예제 #1
    def fire(self, job_data):
        job_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        data = json.dumps({
            "id": job_id, "data": job_data

        log.info("Queueing job #%s" % job_id)
        redis.rpush("jobq:%s" % self.name, data)
예제 #2
def cancelorder(old_order_id):
    if not is_logged_in(session):
        return home_page("ltc_btc",danger="Please log in to perform that action.")
    uid = session['userid']
    if old_order_id not in redis.smembers(str(uid)+"/orders"):
        return home_page("ltc_btc",danger="Unable to cancel the specified order!")    
    orderid = generate_password_hash(str(random.random()))
    redis.hmset(orderid, {"ordertype":'cancel', "uid":uid, 'old_order_id':old_order_id})
    return home_page("ltc_btc", dismissable="Cancelled order!")
예제 #3
def cancelorder(old_order_id):
    if not is_logged_in(session):
        return home_page("ltc_btc",danger="Please log in to perform that action.")
    uid = session['userid']
    if old_order_id not in redis.smembers(str(uid)+"/orders"):
        return home_page("ltc_btc",danger="Unable to cancel the specified order!")    
    orderid = generate_password_hash(str(random.random()))
    redis.hmset(orderid, {"ordertype":'cancel', "uid":uid, 'old_order_id':old_order_id})
    return home_page("ltc_btc", dismissable="Cancelled order!")
예제 #4
def addorder():

    """ Checks balance and essential stuff, generates an order ID then adds order to a redis queue. """
    instrument = request.form['currency_pair']
    if not is_logged_in(session):
        return home_page(instrument, danger="Please log in to perform that action.")
    #They shouldn't be able to modify the trade pair, if it isnt valid either I messed up somewhere or they are trying to do something wrong
    if not config.is_valid_instrument(instrument):
        return home_page("ltc_btc", danger="Unknown Error, contact the administrator!") 

    base_currency = request.form['currency_pair'].split("_")[0]
    quote_currency = request.form['currency_pair'].split("_")[1]
        rprice = Decimal(request.form['price'])
        ramount = string_to_currency_unit(request.form['amount'], config.get_multiplier(base_currency))
    except Exception as e:
        return home_page(instrument, danger="Please enter numerical values for price and amount!") 
    if ramount < 1: #TODO: find a good amount for this
        return home_page(instrument, danger="Transaction amount too low!") 
    if rprice <= 0:
        return home_page(instrument, danger="Price must be greater than 0!") 

    getcontext().prec = 6
    whole, dec = ExtendedContext.divmod(rprice*ramount/config.get_multiplier(base_currency), Decimal(1))
    total = int(whole * config.get_multiplier(base_currency) + dec * config.get_multiplier(base_currency)) 
    print("total: " + str(total))
    uid = session['userid']

    orderid = generate_password_hash(str(random.random()))
    instrument = request.form['currency_pair']
    bidtable = instrument + "/bid"
    asktable = instrument + "/ask"

    if request.form['ordertype'] == 'buy': 
        currency = quote_currency
        if check_balance(currency,session['userid']) < total:
            return home_page(instrument, danger="Balance too low to execute order!")
            adjustbalance(currency,session['userid'],-1 * total)
    elif request.form['ordertype'] == 'sell':
        currency = base_currency
        if check_balance(currency, uid) < ramount:
            return home_page(instrument, danger="Balance too low to execute order!")
            adjustbalance(currency, uid, -1 * ramount)
        return home_page(instrument, danger="Unknown Error, contact the administrator!") #invalid order type, they must have been messing around
    redis.hmset(orderid, {"ordertype":request.form['ordertype'],"instrument":request.form['currency_pair'],"amount":ramount, "uid":uid,"price":rprice})
    redis.sadd(str(uid)+"/orders", orderid)
    return home_page(instrument, dismissable="Order placed successfully!")
예제 #5
def addorder():
    """ Checks balance and essential stuff, generates an order ID then adds order to a redis queue. """
    instrument = request.form['currency_pair']
    if not is_logged_in(session):
        return home_page(instrument, danger="Please log in to perform that action.")
    #They shouldn't be able to modify the trade pair, if it isnt valid either I messed up somewhere or they are trying to do something wrong
    if not config.is_valid_instrument(instrument):
        return home_page("ltc_btc", danger="Unknown Error, contact the administrator!") 

    base_currency = request.form['currency_pair'].split("_")[0]
    quote_currency = request.form['currency_pair'].split("_")[1]
        rprice = float(request.form['price'])
        ramount = int(float(request.form['amount'])* config.get_multiplier(base_currency))
        return home_page(instrument, danger="Please enter numerical values for price and amount!") 
    if ramount < 1: #TODO: find a good amount for this
        return home_page(instrument, danger="Transaction amount too low!") 
    if rprice <= 0:
        return home_page(instrument, danger="Price must be greater than 0!") 

    total = int(rprice * ramount)
    uid = session['userid']

    orderid = generate_password_hash(str(random.random()))
    instrument = request.form['currency_pair']
    bidtable = instrument + "/bid"
    asktable = instrument + "/ask"

    if request.form['ordertype'] == 'buy': 
        currency = quote_currency
        if check_balance(currency,session['userid']) < total:
            return home_page(instrument, danger="Balance too low to execute order!")
            adjustbalance(currency,session['userid'],-1 * total)
    elif request.form['ordertype'] == 'sell':
        currency = base_currency
        if check_balance(currency, uid) < ramount:
            return home_page(instrument, danger="Balance too low to execute order!")
            adjustbalance(currency, uid, -1 * ramount)
        return home_page(instrument, danger="Unknown Error, contact the administrator!") #invalid order type, they must have been messing around
    redis.hmset(orderid, {"ordertype":request.form['ordertype'],"instrument":request.form['currency_pair'],"amount":ramount, "uid":uid,"price":rprice})
    redis.sadd(str(uid)+"/orders", orderid)
    return home_page(instrument, dismissable="Order placed successfully!")
예제 #6
def create_bet(user, match, team, items):
    data = {
        'user': user,
        'match': match,
        'team': team,
        'items': map(lambda i: SteamItem(i.id, None, None, {
            "price": float(i.price)
        }), items),
        'state': BetState.OFFERED,
        'created_at': datetime.utcnow(),

    data['value'] = sum(map(lambda i: i.price, items))

    with Cursor() as c:
        id = c.execute(CREATE_BET_SQL, data).fetchone()

        redis.rpush("trade-queue", json.dumps({
            "time": time.time(),
            "type": "INTAKE",
            "id": id

    return id