def item_matrix(type_id): db_conn = database.get_db_conn() cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.row_factory = sqlite3.Row cur.execute( ''' SELECT c.price, ao.dogma_attributes FROM abyssal_observations ao LEFT JOIN contracts c ON c.contract_id=ao.contract_id WHERE ao.type_id=?''', (type_id, )) matrix = [] while True: item = cur.fetchone() if item == None: break attribs = json.loads(item["dogma_attributes"]) attribs_dict = {} for attrib in attribs: if attrib["attribute_id"] not in blacklisted_attribute_ids: attribs_dict[attrib["attribute_id"]] = attrib["value"] attribs_values = list(attribs_dict.values()) vector = [item["price"]] + attribs_values matrix.append(vector) return matrix
def mark_contract_scraped(data): db_conn = database.get_db_conn() cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute("INSERT INTO contracts (contract_id, date_issued, date_expired, price) VALUES (?,?,?,?)", ( data["contract_id"], parse_eve_date(data["date_issued"]), parse_eve_date(data["date_expired"]), data["price"] )) db_conn.commit()
def scrape_types(type_ids): db_conn = database.get_db_conn() c = db_conn.cursor() c.row_factory = lambda cur, row: row[0] c.execute("SELECT type_id FROM types") already_scraped = c.fetchall() for type_id in type_ids: if type_id not in already_scraped: scrape_type(type_id)
def scrape_incomplete_abyssal_items(): db_conn = database.get_db_conn() cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT type_id, item_id FROM abyssal_observations WHERE source_type_id ISNULL") while True: row = cur.fetchone() if row == None: break print("Scraping dynamic data for abyssal item #%d" % row[1]) scrape_abyssal_item(row[0], row[1])
def scrape_type(type_id): r = requests.get("" % type_id) try: d = r.json() except: print("Failed to scrape type id #%d", type_id) return False db_conn = database.get_db_conn() c = db_conn.cursor() c.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO types VALUES (?,?)", (d["type_id"], d["name"])) db_conn.commit() return True
def scrape_dogma_attribute(attribute_id): r = requests.get("" % attribute_id) d = r.json() db_conn = database.get_db_conn() c = db_conn.cursor() c.execute("INSERT INTO dogma_attributes VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)", ( d["attribute_id"], d["name"] if "name" in d else "", d["display_name"] if "display_name" in d else "", d["description"] if "description" in d else "", d["high_is_good"] if "high_is_good" in d else 0, d["default_value"] if "default_value" in d else "NULL" )) db_conn.commit()
def scrape_dogma_attributes(): r = requests.get("") attribute_ids = r.json() db_conn = database.get_db_conn() c = db_conn.cursor() c.row_factory = lambda cur, row: row[0] c.execute("SELECT attribute_id FROM dogma_attributes") already_scraped = c.fetchall() count = 1 for attribute_id in attribute_ids: if attribute_id not in already_scraped: print("Scraping attribute id #%d (%d/%d)" % (attribute_id, count, len(attribute_ids))) scrape_dogma_attribute(attribute_id) count += 1
def random_item(type_id): db_conn = database.get_db_conn() cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.row_factory = sqlite3.Row cur.execute( ''' SELECT ao.*, c.price, FROM abyssal_observations ao LEFT JOIN contracts c ON c.contract_id=ao.contract_id LEFT JOIN types t ON t.type_id=ao.type_id WHERE ao.type_id=? ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1''', (type_id, )) item = cur.fetchone() summary = "" summary += "Type: " + item["name"] + "\n" summary += f"List Price: {item['price']:,} ISK\n" summary += "Attributes:\n" item_attribs = json.loads(item["dogma_attributes"]) attribute_ids = [] for attrib in item_attribs: attribute_ids.append(attrib["attribute_id"]) q = f"SELECT * FROM dogma_attributes WHERE attribute_id in ({','.join(['?']*len(attribute_ids))}) ORDER BY name" cur.execute(q, attribute_ids) attribs = cur.fetchall() attrib_ids_to_display_names = {} for attrib in attribs: if attrib["display_name"] != "": attrib_ids_to_display_names[ attrib["attribute_id"]] = attrib["display_name"] else: attrib_ids_to_display_names[ attrib["attribute_id"]] = attrib["name"] for attrib in item_attribs: if attrib["attribute_id"] not in blacklisted_attribute_ids: summary += (attrib_ids_to_display_names[attrib["attribute_id"]]. ljust(30)) + ("(#" + str(attrib["attribute_id"]) + "):" ).ljust(10) + "%f\n" % (attrib["value"]) return summary
