def AskReviewResponse(bot, message, User): """Stage 2 Response. Asks the user for their review/asks if they will reconsider and give a review. @param {Bot} bot @param {String} message @param {Person} User""" next_stage = "AskReview" next_message = "Sorry I'm not sure I understand what you said." if check_for_expected_input(message, positives): next_message = "Ok, what is your review?" next_stage = "GiveReview" elif check_for_expected_input(message, negatives): next_message = "Are you sure? By reviewing films I can understand what you like more and suggest more accurate films!" next_stage = "ConfirmNoReview" bot.send_message(, next_message) setUserContextAndStage(, contexts['FilmReview'], stages['filmReview'][next_stage])
def confirm_genre_response(bot, message, User): """Stage 4 Response. Confirming the extracted genre information was correct. @param {Bot} bot @param {String} message @param {Person} User""" db_query = db.getQueryInfo(, 2) genre = '' if db_query: genre = [query['Information'] for query in db_query] next_question_message = "Sorry I'm not sure I understand." if genre: next_question_message = next_question_message + " Did you want the film to be a {}".format( format_query_info(genre)) next_stage = 'ConfirmGenre' skipFlag = False if check_for_expected_input(message, skip): skipFlag = True if skipFlag or check_for_expected_input(message, positives): crew_query_info = db.getQueryInfo(, 3) if crew_query_info: crewIDs = [crew['Information'] for crew in crew_query_info] crew_names = [] for crewID in crewIDs: crew_names.append(db.getCrewByID(crewID)['Name']) crew = format_query_info(crew_names) if skipFlag: next_question_message = "Ok, let's skip choosing a genre. From what you said earlier, you wanted {} to have been involved with the film?".format( crew) else: next_question_message = "Right, I'll note that down. From what you said earlier, you wanted {} to have been involved with the film?".format( crew) next_stage = 'ConfirmCrew' else: if skipFlag: next_question_message = "Ok let's skip choosing a genre. Are there any people you want to have been involved with the film?" else: next_question_message = "Right, I'll note that down. Are there any people you want to have been involved with the film?" next_stage = "AskCrew" elif check_for_expected_input(message, negatives): next_stage = 'AskGenre' next_question_message = "Ok, so are there any genres that you want the film to be of?" db.removeQueryInfo(, 2) bot.send_message(, next_question_message) setUserContextAndStage(, contexts['FilmSuggestion'], stages['filmSuggestion'][next_stage])
def registrationHandler(bot, update, User): """Handler to figure out if the user's message is acceptable, and if so, diverts the user to the correct logic depending on their current stage. @param {Bot} bot @param {update} update @param {Person} User""" message = update.message.text messageLower = message.lower() if check_for_expected_input(message, botAssets.skip): skipResponse(bot, update) setUserContextAndStage(, contexts['ChitChat'], stages['ChitChat']) else: genresInfo = getAllGenres() genreNames = [] genreIDs = [] for individualGenreInfo in genresInfo: genreNames.append(individualGenreInfo['Name']) genreIDs.append(individualGenreInfo['GenreID']) if messageLower in genreNames: genreID = genreIDs[genreNames.index(messageLower)] #TODO Check if the user choices are unique #TODO Allow users to change their previous choices in this section if User.stage == stages['registrationStages']['FirstGenre']: insertFavouriteGenres(, genreID, 0, 0) setUserContextAndStage(, User.context, stages['registrationStages']['SecondGenre']) askSecondFavouriteGenre(bot, update) elif User.stage == stages['registrationStages']['SecondGenre']: insertFavouriteGenres(, 0, genreID, 0) setUserContextAndStage(, User.context, stages['registrationStages']['ThirdGenre']) askThirdFavouriteGenre(bot, update) elif User.stage == stages['registrationStages']['ThirdGenre']: insertFavouriteGenres(, 0, 0, genreID) setUserContextAndStage(, User.context, stages['registrationStages']['Age']) askAge(bot, update, User) elif User.stage == stages['registrationStages']['Age']: if message.isdigit() and int(message) in range(4,100): updateUserAge(, int(message)) setUserContextAndStage(, contexts['ChitChat'], stages['ChitChat']) registrationComplete(bot, update) else: askAgeAgain(bot, update) else: bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, message="Sorry, I'm not sure I understand.")
