예제 #1
    def check_credentials(self, username, password):
        Verifies if the received credential are correct

        :param username: of a client or medic
        :type username: str
        :param password:
        :type password: str
        :return: 0 - invalid credentials, 1 - valid and its a client, 2 - valid and its a medic
        :rtype: (int, bool)
            conn, cursor = self._init_connection()

            cursor.callproc(StoredProcedures.GET_CREDENTIALS, [username])
            user_type, derived_password, salt = next(cursor.stored_results()).fetchall()[0]

            if not user_type:
                return 0

            return user_type if self._verify_password(password, derived_password, salt) else 0
        except Exception as e:
            if isinstance(e, errors.Error) and e.sqlstate == SQL_STATE:
                raise LogicException(e.msg)
            raise RelationalDBException(str(e))
            self._close_conenction(conn, cursor)
예제 #2
    def insert_sleep_session(self, username, day, duration, begin, end):
        Register a new sleep session on the database. Can fail if the new session
        overlaps with existing ones in which concerns begin and end time

        :param username: of the client
        :type username: str
        :param day:
        :type day: datetime.date
        :param duration: seconds
        :type duration: int
        :param begin:
        :type begin: datetime.datetime
        :param end:
        :type end: datetime.datetime
            conn, cursor = self._init_connection()

            cursor.callproc(StoredProcedures.INSERT_SLEEP_SESSION, (username, day, duration, begin, end))

        except Exception as e:
            if isinstance(e, errors.Error) and e.sqlstate == SQL_STATE:
                raise LogicException(e.msg)
            raise RelationalDBException(str(e))
            self._close_conenction(conn, cursor)
예제 #3
    def get_sleep_sessions(self, username, begin=None, end=None):
        Get information of the sleep session that belongs to the days within the interval
        of the dates received on the arguments

        :param username: of the client
        :type username: str
        :param begin: all sleep sesisons after this date
        :type begin: datetime.date
        :param end: all sleep sessions before this date
        :type end: datetime.date
        :return: information of all sleep sessions that respect the arguments received
        :rtype: list
            conn, cursor = self._init_connection()

            cursor.callproc(StoredProcedures.GET_SLEEP_SESSIONS, (username, begin, end))

            return next(cursor.stored_results()).fetchall()
        except Exception as e:
            if isinstance(e, errors.Error) and e.sqlstate == SQL_STATE:
                raise LogicException(e.msg)
            raise RelationalDBException(str(e))
            self._close_conenction(conn, cursor)
예제 #4
    def updtate_device(self, username, device_id, data):
        Update information, authentication fields, of a device associated with a client

        :param username: of the client
        :type username: str
        :param device_id: of the device owned by the client
            to change data
        :type device_id: int
        :param data: fields to change (authentication fields and/or longitude, latitude)
        :type data: dict
            latitude, longitude = None, None
            if "latitude" in data.keys(): # assume that if latitude is in dict, longitude is also
                latitude = data["latitude"]
                longitude = data["longitude"]

            auth_fields = [(name, value) for name, value in data["authentication_fields"].items()]

            conn, cursor = self._init_connection()

            cursor.execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tmp_authentication_fields(name VARCHAR(30)," +
                           "value VARCHAR(500))")
            cursor.execute("DELETE FROM tmp_authentication_fields")
            cursor.executemany("INSERT INTO tmp_authentication_fields values (%s, %s)", auth_fields)
            cursor.callproc(StoredProcedures.UPDATE_DEVICE, (username, device_id, latitude, longitude))

        except Exception as e:
            if isinstance(e, errors.Error) and e.sqlstate == SQL_STATE:
                raise LogicException(e.msg)
            raise RelationalDBException(str(e))
            self._close_conenction(conn, cursor)
예제 #5
    def grant_permission(self, client, medic, duration):
        A clients grants temporary permission to a medic to let him see his data

