예제 #1
def new_user():
    #print('at new user')

    if request.method == 'GET':
        state = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) \
            for x in range(32))
        login_session['state'] = state
        return render_template('newUser.html', STATE=state)


    if request.method == 'POST':
        #Test for valid state token (unique session anti-forgery)
        #print('testing for valid state token')
        if request.form.get('state') != login_session.get('state'):
            response = make_response(json.dumps('Invalid state parameter'), 401)
            response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
            return response

        name = request.form.get('name')
        username = request.form.get('username')
        password = request.form.get('password')
        conf_password = request.form.get('conf_password')
        security_question = request.form.get('security_question')
        security_question_answer = request.form.get('security_question_answer')
        conf_security_question_answer = request.form.get('conf_security_question_answer')
        pin = str(request.form.get('pin'))

        if pin != PIN:
            #print("incorrect PIN")
            # render intermediate screen
            msg = ["User registration is not possible.", 
                   "You are not authorized (incorrect PIN)."]
            return render_template('message.html', msg=msg, dest="/", my_time=8000)

        if (not username) or (not password):
            #print("missing arguments")
            # render intermediate screen
            msg = ["User registration is not possible.", 
                   "Missing arguments. It is necessary username and password."]
            return render_template('message.html', msg=msg, dest="/new_user", my_time=8000)

        #Check to see if password matches
        if password != conf_password:
            #print("password does not match")
            # render intermediate screen
            msg = ["User registration is not possible.", 
                   "Password confirmation does not match."]
            return render_template('message.html', msg=msg, dest="/new_user", my_time=8000)

        #Check to see if security question answer matches
        if (security_question_answer) and (security_question_answer != conf_security_question_answer):
            #print("security question answer does not match")
            # render intermediate screen
            msg = ["User registration is not possible.", 
                    "Security question answer confirmation does not match."]
            return render_template('message.html', msg=msg, dest="/new_user", my_time=8000)

        #Check if user with that username already exist
        id = -1
        users = session.query(User).all()
        for user in users:
            decrypted_username = f.decrypt(user.username).decode()
            #print("username:"******"existing username")
            # render intermediate screen
            msg = ["User with username "  +  f.decrypt(user.username).decode() + " already exists.", 
                   "Registration is not possible."]
            return render_template('message.html', msg=msg, dest="/", my_time=8000)

        #Create new user
        #print("Requisites verified. Registering new user...")
        user = User(name=f.encrypt(name.encode()),
        #print('username', f.decrypt(user.username).decode(), ' created')
        # render intermediate screen
        msg = ["User " + f.decrypt(user.username).decode() + " successfully registered!", 
                "Please, wait. Returning to the login page..."]
        return render_template('message.html', msg=msg, dest="/", my_time=8000)