def update_db_start_date_min_end_date_max(path_db): if path_db is not None: dbquery = query_database.DbQuery(path_db) minDate, maxDate = dbquery.get_date_range() return minDate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), maxDate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') else: return None, None
def update_camera_ids(path_db): if path_db is not None: #print(path_db) dbquery = query_database.DbQuery(path_db) return dbquery.get_cam_id_options() else: return []
def is_database_valid(path_db): try: dbTemp = query_database.DbQuery(path_db) tableName = 'vectorkb_table' if tableName in dbTemp.get_table_list(): return True#'cam_id' in dbTemp.get_columns_list(tableName) else: return False except: return False
def show_results_images(pathname, search):#, n_clicks, start_date, start_hour, start_minute, end_date, end_hour, end_minute, cam_id, threshold): # dict_trig = get_callback_trigger() # if 'url' in dict_trig or 'results-filter-button' not in dict_trig: # start_date = None # end_date = None # cam_id = None # threshold = None # params = extract_results_search_params(pathname, search) # if params is not None: # if 'database' in params: # path_db = params['database'] # else: # path_db = None # if 'image_id' in params: # img_id = params['image_id'] # else: # img_id = None # if 'image' in params: # img = params['image'] # else: # img = None # if 'image_filename' in params: # img_name = params['image_filename'] # else: # img_name = None # else: # return path_db, img_id, img, img_filename, start_datetime, end_datetime, cam_id, threshold = decode_results_search_params(pathname, search) if threshold is None: threshold = 0.6 row_images = [] if path_db is not None and (img_id is not None or img is not None) and os.path.exists(path_db): dbquery = query_database.DbQuery(path_db) if img_id is not None: df = dbquery.get_images(img_id=img_id) row = df.iloc[0] image = row.img else: image = img result = run_reid(image, path_db, threshold) dict_result = {} for item in result: for key in item: if key in dict_result: dict_result[key].append(item[key]) else: dict_result[key] = [item[key]] if len(dict_result) > 0: df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict_result) list_cams = sorted(df.cam_id.unique().tolist()) if cam_id is not None: if cam_id in list_cams: list_cams = [cam_id] else: list_cams = None # start_datetime = compile_start_datetime(start_date, start_hour, start_minute) # end_datetime = compile_end_datetime(end_date, end_hour, end_minute) if list_cams is not None and len(list_cams) > 0: for cam_id in list_cams: cam_images=[] header = f'Camera {cam_id}' for _, row_cam in df[df.cam_id == cam_id].iterrows(): db_reid = query_reid.DbQuery(path_db) df_query = db_reid.get_images(row_cam.img_id) df_query.timestamp = pd.to_datetime(df_query.timestamp) if start_datetime is not None: df_query = df_query[df_query.timestamp >= start_datetime] if end_datetime is not None: df_query = df_query[df_query.timestamp < end_datetime] if len(df_query) > 0: if "loc" in df_query.columns: header = f'Camera {cam_id} {df_query[df_query.cam_id == cam_id]["loc"].iloc[0]}' for idx_query, row_query in df_query.iterrows(): encoded_image = base64.b64encode(row_query.img) id_tag = f'result-img-id-{row_query.img_id}' tooltip = [] if row_query.img_id is not None: tooltip.extend([ html.B('Image ID:'), html.Br(), html.Span(row_query.img_id), html.Br(), ]) if row_query.timestamp is not None: tooltip.extend([ html.B('Date time detected:'), html.Br(), html.Span(row_query.timestamp), html.Br(), ]) if row_cam.dist is not None: tooltip.extend([ html.B('Similarity: '), #html.Br(), html.Span(round(row_cam.dist,4)), ]) cam_images.append( dbc.Card( id=id_tag, children=[ dbc.CardImg( src='data:image/png;base64,{}'.format(encoded_image.decode()), #id=id_tag, #title=tooltip_msg.strip(), style={ 'width': '8vw', 'object-fit': 'contain', #'margin':'5%', }, ), dbc.Tooltip([ html.P(tooltip, style={'text-align': 'left'}), dbc.Button( html.B('Query this'), id=f'query-img-id-{row_query.img_id}', size="md", href=get_results_href(path_db, img_id=row_query.img_id), ), ], target=id_tag, autohide=False, style={'font-size': 'small'}, ) ] )) if len(cam_images) > 0: row_images.append( dbc.Card([ dbc.CardHeader(header, style={'font-weight': 'bold'}), dbc.CardBody(dbc.Row(cam_images),style={'margin': '1%'},), ])) if len(row_images) <= 0: row_images.append(html.P('No results found!')) return row_images
