예제 #1
def sendUserViewData(email):
    """Send data for views chart for the specified user's email."""
    views = database_helper.getViewsOnWallDuringLast6Months(email)
    posts = database_helper.getPostsOnWallDuringLast6Months(email)
    data = {'labels': ['', '', '', '', '', ''], 'datasets': []}
    # Setup the labels for the months, starts with todays month and adds the last 6 months in reverse order. 
    # The current month is at the end of the array.
    today = datetime.date.today()
    for i in range(0, 6):
        data['labels'][5 - i] = getMonthName(today.strftime('%m'))
        newMonth = today.month
        newMonth -= 1
        if newMonth == 0:
            newMonth = 12
        today = today.replace(month=newMonth)
    # Setup the data in the form that chart.js expects it in.
    data['datasets'].append({'label': 'Number of views', 'data': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]})
    data['datasets'].append({'label': 'Number of posts', 'data': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]})
    data['datasets'][0]['fillColor'] = 'rgba(200,200,200,0.2)'
    data['datasets'][0]['strokeColor'] = 'rgba(200,200,200,1)'
    data['datasets'][0]['pointColor'] = 'rgba(200,200,200,1)'
    data['datasets'][1]['fillColor'] = 'rgba(157,224,173,0.2)'
    data['datasets'][1]['strokeColor'] = 'rgba(157,224,173,1)'
    data['datasets'][1]['pointColor'] = 'rgba(157,224,173,1)'
    for view in views:
        dataIndex = data['labels'].index(getMonthName(view[1]))
        data['datasets'][0]['data'][dataIndex] = view[2]
    for post in posts:
        dataIndex = data['labels'].index(getMonthName(post[1]))
        data['datasets'][1]['data'][dataIndex] = post[2]
    if webSockets.has_key(email):
        webSockets[email].send(json.dumps({'type': 'viewCounter', 'data': data}))
예제 #2
def sendUserPostData(email):
    """Send data for posts chart for the specified user's email."""
    numberOfPostsByUser = database_helper.getNumberOfPostsByUserOnWall(email, email)
    data = [{'value': numberOfPostsByUser, 'color': '#9DE0AD', 'label': email}]
    topTwo = database_helper.getTopTwoNumberOfPostsOnWallByOthers(email)
    numberOfPostsOnWall = database_helper.getNumberOfPostsOnWall(email)
    colors = ['#45ADA8', '#4F7A79']
    colorIndex = 0
    # Loop through the two top posters on the user's wall and assign them a color form the colors list.
    for writer in topTwo:
        data.append({'value': writer[1], 'color': colors[colorIndex], 'label': writer[0]})
        colorIndex += 1
    if webSockets.has_key(email):
        webSockets[email].send(json.dumps({'type': 'messageCounter', 'data': data}))
예제 #3
파일: server.py 프로젝트: joihn/TDDD97_Lab2
def beforeRequest():
예제 #4
def sendUserPostTotalData(email):
    """Send number of total posts for the specified user's email."""
    numberOfPostsOnWall = database_helper.getNumberOfPostsOnWall(email)
    if webSockets.has_key(email):
        webSockets[email].send(json.dumps({'type': 'messageCounterTotal', 'data': numberOfPostsOnWall}))
예제 #5
def sendUsersCounter():
    """Send the number of signed in users to all web sockets."""
    usersCounter = database_helper.getNumberOfSignedInUsers();
    for key in webSockets:
        webSockets[key].send(json.dumps({'type': 'usersCounter', 'data': usersCounter}))