def add_known_host(address, port, known_hosts="~/.ssh/known_hosts"): result = execute(["ssh-keygen", "-R", "[%s]:%s" % (address, port)]) result = execute(["ssh-keyscan", "-p", str(port), address]) if result["returncode"] == 0: fingerprint = result["stdout"] known_hosts_file = os.path.expanduser(known_hosts) with open(known_hosts_file, "a") as fd: fd.write("\n%s" % fingerprint) print(" => Known hosts fingerprint added for %s:%s\n" % (address, port)) else: print_warning(" => Could not add know_hosts fingerprint for %s:%s\n" % (address, port))
def install_libs(cluster_id, host, token): """Install ipywidgets, databrickslabs_jupyterlab libraries on the driver Args: host (str): host from databricks cli config for given profile string python_path (str): Remote python path to be used for kernel """ python_path = get_python_path(cluster_id) packages = get_local_libs() deps = { p["name"]: p["version"] for p in packages if p["name"] in ["ipywidgets", "ipykernel"] } libs = [ "ipywidgets==%s" % deps["ipywidgets"], "ipykernel==%s" % deps["ipykernel"], "databrickslabs-jupyterlab==%s" % __version__, ] print(" => Installing ", " ".join(libs)) ssh = os.environ.get("SSH") or "ssh" cmd = [ssh, cluster_id, "sudo", python_path + "/pip", "install"] + libs result = execute(cmd) if result["returncode"] == 0: if result["stdout"].startswith("Requirement already satisfied"): return (0, "Requirement already satisfied") else: return (0, "Installed") return (result["returncode"], result["stdout"] + "\n" + result["stderr"])
def conda_version(): """Check conda version""" result = execute(["conda", "--version"]) if result["returncode"] != 0: print_error(result["stderr"]) sys.exit(1) return result["stdout"].strip().split(" ")[1]
def get_local_libs(): """Get installed libraries of the currtent conda environment""" result = execute(["conda", "list", "--json"]) if result["returncode"] != 0: print_error(result["stderr"]) return False try: return json.loads(result["stdout"]) except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except print_error(ex) return False
def configure_ssh(profile, cluster_id): """Configure SSH for the remote cluster Args: profile (str): Databricks CLI profile string host (str): host from databricks cli config for given profile string token (str): token from databricks cli config for given profile string cluster_id (str): cluster ID """ sshkey_file = os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/id_%s" % profile) if not os.path.exists(sshkey_file): print("\n => ssh key '%s' does not exist" % sshkey_file) answer = input(" => Shall it be created (y/n)? (default = n): ") if answer.lower() == "y": print(" => Creating ssh key %s" % sshkey_file) result = execute( ["ssh-keygen", "-b", "2048", "-N", "", "-f", sshkey_file]) if result["returncode"] == 0: print_ok(" => OK") else: print_error(result["stderr"]) bye() else: bye() else: print_ok("\n => ssh key '%s' already exists" % sshkey_file) with open(sshkey_file + ".pub", "r") as fd: sshkey = try: apiclient = connect(profile) client = ClusterApi(apiclient) except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except print_error(ex) return None try: response = client.get_cluster(cluster_id) except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except print_error(ex) return None ssh_public_keys = response.get("ssh_public_keys", []) if sshkey in [key.strip() for key in ssh_public_keys]: print_ok(" => public ssh key already configured for cluster %s" % cluster_id) bye() request = {} for key, val in response.items(): if key not in [ "driver", "executors", "spark_context_id", "state", "state_message", "start_time", "terminated_time", "last_state_loss_time", "last_activity_time", "disk_spec", ]: # omit runtime attributes request[key] = val request["ssh_public_keys"] = ssh_public_keys + [sshkey] print_warning(" => The ssh key will be added to the cluster." + "\n Note: The cluster will be restarted immediately!") answer = input( " => Shall the ssh key be added and the cluster be restarted (y/n)? (default = n): " ) if answer.lower() == "y": try: response = client.edit_cluster(request) except DatabricksApiException as ex: print_error(str(ex)) return None print_ok(" => OK") else: print_error(" => Cancelled")
def configure_ssh(profile, cluster_id): """Configure SSH for the remote cluster Args: profile (str): Databricks CLI profile string host (str): host from databricks cli config for given profile string token (str): token from databricks cli config for given profile string cluster_id (str): cluster ID """ sshkey_file = os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/id_%s" % profile) if not os.path.exists(sshkey_file): print("\n => ssh key '%s' does not exist" % sshkey_file) answer = input(" => Shall it be created (y/n)? (default = n): ") if answer.lower() == "y": print(" => Creating ssh key %s" % sshkey_file) result = execute( ["ssh-keygen", "-b", "2048", "-N", "", "-f", sshkey_file]) if result["returncode"] == 0: print_ok(" => OK") else: print_error(result["stderr"]) bye() else: bye() else: print_ok("\n => ssh key '%s' already exists" % sshkey_file) with open(sshkey_file + ".pub", "r") as fd: sshkey = try: apiclient = connect(profile) client = ClusterApi(apiclient) except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except print_error(ex) return None try: response = client.get_cluster(cluster_id) except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except print_error(ex) return None ssh_public_keys = response.get("ssh_public_keys", []) if sshkey in [key.strip() for key in ssh_public_keys]: print_ok(" => public ssh key already configured for cluster %s" % cluster_id) bye() request = {} for key in [ "autotermination_minutes", "cluster_id", "cluster_name", "cluster_source", "creator_user_name", "default_tags", "driver_node_type_id", "enable_elastic_disk", "init_scripts_safe_mode", "node_type_id", "spark_version", ]: request[key] = response[key] if response.get("spark_env_vars", None) is not None: request["spark_env_vars"] = response["spark_env_vars"] if response.get("aws_attributes", None) is not None: request["aws_attributes"] = response["aws_attributes"] if response.get("num_workers", None) is not None: request["num_workers"] = response["num_workers"] if response.get("autoscale", None) is not None: request["autoscale"] = response["autoscale"] request["ssh_public_keys"] = ssh_public_keys + [sshkey] print_warning(" => The ssh key will be added to the cluster." + "\n Note: The cluster will be restarted immediately!") answer = input( " => Shall the ssh key be added and the cluster be restarted (y/n)? (default = n): " ) if answer.lower() == "y": try: response = client.edit_cluster(request) except DatabricksApiException as ex: print_error(str(ex)) return None print_ok(" => OK") else: print_error(" => Cancelled")