def editmsg_captopn(bot, update): chatid = update.message.chat_id text = update.message.text username = database.get_username(update.message.chat_id) message_id = database.get_message_id(update.message.chat_id) if message_id is None: update.message.reply_text("پیام شما قابل ادیت شدن نمی باشد") else: likes = database.get_like_dislike(message_id) button_list = [ InlineKeyboardButton("👎🏻 " + str(likes[1]), callback_data="dislike"), InlineKeyboardButton("👍🏻 " + str(likes[0]), callback_data="like"), ] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(build_menu(button_list, n_cols=2)) bot.edit_message_caption(chat_id=config.channelid, message_id=message_id, caption=text + "\n\n" + username + "\n@twitter66bot", reply_markup=reply_markup) update.message.reply_text("پیام شما با موفقیت ادیت شد") str(database.get_username(chatid)) + " Edited his/hers message caption -- " + " new text is : " + text + " -- chatid = " + str(chatid) + " -- TelUsername: "******" Edited his/hers message Caption -- " + " new text is : " + text + " -- chatid = " + str(chatid) + " -- TelUsername: " + str(update.message.from_user.username)) return ConversationHandler.END
def set(bot, update, args, chat_data): chat_id = update.message.chat_id try: # args[0] should contain the time for the timer in seconds given_username = str(args[0]) if database.get_username(given_username) == given_username: update.message.reply_text("این یوزرنیم قبلا استفاده شده") elif given_username.startswith("#"): if database.get_username(chat_id) is None: database.add_shit(chat_id, given_username) update.message.reply_text( "یوزرنیم شما ذخیره شد، میتوانید توییت بفرستید") telusername = update.message.from_user.username"telusername = "******"---chatid =" + str(chat_id) + " and username = "******" added to database") print("telusername = "******"---chatid =" + str(chat_id) + " and username = "******" added to database") return else: update.message.reply_text('حتما باید با # شروع شه') return except (IndexError, ValueError): update.message.reply_text("""مثال: /set #حمید_رضایی""")
def start(bot, update): chatid = str(update.message.chat_id) if database.get_username(chatid) is None: update.message.reply_text("""برای شما یوزرنیم ثبت نشده لطفا با ارسال /username برای خود یکی بسازید""") return username = database.get_username(chatid) bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="یوزرنیم شما:" + username + "\nمیتوانید توییت خود را بفرستید...")
def delete(bot, update, args, chat_data): chat_id = update.message.chat_id try: # args[0] should contain the time for the timer in seconds given_username = str(args[0]) username = database.get_username(chat_id) if username == given_username: database.delete_shit(given_username) update.message.reply_text( "یوزرنیم شما پاک شد، برای فرستادن توییت با ارسال /username برای خود یوزرنیم بسازید " ) telusername = update.message.from_user.username"telusername = "******"---chatid =" + str(chat_id) + " and username = "******" deleted from database") return else: update.message.reply_text("""برای شما یوزرنیم ثبت نشده لطفا با ارسال /username برای خود یکی بسازید""") return except (IndexError, ValueError): update.message.reply_text("""مثال: /del #حمید_رضایی""")
def get_users_tasks(db): username = request.query['username'] user_id = database.get_user_data(db, username)['userID'] task_list = database.position_list(db, user_id) registerd_tasks = tasks_registered_by_user(db) ret_val = [] for x in task_list: is_registered = False for registered_task in registerd_tasks: if (registered_task['jobID'] == x[0]): is_registered = True status = status_dict[str(x[8])] ret_val.append({ 'id': x[0], 'time': x[1], 'owner': x[3], 'title': x[4], 'location': x[5], 'description': x[6], 'selectedUserID': x[7], 'category': x[10], 'ownerName': database.get_user_data(db, x[3])['name'], 'cost': x[9], 'isRegistered': is_registered, 'status': status, 'selectedUsername': database.get_username(db, x[7]), }) return {'result': ret_val}