        :param client: username of the client
        :type client: str
        :param medic: username of the client
        :type medic: str
        :param duration: for how long the permission will be up
        :type duration: datetime.timedelta
            conn, cursor = self._init_connection()

            cursor.callproc(StoredProcedures.GRANT_PERMISSION, (client, medic, duration))

            stored_results = cursor.stored_results()

            destinationResult = next(stored_results).fetchall()[0]
            destination = {key: destinationResult[ind] for ind, key in enumerate(["name", "email", "company"])}

            sourceResult = next(stored_results).fetchall()[0]
            source = {key: sourceResult[ind] for ind, key in enumerate(["username", "name", "email", "health_number"])}
            source["duration"] = str(duration)[:-3]

            return source, destination
        except Exception as e:
            if isinstance(e, errors.Error) and e.sqlstate == SQL_STATE:
                raise LogicException(e.msg)
            raise RelationalDBException(str(e))
            self._close_conenction(conn, cursor)
예제 #6
    def getPatientProfile(self, medic, patient):
        Allows a medic to get the additional information that the client
          inserted on his profile section

        :param medic: the one requesting
        :type medic: str
        :param patient: the one to get the information
        :type patient: str
        :return: keys: birth_date, height, weight, additional_info
        :rtype: dict
            if not self.relational_proxy.has_permission(medic, patient):
                raise LogicException("You don't have permission to access this data")

            profile = self.relational_proxy.get_user_profile_data(patient)
            if "medic_id" in profile:
                return json.dumps({"status":1, "msg":"There is no patient with the given username."}).encode("UTF-8")

            for key in ["client_id", "full_name", "email", "health_number"]:
                del profile[key]

            return profile
        except (InternalException, LogicException):
        except Exception as e:
            raise ProxyException(str(e))
예제 #7
    def get_pending_permissions(self, user):
        Gets existing pending permissions

        :param user: username
        :type user: str
        :return: all pending permissions associated with a user
        :rtype: list
            conn, cursor = self._init_connection()


            cursor.callproc(StoredProcedures.UPDATE_PERMISSIONS_USER, [user])
            is_medic = next(cursor.stored_results()).fetchall()[0][0] == 1

            cursor.callproc(StoredProcedures.GET_PENDING_PERMISSIONS_OF_USER, (user, is_medic))


            return self._parse_permissions_data(next(cursor.stored_results()).fetchall(), 0)
        except Exception as e:
            if isinstance(e, errors.Error) and e.sqlstate == SQL_STATE:
                raise LogicException(e.msg)
            raise RelationalDBException(str(e))
            self._close_conenction(conn, cursor)
예제 #8
    def update_medic_profile_data(self, username, password, new_password,
                                        full_name, email, company, specialities):
        Updates the profile information for a user. The function receives all information
        to overload all data, assuming that some of it is the same as the stored one.

        :param username: of the client to update the data
        :type username: str
        :param password: old clear text password
        :type password: str
        :param new_password: new clear text password
        :type new_password: str
        :param full_name: full name of the client
        :type full_name: str
        :param email: email of the client
        :type email: str
        :param company: to which company is the medic working
        :type company: str
        :param specialities: medic specializations
        :type specialities: str
            conn, cursor = self._init_connection()

            if password and new_password:
                cursor.callproc(StoredProcedures.GET_CREDENTIALS, [username])
                user_type, derived_password, salt = next(cursor.stored_results()).fetchall()[0]

                if not self._verify_password(password, derived_password, salt):
                    raise LogicException("Wrong password!")

                new_password, new_salt = self._derive_password(new_password)
                new_password, new_salt = None, None

            cursor.callproc(StoredProcedures.UPDATE_MEDIC_PROFILE_DATA, (username, new_password, new_salt,
                                                                         full_name, email, company, specialities))
        except LogicException:
        except Exception as e:
            if isinstance(e, errors.Error) and e.sqlstate == SQL_STATE:
                raise LogicException(e.msg)
            raise RelationalDBException(str(e))
            self._close_conenction(conn, cursor)
예제 #9
    def register_client(self, username, password, full_name, email, health_number,
                              birth_date, weight, height, additional_information):
        Creates a new user on the database. The `insert_client` SP is used to create all user related data.
        On this function the password is hashed to be stored.
        The write to the database can fail if an user with the same username exists or a
         client with the same health_number already exists.