def generate_summary(): summary = "" db_conn = database.get_db_conn() cur = db_conn.cursor() q = f"SELECT * FROM types WHERE type_id in ({','.join(['?']*len(scrape.abyssal_type_ids))}) ORDER BY name" cur.execute(q, scrape.abyssal_type_ids) types = cur.fetchall() for t in types: cur.execute( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM abyssal_observations WHERE type_id = ?", (t[0], )) count = cur.fetchall() summary += "%s - %s (#%d)\n" % (str(count[0][0]).rjust(6), t[1], t[0]) return summary
def scrape_abyssal_item(type_id, item_id): r = requests.get("" % (type_id, item_id)) item = r.json() db_conn = database.get_db_conn() cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute(''' UPDATE abyssal_observations SET (dogma_attributes, dogma_effects, source_type_id, mutator_type_id) = (?,?,?,?) WHERE item_id = ? ''', ( json.dumps(item["dogma_attributes"], separators=(',', ':')), json.dumps(item["dogma_effects"], separators=(',', ':')), item["source_type_id"], item["mutator_type_id"], item_id )) db_conn.commit()
import bcrypt import database import pymongo import datetime import json from bson.json_util import dumps import base64 import sys import uuid # Global variables db_con = database.get_db_conn() def prepare(): database.prepare_db() def check_login_success(username, password): users = db_con.users login_user = users.find_one({'username': username}) print('Trying loggin', username) if login_user: stored_password = login_user['password'] # Comparing stored password and the users hashed password if bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode('utf8'), stored_password) == stored_password: print('Login Success') return True else: print('Login Failed bad password')
def scrape_public_contracts(region_id): r = requests.get("" % region_id) pages = int(r.headers["X-Pages"]) db_conn = database.get_db_conn() cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.row_factory = lambda cur, row: row[0] cur.execute("SELECT contract_id FROM contracts") already_scraped = cur.fetchall() for page in range(1, pages+1): print("Pulling contracts page %d/%d" % (page, pages)) r = requests.get("" % (region_id, page)) contracts = r.json() for contract in contracts: # skip contracts we already scraped if int(contract["contract_id"]) in already_scraped: continue print("Scraping contract #%d (page %d/%d)" % (int(contract["contract_id"]), page, pages)) # only interested in item exchange contracts if contract["type"] != "item_exchange": mark_contract_scraped(contract) continue # scrape items r = requests.get("" % int(contract["contract_id"])) if r.status_code != 200: continue try: items = r.json() except: print("Error on contract #%d (page %d/%d)" % (int(contract["contract_id"]), page, pages)) continue # only interested in contracts for singleton item if len(items) != 1: mark_contract_scraped(contract) continue item = items[0] # only interested in 1x quantity of item if int(item["quantity"]) != 1: mark_contract_scraped(contract) continue # only interested in abyssal items if not is_abyssal(int(item["type_id"])): mark_contract_scraped(contract) continue print("Abyssal item found, item id #%d" % item["item_id"]) cur.execute("INSERT INTO abyssal_observations (item_id, type_id, contract_id) VALUES (?,?,?)", ( item["item_id"], item["type_id"], contract["contract_id"] )) mark_contract_scraped(contract) db_conn.commit()
