def get_running_geodata(areaName): dp = DatabasePort() with dp.connection_handler(commit=True, cursor_factory=DictCursor) as cursor: query = "WITH running AS (" \ " SELECT DISTINCT ST_Transform(line.way, 4326) AS line_way, line.highway " \ " FROM planet_osm_polygon AS polygon " \ " CROSS JOIN planet_osm_line AS line " \ " WHERE = %s AND ST_Intersects(polygon.way, line.way) " \ " AND line.highway " \ " IN ('sidewalk', 'path', 'footway', 'bridleway', 'steps', 'pedestrian', 'living_street') " \ " ) " \ "SELECT json_build_object(" \ "'type', 'Feature'," \ "'geometry', ST_AsGeoJSON(line_way)::json," \ "'properties', json_build_object(" \ " 'title', highway," \ " 'description', round(ST_Length(line_way::GEOGRAPHY)) || 'm'," \ " 'stroke', '#d1004c'," \ " 'stroke-opacity', 0.7," \ " 'stroke-width', 3.25" \ " )" \ ") FROM running;" cursor.execute(query, (areaName, )) rows = list(chain(*cursor.fetchall())) return rows
def get_pitch_sport_list(): dp = DatabasePort() with dp.connection_handler(commit=True) as cursor: query = "SELECT DISTINCT unnest(string_to_array(, ';')) " \ "AS sport FROM planet_osm_polygon AS plgn " \ "WHERE leisure = 'pitch' ORDER BY sport ASC;" cursor.execute(query) rows = list(chain(*cursor.fetchall())) return rows
def render_burgers(): dp = DatabasePort() with dp.connection_handler(commit=True, cursor_factory=DictCursor) as cursor: with open('./static/queries.json') as queries: data = json.load(queries) query = data['state_statistics'] cursor.execute(query) rows = list(chain(*cursor.fetchall())) return jsonify(rows)
def render_fat(): dp = DatabasePort() with dp.connection_handler(commit=True, cursor_factory=DictCursor) as cursor: with open('./static/queries.json') as queries: data = json.load(queries) query = data['obesity_per_state'] cursor.execute(query) rows = list(chain(*cursor.fetchall())) obesity_arrs = [[], [], [], []] for state in rows: if state['obesity'] >= 20 and state['obesity'] < 24: state['properties']['fill'] = "#32CD32" obesity_arrs[0].append(state['obesity']) elif state['obesity'] >= 24 and state['obesity'] < 28: state['properties']['fill'] = "#FFD700" obesity_arrs[1].append(state['obesity']) elif state['obesity'] >= 28 and state['obesity'] < 32: state['properties']['fill'] = "#FF8C00" obesity_arrs[2].append(state['obesity']) else: state['properties']['fill'] = "#DC143C" obesity_arrs[3].append(state['obesity']) for lst in obesity_arrs: lst.sort() a = 0.5 # lower opacity b = 0.8 # higher opacity diff = 0 for state in rows: if state['obesity'] > 20 and state['obesity'] < 24: diff = (obesity_arrs[0][-1] - obesity_arrs[0][0]) / 2 if state['obesity'] < obesity_arrs[0][0] + diff: state['properties']['fill-opacity'] = a else: state['properties']['fill-opacity'] = b elif state['obesity'] >= 24 and state['obesity'] < 28: diff = (obesity_arrs[1][-1] - obesity_arrs[1][0]) / 2 if state['obesity'] < obesity_arrs[1][0] + diff: state['properties']['fill-opacity'] = a else: state['properties']['fill-opacity'] = b elif state['obesity'] >= 28 and state['obesity'] < 32: diff = (obesity_arrs[2][-1] - obesity_arrs[2][0]) / 2 if state['obesity'] < obesity_arrs[2][0] + diff: state['properties']['fill-opacity'] = a else: state['properties']['fill-opacity'] = b else: diff = (obesity_arrs[3][-1] - obesity_arrs[3][0]) / 2 if state['obesity'] < obesity_arrs[3][0] + diff: state['properties']['fill-opacity'] = a else: state['properties']['fill-opacity'] = b return jsonify(rows)
