def set_btypes(obj, bt, segm=None): icheck(0, AObject()) icheck(1, ZType()) icheck(2, NoneOr(List(UInt()))) if segm is None: generalfun.set_boundary_type(obj, bt) else: generalfun.set_boundary_type(obj, bdict={bt: segm})
def remove_geom(objs): """ Completely removes object or list of objects :param objs: identifier or list of identifiers of removing objects :returns: None """ icheck(0, UListOr1(AObject())) ob = objs if isinstance(objs, list) else [objs] c = com.objcom.RemoveGeom({"names": ob}) flow.exec_command(c)
def raw_data(obj, what): icheck(0, AObject()) t = flow.receiver.whatis(obj) if t == 'c2': return o2info.tab_cont2(obj, what) elif t == 'g2': return o2info.tab_grid2(obj, what) elif t == 's3': return o3info.tab_surf3(obj, what) elif t == 'g3': return o3info.tab_grid3(obj, what)
def copy_geom(objs): """ Creates deep copies of geometry objects :param objs: identifier or list of identifiers of objects to copy :returns: list of identifiers of copied objects in oder prescribed by input list """ icheck(0, ListOr1(AObject())) if not isinstance(objs, list): objs = [objs] c = com.objcom.CopyGeom({"names": objs}) flow.exec_command(c) return c.odered_output()
def remove_all_but(objs): """ Removes all geometry objects except for listed ones :param objs: identifier or list of identifiers of objects which should NOT be removed :returns: None """ icheck(0, UListOr1(AObject())) if not isinstance(objs, list): objs = [objs] all_obj = flow.receiver.get_names() all_obj = [x for x in all_obj if x not in objs] remove_geom(all_obj)
def scale_geom(objs, xpc=100., ypc=100., zpc=100., refp=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]): """ Scales objects :param objs: identifier or list of identifiers of scaling objects :param float xpc: :param float ypc: :param float zpc: percentages of scaling in x, y and z directions :param list-of-float refp: reference point as ``[x, y, z]`` which stays fixed after transformation :returns: None if **objs** contains only 2d objects **zpc** is ignored and could be ommitted, **refp** could by given as ``[x, y]``. """ icheck(0, UListOr1(AObject())) icheck(1, Float(grthan=0.)) icheck(2, Float(grthan=0.)) icheck(3, Float(grthan=0.)) icheck(4, APoint()) # for backward compatibility check if zpc was omitted if isinstance(zpc, list): refp = zpc zpc = 100. if len(refp) == 2: refp = [refp[0], refp[1], 0.] ob = objs if isinstance(objs, list) else [objs] c = com.objcom.ScaleGeom({ "names": ob, "xpc": xpc, "ypc": ypc, "zpc": zpc, "p0": refp }) flow.exec_command(c)
def move_geom(objs, dx, dy, dz=0.): """ Moves a list of objects :param objs: identifier or list of identifiers of moving objects :param float dx: :param float dy: :param float dz: shifts in x, y and z direction. Z moves take place only for 3d objects :returns: None """ icheck(0, UListOr1(AObject())) icheck(1, Float()) icheck(2, Float()) icheck(3, Float()) ob = objs if isinstance(objs, list) else [objs] c = com.objcom.MoveGeom({"names": ob, "dx": dx, "dy": dy, "dz": dz}) flow.exec_command(c)
def set_boundary_type(obj, btps=None, bfun=None, bdict=None): """ Mark geometrical object with boundary types. :param obj: geometric object identifier :param btps: single identifier for the whole object or list of identifiers for each boundary segment. :param bfun: function which returns boundary type taking segment coordinates and old boundary type as arguments. :param bdict: {btype: [list-of-segment indicies]} dictionary which maps boundary type with object segments indicies Only one of **btps**, **bfun**, **bdict** arguments should be defined. **bfun** signature is: * ``(x0, y0, x1, y1, bt) -> btype`` for 2D objects, where *x0, y0, x1, y1* are edge end point coordinates, bt - old boundary type * ``(xc, yc, zc, bt) -> btype`` for 3D objects, where *xc, yc, zc* - approximate face center coordinates, bt - old boundary type If **obj** is a grid then only boundary segments will be passed to **bfun** function and **btps** list entries will be associated with boundary segments only. However **bdict** entries should contain global edge or face indicies. Example: .. literalinclude:: ../../testing/py/fromdoc/ :start-after: START OF EXAMPLE :end-before: END OF EXAMPLE """ icheck(0, AObject()) icheck(1, NoneOr(ListOr1(ZType()))) icheck(3, NoneOr(Dict(ZType(), List(UInt())))) t = flow.receiver.whatis(obj) if t in ['g2', 'c2']: icheck(2, NoneOr(Func(narg=5))) else: icheck(2, NoneOr(Func(narg=4))) if [btps, bfun, bdict].count(None) != 2: raise InvalidArgument("One of [btps, bfun, bdict] should be not None") args = {'name': obj, 'whole': None, 'btypes': {}} if isinstance(btps, int): args['whole'] = btps elif bdict is not None: args['btypes'] = bdict else: g = flow.receiver.get_object(obj) if t == 'g2': if btps is not None: _setbt_args_g2g3btps(g, btps, args['btypes']) if bfun is not None: _setbt_args_g2bfun(g, bfun, args['btypes']) if t == 'g3': if btps is not None: _setbt_args_g2g3btps(g, btps, args['btypes']) if bfun is not None: _setbt_args_g3bfun(g, bfun, args['btypes']) if t == 'c2': if btps is not None: _setbt_args_c2s3btps(g, btps, args['btypes']) if bfun is not None: _setbt_args_c2bfun(g, bfun, args['btypes']) if t == 's3': if btps is not None: _setbt_args_c2s3btps(g, btps, args['btypes']) if bfun is not None: _setbt_args_s3bfun(g, bfun, args['btypes']) c = com.objcom.SetBType(args) flow.exec_command(c)
def dims(gid): icheck(0, AObject()) ob = flow.receiver.get_object(gid) return ob.dims()