def unblacklist(bot, update, args, chat_data): chatid = str(update.message.chat_id) if chatid != config.admin_chatid: update.message.reply_text('برای انجام این عمل باید ادمین باشید') return else: try: # args[0] should contain the time for the timer in seconds given_username = str(args[0]) bchatid = database.get_chatid(given_username) username = database.get_username(bchatid) if username == given_username: id_to_unblock = database.get_chatid(username) database.unblock(id_to_unblock) bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=username + " REMOVED from blackllist") + " with the chat_id of: " + id_to_unblock + " REMOVED from" " blacklist") print( str(username) + " with the chat_id of: " + str(id_to_unblock) + " REMOVED from" " blacklist") return else: update.message.reply_text('این یوزرنیم در سرور موجود نیست') return except (IndexError, ValueError): update.message.reply_text("یچیو اشتباه نوشتی")
def get_user_tasks(db): user_id = get_user_id(db) task_list = database.position_list(db, user_id) ret_val = [] for x in task_list: status = status_dict[str(x[8])] ret_val.append({ 'id': x[0], 'time': x[1], 'owner': x[3], 'title': x[4], 'location': x[5], 'description': x[6], 'selectedUserID': x[7], 'category': x[10], 'ownerName': database.get_user_data(db, x[3])['name'], 'cost': x[9], 'status': status, 'selectedUsername': database.get_username(db, x[7]), }) return {'result': ret_val}
def rating(db): newRating = request.forms['rate'] userID = request.forms['userID'] if int(newRating) > 0: database.update_rating(db, newRating, database.get_username(db, userID)) return True ###################################################################### # @Mohamed if theres a new rating update rating else return home redirect('/')
def delete_last_post(bot, update): chatid = update.message.chat_id messageid = database.get_message_id(chatid) if messageid is None: update.message.reply_text("پیام شما یافت نشد") else: bot.delete_message(chat_id=config.channelid, message_id=messageid) bot.send_message(chat_id=chatid, text="پیام شما با موفقیت پاک شد", reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardRemove()) str(database.get_username(chatid)) + " deletet his/hers message: " + " -- chatid = " + str(chatid) + " -- TelUsername: "******" deletet his/hers message: " + " -- chatid = " + str(chatid) + " -- TelUsername: " + str(update.message.from_user.username)) database.delete_liked_message(messageid)
def make_username(bot, update): chatid = update.message.chat_id if database.get_username(chatid) is None: update.message.reply_text("""لطفا یک یوزرنیم انتخاب کنید این یوزرنیم زیر پست هاتون نوشته میشه حتما # بذارین اولش برای ارسال یوزرنیم از دستور /set استفاده کنید برای پاک کردن یوزرنیم از /del استفاده کنید """) update.message.reply_text("""مثال: /set #رضا_خوشحال /del #رضا_ناراحت""") else: username = database.get_username(chatid) bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="یوزرنیم شما:" + username + "\nمیتوانید توییت خود را بفرستید") update.message.reply_text( """برای پاک کردن یوزرنیم از /del استفاده کنید""") update.message.reply_text("""مثال: /del #رضا_ناراحت""")
def get_weekly_proposed_meals(): db = current_app.config["db"] today = end = today - timedelta(days=7) meal_student_ids = db.get_between_meals(str(end), str(today), "average", 0) list = [[0 for x in range(2)] for y in range(len(meal_student_ids))] db = current_app.config["db"] for i in range(len(meal_student_ids)): current_m = current_meal.Current_Meal() current_m.meal(meal_student_ids[i][0]) current_m.get_average_rates() current_m.get_vote_counter() current_m.get_food_calories() = meal_student_ids[i][0] current_m.get_score() list[i][0] = current_m list[i][1] = db.get_username(meal_student_ids[i][1]) return list