def show_database_images(path_db, start_date, start_hour, start_minute, end_date, end_hour, end_minute, cam_id, upload_img, upload_filename): dict_trig = get_callback_trigger() if 'upload-image' in dict_trig: images_col = [] for img, filename in zip(upload_img, upload_filename): tooltip_msg = f"File name: {filename}" images_col.append( dbc.Card([ dbc.CardLink( dbc.CardImg( src=img, title=tooltip_msg.strip(), style={ 'width': '8vw', 'object-fit': 'contain' }, ), key=filename, # f'{urlResults}?{urlencode(url_dict)}' href=get_results_href( path_db, img=img, img_filename=filename) ), ]) ) return images_col elif path_db is not None and cam_id is not None: dbimage = query_database.DbQuery(path_db) start_datetime = compile_start_datetime(start_date, start_hour, start_minute) end_datetime = compile_end_datetime(end_date, end_hour, end_minute) df_images = dbimage.get_images( cam_id=cam_id, start_datetime=start_datetime, end_datetime=end_datetime) images_col = [] for _, row in df_images.iterrows(): encoded_image = base64.b64encode(row.img) components = [ #html.P(f'Camera {row.cam_id}', style={'text-overflow': 'ellipsis', 'width': '8vw', 'margin': '0'}) ] timestamp = row.timestamp if timestamp is not None: if type(timestamp) == str: timestamp = datetime.strptime(timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') components.extend([ html.P(, style={'text-overflow': 'ellipsis', 'width': '8vw', 'margin': '0'}), html.P(timestamp.strftime("%X"), style={'text-overflow': 'ellipsis', 'width': '8vw', 'margin': '0'}), ]) components.append( html.Img( src='data:image/png;base64,{}'.format(encoded_image.decode()), title=row.img_id, style={ 'width': '8vw', 'object-fit': 'contain' } )) tooltip_msg = "" if (row.img_id is not None): tooltip_msg += f"Image ID: {row.img_id}\r\n" if (timestamp is not None): tooltip_msg += f"Datetime: {timestamp}\r\n" if (row.cam_id is not None): tooltip_msg += f"Camera ID: {row.cam_id}\r\n" if "loc" in df_images.columns: tooltip_msg += f'Location: {row["loc"]}\r\n' images_col.append( dbc.Card([ dbc.CardLink( dbc.CardImg( src='data:image/png;base64,{}'.format(encoded_image.decode()), title=tooltip_msg.strip(), style={ 'width': '8vw', 'object-fit': 'contain' }, ), key=row.img_id, href=get_results_href(path_db, img_id=row.img_id)#f'{urlResults}?{urlencode(url_dict)}' ), ]) ) return images_col else: return None
def results_page_content(params): if 'database' in params: path_db = params['database'] else: path_db = None if 'image_id' in params: img_id = params['image_id'] else: img_id = None if 'image' in params: img = params['image'] else: img = None if 'image_filename' in params: img_name = params['image_filename'] else: img_name = None sidebar_contents = [] # Show selected image if path_db is not None and os.path.exists(path_db): dbquery = query_database.DbQuery(path_db) minDate, maxDate = dbquery.get_date_range() details_row = [] image=None if img_id is not None: df = dbquery.get_images(img_id=img_id) row = df.iloc[0] encoded_image = base64.b64encode(row.img) image = 'data:image/png;base64,{}'.format(encoded_image.decode()) if row.img_id is not None: details_row.append(dbc.Row( [ html.B('Image ID:', style={'margin-right': '5px'}), html.P(row.img_id), ], #className="card-text", )) if row.timestamp is not None: details_row.append(dbc.Row( [ html.B('Date/Time:', style={'margin-right': '5px'}), html.P(row.timestamp), ], #className="card-text", )) if row.cam_id is not None: details_row.append(dbc.Row( [ html.B('Camera ID:', style={'margin-right': '5px'}), html.P(row.cam_id), ], #className="card-text", )) if "loc" in df.columns and row["loc"] is not None: details_row.append(dbc.Row( [ html.B('Location:', style={'margin-right': '5px'}), html.P(row["loc"]), ], #className="card-text", )) elif img is not None: image = img if img_name is not None: details_row.append(dbc.Row( [ html.B('File Name:', style={'margin-right': '5px'}), html.P(img_name), ], )) if image is not None: sidebar_contents.append( dbc.Card( children=[ dbc.CardImg( id='results-sidebar-image', src=image, style={ 'width': '8vw', 'object-fit': 'contain', }, ), dbc.CardBody(details_row), ], style={ 'padding': '5%', }, ) ) # filter sidebar_contents.append( dbc.Card([ dbc.CardBody([ html.H6('Search Filter', style={ 'font-weight': 'bold', 'color': '#007fcf',}), #html.Br(), dbc.Col([ html.P('Select Start Date & Time', style={'font-weight': 'bold'}), dbc.Col([ dbc.Row([ dbc.Col(html.P('Date:'), width='auto', align='center'), dbc.Col( dcc.DatePickerSingle( id='results-filter-date-start-id', display_format='DD-MM-YYYY', min_date_allowed=minDate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), max_date_allowed=maxDate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')), width=True), ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col(html.P('Hour (0 ~ 23):'), width='auto', align='center'), dbc.Col(dbc.Input(id='results-filter-time-start-hr-id', type='number', min=0, max=23), width=True), ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col(html.P('Minute (0 ~ 59):'), width='auto', align='center'), dbc.Col(dbc.Input(id='results-filter-time-start-min-id', type='number', min=0, max=59), width=True), ]), ]), #dash_datetimepicker.DashDatetimepicker(id='results-filter-datetime'), ], style={'padding': '1%'}), dbc.Col([ html.P('Select End Date & Time', style={'font-weight': 'bold'}), dbc.Col([ dbc.Row([ dbc.Col(html.P('Date:'), width='auto', align='center'), dbc.Col( dcc.DatePickerSingle( id='results-filter-date-end-id', display_format='DD-MM-YYYY', min_date_allowed=minDate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), max_date_allowed=maxDate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')), width=True), ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col(html.P('Hour (0 ~ 23):'), width='auto', align='center'), dbc.Col(dbc.Input(id='results-filter-time-end-hr-id', type='number', min=0, max=23), width=True), ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col(html.P('Minute (0 ~ 59):'), width='auto', align='center'), dbc.Col(dbc.Input(id='results-filter-time-end-min-id', type='number', min=0, max=59), width=True), ]), ]), #dash_datetimepicker.DashDatetimepicker(id='results-filter-datetime'), ], style={'padding': '1%'}), dbc.Col([ html.P('Camera ID', style={'font-weight': 'bold'}), dcc.Dropdown(id='results-filter-cam-id', options=dbquery.get_cam_id_options()), ], style={'padding': '1%'}), dbc.Col([ html.P(children='Threshold (Default is 0.60)', style={'font-weight': 'bold'}), dbc.Input(id='results-filter-threshold',type='number', step=0.01, value=0.6), ], style={'padding': '1%'}), html.Br(), dbc.Button(children="Filter", id='results-filter-button', color="primary", block=True, size='lg'), ]), ]) ) return dbc.Row(children=[ dbc.Col( id='results-page-sidebar', children=sidebar_contents, width=3, style=SIDEBAR_STYLE, ), dbc.Col(dbc.Spinner( id='display-results-col', #width=True, ),width=True,), ])
def is_database_valid(path_db): try: dbTemp = query_database.DbQuery(path_db) return 'vectorkb_table' in dbTemp.get_table_list() except: return False
