예제 #1
def find_diff(input_type, output_type, bbox, datacube):
    from datacube.api.grid_workflow import GridWorkflow
    workflow = GridWorkflow(datacube, output_type.grid_spec)

    tiles_in = workflow.cell_observations(product=input_type.name)
    tiles_out = workflow.cell_observations(product=output_type.name)

    tasks = []
    for tile_index in set(tiles_in.keys()) | set(tiles_out.keys()):
        sources_in = datacube.product_sources(
            tiles_in.get(tile_index, []), lambda ds: ds.center_time, 'time',
            'seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00')

        sources_out = datacube.product_sources(
            tiles_out.get(tile_index, []), lambda ds: ds.center_time, 'time',
            'seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00')

        diff = numpy.setdiff1d(sources_in.time.values, sources_out.time.values)
        tasks += [(tile_index, sources_in.sel(time=[v])) for v in diff]
    return tasks
예제 #2
def find_diff(input_type, output_type, bbox, datacube):
    from datacube.api.grid_workflow import GridWorkflow
    workflow = GridWorkflow(datacube, output_type.grid_spec)

    tiles_in = workflow.cell_observations(product=input_type.name)
    tiles_out = workflow.cell_observations(product=output_type.name)

    tasks = []
    for tile_index in set(tiles_in.keys()) | set(tiles_out.keys()):
        sources_in = datacube.product_sources(tiles_in.get(tile_index, []),
                                              lambda ds: ds.center_time,
                                              'seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00')

        sources_out = datacube.product_sources(tiles_out.get(tile_index, []),
                                               lambda ds: ds.center_time,
                                               'seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00')

        diff = numpy.setdiff1d(sources_in.time.values, sources_out.time.values)
        tasks += [(tile_index, sources_in.sel(time=[v])) for v in diff]
    return tasks
예제 #3
def test_gridworkflow():
    """ Test GridWorkflow with padding option. """
    from mock import MagicMock
    import datetime

    # ----- fake a datacube -----
    # e.g. let there be a dataset that coincides with a grid cell

    fakecrs = geometry.CRS('EPSG:4326')

    grid = 100  # spatial frequency in crs units
    pixel = 10  # square pixel linear dimension in crs units
    # if cell(0,0) has lower left corner at grid origin,
    # and cell indices increase toward upper right,
    # then this will be cell(1,-2).
    gridspec = GridSpec(crs=fakecrs,
                        tile_size=(grid, grid),
                        resolution=(-pixel, pixel))  # e.g. product gridspec

    fakedataset = MagicMock()
    fakedataset.extent = geometry.box(left=grid,
                                      right=2 * grid,
                                      top=-2 * grid,
    fakedataset.center_time = t = datetime.datetime(2001, 2, 15)
    fakedataset.id = uuid.uuid4()

    fakeindex = PickableMock()
    fakeindex._db = None
    fakeindex.datasets.get_field_names.return_value = [
    ]  # permit query on time
    fakeindex.datasets.search_eager.return_value = [fakedataset]

    # ------ test without padding ----

    from datacube.api.grid_workflow import GridWorkflow
    gw = GridWorkflow(fakeindex, gridspec)
    # Need to force the fake index otherwise the driver manager will
    # only take its _db
    gw.index = fakeindex
    query = dict(product='fake_product_name',
                 time=('2001-1-1 00:00:00', '2001-3-31 23:59:59'))

    # test backend : that it finds the expected cell/dataset
    assert list(gw.cell_observations(**query).keys()) == [(1, -2)]

    # again but with geopolygon
    assert list(
                                 (1, -2)).extent).keys()) == [(1, -2)]

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
                                 tile_buffer=(1, 1),
                                     (1, -2)).extent).keys())
    assert str(
        e.value) == 'Cannot process tile_buffering and geopolygon together.'

    # test frontend
    assert len(gw.list_tiles(**query)) == 1

    # ------ introduce padding --------

    assert len(gw.list_tiles(tile_buffer=(20, 20), **query)) == 9

    # ------ add another dataset (to test grouping) -----

    # consider cell (2,-2)
    fakedataset2 = MagicMock()
    fakedataset2.extent = geometry.box(left=2 * grid,
                                       right=3 * grid,
                                       top=-2 * grid,
    fakedataset2.center_time = t
    fakedataset2.id = uuid.uuid4()

    def search_eager(lat=None, lon=None, **kwargs):
        return [fakedataset, fakedataset2]

    fakeindex.datasets.search_eager = search_eager

    # unpadded
    assert len(gw.list_tiles(**query)) == 2
    ti = numpy.datetime64(t, 'ns')
    assert set(gw.list_tiles(**query).keys()) == {(1, -2, ti), (2, -2, ti)}

    # padded
    assert len(gw.list_tiles(tile_buffer=(20, 20), **
                             query)) == 12  # not 18=2*9 because of grouping

    # -------- inspect particular returned tile objects --------

    # check the array shape

    tile = gw.list_tiles(**query)[1, -2, ti]  # unpadded example
    assert grid / pixel == 10
    assert tile.shape == (1, 10, 10)

    padded_tile = gw.list_tiles(tile_buffer=(20, 20),
                                **query)[1, -2, ti]  # padded example
    # assert grid/pixel + 2*gw2.grid_spec.padding == 14  # GREG: understand this
    assert padded_tile.shape == (1, 14, 14)

    # count the sources

    assert len(tile.sources.isel(time=0).item()) == 1
    assert len(padded_tile.sources.isel(time=0).item()) == 2

    # check the geocoding

    assert tile.geobox.alignment == padded_tile.geobox.alignment
    assert tile.geobox.affine * (0, 0) == padded_tile.geobox.affine * (2, 2)
    assert tile.geobox.affine * (10, 10) == padded_tile.geobox.affine * (
        10 + 2, 10 + 2)

    # ------- check loading --------
    # GridWorkflow accesses the load_data API
    # to ultimately convert geobox,sources,measurements to xarray,
    # so only thing to check here is the call interface.

    measurement = dict(nodata=0, dtype=numpy.int)
    fakedataset.type.lookup_measurements.return_value = {'dummy': measurement}
    fakedataset2.type = fakedataset.type

    from mock import patch
    with patch('datacube.api.core.Datacube.load_data') as loader:

        data = GridWorkflow.load(tile)
        data2 = GridWorkflow.load(padded_tile)
        # Note, could also test Datacube.load for consistency (but may require more patching)

    assert data is data2 is loader.return_value
    assert loader.call_count == 2

    # Note, use of positional arguments here is not robust, could spec mock etc.
    for (args, kwargs), loadable in zip(loader.call_args_list,
                                        [tile, padded_tile]):
        args = list(args)
        assert args[0] is loadable.sources
        assert args[1] is loadable.geobox
        assert list(args[2].values())[0] is measurement
        assert 'resampling' in kwargs

    # ------- check single cell index extract -------
    tile = gw.list_tiles(cell_index=(1, -2), **query)
    assert len(tile) == 1
    assert tile[1, -2, ti].shape == (1, 10, 10)
    assert len(tile[1, -2, ti].sources.values[0]) == 1

    padded_tile = gw.list_tiles(cell_index=(1, -2),
                                tile_buffer=(20, 20),
    assert len(padded_tile) == 1
    assert padded_tile[1, -2, ti].shape == (1, 14, 14)
    assert len(padded_tile[1, -2, ti].sources.values[0]) == 2