예제 #1
def get_modules_list():

    # open database connection
    db_con = database.createDBConnection(database.database_name)

    # take the data
    cursor = database.getModules(db_con)

    # result count
    count = 0

    # response skeleton
    response_body = {
        "length": count,

    # take first row of results
    result = cursor.fetchone()

    # process all the results
    while result is not None:
        count = count + 1
        # add the this IoT device result to the JSON object
        response_body[str(count)] = {
            "module_id": str(result[0]),
            "module_name": str(result[1])
        result = cursor.fetchone()

    # update the response count
    response_body["length"] = count

    # closing database connection

  response_body = {
    "length" : 4,
    "1" : {
      "module_id" : "4001",
      "module_name" : "Arduino Activity Detection"
    "2" : {
      "module_id" : "4002",
      "module_name" : "Arduino Modification Detection"
    "3" : {
      "module_id" : "4003",
      "module_name" : "Raspberry Pi Cryptography Detection"
    "4" : {
      "module_id" : "4004",
      "module_name" : "Raspberry Pi Modification Detection"

    res = make_response(jsonify(response_body), 200)
    return res
예제 #2
def is_passwd_correct(uname, passwd):
  This function takes a username and a password as parameters and lookup in the
  database. Returns true if the username and passwords matches. Returns false otherwise.

    # the value to return at the end
    return_value = False

    # open database connection
    db_con = database.createDBConnection(database.database_name)

    # Take the password hash of the user from database
    true_passwd_hash = database.getUserPasswordHash(db_con, str(uname))

    # check if the user exists
    if true_passwd_hash is None:
        return_value = False
        # hash the user entered password
        hasher = hashlib.sha1()
        entered_passwd_hash = hasher.hexdigest()

        # Check if the passwords are correct
        if entered_passwd_hash == true_passwd_hash:
            # updating the login timestamp
            database.updateLoginTimestamp(db_con, 1)
            return_value = True
            return_value = False

    # closing database connection
    return return_value
예제 #3
def delete_dataset():
    # take the choices made by the user
    emtrace_to_delete = request.form['dataset_to_delete']

    # open database connection
    db_con = database.createDBConnection(database.database_name)

    # get the ID of the dataset
    dataset_to_delete = database.getDatasetIDofEMTrace(db_con,

    dataset_directory = config['general-settings'][
        'temp-data-directory'] + str(dataset_to_delete)

    print("EM trace ID to be deleted: " + str(emtrace_to_delete))
    print("Dataset ID to be deleted: " + str(dataset_to_delete))
    print("The directory to be deleted: " + str(dataset_directory))

    # delete dataset files

    # delete dataset and emtrace information from the database
    database.removeDataset(db_con, int(dataset_to_delete))
    database.removeEMTrace(db_con, int(emtrace_to_delete))

    # closing database connection

    return "done"
예제 #4
def delete_module():
    # take the choices made by the user
    module_to_delete = request.form['module_to_delete']

    #print("IMPORTANT: " + str(module_to_delete))

    # open database connection
    db_con = database.createDBConnection(database.database_name)

    # get module name
    module_name = database.getModuleName(db_con, int(module_to_delete))
    # path to the module files
    module_directory = config['general-settings'][
        'module-directory'] + "/" + str(module_name)
    #print("Module path: " + str(module_directory))

    # delete module files

    # delete module information from the database
    database.removeModule(db_con, int(module_to_delete))

    # closing database connection

    return "done"
예제 #5
def get_iot_device_list():

    # open database connection
    db_con = database.createDBConnection(database.database_name)

    # take the data
    cursor = database.getIoTDevices(db_con)

    # result count
    count = 0

    # response skeleton
    response_body = {
        "length": count,

    # take first row of results
    result = cursor.fetchone()

    # process all the results
    while result is not None:
        count = count + 1
        # add the this IoT device result to the JSON object
        response_body[str(count)] = {
            "value": str(result[0]),
            "text": str(result[1])
        result = cursor.fetchone()