def log_in(self, rfid): if self.account_type == AccountManager.GUEST: return False if rfid == settings.TESTING_RFID: self.account_type = AccountManager.TEST self.username = settings.TESTING_USERNAME self.rfid = rfid self.balance = settings.TESTING_BALANCE return True else: self.rfid = rfid self.username = get_username(rfid) if self.username == None: print "Invalid credentials" print "RFID = " + rfid return False self.account_type = AccountManager.SRND self.balance = get_balance(rfid) return True
def main(userid): welcome = "###################################################################\n"\ "# This is a simple crawler to get images from twitter account and #\n"\ "# convert them to several videos with recognized label on it. #\n"\ "# author: Yuxuan Su([email protected]) #\n"\ "###################################################################\n" print(welcome) is_success, outputs = get_username(userid) if not is_success: print("get username failed. exit!") sys.exit(-1) print("Welcome! %s" % outputs[1]) while True: op = input("Press [C] to start a task, Press [I] to view collective statistics, Press [Q] to quit:") if op in ("C", "c"): start_task(userid) elif op in ("Q", "q"): sys.exit(0) elif op in ("I", "i"): pass
def most_liked(bot, update): chatid = str(update.message.chat_id) if chatid != config.admin_chatid: update.message.reply_text('برای انجام این عمل باید ادمین باشید') return else: data = database.get_most_liked() class topmsg: def __init__(self, chatid, msgid, likes, dislikes): self.chatid = chatid self.msgid = msgid self.likes = likes self.dislikes = dislikes def __repr__(self): return repr( (self.chatid, self.msgid, self.likes, self.dislikes)) def getkey(topmsg): return topmsg.likes list = [ topmsg(data[0][0], data[0][1], data[0][2], data[0][3]), topmsg(data[1][0], data[1][1], data[1][2], data[1][3]), topmsg(data[2][0], data[2][1], data[2][2], data[2][3]), topmsg(data[3][0], data[3][1], data[3][2], data[3][3]), topmsg(data[4][0], data[4][1], data[4][2], data[4][3]) ] list.sort(key=getkey) bot.send_message( chat_id=config.channelid, text=" کسانی که بیشترین تعداد لایک را در یک پیام داشتند:") for x in range(4, -1, -1): msgtext = "\nUsername: "******"\nLikes: " + str(list[x].likes) + "\nDislikes: " + str(list[x].dislikes) bot.send_message(chat_id=config.channelid, reply_to_message_id=list[x].msgid, text=msgtext)
def start_crawl(userid, target, nums, taskid): is_success, outputs = get_username(userid) if not is_success: print("get userinfo failed. exit!") return False, "crawl failed" twitter_auth_file = os.path.join(RES_DIR, str(userid), outputs[3]) google_auth_file = os.path.join(RES_DIR, str(userid), outputs[4]) print("authorize Twitter...") api = twitter.twitter_OAuth_login(twitter_auth_file) print("start grabbing tweets...") # Twitter can only return maximum 3000+ tweets twitter.download_tweets(api, target, int(nums)) print("start downloading images...") urls = twitter.extract_images_url(file_name=target + '_tweets.json') image_count = len(urls) twitter.download_images(target, urls) images_src = os.path.join('./download_images', target) images_dst = os.path.join(images_src, 'add_labels') os.mkdir(images_dst) image_client = GVision.get_image_client(google_auth_file) GVision.draw_labels_on_images(image_client, images_src, images_dst) selfFFMPEG.convert_images_to_video(images_dst, images_src) image_location = images_src video_location = images_src # update task info is_success, outputs = update_task({'id': taskid, 'image': image_location, 'video': video_location, 'image_count': image_count}) if not is_success: print(outputs) return False, "crawl failed" return True, "crawl success"