def show_database_images(path_db, start_date, end_date, cam_id): if path_db is not None and \ start_date is not None and \ end_date is not None and \ cam_id is not None: #print(path_db) #print(start_date, end_date) #print(cam_id) dbimage = query_database.DbQuery(path_db) df_images = dbimage.get_images( cam_id=cam_id, start_datetime=None, end_datetime=None) #print( images_col = [] images_col1 = [] urlResults = '/results' for _, row in df_images.iterrows(): encoded_image = base64.b64encode(row.img) components = [ #html.P(f'Camera {row.cam_id}', style={'text-overflow': 'ellipsis', 'width': '8vw', 'margin': '0'}) ] #url_dict = {'database': os.path.basename(path_db), 'image_id': row.img_id} url_dict = {'database': path_db, 'image_id': row.img_id} if row.timestamp is not None: components.extend([ html.P(, style={'text-overflow': 'ellipsis', 'width': '8vw', 'margin': '0'}), html.P(row.timestamp.strftime("%X"), style={'text-overflow': 'ellipsis', 'width': '8vw', 'margin': '0'}), ]) components.append( html.Img( src='data:image/png;base64,{}'.format(encoded_image.decode()), title=row.img_id, #id=img_id, style={ 'width': '8vw', 'object-fit': 'contain' } )) images_col1.append( dbc.Col( children=[ dbc.Spinner(html.A( id={'index': row.img_id, 'type': 'image'}, key=row.img_id, children=components, href=f'{urlResults}?{urlencode(url_dict)}' )) ], width='auto', align='start', )) tooltip_msg = "" if (row.img_id is not None): tooltip_msg += f"Image ID: {row.img_id}\r\n" if (row.timestamp is not None): tooltip_msg = f"Datetime: {row.timestamp}\r\n" if (row.cam_id is not None): tooltip_msg += f"Camera ID: {row.cam_id}\r\n" images_col.append( dbc.Card([ dbc.CardLink( dbc.CardImg( src='data:image/png;base64,{}'.format(encoded_image.decode()), title=tooltip_msg.strip(), style={ 'width': '8vw', 'object-fit': 'contain' }, ), key=row.img_id, href=f'{urlResults}?{urlencode(url_dict)}' ), ]) ) return images_col else: return None
def results_page_content(path_db=None, img_id=None): sidebar_contents = [] # Show selected image if path_db is not None and img_id is not None and os.path.exists(path_db): dbquery = query_database.DbQuery(path_db) df = dbquery.get_images(img_id=img_id) row = df.iloc[0] print(row) encoded_image = base64.b64encode(row.img) details_row = [] if row.img_id is not None: details_row.append(dbc.Row( [ html.B('Image ID:', style={'margin-right':'5px'}), html.P(row.img_id), ], #className="card-text", )) if row.timestamp is not None: details_row.append(dbc.Row( [ html.B('Date/Time:', style={'margin-right': '5px'}), html.P(row.timestamp), ], #className="card-text", )) if row.cam_id is not None: details_row.append(dbc.Row( [ html.B('Camera ID:', style={'margin-right':'5px'}), html.P(row.cam_id), ], #className="card-text", )) sidebar_contents.append( dbc.Card( children=[ dbc.CardImg( id='results-sidebar-image', src='data:image/png;base64,{}'.format( encoded_image.decode()), style={ 'width': '8vw', 'object-fit': 'contain', }, ), dbc.CardBody(details_row), ], style={ 'padding': '5%', }, ) ) # filter sidebar_contents.append( dbc.Card([ dbc.CardBody([ html.H6('Search Filter', style={ 'font-weight': 'bold', 'color': '#007fcf',}), html.Br(), dbc.Col([ html.P('Select Date & Time', style={ 'font-weight': 'bold'}), dash_datetimepicker.DashDatetimepicker( id='results-filter-datetime'), ], style={'padding': '1%'}), dbc.Col([ html.P('Camera ID', style={'font-weight': 'bold'}), dbc.Input(id='results-filter-cam-id',type='number', step=1), ], style={'padding': '1%'}), dbc.Col([ html.P(children='Threshold (Default is 0.6)', style={'font-weight': 'bold'}), dbc.Input(id='results-filter-threshold',type='number', step=0.1, value=0.6), ], style={'padding': '1%'}), html.Br(), dbc.Button(children="Filter", id='results-filter-button', color="primary", block=True, size='lg'), ]), ]) ) return dbc.Row(children=[ dbc.Col( id='results-page-sidebar', children=sidebar_contents, width=3, style=SIDEBAR_STYLE, ), dbc.Col( id='display-results-col', width=True, ), ])