def _store_city(resp):
    """Check cities exists in the DB, and if not stores them in the places table."""
    city = resp['city']
    row = database.query_row('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Place WHERE Id = ?', (city['id'],))    
    if (row[0] == 0):
        database.execute('INSERT INTO Place (Id, Name, CoordLon, CoordLat, Country) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)', (city['id'], city['name'], city['coord']['lon'], city['coord']['lat'], city['country']))
        database.commit()'Place %s added', city['name'])
    return city['id']
예제 #2
def get_transaction(transaction_id):
    transaction = query_row(
        """SELECT AS source, at.amount AS amount, AS type, at.timestampe AS timestamp, u.username AS trnasaction_user FROM account_transactions AS at
                 JOIN transaction_types AS tt ON tt.transaction_type_id = at.transaction_type_id
                 JOIN transaction_source as ts ON ts.source_id = at.source_id
	             LEFT JOIN account_transaction_user as atu ON at.transaction_id = atu.transaction_id
                 LEFT JOIN users as u ON u.user_id = atu.user_id
                 WHERE at.transaction_id = ?""", (transaction_id, ))
    return transaction
예제 #3
def get_account_info(account_id):
    account_info = query_row(
        """SELECT a.account_number AS account_number, AS name,
                   SUM(CASE tt.positive WHEN 1 THEN at.amount ELSE 0 END) - SUM(CASE tt.positive WHEN 1 THEN 0 ELSE at.amount END) AS balance
                   FROM accounts AS a
                   LEFT JOIN account_name AS an ON an.account_id = a.account_id
                   LEFT JOIN account_transactions AS at ON at.account_id = a.account_id
                   JOIN transaction_types AS tt ON tt.transaction_type_id = at.transaction_type_id
                   WHERE a.account_id = ?
	          """, (account_id, ))
    return account_info
def _store_measurements(place_id, resp):
    """Stores the measurement values in the database."""
    i = 0
    j = 0
    for item in resp['list']:
        m = {}
        dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(item['dt']))
        if 'main' in item:
            if 'temp' in item['main']: 
                m[MT_TEMP] = item['main']['temp']
            if 'temp_min' in item['main']: 
                m[MT_TEMP_MIN] = item['main']['temp_min']
            if 'temp_max' in item['main']: 
                m[MT_TEMP_MAX] = item['main']['temp_max']
            if 'pressure' in item['main']: 
                m[MT_PRESS] = item['main']['pressure']
            if 'sea_level' in item['main']: 
                m[MT_PRESS_SEALEV] = item['main']['sea_level']
            if 'grnd_level' in item['main']: 
                m[MT_PRESS_GRNDLEV] = item['main']['grnd_level']
            if 'humidity' in item['main']: 
                m[MT_HUMID] = item['main']['humidity']
        if 'wind' in item:    
            if 'speed' in item['wind']: 
                m[MT_WIND_SPEED] = item['wind']['speed']
            if 'deg' in item['wind']: 
                m[MT_WIND_DEG] = item['wind']['deg']
        if 'rain' in item:
            if '3h' in item['rain']: 
                m[MT_RAIN_3H] = item['rain']['3h']
        for key in m:
            row = database.query_row('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Measurement WHERE Time = ? AND Place = ? AND Type = ?', (dt, place_id, key))
            if row[0] == 0:
                (rowcount, lastid) = database.execute('INSERT INTO Measurement (Time, Place, Type, Value) VALUES (?,?,?,?)', (dt, place_id, key, m[key]))
                i = i + 1
                j = j + 1
    database.commit()'%s measurements inserted for %s' % (i, place_id))
    if j > 0:'%s measurements skipped for %s' % (j, place_id))