def output_board(board,page,u413): if board==403: u413.type("Access denied.") return output='' if board==0: u413.type("Retrieving all topics...") c=db.count("posts","topic=TRUE AND PARENT IN (SELECT id FROM boards WHERE onall=TRUE)") if c==0 or page<1: page=1 elif page>math.ceil(c/10.0): page=math.ceil(c/10.0) t=db.query("SELECT *,id AS t FROM posts WHERE topic=TRUE AND parent IN (SELECT id FROM boards WHERE onall=TRUE) ORDER BY (SELECT MAX(posted) FROM posts WHERE topic=FALSE AND parent=t OR topic=TRUE AND id=t) DESC LIMIT %i,10;"%((page-1)*10)) t.reverse() pages=math.ceil(c/10.0) if pages==0: pages=1 output+=header.format(0,'BOARD ALL',page,int(math.ceil(c/10.0))) output+='<table>' for topic in t: r=db.count("posts","parent=%i AND topic=FALSE"%int(topic["id"])) last='' if r!=0: last=db.last_post(topic["id"]) lastu=db.get_username(last["owner"]) last=lastby.format(lastu,util.ago(last["posted"])) u=db.get_username(topic["owner"]) output+=alltopic.format(topic["parent"],topic["id"],topic["title"],u,util.ago(topic["posted"]),r,last) if page==1: u413.set_context("BOARD ALL") else: u413.set_context("BOARD ALL %i"%page) else: b=db.query("SELECT * FROM boards WHERE id=%i;"%board) if len(b)==0: u413.type("Board %i does not exist."%board) return else: b=b[0] c=db.count("posts","topic=TRUE AND parent=%i;"%board) if c==0 or page<1: page=1 elif page>math.ceil(c/10.0): page=math.ceil(c/10.0) t=db.query("SELECT *,id as t FROM posts WHERE topic=TRUE AND parent=%i ORDER BY (SELECT MAX(posted) FROM posts WHERE topic=FALSE AND parent=t OR topic=TRUE AND id=t) DESC LIMIT %i,10;"%(board,(page-1)*10)) t.reverse() u413.type("Retrieving board topics...") if c==0: output+=header.format(board,b["name"],page,1) else: output+=header.format(board,b["name"],page,int(math.ceil(c/10.0))) output+='<table>' if board==4: for topic in t: anons=db.anons(topic["id"]) r=db.count_posts(topic["id"]) last='' if r!=0: last=db.last_post(topic["id"]) lastu=util.anoncode(anons,last["owner"],topic["owner"]) last=anonlastby.format(lastu,util.ago(last["posted"])) output+=anontopic.format(int(topic["id"]),topic["title"],util.ago(topic["posted"]),r,last) else: for topic in t: r=db.count_posts(topic["id"]) last='' if r!=0: last=db.last_post(topic["id"]) lastu=db.get_username(last["owner"]) last=lastby.format(lastu,util.ago(last["posted"])) u=db.get_username(topic["owner"]) output+=ftopic.format(int(topic["id"]),topic["title"],u,util.ago(topic["posted"]),r,last) if page==1: u413.set_context("BOARD %i"%board) else: u413.set_context("BOARD %i %i"%(board,page)) u413.donttype(output) if board==666: u413.exec_js('$("#frame").addClass("hell");$(".backgroundImage").attr("src","content/hellbg.png").css("opacity",0.9);','$("#frame").removeClass("hell");$(".backgroundImage").attr("src","content/background.jpg").css("opacity",0.1);') u413.clear_screen()
def output_page(topic, page, u413): t = db.select_topic(topic) if t == None: u413.type("Invalid topic ID.") return b = db.get_boardname(t["parent"]) c = db.count_posts(topic) if page == 0 and page > 1 or page != 0 and page > math.ceil(c / 10.0): page = math.ceil(c / 10.0) if page < 1: page = 1 r = db.query( "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE parent=%i ORDER BY id LIMIT %i,10;" % (topic, (page - 1) * 10)) #replies u413.type("Retrieving topic...") if t["parent"] == '4': u413.donttype( header.format(4, b, topic, t["title"], 'OP', util.ago(t["posted"]))) editor = db.get_username(t["editor"]) e = '' if editor != None: if t["editor"] != t["owner"]: e = edited.format(editor, util.ago(t["edited"])) else: e = edited.format('OP', util.ago(t["edited"])) u413.donttype(bbcode.bbcodify(t["post"]) + '<br/>' + e) else: u = db.get_username(t["owner"]) u413.donttype( header.format(int(t["parent"]), b, topic, t["title"], u, util.ago(t["posted"]))) editor = db.get_username(t["editor"]) e = '' if editor != None: e = edited.format(editor, util.ago(t["edited"])) u413.donttype(bbcode.bbcodify(t["post"]) + '<br/>' + e) if c == 0: u413.donttype('Page 1/1<br/>') else: u413.donttype('Page %i/%i<br/>' % (page, math.ceil(c / 10.0))) if c == 0: u413.type("There are no replies.") else: if t['parent'] == '4': anons = db.anons(topic) for reply in r: owner = util.anoncode(anons, reply["owner"], t["owner"]) editor = db.get_username(reply["editor"]) e = '' if editor != None: if reply["editor"] != reply["owner"]: e = edited.format(editor, util.ago(reply["edited"])) else: e = edited.format(owner, util.ago(reply["edited"])) u413.donttype( post.format(owner, int(reply["id"]), bbcode.bbcodify(reply["post"]), util.ago(reply["posted"]), e)) else: for reply in r: owner = db.get_username(reply["owner"]) editor = db.get_username(reply["editor"]) e = '' if editor != None: e = edited.format(editor, util.ago(reply["edited"])) u413.donttype( post.format(owner, int(reply["id"]), bbcode.bbcodify(reply["post"]), util.ago(reply["posted"]), e)) if c == 0: u413.donttype('Page 1/1<br/>') else: u413.donttype('Page %i/%i<br/>' % (page, math.ceil(c / 10.0))) if page == 1: u413.set_context("TOPIC %i" % topic) else: u413.set_context("TOPIC %i %i" % (topic, page)) u413.clear_screen()
def output_page(topic,page,u413): t=db.select_topic(topic) if t==None: u413.type("Invalid topic ID.") return b=db.get_boardname(t["parent"]) c=db.count_posts(topic) if page==0 and page>1 or page!=0 and page>math.ceil(c/10.0): page=math.ceil(c/10.0) if page<1: page=1 r=db.query("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE parent=%i ORDER BY id LIMIT %i,10;"%(topic,(page-1)*10))#replies u413.type("Retrieving topic...") if t["parent"]=='4': u413.donttype(header.format(4,b,topic,t["title"],'OP',util.ago(t["posted"]))) editor=db.get_username(t["editor"]) e='' if editor!=None: e=edited.format(editor,util.ago(t["edited"])) u413.donttype(bbcode.bbcodify(t["post"])+'<br/>'+e) else: u=db.get_username(t["owner"]) u413.donttype(header.format(int(t["parent"]),b,topic,t["title"],u,util.ago(t["posted"]))) editor=db.get_username(t["editor"]) e='' if editor!=None: e=edited.format(editor,util.ago(t["edited"])) u413.donttype(bbcode.bbcodify(t["post"])+'<br/>'+e) if c==0: u413.donttype('Page 1/1<br/>') else: u413.donttype('Page %i/%i<br/>'%(page,math.ceil(c/10.0))) if c==0: u413.type("There are no replies.") else: if t['parent']=='4': anons=db.anons(topic) for reply in r: owner=util.anoncode(anons,reply["owner"],t["owner"]) editor=db.get_username(reply["editor"]) e='' if editor!=None: e=edited.format(editor,util.ago(reply["edited"])) u413.donttype(post.format(owner,int(reply["id"]),bbcode.bbcodify(reply["post"]),util.ago(reply["posted"]),e)) else: for reply in r: owner=db.get_username(reply["owner"]) editor=db.get_username(reply["editor"]) e='' if editor!=None: e=edited.format(editor,util.ago(reply["edited"])) u413.donttype(post.format(owner,int(reply["id"]),bbcode.bbcodify(reply["post"]),util.ago(reply["posted"]),e)) if c==0: u413.donttype('Page 1/1<br/>') else: u413.donttype('Page %i/%i<br/>'%(page,math.ceil(c/10.0))) if page==1: u413.set_context("TOPIC %i"%topic) else: u413.set_context("TOPIC %i %i"%(topic,page)) u413.clear_screen()
def output_board(board,page,u413): if board==403: u413.type("Access denied.") return output='' if board==0: u413.type("Retrieving all topics...") c=db.count("posts","topic=TRUE AND PARENT IN (SELECT id FROM boards WHERE onall=TRUE)") if c==0 or page<1: page=1 elif page>math.ceil(c/10.0): page=math.ceil(c/10.0) t=db.query("SELECT *,id AS t FROM posts WHERE topic=TRUE AND parent IN (SELECT id FROM boards WHERE onall=TRUE) ORDER BY (SELECT MAX(posted) FROM posts WHERE topic=FALSE AND parent=t OR topic=TRUE AND id=t) DESC LIMIT %i,10;"%((page-1)*10)) t.reverse() pages=math.ceil(c/10.0) if pages==0: pages=1 output+=header.format(0,'BOARD ALL',page,int(math.ceil(c/10.0))) output+='<table>' for topic in t: r=db.count("posts","parent=%i AND topic=FALSE"%int(topic["id"])) last='' if r!=0: last=db.last_post(topic["id"]) lastu=db.get_username(last["owner"]) last=lastby.format(lastu,util.ago(last["posted"])) u=db.get_username(topic["owner"]) output+=alltopic.format(topic["parent"],topic["id"],topic["title"],u,util.ago(topic["posted"]),r,last) if page==1: u413.set_context("BOARD ALL") else: u413.set_context("BOARD ALL %i"%page) else: b=db.query("SELECT * FROM boards WHERE id=%i;"%board) if len(b)==0: u413.type("Board %i does not exist."