예제 #1
    def print_orders(self):
        #Query orders from the data base
        printable_orderno = dbman.get_printable_orderno(self.databasePath)

        for item in printable_orderno:  #These items are printable order, but still there is a need to check if we are within time frame for print
            now = datetime.datetime.now()

            #Get customer information
            customer_info = dbman.get_customer(self.databasePath, item[0])
            #Get items that was ordered by customer
            order_items = dbman.get_orderItems(self.databasePath, item[0])

            if item[8] == 'now':
                if item[3] == 'delivery':
                    #Send print to packer
                    #Instantiate the printer first
                    printer = Printer(self.printerParam['printerNear'])
                    printer.printOrder_packer(item, customer_info, order_items,

                    printer = Printer(self.printerParam['printerNear'])
                    printer.printDriver(customer_info, item)

                    printer = Printer(self.printerParam['printerFar'])
                    printer.printOrder_kitchen(item, customer_info,

                    #set print status to yes in the data base
                    dbman.setPrintedStatus(self.databasePath, item[0], 'yes')

                if item[3] == 'pickup':
                    printer = Printer(self.printerParam['printerNear'])
                    printer.printOrder_packer(item, customer_info, order_items,

                    printer = Printer(self.printerParam['printerFar'])
                    printer.printOrder_kitchen(item, customer_info,
                    #set print status to yes in the data base
                    dbman.setPrintedStatus(self.databasePath, item[0], 'yes')

            if item[3] == 'delivery':
                execution_time = self.convert_delivery_datetime(
                    item[4], item[5], 'start_time')
                execution_time = execution_time - datetime.timedelta(
                if now >= execution_time:
                    #Send print to packer
                    #Instantiate the printer first
                    printer = Printer(self.printerParam['printerNear'])
                    printer.printOrder_packer(item, customer_info, order_items,

                    printer = Printer(self.printerParam['printerNear'])
                    printer.printDriver(customer_info, item)

                    printer = Printer(self.printerParam['printerFar'])
                    printer.printOrder_kitchen(item, customer_info,

                    #set print status to yes in the data base
                    dbman.setPrintedStatus(self.databasePath, item[0], 'yes')

            if item[3] == 'pickup':
                execution_time = self.convert_pickup_datetime(item[4], item[5])
                execution_time = execution_time - datetime.timedelta(

                if now >= execution_time:
                    printer = Printer(self.printerParam['printerNear'])
                    printer.printOrder_packer(item, customer_info, order_items,

                    printer = Printer(self.printerParam['printerFar'])
                    printer.printOrder_kitchen(item, customer_info,
                    #set print status to yes in the data base
                    dbman.setPrintedStatus(self.databasePath, item[0], 'yes')
예제 #2
    def sms_delayWarn(self, orders):
        #Get the new incoming orders
        for item in orders:
            #Start by extracting orderno
            orderno = item['name'].split('#')[1]
            #Query the data base to obtain customer name, created_at, and delivery wished

            #Connect to data base and extract customer info
            customer = dbman.get_customer(self.databasePath, orderno)

            #Get customer order execution data
            order_execution = dbman.get_order_execution(
                self.databasePath, orderno)
            mobile_phone = customer[3]
            if order_execution[3] == 'delivery' and order_execution[
                    7] == 'no':  #no delay warning sent yet
                #Delay date:

                #Convert to datetime
                created_at = self.created_at_to_datetime(order_execution[6])
                start_delivery_time = self.convert_delivery_datetime(
                    order_execution[4], order_execution[5], 'start_time')
                end_delivery_time = self.convert_delivery_datetime(
                    order_execution[4], order_execution[5], 'end_time')

                #set the expected time with delay taken into account
                expected_delivery = end_delivery_time + datetime.timedelta(
                expected_delivery = expected_delivery.strftime('%H:%M')

                #Evaluate how long in advance the order was created
                created_in_advance = (
                    start_delivery_time - created_at).total_seconds(
                    ) / 60  #minutes customer created the order in advance

                if created_in_advance <= 0:  #Greedy delivery time, where created at time is in the delivery time frame
                    #no hesistation. Send delay sms
                    expected_delivery = end_delivery_time + datetime.timedelta(
                    expected_delivery.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%S')

                    smstext = f'''Dear {customer[1]},
Thanks for your order. We are currently very busy, and expect to deliver your order to you at around {expected_delivery}. Thanks for your understanding.

This sms cannot be answered. For direct contact you can reach us at 33 12 88 28
Hidden Dimsum with Thanks!'''