class event_proc(threading.Thread): mgdDB = database.get_db_conn(config.mainDB) dispatchDB = database.get_db_conn(config.pytavia_dispatchDB) g_collection = None g_handler = None g_handler_name = None g_query = None g_event_loop = True def __init__(self, handler_name, collection, handler, query): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.g_handler_name = handler_name self.g_collection = collection self.g_handler = handler self.g_query = query # end def def get_resume_token(self, params): handler_name = params["handler_name"] collection_name = params["collection_name"] resume_history_rec = self.dispatchDB.db_sys_resume_history.find_one({ "collection": collection_name, "handler_name": handler_name }) if resume_history_rec != None: resume_token = resume_history_rec["resume_token"] return resume_token # end if return None # end def def save_resume_token(self, params): event = params["event"] handler_name = params["handler_name"] resume_token = event["_id"] operation_type = event["operationType"] database_name = event["ns"]["db"] collection_name = event["ns"]["coll"] document_key = event["documentKey"]["_id"] mgd_timestamp = event["clusterTime"] now_time = int(time.time() * 1000) resume_history_rec = self.dispatchDB.db_sys_resume_history.find_one({ "collection": collection_name, "handler_name": handler_name }) if resume_history_rec != None: self.dispatchDB.db_sys_resume_history.update( { "collection": collection_name, "handler_name": handler_name }, { "$set": { "resume_token": resume_token, "operation_type": operation_type, "document_key": document_key, "cluster_time": mgd_timestamp, "rec_timestamp": now_time } }) else: sys_resume_history =, "db_sys_resume_history") sys_resume_history.put("resume_token", resume_token) sys_resume_history.put("operation_type", operation_type) sys_resume_history.put("document_key", document_key) sys_resume_history.put("cluster_time", mgd_timestamp) sys_resume_history.put("handler_name", handler_name) sys_resume_history.put("collection", collection_name) sys_resume_history.insert() # end if # end def def shutdown(self, params): self.g_event_loop = params["event_loop_status"] # end def def extract_event(self, event): operation_type = event["operationType"] if operation_type == "delete": clusterTime = event["clusterTime"] collection = event["ns"]["coll"] db = event["ns"]["db"] object_id = event["documentKey"]["_id"] handler_name = event["handler_name"] m_event = msg_event.msg_event( object_id, operation_type.upper(), handler_name, collection, db, clusterTime, operation_type.upper() + "_" + collection.upper(), {}) return m_event elif operation_type == "insert": clusterTime = event["clusterTime"] collection = event["ns"]["coll"] db = event["ns"]["db"] object_id = event["documentKey"]["_id"] handler_name = event["handler_name"] event["fullDocument"]["_id"] = str(event["fullDocument"]["_id"]) full_document = event["fullDocument"] m_event = msg_event.msg_event( object_id, operation_type.upper(), handler_name, collection, db, clusterTime, operation_type.upper() + "_" + collection.upper(), full_document) return m_event else: # this is for update clusterTime = event["clusterTime"] collection = event["ns"]["coll"] db = event["ns"]["db"] object_id = event["documentKey"]["_id"] handler_name = event["handler_name"] changed_field = event["updateDescription"] m_event = msg_event.msg_event( object_id, operation_type.upper(), handler_name, collection, db, clusterTime, operation_type.upper() + "_" + collection.upper(), changed_field) return m_event # end if # end if def run(self): try: print("handler_listener - register() handler_name: " + str(self.g_handler_name)) while self.g_event_loop: resume_token = self.get_resume_token({ "handler_name": self.g_handler_name, "collection_name": self.g_collection }) msg_event = self.mgdDB[self.g_collection].watch( resume_after=resume_token, pipeline=self.g_query) doc_event = next(msg_event) doc_event["handler_name"] = self.g_handler_name self.save_resume_token({ "event": doc_event, "handler_name": self.g_handler_name }) event_msg = self.extract_event(doc_event) self.g_handler.event_switch(event_msg) # end while except: print(traceback.format_exc())