%board) return else: b=b[0] c=db.count("posts","topic=TRUE AND parent=%i;"%board) u413.donttype(str(c)+' '+str(board)+' '+str(page)) if c==0 or page<1: page=1 elif page>math.ceil(c/10.0): page=math.ceil(c/10.0) u413.donttype(str(c)+' '+str(board)+' '+str(page)) t=db.query("SELECT *,id as t FROM posts WHERE topic=TRUE AND parent=%i ORDER BY (SELECT MAX(posted) FROM posts WHERE topic=FALSE AND parent=t OR topic=TRUE AND id=t) ASC LIMIT %i,10;"%(board,(page-1)*10)) u413.type("Retrieving board topics...") if c==0: output+=header.format(board,b["name"],page,1) else: output+=header.format(board,b["name"],page,int(math.ceil(c/10.0))) output+='<table>' if board==4: for topic in t: anons=db.anons(topic["id"]) r=db.count_posts(topic["id"]) last='' if r!=0: last=db.last_post(topic["id"]) lastu=util.anoncode(anons,last["owner"],topic["owner"]) last=anonlastby.format(lastu,util.ago(last["posted"])) output+=anontopic.format(int(topic["id"]),topic["title"],util.ago(topic["posted"]),r,last) else: for topic in t: r=db.count_posts(topic["id"]) last='' if r!=0: last=db.last_post(topic["id"]) lastu=db.get_username(last["owner"]) last=lastby.format(lastu,util.ago(last["posted"])) u=db.get_username(topic["owner"]) output+=ftopic.format(int(topic["id"]),topic["title"],u,util.ago(topic["posted"]),r,last) if page==1: u413.set_context("BOARD %i"%board) else: u413.set_context("BOARD %i %i"%(board,page)) u413.donttype(output) if board==666: u413.exec_js('$("#frame").addClass("hell");$(".backgroundImage").attr("src","content/hellbg.png").css("opacity",0.9);','$("#frame").removeClass("hell");$(".backgroundImage").attr("src","content/background.jpg").css("opacity",0.1);') u413.clear_screen()
def twiiter(bot, update): #region likes and dislikes dislikes = 0 likes = 0 button_list = [ InlineKeyboardButton("👎🏻 " + str(dislikes), callback_data="dislike"), InlineKeyboardButton("👍🏻 " + str(likes), callback_data="like"), ] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(build_menu(button_list, n_cols=2)) #endregion chatid = update.message.chat_id blocked = database.get_blocked_id(chatid) username = database.get_username(chatid) telusername = update.message.from_user.username if blocked is None: if database.get_username(chatid) is None: update.message.reply_text( 'اول برای خود با ارسال /username یوزرنیم بسازید') elif caption = update.message.caption + "\n\n" + username + "\n@twitter66bot" msgid = bot.send_photo(chat_id=config.channelid,[-1].file_id, caption=caption, reply_markup=reply_markup) bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="توییت در کانال قرار گرفت", reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup( [['/edit_caption'], ['/delete']], resize_keyboard=True)) + " Sendphoto: --caption " + update.message.caption + " -- chatid = " + str(chatid) + " -- TelUsername: "******" Sendphoto: --caption " + update.message.caption + " -- chatid = " + str(chatid) + " -- TelUsername: "******"\n\n" + username + "\n@twitter66bot" msgid = bot.send_document(chat_id=config.channelid, document=update.message.document.file_id, caption=caption, reply_markup=reply_markup) bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="توییت در کانال قرار گرفت", reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup( [['/edit_caption'], ['/delete']], resize_keyboard=True)) + " SendGIF: --caption " + update.message.caption + " -- chatid = " + str(chatid) + " -- TelUsername: "******" SendGif: --caption " + update.message.caption + " -- chatid = " + str(chatid) + " -- TelUsername: "******"توییت در کانال قرار گرفت", reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup( [['/edit'], ['/delete']], resize_keyboard=True)) msgid = bot.send_message(chat_id=config.channelid, text=msgtext + "\n\n" + username + "\n@twitter66bot", reply_markup=reply_markup) database.add_like_msgid(update.message.chat_id, msgid.message_id) get_hashtags(msgtext) + " twited: " + msgtext + " -- chatid = " + str(chatid) + " -- TelUsername: "******" twited: " + msgtext + " -- chatid = " + str(chatid) + " -- TelUsername: "******"شما از طرف ادمین بلاک شدید")