def render_index(): data = [] dp = DatabasePort() with dp.connection_handler(commit=True, cursor_factory=DictCursor) as cursor: with open('./static/queries.json') as queries: data = json.load(queries) query = data['get_huouston_parts'] cursor.execute(query) rows = list(chain(*cursor.fetchall())) data = rows return render_template('index.html', data=map(json.dumps, data))
def McDonaldHeatmap(): houstonPart = request.args.get('state') print(houstonPart, type(houstonPart)) dp = DatabasePort() with dp.connection_handler(commit=True, cursor_factory=DictCursor) as cursor: with open('./static/queries.json') as queries: data = json.load(queries) query = data['find_specific_houston_part'] cursor.execute(query, (houstonPart,)) rows = list(chain(*cursor.fetchall())) query = data['mcdonalds_in_houstuon_part'] cursor.execute(query, (houstonPart,)) lst = list(chain(*cursor.fetchall())) rows += lst return jsonify(rows)
def get_pitch_geodata(sport_type): dp = DatabasePort() with dp.connection_handler(commit=True, cursor_factory=DictCursor) as cursor: query = "SELECT json_build_object(" \ "'type', 'Feature'," \ "'geometry', ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_Transform(way, 4326))::json," \ "'properties', json_build_object(" \ " 'title', sport," \ " 'description', round(ST_Area(ST_Transform(way, 4326)::GEOGRAPHY)) || ' m2'," \ " 'fill', '#ff1462'," \ " 'stroke', '#ff1462'," \ " 'stroke-width', 1.5" \ " )" \ ") FROM planet_osm_polygon " \ "WHERE leisure = 'pitch' AND sport = %s" cursor.execute(query, (sport_type, )) rows = list(chain(*cursor.fetchall())) return rows
def get_gym_geodata(dist, search_location): lat = search_location['lat'] lng = search_location['lng'] postgis_location = 'SRID=4326;POINT(' + str(lng) + ' ' + str(lat) + ')' dp = DatabasePort() with dp.connection_handler(commit=True, cursor_factory=DictCursor) as cursor: query = "SELECT json_build_object(" \ "'type', 'Feature'," \ "'geometry', ST_AsGeoJSON(sub.geog_way)::json," \ "'properties', json_build_object(" \ " 'title',," \ " 'description', coalesce(sub.leisure, sub.amenity)," \ " 'marker-color', '#3bb2d0'," \ " 'marker-size', 'medium'," \ " 'marker-symbol', 'circle'" \ " )" \ ") FROM (" \ "SELECT ST_Transform(way, 4326) AS geog_way, name, leisure, amenity FROM planet_osm_point " \ "WHERE leisure = 'fitness_centre' OR amenity = 'gym' " \ "UNION " \ "SELECT ST_Transform(ST_Centroid(way), 4326) AS geog_way, name, leisure, amenity FROM planet_osm_polygon " \ "WHERE leisure = 'fitness_centre' OR amenity = 'gym' " \ ") AS sub WHERE ST_DWithin(sub.geog_way::GEOGRAPHY, ST_GeogFromText(%s), %s);" cursor.execute(query, (postgis_location, dist)) rows = list(chain(*cursor.fetchall())) search_location_point = { 'type': 'Feature', 'geometry': { 'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [lng, lat] }, 'properties': { 'title': 'Your location', 'description': 'Distance to search = ' + str(dist) + 'm', 'marker-color': '#f44274', 'marker-size': 'large', 'marker-symbol': 'star' } } rows.append(search_location_point.copy()) return rows
def get_city_area_geodata(areaName): dp = DatabasePort() with dp.connection_handler(commit=True, cursor_factory=DictCursor) as cursor: query = "SELECT json_build_object(" \ "'type', 'Feature'," \ "'geometry', ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_Transform(way, 4326))::json," \ "'properties', json_build_object(" \ " 'title', name," \ " 'fill', '#003b84'," \ " 'fill-opacity', 0.15," \ " 'stroke-width', 5," \ " 'stroke-opacity', 0.9" \ " )" \ ") FROM planet_osm_polygon " \ "WHERE to_tsvector('sk', name) @@ to_tsquery('sk', %s) " \ "ORDER BY NAME <-> %s ASC " \ "LIMIT 1;" cursor.execute(query, (areaName, areaName)) rows = list(chain(*cursor.fetchall())) return rows