예제 #1
def unstack_mupots_poses(dataset, predictions):
    """ Converts output of the logger to dict of list of ndarrays. """
    for i in range(MuPoTSJoints.NUM_JOINTS):
    assert np.all(COCO_TO_MUPOTS[1:14] >= 0)

    pred_2d = {}
    pred_3d = {}
    for seq in range(1, 21):
        gt = mupots_3d.load_gt_annotations(seq)
        gt_len = len(gt["annot2"])

        pred_2d[seq] = []
        pred_3d[seq] = []

        seq_inds = dataset.index.seq_num == seq
        for i in range(gt_len):
            frame_inds = dataset.index.frame == i
            valid = dataset.good_poses & seq_inds & frame_inds

            pred_2d[seq].append(dataset.poses2d[valid, :, :2][:,
                                                            & seq_inds]])

    return pred_2d, pred_3d
예제 #2
def get_mupo_poses(seq):
    Loads valid MuPo-TS poses for given sequence. A pose is valid if the hip is visible (has a score>0.5)
    and was detected by OpenPose
    gt = mupots_3d.load_gt_annotations(seq)
    op = mupots_3d.load_openpose_predictions(seq)

    valid = gt['isValidFrame'].squeeze()
    op_valid = op['valid_pose']

    assert valid.dtype == 'bool'
    assert op_valid.dtype == 'bool'
    valid = np.logical_and(valid, op_valid)

    pose2d = op['pose']
    pose3d = gt['annot3']

    assert pose2d.shape[:2] == valid.shape
    assert pose3d.shape[:2] == valid.shape
    assert pose2d.shape[2:] == (25, 3)
    assert pose3d.shape[2:] == (17, 3)
    assert valid.ndim == 2

    pose2d = pose2d[valid]
    pose3d = pose3d[valid]

    good_poses = pose2d[:, 8, 2] > 0.5
    pose2d = pose2d[good_poses]
    pose3d = pose3d[good_poses]

    assert len(pose2d) == len(pose3d)

    return pose2d, pose3d
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, pose2d_type, pose3d_scaling):
        Loads MuPoTS dataset but only those images where at least one person was detected. Each person on a frame
        is loaded separately.
        assert pose3d_scaling in ['univ', 'normal']

        self.pose2d_jointset = FilteredSinglePersonMuPoTsDataset.get_jointset(
        self.pose3d_jointset = MuPoTSJoints()

        poses2d = []
        poses3d = []
        pred_cdepths = []
        index = []
        for seq in range(1, 21):
            depth_width = 512
            depth_height = 512 if seq <= 5 else 288

            gt = mupots_3d.load_gt_annotations(seq)
            op = mupots_3d.load_2d_predictions(seq, pose2d_type)

            pose2d = op['pose']
            pose3d = gt['annot3' if pose3d_scaling ==
                        'normal' else 'univ_annot3']

            depth = mupots_3d.load_jointwise_depth(seq)

            good_poses = gt['isValidFrame'].squeeze()
            good_poses = np.logical_and(good_poses, op['valid_pose'])

            orig_frame = np.tile(
                np.arange(len(good_poses)).reshape((-1, 1)),
                (1, good_poses.shape[1]))
            orig_pose = np.tile(
                np.arange(good_poses.shape[1]).reshape((1, -1)),
                (good_poses.shape[0], 1))

            assert pose2d.shape[:2] == good_poses.shape  # (nFrames, nPeople)
            assert pose3d.shape[:2] == good_poses.shape
            assert depth.shape[:2] == good_poses.shape
            assert orig_frame.shape == good_poses.shape
            assert orig_pose.shape == good_poses.shape
            assert pose2d.shape[2:] == (self.pose2d_jointset.NUM_JOINTS, 3)
            assert pose3d.shape[2:] == (17, 3)
            assert good_poses.ndim == 2

            # Keep only those poses where good_poses is True
            pose2d = pose2d[good_poses]
            pose3d = pose3d[good_poses]
            orig_frame = orig_frame[good_poses]
            orig_pose = orig_pose[good_poses]
            depth = depth[good_poses]

            index.extend([(seq, orig_frame[i], orig_pose[i], depth_width,
                           depth_height) for i in range(len(orig_frame))])

            assert len(pose2d) == len(pose3d)


        self.poses2d = np.concatenate(poses2d).astype('float32')
        self.poses3d = np.concatenate(poses3d).astype('float32')
        self.pred_cdepths = np.concatenate(pred_cdepths).astype('float32')
        self.index = np.rec.array(index,
                                  dtype=[('seq', 'int32'), ('frame', 'int32'),
                                         ('pose', 'int32'),
                                         ('depth_width', 'int32'),
                                         ('depth_height', 'int32')])

