def test_invalid_default_values(logical_type, invalid_default, msg):
    name = "a_field"
    field = fields.AvroField(name, logical_type, invalid_default)

    msg = msg or f"Invalid default type. Default should be {logical_type}"
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match=msg):
def test_logical_types(python_type, avro_type, logical_type):
    name = "a logical type"
    python_type = python_type
    field = fields.AvroField(name, python_type)

    expected = {"name": name, "type": {"type": avro_type, "logicalType": logical_type}}

    assert expected == field.to_dict()
def test_logical_types_with_null_as_default(python_type, avro_type, logical_type):
    name = "a logical type"
    python_type = python_type
    field = fields.AvroField(name, python_type, None)

    expected = {
        "name": name,
        "type": ["null", {"type": avro_type, "logicalType": logical_type}],
        "default": None,

    assert expected == field.to_dict()
def test_logical_type_uuid_with_default(python_type):
    name = "a uuid"
    default = uuid.UUID("d793fc4f-2eef-440a-af8b-a8e884d7b1a8")
    field = fields.AvroField(name, python_type, default)

    expected = {
        "name": name,
        "type": {"type": fields.STRING, "logicalType": fields.UUID},
        "default": str(default),

    assert expected == field.to_dict()
def test_logical_type_datetime_with_default():
    name = "a datetime"
    python_type = datetime.datetime
    field = fields.AvroField(name, python_type,

    ts = ( - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds()

    expected = {
        "name": name,
        "type": {"type": fields.LONG, "logicalType": fields.TIMESTAMP_MILLIS},
        "default": ts * 1000,

    assert expected == field.to_dict()
def test_logical_type_date_with_default():
    name = "a date"
    python_type =
    field = fields.AvroField(name, python_type,

    date_time = datetime.datetime.combine(, datetime.datetime.min.time())
    ts = (date_time - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds()

    expected = {
        "name": name,
        "type": {"type": fields.INT, "logicalType": fields.DATE},
        "default": ts / (3600 * 24),

    assert expected == field.to_dict()
def test_logical_type_time_with_default():
    name = "a time"
    python_type = datetime.time
    time =
    field = fields.AvroField(name, python_type, time)

    hour, minutes, seconds, microseconds = (
    miliseconds = int((((hour * 60 + minutes) * 60 + seconds) * 1000) + (microseconds / 1000))

    expected = {
        "name": name,
        "type": {"type": fields.INT, "logicalType": fields.TIME_MILLIS},
        "default": miliseconds,

    assert expected == field.to_dict()
def test_decimal_type():
    When the type is types.Decimal, the Avro field type should be bytes,
    with logicalType=decimal and metadata attributes scale, precision present as ints
    name = "a_decimal_field"
    # A default decimal.Decimal sets precision and scale implicitly
    default = decimal.Decimal("3.14")
    python_type = decimal.Decimal
    field = fields.AvroField(name, python_type, default)

    expected = {
        "name": name,
        "type": {
            "type": "bytes",
            "logicalType": "decimal",
            "precision": 3,
            "scale": 2,
        "default": "\\u013a",

    assert expected == field.to_dict()

    # Use types.Decimal to set explicitly
    default = types.Decimal(scale=5, precision=7)
    field = fields.AvroField(name, python_type, default)

    expected = {
        "name": name,
        "type": {
            "type": "bytes",
            "logicalType": "decimal",
            "precision": 7,
            "scale": 5,

    assert expected == field.to_dict()

    default = types.Decimal(scale=5, precision=7, default=decimal.Decimal("3.14"))
    field = fields.AvroField(name, python_type, default)

    expected = {
        "name": name,
        "type": {
            "type": "bytes",
            "logicalType": "decimal",
            "precision": 7,
            "scale": 5,
        "default": "\\u04ca90",

    assert expected == field.to_dict()

    # If default is missing, default out scale by Avro spec and pull precision from default decimal context
    # On my machine, this makes the "decimal" field a glorified 28-digit int, which is likely not what is wanted
    # so there is a good argument to error this out and force the dev to provide a default
    # default = types.MissingSentinel
    # field = fields.AvroField(name, python_type, default)
    # expected = {
    #     "name": name,
    #     "type": {
    #         "type": "bytes",
    #         "logicalType": "decimal",
    #         "precision": decimal.Context().prec,
    #         "scale": 0,
    #     },
    # }
    # assert expected == field.to_dict()

    # Validate 0 <= scale <= precision
    with pytest.raises(
        ValueError, match="Scale must be zero or a positive integer less than or equal to the precision."
        default = types.Decimal(scale=-1, precision=1)
        field = fields.AvroField(name, python_type, default)


    # Validate 0 <= scale <= precision
    with pytest.raises(
        ValueError, match="Scale must be zero or a positive integer less than or equal to the precision."
        default = types.Decimal(scale=3, precision=1)
        field = fields.AvroField(name, python_type, default)


    # Validate precision >= 0
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Precision must be a positive integer greater than zero"):
        default = types.Decimal(scale=2, precision=-1)
        field = fields.AvroField(name, python_type, default)


    # Require a default be provided for decimal.Decimal
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        default = types.MissingSentinel
        field = fields.AvroField(name, python_type, default)


    # Catch unexpected default value for decimal.Decimal
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        default = 7
        field = fields.AvroField(name, python_type, default)


    # Default decimal.Decimal has more digits than listed precision
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        default = types.Decimal(scale=2, precision=3, default=decimal.Decimal("3.14159"))
        field = fields.AvroField(name, python_type, default)


    # Default decimal.Decimal has more digits past decimal than scale
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        default = types.Decimal(scale=1, precision=3, default=decimal.Decimal("3.14"))
        field = fields.AvroField(name, python_type, default)


    # Just for code coverage
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        default = types.Decimal(scale=1, precision=3, default=decimal.Decimal("3.14"))
        field = fields.AvroField(name, python_type, default)