        :raises Exception: In case if something goes wrong when calling stored procedures

        :param username: can't exist another user with the same value
        :type username: str
        :param password: clear text password to be hashed
        :type password: str
        :param full_name: full name of the client
        :type full_name: str
        :param email: email of the client
        :type email: str
        :param health_number: number used on the country of the client to identify him in which concerns the health
        :type health_number: int
        :param birth_date: with format day-month-year
        :type birth_date: str
        :param weight: in kilograms (optional)
        :type weight: float
        :param height: in meters (optional)
        :type height: float
        :param additional_information: information that can be important to mention so a medic can be more contextualized
        :type additional_information: list
        :return: client_id of the client created on the database
        :rtype: int
            conn, cursor = self._init_connection()

            password, salt = self._derive_password(password)

                (username, password, salt, full_name, email, health_number,
                 birth_date, weight, height, additional_information)

            new_id = next(cursor.stored_results()).fetchall()[0][0]

            return new_id
        except Exception as e:
            if isinstance(e, errors.Error) and e.sqlstate == SQL_STATE:
                raise LogicException(e.msg)
            raise RelationalDBException(str(e))
            self._close_conenction(conn, cursor)
예제 #10
    def update_client_profile_data(self, username, password, new_password, full_name, email,
                                         health_number, birth_date, weight, height, additional_information):
        Updates the profile information for a user. The function receives all information
        to overload all data, assuming that some of it is the same as the stored one.

        :param username: of the client to update the data
        :type username: str
        :param password: old clear text password
        :type password: str
        :param new_password: new clear text password
        :type new_password: str
        :param full_name: full name of the client
        :type full_name: str
        :param email: email of the client
        :type email: str
        :param health_number: number used on the country of the client to identify him in which concerns the health
        :type health_number: int
        :param birth_date: with format dd-mm-yyyy
        :type birth_date: str
        :param weight: in kilograms
        :type weight: float
        :param height: in meters
        :type height: float
        :param additional_information: information that can be important to mention so a medic can be more contextualized
        :type additional_information: str
            conn, cursor = self._init_connection()

            if password and new_password:
                cursor.callproc(StoredProcedures.GET_CREDENTIALS, [username])
                user_type, derived_password, salt = next(cursor.stored_results()).fetchall()[0]

                if not self._verify_password(password, derived_password, salt):
                    raise errors.Error("Wrong password!", sqlstate=SQL_STATE)

                new_password, new_salt = self._derive_password(new_password)
                new_password, new_salt = None, None

            cursor.callproc(StoredProcedures.UPDATE_CLIENT_PROFILE_DATA, (username, new_password, new_salt,
                                                                          full_name, email, health_number,
                                                                          birth_date, weight, height,
        except Exception as e:
            if isinstance(e, errors.Error) and e.sqlstate == SQL_STATE:
                raise LogicException(e.msg)
            raise RelationalDBException(str(e))
            self._close_conenction(conn, cursor)
예제 #11
    def get_all_devices_of_user(self, username):
        Obtains all devices associated with the user with the same
        username as the one received from the arguments

