예제 #1
def gather_city_data(city_csv, db_name, output_name):
    This function creates a csv that saves the total acreage, number of resorts
    and time to drive to them for all resorts within a 3.25 hour drive of the
    conn = lite.connect(db_name)
    c = conn.cursor()
    conn.create_function('time_between', 4, compute_time_between)
    cities = pd.read_csv(city_csv)
    rows = []
    for i, city in cities.iterrows():
        lat, lon = get_lat_lon(city['city'] + " " + city['state'])
        params = (lon,lat,lon,lat)
        query = "SELECT SUM(area), SUM(time_between(lon, lat, ?, ?)), COUNT(*) \
                 FROM main WHERE time_between(lon, lat, ?, ?) < 3.25"
        result = c.execute(query, params)
        area, time, count = list(result)[0]
        rows.append((city['city'], city['state'], area, time, count, lat, lon))

    labels = ['city','state','area','time','number', 'lat', 'lon']
예제 #2
def gather_city_data(city_csv, db_name, output_name):
    This function creates a csv that saves the total acreage, number of resorts
    and time to drive to them for all resorts within a 3.25 hour drive of the

    conn = lite.connect(db_name)
    c = conn.cursor()
    conn.create_function('time_between', 4, compute_time_between)
    cities = pd.read_csv(city_csv)
    rows = []
    for i, city in cities.iterrows():
        lat, lon = get_lat_lon(city['city'] + " " + city['state'])
        params = (lon, lat, lon, lat)
        query = "SELECT SUM(area), SUM(time_between(lon, lat, ?, ?)), COUNT(*) \
                 FROM main WHERE time_between(lon, lat, ?, ?) < 3.25"

        result = c.execute(query, params)
        area, time, count = list(result)[0]
        rows.append((city['city'], city['state'], area, time, count, lat, lon))


    labels = ['city', 'state', 'area', 'time', 'number', 'lat', 'lon']
    csv_writer(labels, rows, output_name)
예제 #3
def get_current(db_name, output_file):
    This function gathers the current weather conditions for all of the resorts
    in our database and writes a csv containing all of the data

    zip_url = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?zip={},us"

    resort_loc = query_resorts(db_name)

    cnt = 0
    weather_data = []
    for ID, z_code in resort_loc:
        sleep(1.1)  # Slow down to prevent API lockout
        req_addr = zip_url.format(z_code) + "&units=imperial" + API_KEY
        # Attempt to resolve faulty database connection
            r = requests.get(req_addr)
        except ConnectionError:
            r = requests.get(req_addr)

        json_str = r.text
        weather = json.loads(json_str)
        wthr = weather['weather'][0]['main']
        dscr = weather['weather'][0]['description']
        temp = weather['main']['temp']
        pres = weather['main']['pressure']
        humd = weather['main']['humidity']
        spd = weather['wind']['speed']

        if 'rain' in weather:
            rain = weather['rain']
            if '3h' in rain:
                rain = rain['3h']
            rain = 0

        if 'snow' in weather:
            snow = weather['snow']
            if '3h' in snow:
                snow = snow['3h']
            snow = 0

        data = [ID, wthr, dscr, temp, pres, humd, spd, rain, snow]

    labels = [
        "ID", 'wthr', 'dscr', "temp", "pres", "humd", "spd", "rain", "snow"

    csv_writer(labels, weather_data, output_file)
예제 #4
def get_current(db_name, output_file):
    This function gathers the current weather conditions for all of the resorts
    in our database and writes a csv containing all of the data

    zip_url = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?zip={},us"

    resort_loc = query_resorts(db_name)

    cnt = 0
    weather_data = []
    for ID, z_code in resort_loc:
        sleep(1.1) # Slow down to prevent API lockout
        req_addr = zip_url.format(z_code) + "&units=imperial" + API_KEY
        # Attempt to resolve faulty database connection
            r = requests.get(req_addr)
        except ConnectionError:
            r = requests.get(req_addr)

        json_str = r.text
        weather = json.loads(json_str)
        wthr = weather['weather'][0]['main']
        dscr = weather['weather'][0]['description']
        temp = weather['main']['temp']
        pres = weather['main']['pressure']
        humd = weather['main']['humidity']
        spd = weather['wind']['speed']