        # Load calibration matrices
        N = len(self.poses2d)
        self.fx = np.zeros(N, dtype='float32')
        self.fy = np.zeros(N, dtype='float32')
        self.cx = np.zeros(N, dtype='float32')
        self.cy = np.zeros(N, dtype='float32')

        mupots_calibs = mupots_3d.get_calibration_matrices()
        for seq in range(1, 21):
            inds = (self.index.seq == seq)
            self.fx[inds] = mupots_calibs[seq][0, 0]
            self.fy[inds] = mupots_calibs[seq][1, 1]
            self.cx[inds] = mupots_calibs[seq][0, 2]
            self.cy[inds] = mupots_calibs[seq][1, 2]

        assert np.all(self.fx > 0), "Some fields were not filled"
        assert np.all(self.fy > 0), "Some fields were not filled"
        assert np.all(np.abs(self.cx) > 0), "Some fields were not filled"
        assert np.all(np.abs(self.cy) > 0), "Some fields were not filled"
        self.transform = None
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, seq, calibs, mean3d, std3d):
        seq: sequence number
        calibs: calibration matrices for MuPo-TS, as returned by `mupots_3d.get_calibration_matrices()`
        assert 1 <= seq <= 20, "Invalid seq: " + str(seq)

        gt = mupots_3d.load_gt_annotations(seq)
        op = mupots_3d.load_openpose_predictions(seq)

        pose2d = op['pose']
        pose3d = gt['annot3']

        good_poses = gt['isValidFrame'].squeeze()
        good_poses = np.logical_and(good_poses, op['valid_pose'])
        good_poses = np.logical_and(good_poses, pose2d[:, :, 8, 2] > 0.5)
        self.valid = good_poses

        self.orig_frame = np.tile(
            np.arange(len(good_poses)).reshape((-1, 1)),
            (1, good_poses.shape[1]))
        self.orig_pose = np.tile(
            np.arange(good_poses.shape[1]).reshape((1, -1)),
            (good_poses.shape[0], 1))

        assert pose2d.shape[:2] == good_poses.shape
        assert pose3d.shape[:2] == good_poses.shape
        assert self.orig_frame.shape == good_poses.shape
        assert self.orig_pose.shape == good_poses.shape
        assert pose2d.shape[2:] == (25, 3)
        assert pose3d.shape[2:] == (17, 3)
        assert good_poses.ndim == 2

        # Keep only those frames where there is at least one pose
        # Having empty frames causes issues with the model forward pass creating zero dimensions
        good_frame = np.any(good_poses, axis=1)
        pose2d = pose2d[good_frame]
        pose3d = pose3d[good_frame]
        self.orig_frame = self.orig_frame[good_frame]
        self.orig_pose = self.orig_pose[good_frame]
        good_poses = good_poses[good_frame]

        self.orig_frame = self.orig_frame[good_poses]
        self.orig_pose = self.orig_pose[good_poses]

        width, height = mupots_3d.image_size(seq)
        depth_width = 512
        depth_height = 512 if seq <= 5 else 288

        self.normed_poses = preprocess_2d(pose2d, calibs[seq][0, 0],
                                          calibs[seq][0, 2], calibs[seq][1, 1],
                                          calibs[seq][1, 2])

        pose2d = scale_and_round_pose(pose2d, width, height, depth_width,

        pose3d = preprocess_3d(pose3d, True)
        pose3d = normalize_arr(pose3d, mean3d, std3d)

        assert len(pose2d) == len(pose3d)

        self.seq = seq
        self.depth_width = depth_width
        self.depth_height = depth_height
        self.pose2d = pose2d
        self.pose3d = pose3d[good_poses]
        self.good_poses = good_poses.astype('uint8')
예제 #5
    def __init__(self,
        Loads MuPoTS dataset but only those images where at least one person was detected. Each person on a frame
        is loaded separately.