                    #send first dummy sms to myself to assure the sanity of the sms
                        smstext, '+4560732838'
                    )  #change to mobile_phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    self.send_sms(smstext, mobile_phone)
                    dbman.delay_warn(self.databasePath, orderno, 'yes')

                if created_in_advance > 0 and created_in_advance < 30:
                    #Check how many other orders we have in the requested delivery time
                    tmp_timedelta = (end_delivery_time -
                                     start_delivery_time) / 2
                    midpoint = start_delivery_time + tmp_timedelta

                    delay_date = order_execution[4]
                    deliver_data, pickup_data = dbman.count_orders(
                        self.databasePath, delay_date)

                    #From the received order, count order amount in the same delivery time frame
                    counter = 0
                    for item in deliver_data:
                        #For each delivery data, check if our midpoint is within the time-span
                        existing_order_delivery_start = self.convert_delivery_datetime(
                            item[4], item[5], 'start_time')
                        existing_order_delivery_end = self.convert_delivery_datetime(
                            item[4], item[5], 'end_time')
                        if midpoint >= existing_order_delivery_start and midpoint <= existing_order_delivery_end:
                            counter += 1

                    for item in pickup_data:
                        #For each pickup data, check if our midpoint is within the time-span
                        existing_order_pickup_time = self.convert_pickup_datetime(
                            item[4], item[5])
                        #If midpoint is larger than 30 min earlier than existing pickup time and smaller than existing pickup time
                        #counter is increased by 1
                        if midpoint >= existing_order_pickup_time - datetime.timedelta(
                        ) and midpoint <= existing_order_pickup_time:
                            counter += 1

                    if counter > 4:
                        expected_delivery = end_delivery_time + datetime.timedelta(
                        expected_delivery.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%S')

                        smstext = f'''Dear {customer[1]},
Thanks for your order. We are currently very busy, and expect to deliver your order to you at around {expected_delivery}. Thanks for your understanding.

This sms cannot be answered. For direct contact you can reach us at 33 12 88 28
Hidden Dimsum with Thanks!'''

                        self.send_sms(smstext, mobile_phone)
                            smstext, '+4560732838'
                        )  #Change to mobile_phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                        dbman.delay_warn(self.databasePath, orderno, 'yes')

            if order_execution[3] == 'pickup' and order_execution[
                    7] == 'no':  #no delay warning sent yet
                #Delay date:

                #Convert to datetime
                created_at = self.created_at_to_datetime(order_execution[6])
                pickup_time = self.convert_pickup_datetime(
                    order_execution[4], order_execution[5])

                #set the expected time with delay taken into account
                expected_pickup_time = pickup_time + datetime.timedelta(
                expected_pickup_time = expected_pickup_time.strftime('%H:%M')

                #Evaluate how long in advance the order was created
                created_in_advance = (pickup_time - created_at).total_seconds(
                ) / 60  #minutes customer created the order in advance

                if created_in_advance <= 0:  #Greedy pickup time, where created pickup time is after pickup. This logic should not be possible due to restrictions in the webpage
                    #no hesistation. Send delay sms

                    smstext = f'''Dear {customer[1]},
Thanks for your order. We are currently very busy, and as a consequence there can be a delay in your pickup. Your pickup will be ready at {expected_pickup_time}. We will notify you, should it be ready for pickup earlier. Thanks for your understanding.

This sms cannot be answered. For direct contact you can reach us at 33 12 88 28
Hidden Dimsum with Thanks!'''

                    #send first dummy sms to myself to assure the sanity of the sms
                        smstext, '+4560732838'
                    )  #change to mobile_phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    self.send_sms(smstext, mobile_phone)
                    dbman.delay_warn(self.databasePath, orderno, 'yes')

                if created_in_advance > 0 and created_in_advance < 30:
                    #Check how many other orders we have in the requested time range

                    delay_date = order_execution[4]
                    deliver_data, pickup_data = dbman.count_orders(
                        self.databasePath, delay_date)