        if 'rain' in weather:
            rain = weather['rain']
            if '3h' in rain:
                rain = rain['3h']
            rain = 0

        if 'snow' in weather:
            snow = weather['snow']
            if '3h' in snow:
                snow = snow['3h']
            snow = 0

        data = [ID, wthr, dscr, temp, pres, humd, spd, rain, snow]

    labels = ["ID", 'wthr', 'dscr', "temp", "pres", "humd", "spd", "rain", "snow"]
    csv_writer(labels, weather_data, output_file)
예제 #5
def get_forecast(db_name, output_file):
    This function gathers the seven day forecast for all of the resorts
    in our database and writes a csv containing all of the data

    zip_url = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast/daily?zip={},us"

    NUM_DAYS = 7

    labels = ['ID']
    # Build column headers for every day and field of interest
    for day_num in range(NUM_DAYS):
        fields = "wthr_{d} dscr_{d} avg_day_{d} avg_night_{d} \
                  t_min_{d} t_max_{d} pres_{d} humd_{d} w_spd_{d} \
                  rain_{d} snow_{d}".format(d=str(day_num + 1))
        fields = fields.split()
        labels = labels + fields

    resort_locs = query_resorts(db_name)

    cnt = 0
    weather_data = []
    for ID, z_code in resort_locs:
        sleep(1.1)  # Slow down requests to prevent API lockout
        req_addr = zip_url.format(z_code) + "&units=imperial" + API_KEY
        # Attempt to resolve faulty database connection
            r = requests.get(req_addr)
        except ConnectionError:
            r = requests.get(req_addr)

        json_str = r.text
        weather = json.loads(json_str)
        fcast_data = [ID]

        for day_num in range(len(weather['list'])):
            link = weather['list'][day_num]
            wthr = link['weather'][0]['main']
            dscr = link['weather'][0]['description']
            t_day = link['temp']['day']
            t_night = link['temp']['night']
            t_min = link['temp']['min']
            t_max = link['temp']['max']
            pres = link['pressure']
            humd = link['humidity']
            w_spd = link['speed']

            if 'rain' in link:
                rain = link['rain']
                rain = 0

            if 'snow' in link:
                snow = link['snow']
                snow = 0

            data = [
                wthr, dscr, t_day, t_night, t_min, t_max, pres, humd, w_spd,
                rain, snow
            fcast_data += data


    csv_writer(labels, weather_data, output_file)
예제 #6
def get_forecast(db_name, output_file):

    This function gathers the seven day forecast for all of the resorts
    in our database and writes a csv containing all of the data

    zip_url = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast/daily?zip={},us"

    NUM_DAYS = 7

    labels = ['ID']
    # Build column headers for every day and field of interest
    for day_num in range(NUM_DAYS):
        fields = "wthr_{d} dscr_{d} avg_day_{d} avg_night_{d} \
                  t_min_{d} t_max_{d} pres_{d} humd_{d} w_spd_{d} \
                  rain_{d} snow_{d}".format(d=str(day_num + 1))
        fields = fields.split()
        labels = labels + fields

    resort_locs = query_resorts(db_name)

    cnt = 0
    weather_data = []
    for ID, z_code in resort_locs:
        sleep(1.1) # Slow down requests to prevent API lockout
        req_addr =  zip_url.format(z_code) + "&units=imperial" + API_KEY
        # Attempt to resolve faulty database connection
            r = requests.get(req_addr)
        except ConnectionError:
            r = requests.get(req_addr)

        json_str = r.text
        weather = json.loads(json_str)
        fcast_data = [ID]

        for day_num in range(len(weather['list'])):
            link = weather['list'][day_num]
            wthr = link['weather'][0]['main']
            dscr = link['weather'][0]['description']
            t_day = link['temp']['day']
            t_night = link['temp']['night']
            t_min = link['temp']['min']
            t_max = link['temp']['max']
            pres = link['pressure']
            humd = link['humidity']
            w_spd = link['speed']

            if 'rain' in link:
                rain = link['rain']
                rain = 0

            if 'snow' in link:
                snow = link['snow']
                snow = 0

            data = [wthr, dscr, t_day, t_night, t_min, t_max, pres, humd, w_spd, rain, snow]
            fcast_data += data

    csv_writer(labels, weather_data, output_file)