def hourly_reminder(): fields = ["from_time", "to_time"] projects = get_projects_for_collect_progress("Hourly", fields) for project in projects: if (get_time(nowtime()) >= get_time(project.from_time) or get_time(nowtime()) <= get_time(project.to_time)): send_project_update_email_to_users(
def get_stock_qty(item_code, warehouse): return get_previous_sle({ "item_code": item_code, "warehouse": warehouse, "posting_date": nowdate(), "posting_time": nowtime() }).get("qty_after_transaction") or 0
def create_delivery_note(**args): dn = dataent.new_doc("Delivery Note") args = dataent._dict(args) dn.posting_date = args.posting_date or nowdate() dn.posting_time = args.posting_time or nowtime() dn.set_posting_time = 1 = or "_Test Company" dn.customer = args.customer or "_Test Customer" dn.currency = args.currency or "INR" dn.is_return = args.is_return dn.return_against = args.return_against dn.append("items", { "item_code": args.item or args.item_code or "_Test Item", "warehouse": args.warehouse or "_Test Warehouse - _TC", "qty": args.qty or 1, "rate": args.rate or 100, "conversion_factor": 1.0, "expense_account": "Cost of Goods Sold - _TC", "cost_center": args.cost_center or "_Test Cost Center - _TC", "serial_no": args.serial_no, "target_warehouse": args.target_warehouse }) if not args.do_not_save: dn.insert() if not args.do_not_submit: dn.submit() return dn
def send_project_update_email_to_users(project): doc = dataent.get_doc('Project', project) if is_holiday_today(doc.holiday_list) or not doc.users: return project_update = dataent.get_doc({ "doctype": "Project Update", "project": project, "sent": 0, "date": today(), "time": nowtime(), "naming_series": "UPDATE-.project.-.YY.MM.DD.-", }).insert() subject = "For project %s, update your status" % (project) incoming_email_account = dataent.db.get_value( 'Email Account', dict(enable_incoming=1, default_incoming=1), 'email_id') dataent.sendmail(recipients=get_users_email(doc), message=doc.message, subject=_(subject), reference_doctype=project_update.doctype,, reply_to=incoming_email_account)
def test_repack_no_change_in_valuation(self): company = dataent.db.get_value('Warehouse', '_Test Warehouse - _TC', 'company') set_perpetual_inventory(0, company) make_stock_entry(item_code="_Test Item", target="_Test Warehouse - _TC", qty=50, basic_rate=100) make_stock_entry(item_code="_Test Item Home Desktop 100", target="_Test Warehouse - _TC", qty=50, basic_rate=100) repack = dataent.copy_doc(test_records[3]) repack.posting_date = nowdate() repack.posting_time = nowtime() repack.insert() repack.submit() self.check_stock_ledger_entries( "Stock Entry",, [["_Test Item", "_Test Warehouse - _TC", -50.0], ["_Test Item Home Desktop 100", "_Test Warehouse - _TC", 1]]) gl_entries = dataent.db.sql("""select account, debit, credit from `tabGL Entry` where voucher_type='Stock Entry' and voucher_no=%s order by account desc""",, as_dict=1) self.assertFalse(gl_entries) set_perpetual_inventory(0,
def allow_to_make_project_update(project, time, frequency): data = dataent.db.sql( """ SELECT name from `tabProject Update` WHERE project = %s and date = %s """, (project, today())) # len(data) > 1 condition is checked for twicely frequency if data and (frequency in ['Daily', 'Weekly'] or len(data) > 1): return False if get_time(nowtime()) >= get_time(time): return True
def get_qty_after_transaction(**args): args = dataent._dict(args) last_sle = get_previous_sle({ "item_code": args.item_code or "_Test Item", "warehouse": args.warehouse or "_Test Warehouse - _TC", "posting_date": args.posting_date or nowdate(), "posting_time": args.posting_time or nowtime() }) return flt(last_sle.get("qty_after_transaction"))
def test_repack_with_additional_costs(self): company = dataent.db.get_value('Warehouse', '_Test Warehouse - _TC', 'company') set_perpetual_inventory(1, company) make_stock_entry(item_code="_Test Item", target="_Test Warehouse - _TC", qty=50, basic_rate=100) repack = dataent.copy_doc(test_records[3]) repack.posting_date = nowdate() repack.posting_time = nowtime() repack.set("additional_costs", [ { "description": "Actual Oerating Cost", "amount": 1000 }, { "description": "additional operating costs", "amount": 200 }, ]) repack.insert() repack.submit() stock_in_hand_account = get_inventory_account(, repack.get("items")[1].t_warehouse) rm_stock_value_diff = abs( dataent.db.get_value( "Stock Ledger Entry", { "voucher_type": "Stock Entry", "voucher_no":, "item_code": "_Test Item" }, "stock_value_difference")) fg_stock_value_diff = abs( dataent.db.get_value( "Stock Ledger Entry", { "voucher_type": "Stock Entry", "voucher_no":, "item_code": "_Test Item Home Desktop 100" }, "stock_value_difference")) stock_value_diff = flt(fg_stock_value_diff - rm_stock_value_diff, 2) self.assertEqual(stock_value_diff, 1200) self.check_gl_entries( "Stock Entry",, sorted([[stock_in_hand_account, 1200, 0.0], ["Expenses Included In Valuation - _TC", 0.0, 1200.0]])) set_perpetual_inventory(0,