                    #From the received order, count order amount in the same delivery time frame
                    counter = 0
                    for item in deliver_data:
                        #For each delivery data, check if our midpoint is within the time-span
                        existing_order_delivery_start = self.convert_delivery_datetime(
                            item[4], item[5], 'start_time')
                        existing_order_delivery_end = self.convert_delivery_datetime(
                            item[4], item[5], 'end_time')
                        if pickup_time >= existing_order_delivery_start and pickup_time <= existing_order_delivery_end:
                            counter += 1

                    for item in pickup_data:
                        #For each pickup data, check if our midpoint is within the time-span
                        existing_order_pickup_time = self.convert_pickup_datetime(
                            item[4], item[5])
                        #If midpoint is larger than 30 min earlier than existing pickup time and smaller than existing pickup time
                        #counter is increased by 1
                        if pickup_time >= existing_order_pickup_time - datetime.timedelta(
                        ) and pickup_time <= existing_order_pickup_time:
                            counter += 1

                    if counter > 4:

                        smstext = f'''Dear {customer[1]},
Thanks for your order. We are currently very busy, and as a consequence there can be a delay in your pickup. Your pickup will be ready at {expected_pickup_time}. We will notify you, should it be ready for pickup earlier. Thanks for your understanding.

This sms cannot be answered. For direct contact you can reach us at 33 12 88 28
Hidden Dimsum with Thanks!'''

                        self.send_sms(smstext, mobile_phone)
                            smstext, '+4560732838'
                        )  #Change to mobile_phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                        dbman.delay_warn(self.databasePath, orderno, 'yes')
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, dbpath, printerParam):
        #Get translation dict
        with open('Shopify_item2print.txt') as f:
            translation = json.load(f)

        #Connect to the data base
        conn = sqlite3.Connection(dbpath)
        c = conn.cursor()
        #check from order_execution table if any orders are within print date and time
        mystr = '''SELECT ORDERNO, ORDER_TYPE, DATE, TIME, PRINT_STATUS FROM order_execution WHERE PRINT_STATUS = 'no' '''
        data = c.fetchall()

        #Also get data from which sqldata base was manually set to print now
        mystr = '''SELECT ORDERNO, ORDER_TYPE, DATE, TIME, PRINT_STATUS FROM order_execution WHERE PRINT_STATUS = 'print now' '''
        data2 = c.fetchall()
        #if there is something we need to print now
        if data2:
            for item in data2:
                printdict = self.add_executionInfo_to_Printdict(item)

                #Get items in the order
                conn = sqlite3.Connection(dbpath)
                c = conn.cursor()
                mystr = f'''SELECT ITEM, AMOUNT, UNIT_PRICE, ORDERNO FROM items WHERE ORDERNO = {printdict['orderno']} '''
                data2 = c.fetchall()
                printdict['items'] = data2

                #Get customer information
                customer = dbman.get_customer(dbpath, printdict['orderno'])
                printdict = self.add_customerInfo_to_printdict(customer, printdict)
                #connect to printer and print twice one to kitchen and one to host 
                p = printer(printerParam['printerNear'])
                p.printDelivery(printdict, translation)
                p = printer(printerParam['printerFar'])
                p.printDelivery(printdict, translation)
                #After printing, the printed status in data base will be switched to 'yes'
                dbman.setPrintedStatus(dbpath, printdict['orderno'], 'yes')
        if not data:
            print('no printable orders')

        for item in data:
            #check first if date is today
            dateformat = '%d/%m/%Y'
            orderDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(item[2], dateformat)
            todayDate = datetime.datetime.today().date()

            if orderDate.date() == todayDate: #within date scope for printing. Check if within time scope as well
                #execution time 
                tmp = item[3].split('-')
                startstr = str(todayDate) + ' ' + tmp[0].strip()
                timeformat = '%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p'
                start = datetime.datetime.strptime(startstr, timeformat)
                executionStart = start - datetime.timedelta(minutes=60)

                now = datetime.datetime.now()

                if now >= executionStart:
                    printdict =  self.add_executionInfo_to_Printdict(item)

                    #Get items in the order
                    conn = sqlite3.Connection(dbpath)
                    c = conn.cursor()
                    mystr = f'''SELECT ITEM, AMOUNT, UNIT_PRICE, ORDERNO FROM items WHERE ORDERNO = {printdict['orderno']} '''
                    data2 = c.fetchall()
                    printdict['items'] = data2

                    #Get customer information
                    customer = dbman.get_customer(dbpath, printdict['orderno'])
                    printdict = self.add_customerInfo_to_printdict(customer, printdict)
                    #connect to printer and print twice one to kitchen and one to host 
                    p = printer(printerParam['printerNear'])
                    p.printDelivery(printdict, translation)
                    p = printer(printerParam['printerFar'])
                    p.printDelivery(printdict, translation)
                    #After printing, the printed status in data base will be switched to 'yes'
                    dbman.setPrintedStatus(dbpath, printdict['orderno'], 'yes')