    # update the response count
    response_body["length"] = count

    # closing database connection

  response_body = {
    "length" : 2,
    "1" : {
      "value" : "1",
      "text" : "Arduino Leonardo"
    "2" : {
      "value" : "2",
      "text" : "RaspberryPi 3B+"

    res = make_response(jsonify(response_body), 200)
    return res
예제 #6
def logout(name=None):
    # open database connection
    db_con = database.createDBConnection(database.database_name)
    # updating the login timestamp
    database.updateLogoutTimestamp(db_con, 1)
    # closing database connection

    #return render_template('login.html', name=name)
    resp = make_response(render_template('login.html', name=name))
    resp.set_cookie('auth', 'logged-out')

    return resp
예제 #7
def delete_iot_device():
    # take the choices made by the user
    iot_device_to_delete = request.form['iot_device_to_delete']

    print("IMPORTANT: " + str(iot_device_to_delete))

    # open database connection
    db_con = database.createDBConnection(database.database_name)
    # delete IoT device
    database.removeIoTDevice(db_con, int(iot_device_to_delete))
    # closing database connection

    return "done"
예제 #8
def add_iot_device():
    # take the choices made by the user
    new_iot_device_name = request.form['new_iot_device_name']
    new_iot_device_description = request.form['new_iot_device_description']

    #print("IMPORTANT: " + str(new_iot_device_name) + " " + str(new_iot_device_description))

    # open database connection
    db_con = database.createDBConnection(database.database_name)
    # adding new IoT device
    database.addIoTDevice(db_con, new_iot_device_name,
    # closing database connection

    return "done"
예제 #9
def add_module():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        f = request.files['fileToUpload']
        f.save(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], f.filename))

        # zip file name without file extension
        zip_file_name = f.filename.split(".")[0]

        # path configurations
        directory_to_extract_to = config['general-settings'][
        module_directory = config['general-settings']['module-directory']

        status = addZippedModule(directory_to_extract_to, zip_file_name,
        if status is True:

            # read module configuration file
            temp_config = configparser.ConfigParser()
            temp_config.read(module_directory + "/" + zip_file_name +
            module_description = temp_config['configuration']['description']

            # open database connection
            db_con = database.createDBConnection(database.database_name)
            # add module details to the database
            database.addModule(db_con, zip_file_name, module_description, 1)
            # closing database connection

            #print("Module added successfully.")
            return "done"
            #print("Failed to add the module")
            return "failed"
예제 #10
def create_report():

    # take the details that are necessary to create the report
    # reading the configuration file
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()
    # get the IoT device name
    device_name = config['report-settings']['device']
    # get the path to the selected EM trace
    emtrace_path = config['report-settings']['em-data-file']
    # get the emtrace hash function
    emtrace_hash_function = config['report-settings']['hash-function']
    # get the emtrace hash value
    emtrace_hash_value = config['report-settings']['hash-value']
    # get the timestamp
    timestamp = config['report-settings']['time-stamp']

    # open database connection
    db_con = database.createDBConnection(database.database_name)

    env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('.'))
    template = env.get_template("templates/report-template.html")

    # take the list of directories that contains the results of each module
    module_dirs = [
        d for d in listdir("./results") if isdir(join("./results", d))
    content = ""
    for i in module_dirs:
        content = content + "<b>Module ID:</b> " + str(i) + "<br/>"
        # get the name of the module
        module_name = database.getModuleName(db_con, int(i))
        content = content + "<b>Module Name:</b> " + module_name + "<br/>"
        # get the description of the module
        module_description = database.getModuleDescription(db_con, int(i))
        content = content + "<b>Module Description:</b> " + module_description + "<br/>"

        # take the list of image files that contains the results of this module
        module_path = join("./results", str(i))
        module_files = [
            f for f in listdir(module_path) if isfile(join(module_path, f))

        for j in module_files:
            # take the path to the file
            file_path = join(module_path, j)