def test_get_items(self): create_warehouse("_Test Warehouse Group 1", {"is_group": 1}) create_warehouse("_Test Warehouse Ledger 1", { "is_group": 0, "parent_warehouse": "_Test Warehouse Group 1 - _TC" }) create_item("_Test Stock Reco Item", is_stock_item=1, valuation_rate=100, warehouse="_Test Warehouse Ledger 1 - _TC", opening_stock=100) items = get_items("_Test Warehouse Group 1 - _TC", nowdate(), nowtime(), "_Test Company") self.assertEqual( ["_Test Stock Reco Item", "_Test Warehouse Ledger 1 - _TC", 100], [items[0]["item_code"], items[0]["warehouse"], items[0]["qty"]])
def test_delivery_note_no_gl_entry(self): company = dataent.db.get_value('Warehouse', '_Test Warehouse - _TC', 'company') set_perpetual_inventory(0, company) make_stock_entry(target="_Test Warehouse - _TC", qty=5, basic_rate=100) stock_queue = json.loads(get_previous_sle({ "item_code": "_Test Item", "warehouse": "_Test Warehouse - _TC", "posting_date": nowdate(), "posting_time": nowtime() }).stock_queue or "[]") dn = create_delivery_note() sle = dataent.get_doc("Stock Ledger Entry", {"voucher_type": "Delivery Note", "voucher_no":}) self.assertEqual(sle.stock_value_difference, -1*stock_queue[0][1]) self.assertFalse(get_gl_entries("Delivery Note",
def get_stock_balance(item_code, warehouse, posting_date=None, posting_time=None, with_valuation_rate=False): """Returns stock balance quantity at given warehouse on given posting date or current date. If `with_valuation_rate` is True, will return tuple (qty, rate)""" from epaas.stock.stock_ledger import get_previous_sle if not posting_date: posting_date = nowdate() if not posting_time: posting_time = nowtime() last_entry = get_previous_sle({ "item_code": item_code, "warehouse":warehouse, "posting_date": posting_date, "posting_time": posting_time }) if with_valuation_rate: return (last_entry.qty_after_transaction, last_entry.valuation_rate) if last_entry else (0.0, 0.0) else: return last_entry.qty_after_transaction if last_entry else 0.0
def create_stock_reconciliation(**args): args = dataent._dict(args) sr = dataent.new_doc("Stock Reconciliation") sr.posting_date = args.posting_date or nowdate() sr.posting_time = args.posting_time or nowtime() sr.set_posting_time = 1 = or "_Test Company" sr.expense_account = args.expense_account or \ ("Stock Adjustment - _TC" if dataent.get_all("Stock Ledger Entry") else "Temporary Opening - _TC") sr.cost_center = args.cost_center or "_Test Cost Center - _TC" sr.append( "items", { "item_code": args.item_code or "_Test Item", "warehouse": args.warehouse or "_Test Warehouse - _TC", "qty": args.qty, "valuation_rate": args.rate }) try: sr.submit() except EmptyStockReconciliationItemsError: pass return sr
def set_stock_balance_as_per_serial_no(item_code=None, posting_date=None, posting_time=None, fiscal_year=None): if not posting_date: posting_date = nowdate() if not posting_time: posting_time = nowtime() condition = " and'%s'" % item_code.replace( "'", "\'") if item_code else "" bin = dataent.db.sql( """select bin.item_code, bin.warehouse, bin.actual_qty, item.stock_uom from `tabBin` bin, tabItem item where bin.item_code = and item.has_serial_no = 1 %s""" % condition) for d in bin: serial_nos = dataent.db.sql( """select count(name) from `tabSerial No` where item_code=%s and warehouse=%s and docstatus < 2""", (d[0], d[1])) if serial_nos and flt(serial_nos[0][0]) != flt(d[2]): print(d[0], d[1], d[2], serial_nos[0][0]) sle = dataent.db.sql( """select valuation_rate, company from `tabStock Ledger Entry` where item_code = %s and warehouse = %s and ifnull(is_cancelled, 'No') = 'No' order by posting_date desc limit 1""", (d[0], d[1])) sle_dict = { 'doctype': 'Stock Ledger Entry', 'item_code': d[0], 'warehouse': d[1], 'transaction_date': nowdate(), 'posting_date': posting_date, 'posting_time': posting_time, 'voucher_type': 'Stock Reconciliation (Manual)', 'voucher_no': '', 'voucher_detail_no': '', 'actual_qty': flt(serial_nos[0][0]) - flt(d[2]), 'stock_uom': d[3], 'incoming_rate': sle and flt(serial_nos[0][0]) > flt(d[2]) and flt(sle[0][0]) or 0, 'company': sle and cstr(sle[0][1]) or 0, 'is_cancelled': 'No', 'batch_no': '', 'serial_no': '' } sle_doc = dataent.get_doc(sle_dict) sle_doc.flags.ignore_validate = True sle_doc.flags.ignore_links = True sle_doc.insert() args = sle_dict.copy() args.update({"sle_id":, "is_amended": 'No'}) update_bin(args) update_entries_after({ "item_code": d[0], "warehouse": d[1], "posting_date": posting_date, "posting_time": posting_time })