d[i][j * 3] += (spine_x - 630) poses3d[i][j * 3 + 2] += (500 - spine_y) for val in min_vex: # f.write(str(val) + ' ' + str(p_vex[i]) + ''); # gait_list1.append({'IX': "%i" % val[0], # 'IY': "%i" % val[1], # 'Ix': "%i" % p_vex[i][0], # 'Iy': "%i" % p_vex[i][1], # 'Iz': "%i" % p_vex[i][2], # }) gait_list1.append(val[0]) gait_list1.append(val[1]) gait_list1.append(p_vex[i][0]) gait_list1.append(p_vex[i][1]) gait_list1.append(p_vex[i][2]) points.append( " %f %f %f %d %d %d 0\n" % (p_vex[i][0], p_vex[i][1], p_vex[i][2], 0, 255, 0)) x.append(p_vex[i][0]) y.append(p_vex[i][1]) z.append(p_vex[i][2]) i = i + 1 # Plot 3d predictions ax = plt.subplot(gs1[subplot_idx - 1], projection='3d') ax.view_init(18, -70) logger.debug(np.min(poses3d)) if np.min(poses3d) < -1000 and frame != 0: poses3d = before_pose p3d = poses3d '''gait_list1 = [] #enter file path below with open('key_joint_info.csv', 'w', newline='') as myfile: gait_list2.append(gait_list1) data1 = pd.DataFrame(gait_list2) wr = csv.writer(myfile, dialect = 'key_joint_info.csv' ) wr.writerow(p3d)''' viz.show3Dpose(p3d, ax, lcolor="#9b59b6", rcolor="#2ecc71") col = 0 for i in p3d[0]: worksheet.write(rows, col, i) col += 1 #.append(i) rows += 1 before_pose = poses3d pngName = '{}_keypoints.png'.format(str(frame)) plt.savefig(pngName) img = cv2.imread(pngName, 0) rect_cpy = img.copy() cv2.imshow('3d-pose-realtime', rect_cpy) done.append(file_name) if key == ord('q'): break except Exception as e: print(e) sess.close()
def predict(convert_to_world): """ Run the model and predict pose data convert_to_world is a flag indicating whether to convert the data back to world coordinates from the camera frame. """ actions = data_utils.define_actions(FLAGS.action) # Load camera parameters SUBJECT_IDS = [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11] rcams = cameras.load_cameras(FLAGS.cameras_path, SUBJECT_IDS) # Load 3d data and load (or create) 2d projections train_set_3d, test_set_3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d, dim_to_use_3d, train_root_positions, test_root_positions = data_utils.read_3d_data( actions, FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.camera_frame, rcams, FLAGS.predict_14) if FLAGS.use_sh: train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.read_2d_predictions( actions, FLAGS.data_dir) else: train_set_2d, test_set_2d, data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d, dim_to_use_2d = data_utils.create_2d_data( actions, FLAGS.data_dir, rcams) print("done reading and normalizing data.") device_count = {"GPU": 0} if FLAGS.use_cpu else {"GPU": 1} with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(device_count=device_count)) as sess: # === Create the model === print("Creating %d layers of %d units." % (FLAGS.num_layers, FLAGS.linear_size)) batch_size = 128 model = create_model(sess, actions, batch_size) print("Model loaded") for key2d in test_set_2d.keys(): (subj, b, fname) = key2d print("Subject: {}, action: {}, fname: {}".format(subj, b, fname)) # keys should be the same if 3d is in camera coordinates key3d = key2d if FLAGS.camera_frame else (subj, b, '{0}.h5'.format( fname.split('.')