        :param username: of the client
        :type username: str
        :return: info of all devices. In case of a home device the
        object will also contain a longitude and latitude field
        [{device:int, type:int, token:str, uuid:str}, ...]
        :rtype: list
            conn, cursor = self._init_connection()

            cursor.callproc(StoredProcedures.GET_ALL_CLIENT_DEVICES, [username])

            devices = dict()
            for (device_id,
                 photo, auth_field_name,
                        auth_field_value, latitude,
                                          longitude) in next(cursor.stored_results()).fetchall():
                if device_id not in devices.keys():
                    device = {
                        "id": device_id,
                        "type": "%s %s" % (brand, model),
                        "photo": photo,
                        "authentication_fields": {}
                    if latitude: # if one exist both exist
                        device["latitude"] = latitude
                        device["longitude"] = longitude
                    devices[device_id] = device

                if auth_field_name:
                    devices[device_id]["authentication_fields"][auth_field_name] = auth_field_value

            return list(devices.values())
        except Exception as e:
            if isinstance(e, errors.Error) and e.sqlstate == SQL_STATE:
                raise LogicException(e.msg)
            raise RelationalDBException(str(e))
            self._close_conenction(conn, cursor)
예제 #12
    def get_user_profile_data(self, username):
        Obtains all profile data associated with the username received

        :param username: of the client/medic to search for
        :type username: str
        :return: all client/medic's profile data
        {client_id:int, full_name:str, email:str, health_number:int, birth_date:datetime, weight:float, height:float}
        :rtype: dict
            conn, cursor = self._init_connection()

            cursor.callproc(StoredProcedures.GET_USER_PROFILE_DATA, [username])

            results = next(cursor.stored_results()).fetchall()[0]

            if results[0] == "client":
                data = {key: "" if not results[i+1] else (results[i+1] if key != "birth_date" else results[i+1].strftime("%d-%m-%Y"))
                        for i, key in enumerate(["client_id",
                data["user_type"] = "client"
            elif results[0] == "medic":
                data = {key: results[i+1] if results[i+1] else ""
                        for i, key in enumerate(["medic_id",
                data["user_type"] = "medic"
                raise Exception("Invalid user type")

            return data
        except Exception as e:
            if isinstance(e, errors.Error) and e.sqlstate == SQL_STATE:
                raise LogicException(e.msg)
            raise RelationalDBException(str(e))
            self._close_conenction(conn, cursor)
예제 #13
    def reject_permission(self, client, medic):
        A client rejects a pending request created by a medic to see his data

        :param client: username of the client
        :type client: str
        :param medic: username of the medic
        :type medic: str
            conn, cursor = self._init_connection()

            cursor.callproc(StoredProcedures.REJECT_PERMISSION, (client, medic))
        except Exception as e:
            if isinstance(e, errors.Error) and e.sqlstate == SQL_STATE:
                raise LogicException(e.msg)
            raise RelationalDBException(str(e))
            self._close_conenction(conn, cursor)
예제 #14
    def remove_accepted_permission(self, client, medic):
        Allows a client to delete an accepted permission

        :param client: username of the medic
        :type client: str
        :param medic: username of the medic
        :type medic: str
            conn, cursor = self._init_connection()

            cursor.callproc(StoredProcedures.REMOVE_ACCEPTED_PERMISSION, (client, medic))
        except Exception as e:
            if isinstance(e, errors.Error) and e.sqlstate == SQL_STATE:
                raise LogicException(e.msg)
            raise RelationalDBException(str(e))
            self._close_conenction(conn, cursor)
예제 #15
    def delete_request_permission(self, medic, client):
        Allows a medic to delete a request permission done previously

        :param medic: username of the medic
        :type medic: str
        :param client: username of the client
        :type client: str
            conn, cursor = self._init_connection()

            cursor.callproc(StoredProcedures.DELETE_PERMISSION, (client, medic))
        except Exception as e:
            if isinstance(e, errors.Error) and e.sqlstate == SQL_STATE:
                raise LogicException(e.msg)
            raise RelationalDBException(str(e))
            self._close_conenction(conn, cursor)
예제 #16
    def delete_device(self, username, device_id):
        Deassociates a device from a user deleting any information associated with the device