            # check file extension to identify file type
            extension = str(j).split(".")[1]
            if extension == "txt":
                # display text file content
                content = content + "<b>Module Output:</b> " + "<br/>"
                f = open(file_path, "r")
                for line in f:
                    content = content + str(line) + "<br/>"
            elif extension == "png":
                # display the image file
                content = content + "<img src='" + file_path + "' alt='graph' width='10'/>" + "<br/>"

        content = content + "<hr/>"

    template_vars = {
        "title": "EMvidence - Analysis Report",
        "device": device_name,
        "em_data_file": emtrace_path,
        "hash_function": emtrace_hash_function,
        "hash_value": emtrace_hash_value,
        "timestamp": timestamp,
        "module_results": content
    html_out = template.render(template_vars)

    html = HTML(string=html_out, base_url=__file__)
    css = CSS(string='@page { size: A4; margin: 2cm } img { width: 100% } ')
    html.write_pdf("./results/report.pdf", stylesheets=[css])

    # closing database connection

    return "done"
예제 #11
def analze_data():
    # take the choices made by the user
    dataset_choice = request.form['dataset_choice']
    iot_device_type = request.form['iot_device_type']

    # save the details that are necessary to create a report later
    # open database connection
    db_con = database.createDBConnection(database.database_name)
    # reading the configuration file
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()
    # get the IoT device name
    device_name = database.getIoTDeviceName(db_con, int(iot_device_type))
    config['report-settings']['device'] = str(device_name)
    # get the path to the selected EM trace
    emtrace_path = database.getEMTracePath(db_con, int(dataset_choice))
    config['report-settings']['em-data-file'] = str(emtrace_path)
    # get the emtrace hash function
    emtrace_hash_function = database.getEMTraceHashFunction(
        db_con, int(dataset_choice))
    config['report-settings']['hash-function'] = str(emtrace_hash_function)
    # get the emtrace hash value
    emtrace_hash_value = database.getEMTraceHashValue(db_con,
    config['report-settings']['hash-value'] = str(emtrace_hash_value)
    # create timestamp
    timestamp = time.time()
    timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime(
        '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    config['report-settings']['time-stamp'] = str(timestamp)
    # closing database connection
    # save the new information to config file
    with open(config_file_name, 'w') as configfile:

    # clear the 'results' directory to remove any previously generated results
    if os.path.isdir("./results"):
    # now, create a new 'results directory'
    Path("./results").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

    # open database connection
    db_con = database.createDBConnection(database.database_name)
    # get the path to the selected EM trace
    emtrace_path = database.getEMTracePath(db_con, int(dataset_choice))
    # closing database connection

    # result count
    count = 0

    # response skeleton
    response_body = {
        "length": count,

    # take the selected module ids as a string
    selected_modules = request.form['selected_modules']
    # split the module id string into individual id elements in an array
    selected_modules = selected_modules.split(',')

    # process each module
    for module_id in selected_modules:
        print("LOG: Processing module ID: " + str(int(module_id)))
        # open database connection
        db_con = database.createDBConnection(database.database_name)
        # get module name
        module_name = database.getModuleName(db_con, int(module_id))
        # closing database connection
        # prepare the module path
        module_path = str(config['general-settings']['module-directory']
                          ) + "/" + str(module_name) + "/" + "main.py"
        # loading module
        mod = loadModule(module_path)
        # calling module functions
        mod.initialize(module_id, str(emtrace_path), "./results")
        results = mod.getResults()
        print("Module results: " + str(results))

        # add this result to the JSON object
        count = count + 1
        response_body[str(count)] = {
            "module_name": str(module_name),
            "result": str(results)

    # update the response count
    response_body["length"] = count

    res = make_response(jsonify(response_body), 200)
    return res
예제 #12
def capture_data():

