async def get_dashboard(ctx, user, colors): tasks = sorted( database.get_tasks(), key=lambda t: datetime.strptime(t['due_date'], "%b %d, %H:%M") ) embed=Embed( title='Task Dashboard', color=0x95a5a6 # default ) embed.set_author( name=user.nick, icon_url=user.avatar_url ) if colors: embed.description = colors[0][0] embed.color = colors[0][1] for t in tasks: assigned_to_list = t['assigned_to'].split(',') if f"<@{}>" not in assigned_to_list: continue # Emoji formatting cur_time = due_time = datetime.strptime(t['due_date'], "%b %d, %H:%M") due_time = due_time.replace(year=cur_time.year) check = ' :white_check_mark:' if t['complete_date'] is not None else '' alert = ' :warning:' if not check and cur_time > due_time else '' # Embed embed.add_field( name=f"{t['task_name']} - ID:{t['task_id']}", value=( f"Due NLT {t['due_date']}{check}{alert}" ), inline=False ) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def remove_task(ctx, args): embed=Embed( title='Remove Task', color=RED ) if len(args) < 1 or not args[0].isdecimal(): embed.description = ( "Function usage:\n" "!remtask [id]\n" "id: the task id" ) await ctx.send(embed=embed) return task_id = int(args[0]) tasks = database.get_tasks(ext=f"WHERE task_id = {task_id}") if not tasks: embed.description = ( f"Task id {task_id} not found." ) await ctx.send(embed=embed) return database.remove_task(task_id) embed.color = GREEN embed.description = ( f"Successfully removed task id {task_id}." ) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def complete_task(ctx, args): user_id = embed=Embed( title='Complete Task', color=RED ) if len(args) < 1 or not args[0].isdecimal(): embed.description = ( "Function usage:\n" "!complete [id]\n" "id: the task id" ) await ctx.send(embed=embed) return task_id = int(args[0]) tasks = database.get_tasks(ext=f"WHERE task_id = {task_id}") if not tasks: embed.description = ( f"Task with ID:{task_id} not found." ) await ctx.send(embed=embed) return assigned_to = [int(i[2:-1]) for i in tasks[0]['assigned_to'].split(',')] if user_id not in assigned_to: embed.description = ( f"Task with ID:{task_id} not assigned to <@{user_id}>." ) await ctx.send(embed=embed) return database.complete_task(task_id) embed.color = GREEN embed.description = ( f"Task with ID:{task_id} marked as complete." ) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def get_report(ctx, user, colors): tasks = sorted( database.get_tasks(), key=lambda t: datetime.strptime(t['due_date'], "%b %d, %H:%M") ) embed=Embed( title='Task Report', color=0x95a5a6 # default ) embed.set_author( name=user.nick, icon_url=user.avatar_url ) if colors: if colors[0][1] is None: embed.description = ( f"'{colors[0][0]}' is not a valid team name.\n" f"Please choose one of {({', '.join(ROLES.keys())})}." ) await ctx.send(embed=embed) return embed.description = colors[0][0] embed.color = colors[0][1] numfields = 0 page = 1 for t in tasks: assigned_to_list = t['assigned_to'].split(',') if colors[0][0] != t['task_team']: continue # Emoji formatting cur_time = due_time = datetime.strptime(t['due_date'], "%b %d, %H:%M") due_time = due_time.replace(year=cur_time.year) check = ' :white_check_mark:' if t['complete_date'] is not None else '' alert = ' :warning:' if not check and cur_time > due_time else '' # Embed embed.add_field( name=f"{t['task_name']} - ID:{t['task_id']}", value=( f"Assigned to {', '.join(assigned_to_list)}\n" f"Due NLT {t['due_date']}{check}{alert}" ), inline=False ) numfields += 1 if numfields >= 24: embed.set_footer(text=f"Page {page}") await ctx.send(embed=embed) embed.clear_fields() page += 1 numfields = 0 if numfields > 0: if page > 1: embed.set_footer(text=f"Page {page}") await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def get(self, offset=0, count=10): if not session.has_key('userName') or len(session['userName']) == 0: resp = make_response("require login", 403) return resp data = database.get_tasks(session['userName'], offset, count) for item in data: nodes = database.get_nodes(item['keyword']) for node in nodes: node['choose'] = node['magnet'] == item['magnet'] item['nodes'] = nodes return data
def create_task(): if not request.json or 'title' not in request.json: abort(400) task = { 'id': max([int(task.get('id')) for task in database.get_tasks(CONNECTION)]) + 1, 'title': request.json['title'], 'description': request.json.get('description', ""), 'status': request.json.get('status', 'False') } database.create_task(CONNECTION, task) return jsonify({'task': make_public_task(task)}), 201
def select_option_li(connection, existing_users): current_user = users.logged_in_user(connection) # Print the currently logged in username print('You are currently logged in as {}'.format(current_user)) # Asking user for an option print('Select any of the following options:') option = input('1) {}\n2) {}\n3) {}\n'.format('Continue', 'SignOut', 'quit')) if option == '1': # Passing current user and user's tasks as arguments gui.display(connection, current_user, database.get_tasks(connection, current_user)) elif option == '2': users.sign_out(connection, existing_users) elif option == '3': return else: print('Invalid option chosen! Please retry!\n') select_option_li(connection, existing_users)
async def change_task_due(ctx, args): embed=Embed( title='Change Task Due Date', color=RED ) if len(args) < 2 or not args[0].isdecimal(): embed.description = ( "Function usage:\n" "!changedue [id] [due date]\n" "id: the task id\n" "due date: date + time in the format 'Jan 1, 23:30'" ) await ctx.send(embed=embed) return # Param 1 task_id = int(args[0]) tasks = database.get_tasks(ext=f"WHERE task_id = {task_id}") if not tasks: embed.description = ( f"Task with ID:{task_id} not found." ) await ctx.send(embed=embed) return # Param 2 due_str = ' '.join(args[1:]) try: due_date = datetime.strptime(due_str, "%b %d, %H:%M") except ValueError: embed.description = ( "Parameter 2: 'due date' must be a date and time in the format " "'Jan 1, 23:30'." ) await ctx.send(embed=embed) return database.task_change_due(task_id, due_str) embed.color = GREEN embed.description = ( f"Task with ID:{task_id} changed due date to {due_str}." ) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def get_tasks(): return jsonify({'tasks': list(map(make_public_task, database.get_tasks(CONNECTION)))})