        :param username: of the client
        :type username: str
        :param device_id: id of the device to delete
        :type device_id: int
            conn, cursor = self._init_connection()

            cursor.callproc(StoredProcedures.DELETE_DEVICE, (username, device_id))
        except Exception as e:
            if isinstance(e, errors.Error) and e.sqlstate == SQL_STATE:
                raise LogicException(e.msg)
            raise RelationalDBException(str(e))
            self._close_conenction(conn, cursor)
예제 #17
    def register_medic(self, username, password, full_name, email, company, specialities):
        Creates a new user on the database. The `insert_medic` SP is used to create all user related data.
        On this function the password is hashed to be stored.
        The write to the database can fail if an user with the same username already exists.

        :param username: of the medic
        :type username: str
        :param password: clear text password to be hashed
        :type password: str
        :param full_name: of the medic
        :type full_name: str
        :param email: of the medic
        :type email: str
        :param company: to which company is the medic working (optional)
        :type company: str
        :param specialities: medic specializations (optional)
        :type specialities: str
        :return: medic_id of the medic created on the database
        :rtype: int

        :raises Exception: In case if something goes wrong when calling stored procedures
            conn, cursor = self._init_connection()

            password, salt = self._derive_password(password)

                (username, password, salt, full_name, email, company, specialities)

            new_id = next(cursor.stored_results()).fetchall()[0][0]

            return new_id
        except Exception as e:
            if isinstance(e, errors.Error) and e.sqlstate == SQL_STATE:
                raise LogicException(e.msg)
            raise RelationalDBException(str(e))
            self._close_conenction(conn, cursor)
예제 #18
    def get_all_usernames(self):
        Used by the main server to get all username so he can start to
        quety data from devices/external api's

        :return: list of all usernames OF CLIENTS
        :rtype: list
            conn, cursor = self._init_connection()


            return [username[0] for username in next(cursor.stored_results()).fetchall()]
        except Exception as e:
            if isinstance(e, errors.Error) and e.sqlstate == SQL_STATE:
                raise LogicException(e.msg)
            raise RelationalDBException(str(e))
            self._close_conenction(conn, cursor)
예제 #19
    def getDataByMedic(self, medic, measurement, client, start, end, interval):
        Allows a medic to query a client's data
        First the server first verifies if the medic has permission to
            access that data, if he has retrives the data else raises an exception

        :param medic: username of the client
        :type medic: str
        :param measurement: which measurement to get from database
        :type measurement: str
        :param client: username of the client
        :type client: str
        :param start: values after this time (seconds)
        :type start: int
        :param end: values before this time (seconds)
        :type end: int
        :param interval: size of interval like influx (ns, u, ms, s, m, h, d, w)
        :type interval: str
        :return: {
        :rtype: dict
        :raises Exception: if the medic doesn't have permission
            to acess the client's data
            if not self.relational_proxy.has_permission(medic, client):
                raise LogicException("You don't have permission to access this data")

            return self.getData(measurement, client, start, end, interval)
        except (InternalException, LogicException):
        except Exception as e:
            raise ProxyException(str(e))
예제 #20
    def get_all_supported_devices(self):
        Retrieves all supported devices by the system giving also
        the metrics that that device can read

        :return: all information of the supported devices
        [{id:int, type:str, brand:str, model:str, metrics:[{name:str, unit:str}, ...]}, ...]
        :rtype: list
            conn, cursor = self._init_connection()


            retval = {}
            for (device_id, device_type, device_brand, device_model,
                 metric_name, metric_unit) in next(cursor.stored_results()).fetchall():
                if device_id not in retval.keys():
                    retval[device_id] = {
                        "id": device_id,
                        "type": device_type,
                        "brand": device_brand,
                        "model": device_model,
                        "metrics": []

                retval[device_id]["metrics"].append({ # TODO maybe append tuple instead of dict
                    "name": metric_name,
                    "unit": metric_unit

            return list(retval.values())
        except Exception as e:
            if isinstance(e, errors.Error) and e.sqlstate == SQL_STATE:
                raise LogicException(e.msg)
            raise RelationalDBException(str(e))
            self._close_conenction(conn, cursor)
예제 #21
    def has_permission(self, medic, client):
        Verifies if a medic [still] has access to client's data