[0])) key3d = (subj, b, fname[:-3]) if ( fname.endswith('-sh')) and FLAGS.camera_frame else key3d enc_in = test_set_2d[key2d] n2d, _ = enc_in.shape dec_out = test_set_3d[key3d] n3d, _ = dec_out.shape assert n2d == n3d # Generate the loss pairs loss_pairs = None if model.num_loss_pairs: num_pts = int(model.HUMAN_3D_SIZE / 3) pairs = np.asarray([(i, j) for i in range(num_pts) for j in range(num_pts) if i < j]) pair_idxs = [ np.random.choice(len(pairs), model.num_loss_pairs, replace=False) for _ in range(n3d) ] loss_pairs = np.take(pairs, pair_idxs, axis=0) loss_pairs = np.array_split(loss_pairs, n2d // batch_size) # Split into about-same-size batches enc_in = np.array_split(enc_in, n2d // batch_size) dec_out = np.array_split(dec_out, n3d // batch_size) all_poses_3d = [] # enc_in_modified = [] for bidx in range(len(enc_in)): # Dropout probability 0 (keep probability 1) for sampling dp = 1.0 if model.num_loss_pairs: _, _, poses3d = model.step(sess, enc_in[bidx], dec_out[bidx], dp, loss_pairs=loss_pairs[bidx], isTraining=False) else: _, _, poses3d = model.step(sess, enc_in[bidx], dec_out[bidx], dp, isTraining=False) # poses3dnew = [] # for e in enc_in[bidx]: # poses3dnew.append(np.insert(e, range(1, len(e)+1, 2), poses3d[1::3])) # poses3d = poses3dnew # print (bidx) # print (len(enc_in[bidx])) # print (enc_in[bidx]) # print (data_mean_2d) # print (data_mean_3d) # data_mean_2d_modified = np.delete(data_mean_3d, np.arange(2, data_mean_3d.size, 3)) # data_std_2d_modified = np.delete(data_std_3d, np.arange(2, data_std_3d.size, 3)) # denormalize # enc_in_modified.append(data_utils.unNormalizeData( enc_in[bidx], data_mean_2d_modified, data_std_2d_modified, dim_to_ignore_2d )) enc_in[bidx] = data_utils.unNormalizeData( enc_in[bidx], data_mean_2d, data_std_2d, dim_to_ignore_2d) dec_out[bidx] = data_utils.unNormalizeData( dec_out[bidx], data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d) poses3d = data_utils.unNormalizeData(poses3d, data_mean_3d, data_std_3d, dim_to_ignore_3d) all_poses_3d.append(poses3d) # print (len(enc_in[bidx])) # print (len(poses3d)) # print (len(enc_in[0])) # print (len(poses3d[0])) # Put all the poses together # enc_in_modified = np.vstack(enc_in_modified) enc_in, dec_out, poses3d = map(np.vstack, [enc_in, dec_out, all_poses_3d]) # print (len(enc_in[0])) # print (len(poses3d[0])) # print (enc_in.shape) # print (poses3d.shape) # poses3dnew = [] # for p, e in zip(poses3d, enc_in_modified): # poses3dnew.append(np.insert(e, range(1, len(e)+1, 2), p[1::3])) # poses3d = np.array(poses3dnew) if convert_to_world: # Convert back to world coordinates if FLAGS.camera_frame: N_CAMERAS = 4 N_JOINTS_H36M = 32 # Add global position back dec_out = dec_out + np.tile(test_root_positions[key3d], [1, N_JOINTS_H36M]) # Load the appropriate camera subj, _, sname = key3d cname = sname.split('.')[1] # <-- camera name scams = {(subj, c + 1): rcams[(subj, c + 1)] for c in range(N_CAMERAS)} # cams of this subject scam_idx = [ scams[(subj, c + 1)][-1] for c in range(N_CAMERAS) ].index(cname) # index of camera used the_cam = scams[(subj, scam_idx + 1)] # <-- the camera used R, T, f, c, k, p, name = the_cam assert name == cname def cam2world_centered(data_3d_camframe): data_3d_worldframe = cameras.camera_to_world_frame( data_3d_camframe.reshape((-1, 3)), R, T) data_3d_worldframe = data_3d_worldframe.reshape( (-1, N_JOINTS_H36M * 3)) # subtract root translation return data_3d_worldframe - np.tile( data_3d_worldframe[:, :3], (1, N_JOINTS_H36M)) # Apply inverse rotation and translation dec_out = cam2world_centered(dec_out) poses3d = cam2world_centered(poses3d) poses3dnew = dec_out.copy() poses3dnew[:, 1::3] = poses3d[:, 1::3] poses3d = poses3dnew return enc_in, dec_out, poses3d