    # reading the configuration file
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()

    # take the settings sent from the UI
    sdr = request.form['sdr']
    center_frequency = request.form['center_frequency']
    center_frequency_scale = request.form['center_frequency_scale']
    sampling_rate = request.form['sampling_rate']
    sampling_duration = request.form['sampling_duration']
    hash_function = request.form['hash_function']
    file_name = request.form['file_name']

    # convert the center frequency in the correct format
    center_frequency = int(center_frequency)
    if center_frequency_scale == "H":
        center_frequency = center_frequency
    elif center_frequency_scale == "K":
        center_frequency = center_frequency * 1000
    elif center_frequency_scale == "M":
        center_frequency = center_frequency * 1000000
    elif center_frequency_scale == "G":
        center_frequency = center_frequency * 1000000000

    # Check if the signal SDR device is available.
    if dataCaptureFunctions.is_device_available(sdr) is False:
        # the device is not available. We send an error message to the web front-end
        # compose the response
        response_body = {
            "status": "The SDR device is not available",
            "file_name": "",
            "file_size": "",
            "hash_type": "",
            "hash_value": "",
        res = make_response(jsonify(response_body), 200)
        # sending a response
        return res
    # Beyond this point executes only if the device is available

    # compose the command line arguments for the SDR driver
    command = "python2 ./sdr-drivers/sdr_driver.py " + str(sdr) + " " + str(
        center_frequency) + " " + str(sampling_rate)

    # start the grc script with the parameters
    pro = subprocess.Popen(command,

    # wait the specified sampling duration to capture tdata
  zmqSocket = iq.startZMQClient(tcpHostPort="tcp://", socketType="SUB")
  iq.genSingleTraceFile(zmqSocket, directoryPath, str(file_name), windowSize=int(sampling_duration))

    # stop the grc script
              signal.SIGTERM)  # Send the signal to all the process groups

    # path to the data directory according to the config file
    directoryPath = str(config['general-settings']['temp-data-directory'])

    # convert the cFile to NumPy
    data = iq.getData(directoryPath + "data.cfile")
    np.save(directoryPath + str(file_name) + ".npy", data)

    # delete temporary array and temporary file
    del data
    os.remove(directoryPath + "data.cfile")

    # take file size in MB
    file_stats = os.stat(directoryPath + str(file_name) + ".npy")
    file_size = int(file_stats.st_size / (1024 * 1024))
    file_size = str(file_size) + "MB"

    # update the selected hash function
    config['general-settings']['temp-hash-function'] = str(hash_function)

    # select the hash function picked by the user
    if hash_function == "md5":
        hasher = hashlib.md5()
    elif hash_function == "sha1":
        hasher = hashlib.sha1()
    elif hash_function == "sha256":
        hasher = hashlib.sha256()

    # calculating the hash value and set to the config field
    with open(directoryPath + str(file_name) + '.npy', 'rb') as afile:
        buf = afile.read()
    hash_value = hasher.hexdigest()
    config['general-settings']['temp-hash-value'] = str(hash_value)

    # save new hash information to config file
    with open(config_file_name, 'w') as configfile:

    # load the data for graphing
    data = np.load(directoryPath + str(file_name) + '.npy', mmap_mode='r')

    # take only a segment to plot
    data = data[0:10000]

    # set the sampling rate of the emvincelib library settings
    iq.sampleRate = int(sampling_rate)
    print("Sampling rate of emvincelib: " + str(iq.sampleRate))

    # reading the configuration file
    #config = configparser.ConfigParser()

    # removing old graph files
    old_graph_file_name = directoryPath + "waveform." + str(
        config['general-settings']['figure-sequence_number']) + ".png"
    if os.path.isfile(old_graph_file_name):  # checking if the file exists
    old_graph_file_name = directoryPath + "fft." + str(
        config['general-settings']['figure-sequence_number']) + ".png"
    if os.path.isfile(old_graph_file_name):  # checking if the file exists
    old_graph_file_name = directoryPath + "spectrogram." + str(
        config['general-settings']['figure-sequence_number']) + ".png"
    if os.path.isfile(old_graph_file_name):  # checking if the file exists