        :param pose_validity: one of 'all', 'detected_only', 'valid_only'; specifies which poses are marked valid
                              all - all of them; valid_only - those that are valid according to the GT annotations
                              detected_only - those that were successfuly detected by the 2D algon and also valid
        :param hip_threshold: only those poses are loaded, where the score of the hip is larger than this value
        :param filter_incorrect_match: MuPoTS's pose matching script has some erroneous matching. If filter_incorrect_match is True,
                                these are not loaded.
        assert pose_validity in ['all', 'detected_only', 'valid_only']
        assert pose3d_scaling in ['univ', 'normal']

        self.pose2d_jointset = PersonStackedMuPoTsDataset.get_jointset(
        self.pose3d_jointset = MuPoTSJoints()
        self.pose3d_scaling = pose3d_scaling
        pred2d_root_ind = self.pose2d_jointset.index_of('hip')

        poses2d = []
        poses3d = []
        joint3d_visible = []
        all_good_poses = []
        valid_annotations = []
        width = []
        index = []
        for seq in range(1, 21):
            img_width, img_height = mupots_3d.image_size(seq)

            gt = mupots_3d.load_gt_annotations(seq)
            pred2d = mupots_3d.load_2d_predictions(seq, pose2d_type)

            pose2d = pred2d['pose']
            pose3d = gt['annot3' if pose3d_scaling ==
                        'normal' else 'univ_annot3']
            visibility = ~gt['occlusions']

            if pose_validity == 'all':
                good_poses = np.full(pose3d.shape[:2], True, dtype='bool')
            elif pose_validity == 'valid_only':
                good_poses = gt['isValidFrame'].squeeze()
            elif pose_validity == 'detected_only':
                good_poses = gt['isValidFrame'].squeeze()
                good_poses = np.logical_and(good_poses, pred2d['valid_pose'])
                good_poses = np.logical_and(
                    pose2d[:, :, pred2d_root_ind, 2] > hip_threshold)
                raise NotImplementedError("Unknown pose_validity value:" +

            orig_frame = np.tile(
                np.arange(len(good_poses)).reshape(-1, 1),
                (1, good_poses.shape[1]))
            orig_pose = np.tile(
                np.arange(good_poses.shape[1]).reshape(1, -1),
                (good_poses.shape[0], 1))

            assert pose2d.shape[:2] == good_poses.shape  # (nFrames, nPeople)
            assert pose3d.shape[:2] == good_poses.shape
            assert orig_frame.shape == good_poses.shape
            assert orig_pose.shape == good_poses.shape
            assert pose2d.shape[2:] == (self.pose2d_jointset.NUM_JOINTS, 3)
            assert pose3d.shape[2:] == (17, 3)
            assert visibility.shape[2] == 17
            assert good_poses.ndim == 2

            orig_frame = _column_stack(orig_frame)
            orig_pose = _column_stack(orig_pose)

            index.extend([('%d/%d' % (seq, orig_pose[i]), seq, orig_frame[i],
                           orig_pose[i]) for i in range(len(orig_frame))])

            width.extend([img_width] * len(orig_frame))

        self.poses2d = np.concatenate(poses2d).astype('float32')
        self.poses3d = np.concatenate(poses3d).astype('float32')
        self.joint3d_visible = np.concatenate(joint3d_visible)
        self.good_poses = np.concatenate(all_good_poses)
        self.valid_annotations = np.concatenate(valid_annotations)
        self.width = np.array(width)
        self.index = np.rec.array(index,
                                  dtype=[('seq', 'U5'), ('seq_num', 'int32'),
                                         ('frame', 'int32'),
                                         ('pose', 'int32')])

        assert self.valid_annotations.shape == self.good_poses.shape
        assert len(self.valid_annotations) == len(self.poses2d)

        # Load calibration matrices
        N = len(self.poses2d)
        self.fx = np.zeros(N, dtype='float32')
        self.fy = np.zeros(N, dtype='float32')
        self.cx = np.zeros(N, dtype='float32')
        self.cy = np.zeros(N, dtype='float32')

        mupots_calibs = mupots_3d.get_calibration_matrices()
        for seq in range(1, 21):
            inds = (self.index.seq_num == seq)
            self.fx[inds] = mupots_calibs[seq][0, 0]
            self.fy[inds] = mupots_calibs[seq][1, 1]
            self.cx[inds] = mupots_calibs[seq][0, 2]
            self.cy[inds] = mupots_calibs[seq][1, 2]

        assert np.all(self.fx > 0), "Some fields were not filled"
        assert np.all(self.fy > 0), "Some fields were not filled"
        assert np.all(np.abs(self.cx) > 0), "Some fields were not filled"
        assert np.all(np.abs(self.cy) > 0), "Some fields were not filled"
        self.transform = None