예제 #1
    def respond(context):
        subject = None

        if context['isAffirmative'] == True:
           #if it's a targeted query, get the subject of the gossip
           if context['specific'] == True:
               subject = context['subject']
           query = '''SELECT * FROM facts'''
           db = Database()
           temp_results = db.query(query)

           results = [] 
           #remove results where asker is knower
           for result in temp_results:
               knowers = result[3].split("; ")
               if context['_nick'] not in knowers:
           #if there is no gossip the user doesn't know
           if len(results) == 0:
               responses = ["You already know everything I know!",

                            "I can not believe you enjoy gossip as" \
                            + " much as me, but I do not have any more gossip" \
                            + " to tell you now.",
                            "I think you should go talk to others in this room," \
                            +   " because I am all out of gossip.", 
                            "Hmmm... well, I don't really know anything right now...."]

               rand_ndx = random.randint(0, len(responses) - 1)

               return responses[rand_ndx]

           #choices for leading off gossip
           prefix = ["Did you know that ",
                     "I heard that ", 
                     "A little birdy told me that ", 
                     "Someone told me that ", 
                     "You didn't hear it from me, but I heard that ", 
                     "Don't tell anyone that "]
           gossip = []

           #if it's a speicifc query
           if subject != None:
               #checks if user is in the room
               if State.users != None and subject in State.users:
                   return "Oh, " + subject + " is just so nice... nothing to say about them!"
                   specific_results = []
                   #generate list of speciifc queries metioning the subject
                   for result in results:
                       if subject in result:
                       #check the message for occurances of the user
                           tokens = result[1].split(" ")
                           for token in tokens:
                               if subject.lower() == token.lower():
                   #if you can't find any results
                   if len(specific_results) == 0:
                       return "You already know everything I know about " + subject + "!"
                   #randomly select a specific fact
                   rand_ndx = random.randint(0, len(specific_results)-1)            
                   gossip = specific_results[rand_ndx]                
           else: #randomly grab facts
               rand_ndx = random.randint(0, len(results)-1)            
               gossip = results[rand_ndx]            

           #select prefix
           rand_ndx2 = random.randint(0, len(prefix)-1)        

           response = ""
           #generate response
           if len(gossip[2]) == 0 or gossip[2] == None:
               response = prefix[rand_ndx2] + gossip[0] + " " + gossip[1] + "!"  
               response = prefix[rand_ndx2] + gossip[2] + " told "  + \
                   gossip[0] + ", \"" + gossip[1] + "\"!"
           #if you didn't find any random facts
           if len(gossip) == 0:
               return "Hmmm... well, I don't really know anything right now...."
               #update the knowers to include the user asking for gossip
               knowers = gossip[3].split("; ") 
               print knowers
               #add all users in the room to the knowers
               if State.users != None:
                   for user in State.users:
                       knowers.append( user)

               knowers = set(knowers)
               print knowers
               knowers = "; ".join(knowers)
               update_statement = "UPDATE facts SET knowers = \'" + knowers + \
                                  "\' WHERE author= \'" + gossip[0] + \
                                  "\' AND msg= \'" + gossip[1] + \
                                  "\' AND recipient= \'" + gossip[2] + "\';" 
               return response
            responses = ["Too bad... I had something really juicy!",
                         "No gossip? Guess I'll have to go tell someone else this big secret.",
                         "Do not worry, I will not tell anyone that you do not like to gossip..."]

            rand_ndx = random.randint(0, len(responses) - 1)
            return responses[rand_ndx]
예제 #2
    def recognize(msg):
        tell_me_gossip = ["gossip", "secret"]
        keywords = ["tell", "me" , "about",  "know"]
        count = 0
        isGossip = False

        #determine if specific query
        isSpecific = False
        subject = None

        #LIST OF USERS
        users = []

        #get all possible facts 
        query = '''SELECT * FROM facts'''
        db = Database()
        results = db.query(query)

        #generate a list of users mentioned in the db
        for result in results:
            knowers = result[2].split("; ")
            for knower in knowers:

        #turn users into set
        users = set(users)
        contains_about = False

        #for each word in the message, determine if is keyword
        for (ndx, m) in enumerate(msg):
            if contains_about == True:
                isSpecific = True
                subject = m[0]                
                contains_about = False
                if m[0].lower() in keywords:
                elif m[0].lower() in tell_me_gossip:
                    isGossip = True
                elif (State.users != None and  m[0] in State.users) or m[0] in users:
                    if m[0] == "about":
                        contains_about = True
                        isSpecific = True
                        subject = m[0]                
        confidence = 0.0
        #confidence is high that it's gossip
        if isGossip:
            confidence = 1
        #if we know the query is targeted, we have high confidence
        elif isSpecific: 
            confidence = 1
        #we're a little less confident it's gossip
            confidence = count/len(keywords) 
        return (confidence, {'specific': isSpecific, 
                             'subject': subject, 
                             'isAffirmative' : True})