def ConfirmNoReviewResponse(bot, message, User): """Stage 4 Response. Ends the conversation and sets the stage/context back to previous values or, if the user changes their mind, takles asks them for their review. @param {Bot} bot @param {String} message @param {Person} User""" next_stage = stages['filmReview']["ConfirmNoReview"] next_message = "Sorry, I don't understand. Do you want to reconsider and give a review?" next_context = contexts['FilmReview'] if check_for_expected_input(message, positives): db.removeSuggestedFilm( next_stage = User.previous_stage next_context = User.previous_context next_message = "Ok, no problem!" elif check_for_expected_input(message, negatives): next_message = "Ok, what is your review?" next_stage = "GiveReview" bot.send_message(, next_message) setUserContextAndStage(, next_context, next_stage)
def ask_film_response(bot, message, User): """Stage 3 Response. Asking if the user wants the suggested film to be similar to another film. @param {Bot} bot @param {String} message @param {Person} User""" skipFlag = False next_stage = 'AskFilm' next_question_message = "Sorry I don't understand. Do you want the film to be similar to another film you've seen?" if check_for_expected_input(message, skip): skipFlag = True if skipFlag or check_for_expected_input(message, negatives): genres_query_info = db.getQueryInfo(, 2) if genres_query_info: genres = format_query_info( [genre['Information'] for genre in genres_query_info]) next_question_message = "Ok. So you want a film that is a {}?".format( genres) next_stage = 'ConfirmGenre' else: next_question_message = "Ok, Did you want the film to have any specific genres?" next_stage = 'AskGenre' elif check_for_expected_input(message, positives): next_question_message = "Ok, what film do you want it to be similar to?" else: films = extract_film(, message) #In case the user just sends the film title and nothing else preprocessed_message = preprocess_text(message) db_query = search_for_film_in_db(preprocessed_message) if db_query: film = (db_query['FilmID'], db_query['Title']) if film not in films: films.append(film) db.insertQueryInformation(, film[0], 1) if films: filmTitles = format_query_info([film[1] for film in films]) next_question_message = "So you want a film similar to {}?".format( filmTitles) next_stage = 'ConfirmFilm' bot.send_message(, next_question_message) setUserContextAndStage(, contexts['FilmSuggestion'], stages['filmSuggestion'][next_stage])
def AskIfWatchedResponse(bot, message, User): """Stage 1 Response. Asks the user if they will review the film. @param {Bot} bot @param {String} message @param {Person} User""" next_stage = 'AskIfWatched' next_message = "" next_context = "FilmReview" if check_for_expected_input(message, positives): next_message = "Excellent, would you like to review it for me?" next_stage = "AskReview" elif check_for_expected_input(message, negatives): next_message = "Ok, I hope you will watch it soon!" next_context = User.previous_context next_stage = User.previous_stage else: filmTitle = db.getFilmByID(User.suggested_film)['Title'] next_message = "Sorry I didn't understand, have you seen {} yet?".format(filmTitle) bot.send_message(, next_message) setUserContextAndStage(, contexts[next_context], stages[next_context[0].lower() + next_context[1:]][next_stage])
def ask_genre_response(bot, message, User): """Stage 5 Response. Asking the user if they want the suggested film to be of a certain genre. @param {Bot} bot @param {String} message @param {Person} User""" skipFlag = False next_stage = 'AskGenre' next_question_message = "Sorry I'm not sure what you meant, were there any genres you had in mind for the film I will suggest?" if check_for_expected_input(message, skip): skipFlag = True if skipFlag or check_for_expected_input(message, negatives): crew_query_info = db.getQueryInfo(, 3) if crew_query_info: crewIDs = [crew['Information'] for crew in crew_query_info] crew_names = [] for crewID in crewIDs: crew_names.append(db.getCrewByID(crewID)['Name']) crew = format_query_info(crew_names) next_question_message = "ok so you want a film where {} was involved?".format( crew) next_stage = 'ConfirmCrew' else: next_question_message = "Ok so do you want a film with specific actors, directors or writers?" next_stage = 'AskCrew' elif check_for_expected_input(message, positives): next_question_message = "Ok, what genres did you have in mind?" else: genres = extract_genres(, message) if genres: genres = format_query_info(genres) next_question_message = "So you want a film which is a {}?".format( genres) next_stage = 'ConfirmGenre' bot.send_message(, next_question_message) setUserContextAndStage(, contexts['FilmSuggestion'], stages['filmSuggestion'][next_stage])
def ScoreFilmResponse(bot, message, User): """Stage 5 Response. Checks whether the user entered a score between 1-5, and if so, stores it in the database. @param {Bot} bot @param {String} message @param {Person} User""" next_stage = stages['filmReview']['ScoreFilm'] next_message = "Sorry I'm not sure I understand. Could you enter a score for the film out of 5? 1 being poor and 5 being excellent." next_context = contexts['FilmReview'] try: score = round(float(message)) if score < 1 or score > 5: raise Exception("Score not between 1 and 5") liked = db.getReview(, User.suggested_film)['Pos'] db.insertUserRating(, User.suggested_film, liked, score) db.removeSuggestedFilm( next_stage = User.previous_stage next_context = User.previous_context next_message = "Excellent! Thank you for rating the film." bot.send_message(, next_message, reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardRemove()) except Exception as e: print("Error rounding user rating", str(e)) bot.send_message(, next_message) setUserContextAndStage(, next_context, next_stage)
def ask_crew_response(bot, message, User): """Stage 7 Response. Asking the user if they want the suggested film to include certain actors, actresses, directors or writers. @param {Bot} bot @param {String} message @param {Person} User""" generatedFilm = False skipFlag = False next_stage = 'AskCrew' next_question_message = "Sorry I'm not sure I understood correctly. Did you want any specific people to have been involved with the film?" if check_for_expected_input(message, skip): skipFlag = True if skipFlag or check_for_expected_input(message, negatives): generate_film(bot, User, 0) db.updateSuggestedFilmIndex(, 0) generatedFilm = True elif check_for_expected_input(message, positives): next_question_message = "Ok, what are the names of these crew members?" else: crew = extract_crew(, message) preprocessed_message = preprocess_text(message) db_query = db.getCrewByProcessedName(preprocessed_message) if db_query: crewInfo = (db_query['CrewID'], db_query['Name']) if crewInfo[1] not in crew: crew.append(crewInfo[1]) db.insertQueryInformation(, crew[0], 1) if crew: crew_names = format_query_info(crew) next_question_message = "So you want {} to have worked on the film?".format( crew_names) next_stage = 'ConfirmCrew' if not generatedFilm: bot.send_message(, next_question_message) setUserContextAndStage(, contexts['FilmSuggestion'], stages['filmSuggestion'][next_stage])