    # generate a random sequence number
    sequence_number = random.randint(1, 1000)

    # plot the waveform graph
    new_graph_file_name = directoryPath + "waveform." + str(
        sequence_number) + ".png"

    # plot PSD graph
    new_graph_file_name = directoryPath + "fft." + str(
        sequence_number) + ".png"
    iq.plotPSD(data, show=0, file_name=new_graph_file_name, file_format='png')

    # plot spectrogram
    new_graph_file_name = directoryPath + "spectrogram." + str(
        sequence_number) + ".png"

    # updating the figure sequence number
    config['general-settings']['figure-sequence_number'] = str(sequence_number)
    # save new settings to the config file
    with open(config_file_name, 'w') as configfile:

    # clear the memory
    del data

    # making database entries for the dataset and EM trace
    # TODO: Add a feature to have a single dataset ID and multiple EM trace files inside a directory structure
    # open database connection
    db_con = database.createDBConnection(database.database_name)
    # enter the dataset entry
    dataset_id = database.addDataset(db_con, str(file_name),
                                     "no description available", 1, 1)

    # Create a directory for the dataset with the dataset ID
    os.mkdir(directoryPath + str(dataset_id))

    # move EM trace file into the dataset directory
    shutil.move(directoryPath + str(file_name) + ".npy",
                directoryPath + str(dataset_id))

    # enter the EM trace entry
        directoryPath + str(dataset_id) + "/" + str(file_name) + '.npy',
        str(center_frequency), str(sampling_rate), str(hasher.hexdigest()),
        str(hash_function), dataset_id)
    # closing database connection

    # compose the response
    response_body = {
        "status": "done",
        "file_name": str(file_name) + ".npy",
        "file_size": file_size,
        "hash_type": str(hash_function),
        "hash_value": str(hash_value)

    res = make_response(jsonify(response_body), 200)

    # sending a response
    return res
예제 #13
def upload_the_data_file():

    #print("IMPORTANT: upload_the_data_file() called")

    # reading the configuration file
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()

    # take the settings sent from the UI
    sdr = request.form['sdr']
    center_frequency = request.form['center_frequency']
    center_frequency_scale = request.form['center_frequency_scale']
    sampling_rate = request.form['sampling_rate']
    hash_function = request.form['hash_function']

    # convert the center frequency in the correct format
    center_frequency = int(center_frequency)
    if center_frequency_scale == "H":
        center_frequency = center_frequency
    elif center_frequency_scale == "K":
        center_frequency = center_frequency * 1000
    elif center_frequency_scale == "M":
        center_frequency = center_frequency * 1000000
    elif center_frequency_scale == "G":
        center_frequency = center_frequency * 1000000000

    # path to the data directory according to the config file
    directoryPath = str(config['general-settings']['temp-data-directory'])

    # saving the uploaded datafile to a temporary directory
    if request.method == 'POST':
        f = request.files['fileToUpload']
        f.save(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], f.filename))

    # convert the cFile to NumPy
    data = iq.getData(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], f.filename))
    # cFile file name without file extension
    file_name_without_extension = f.filename.split(".")[0]
        app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] + "/" + str(file_name_without_extension) +
        ".npy", data)
    # moving NumPy file to the data directory
        app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] + "/" + str(file_name_without_extension) +
        ".npy", directoryPath)
    # delete temporary array and temporary file
    del data
    os.remove(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], f.filename))

    # take file size in MB
    file_stats = os.stat(directoryPath + str(file_name_without_extension) +
    file_size = int(file_stats.st_size / (1024 * 1024))
    file_size = str(file_size) + "MB"

