def choose_hour(update, context): i = 0 while i < len(HOURS): if update.message.text in HOURS[i]: check = sess.query(Reservation).filter_by( day=date(2019, int(userState[]['month']), int(userState[]['day'])), slot=update.message.text).first() if check is None: res = Reservation(, day=date(2019, int(userState[]['month']), int(userState[]['day'])), slot=update.message.text) sess.add(res) sess.commit() userState[] = {} update.message.reply_text('Time reserved successfully.') return True else: update.message.reply_text('This hour is already reserved.') return False i += 1 update.message.reply_text('This hour is not available to reserve.') return False
def subscribe_user_to_waiting_list(context, user_id): chosen_day = date(YEAR, int(context.user_data['month']), int(context.user_data['day'])) waitinglist = sess.query(WaitingList).filter( WaitingList.user_id == user_id, == chosen_day, ).first() if waitinglist: return 'You are already in Waiting list for `' + chosen_day.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + '`' new_waitinglist = WaitingList( user_id=user_id, day=chosen_day, ) sess.add(new_waitinglist) sess.commit() return 'You are added to Waiting list successfully for `' + chosen_day.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + '`. The bot will notify you if any reservation on this day is cancelled'
def start(update, context): user = User(, check = sess.query(User).get( if check is None: sess.add(user) sess.commit() update.message.reply_text( 'Welcome to BBQ reserver telegram bot.\n' 'By can book a time slot for barbecue zone in Innopolis city, Republic Tatarstan!\n\n' 'Main features of bot:\n' '- view available time slots for barbecue zone;\n' '- a book time slot for barbecue zone;\n' '- cancel booking;\n' 'Send /cancel if you want to return to the main menu(just in case)', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup(main_menu, resize_keyboard=True))
def choose_hour(update, context): hours = get_hours() if update.message.text in hours: splitted_time = update.message.text.split(':') chosen_day = datetime(YEAR, int(context.user_data['month']), int(context.user_data['day']), int(splitted_time[0]), int(splitted_time[1]), 0) check = sess.query(Reservation).filter_by( day=chosen_day, slot=update.message.text ).first() if check is None: res = Reservation(, day=chosen_day, slot=update.message.text ) sess.add(res) waitinglist = sess.query(WaitingList).filter( WaitingList.user_id ==, == date(chosen_day.year, chosen_day.month,, ).first() if waitinglist: sess.delete(waitinglist) sess.commit() text = 'Time `' + chosen_day.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + '` reserved successfully' update.message.reply_text(text, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup(base.main_menu, resize_keyboard=True), parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return ConversationHandler.END update.message.reply_text('This hour is already reserved') elif update.message.text == 'Back': context.user_data['wrong_day'] = True choose_month(update, context) return DAY elif update.message.text == 'Subscribe to waiting list': response = subscribe_user_to_waiting_list(context, update.message.reply_text(response, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) base.cancel(update, context) return ConversationHandler.END elif update.message.text == 'Cancel': base.cancel(update, context) return ConversationHandler.END else: context.user_data['wrong_hour'] = True update.message.reply_text('Wrong hour') choose_day(update, context) return HOUR