        :param medic:
        :type medic: str
        :param client:
        :type client: str
        :return: true if it has, false otherwise
        :rtype: bool
            conn, cursor = self._init_connection()

            cursor.callproc(StoredProcedures.HAS_PERMISSION, (medic, client))

            return next(cursor.stored_results()).fetchall()[0][0] == 1
        except Exception as e:
            if isinstance(e, errors.Error) and e.sqlstate == SQL_STATE:
                raise LogicException(e.msg)
            raise RelationalDBException(str(e))
            self._close_conenction(conn, cursor)
예제 #22
    def register_device(self, username, type, authentication_fields, latitude=None, longitude=None):
        Inserts a new device on the database and associates it with the user

        :param username: client to associate
        :type username: str
        :param type: type of the device (brand + " " + model)
        :type type: str
        :param authentication_fields: fields to access device's APIs
        :type authentication_fields: list
        :param latitude: location of the device (only applicable for home devices)
        :type latitude: float
        :param longitude: location of the device (only applicable for home devices)
        :type longitude: float
        :return: id of the new device
        :rtype: int
            auth_fields = [(name, value) for name, value in authentication_fields.items()]

            conn, cursor = self._init_connection()

            cursor.execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tmp_authentication_fields(name VARCHAR(30)," +
                                                                                          "value VARCHAR(500))")
            cursor.execute("DELETE FROM tmp_authentication_fields")
            cursor.executemany("INSERT INTO tmp_authentication_fields values (%s, %s)", auth_fields)
            cursor.callproc(StoredProcedures.INSERT_DEVICE, (username, type, latitude, longitude))


            return next(cursor.stored_results()).fetchall()[0][0]
        except Exception as e:
            if isinstance(e, errors.Error) and e.sqlstate == SQL_STATE:
                raise LogicException(e.msg)
            raise RelationalDBException(str(e))
            self._close_conenction(conn, cursor)
예제 #23
    def read(self,
        Get from the database data of a specific user and a specific measurement
        allowing also filtering results within a time interval

        :param username: username of the client
        :type username: str
        :param measurement: measurement of the value
        :type measurement: str
        :param begin_time: values after this (seconds)
        :type begin_time: int
        :param end_time: values before this (seconds)
        :type end_time: int
        :param interval: size of interval like influx (ns, u, ms, s, m, h, d, w)
            (nanoseconds, microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks)
        :type interval: str
        :return: list of maps
        :rtype: list
        if begin_time is not None and end_time is not None and interval is not None:
            raise LogicException(
                "Combination of start, end and interval arguments invalid.")

        # Parameters on query only work on the where clause
        params = {"username": username}

        query = "SELECT * " + \
                "FROM %s " % measurement + \
                "WHERE username = $username"

        if interval:

            if begin_time is not None:
                query += " AND time >= $begin_time AND time <= $begin_time + " + interval
                params["begin_time"] = begin_time * 1000000000

            elif end_time is not None:
                query += " AND time <= $end_time AND time >= $end_time - " + interval
                params["end_time"] = end_time * 1000000000
                query += " AND time >= now() - " + interval

        elif begin_time is None and end_time is None:
            query += " ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1"

            if begin_time is not None:
                query += " AND time >= $begin_time"
                params["begin_time"] = begin_time * 1000000000

            if end_time is not None:
                query += " AND time <= $end_time"
                params["end_time"] = end_time * 1000000000

            result = self._get_connection.query(
                query, {"params": json.dumps(params)})  # , epoch="s")
        except LogicException:
        except Exception as e:
            raise TimeSeriesDBException(str(e))
        return list(result.get_points(measurement))