    # update the selected hash function
    config['general-settings']['temp-hash-function'] = str(hash_function)

    # select the hash function picked by the user
    if hash_function == "md5":
        hasher = hashlib.md5()
    elif hash_function == "sha1":
        hasher = hashlib.sha1()
    elif hash_function == "sha256":
        hasher = hashlib.sha256()

    # calculating the hash value and set to the config field
    with open(directoryPath + str(file_name_without_extension) + '.npy',
              'rb') as afile:
        buf = afile.read()
    hash_value = hasher.hexdigest()
    config['general-settings']['temp-hash-value'] = str(hash_value)

    # save new hash information to config file
    with open(config_file_name, 'w') as configfile:

    # load the data for graphing
    data = np.load(directoryPath + str(file_name_without_extension) + '.npy',

    # take only a segment to plot
    data = data[0:10000]

    # set the sampling rate of the emvincelib library settings
    iq.sampleRate = int(sampling_rate)
    print("Sampling rate of emvincelib: " + str(iq.sampleRate))

    # removing old graph files
    old_graph_file_name = directoryPath + "waveform." + str(
        config['general-settings']['figure-sequence_number']) + ".png"
    if os.path.isfile(old_graph_file_name):  # checking if the file exists
    old_graph_file_name = directoryPath + "fft." + str(
        config['general-settings']['figure-sequence_number']) + ".png"
    if os.path.isfile(old_graph_file_name):  # checking if the file exists
    old_graph_file_name = directoryPath + "spectrogram." + str(
        config['general-settings']['figure-sequence_number']) + ".png"
    if os.path.isfile(old_graph_file_name):  # checking if the file exists

    # removing old graph files
    #old_graph_file_name = directoryPath + "waveform." + str(config['general-settings']['figure-sequence_number']) + ".png"
    #old_graph_file_name = directoryPath + "fft." + str(config['general-settings']['figure-sequence_number']) + ".png"
    #old_graph_file_name = directoryPath + "spectrogram." + str(config['general-settings']['figure-sequence_number']) + ".png"

    # generate a random sequence number
    sequence_number = random.randint(1, 1000)

    # plot the waveform graph
    new_graph_file_name = directoryPath + "waveform." + str(
        sequence_number) + ".png"

    # plot PSD graph
    new_graph_file_name = directoryPath + "fft." + str(
        sequence_number) + ".png"
    iq.plotPSD(data, show=0, file_name=new_graph_file_name, file_format='png')

    # plot spectrogram
    new_graph_file_name = directoryPath + "spectrogram." + str(
        sequence_number) + ".png"

    # updating the figure sequence number
    config['general-settings']['figure-sequence_number'] = str(sequence_number)
    # save new settings to the config file
    with open(config_file_name, 'w') as configfile:

    # clear the memory
    del data

    # making database entries for the dataset and EM trace
    # TODO: Add a feature to have a single dataset ID and multiple EM trace files inside a directory structure
    # open database connection
    db_con = database.createDBConnection(database.database_name)
    # enter the dataset entry
    dataset_id = database.addDataset(db_con, str(file_name_without_extension),
                                     "no description available", 1, 1)

    # Create a directory for the dataset with the dataset ID
    os.mkdir(directoryPath + str(dataset_id))

    # move EM trace file into the dataset directory
    shutil.move(directoryPath + str(file_name_without_extension) + ".npy",
                directoryPath + str(dataset_id))

    # enter the EM trace entry
        db_con, directoryPath +
        str(dataset_id) + "/" + str(file_name_without_extension) + '.npy',
        str(center_frequency), str(sampling_rate), str(hasher.hexdigest()),
        str(hash_function), dataset_id)
    # closing database connection

    # compose the response
    response_body = {
        "status": "done",
        "file_name": str(file_name_without_extension) + ".npy",
        "file_size": file_size,
        "hash_type": str(hash_function),
        "hash_value": str(hash_value)

    res = make_response(jsonify(response_body), 200)

    # sending a response
    return res