def start_SLD_server(host_url, host_root, use_Edited_Model, i3d_models, LSTM_model, csvFile_dir, nTop= 3): global id_and_prediction global ids_fpaths_q labels = VideoClasses(csvFile_dir) rgb_model,oflow_model,lstmModel = load_Models(i3d_models, LSTM_model, use_Edited_Model) threading.Thread(target=work, args=(host_url, 2)).start() result = None processed_vid = [] while True: if not ids_fpaths_q.empty(): result = ids_fpaths_q.get() if result is not None: vid_id,vid_path = result processed_vid.append(vid_id) if not os.path.exists(host_root + vid_path): raise ValueError("[ERROR]: Incorrect pathing to the videos - (check videos dirctories).") vid = cv2.VideoCapture(host_root + vid_path) rgbs,oflows,frames_count = vid2frames(vid) results = preds(rgbs,oflows,frames_count,labels,use_Edited_Model,nTop,lstmModel,rgb_model,oflow_model,40,10,40) if len(results) > 0: predictions = Phase(results) else: predictions = [{'Unknown': 0.}, {'Unknown': 0.}, {'Unknown': 0.}] print("My results:", results) """ if use_Edited_Model: predictions,_ = i3d_LSTM_prediction(rgbs, oflows, labels, lstmModel, rgb_model, oflow_model, nTop=3) else: predictions,_ = get_predicts(rgbs, oflows, labels, oflow_model, rgb_model, nTop=3) """ #print("predictions:",predictions) if not id_and_prediction_q.full() and vid_id in processed_vid: id_and_prediction_q.put((vid_id,predictions)) processed_vid.remove(vid_id) result = None
def start_SLD_server(host_url, host_root, i3d_models, csvFile_dir, nTop=3): global id_and_prediction global ids_fpaths_q labels = VideoClasses(csvFile_dir) rgb_model = None oflow_model = None if i3d_models["rgb"] is not None: rgb_model = keras.models.load_model(i3d_models["rgb"]) if i3d_models["oflow"] is not None: oflow_model = keras.models.load_model(i3d_models["oflow"]) #pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes_num) #m = multiprocessing.Manager() #ids_fpaths_q = m.Queue() #id_and_prediction_q = m.Queue() #pool.apply_async(work, (host_url, ids_fpaths_q, id_and_prediction_q, 2)) threading.Thread(target=get_vid_dirs, args=(host_url, )).start() result = None while True: result = currentObj if result is not None: vid_id, vid_path = result if not os.path.exists(host_root + vid_path): raise ValueError( "[ERROR]: Incorrect pathing to the videos - (check videos dirctories)." ) vid = cv2.VideoCapture(host_root + vid_path) rgbs, oflows = vid2frames(vid) predictions, _ = get_predicts(rgbs, oflows, labels, oflow_model, rgb_model, nTop=3) #print("predictions:",predictions) currentResultObj = (vid_id, predictions)
def livedemo(): # dataset diVideoSet = { "sName": "chalearn", "nClasses": 20, # number of classes "nFramesNorm": 40, # number of frames per video "nMinDim": 240, # smaller dimension of saved video-frames "tuShape": (240, 320), # height, width "nFpsAvg": 10, "nFramesAvg": 50, "fDurationAvg": 5.0 } # seconds # files sClassFile = "data-set/%s/%03d/class.csv" % (diVideoSet["sName"], diVideoSet["nClasses"]) sVideoDir = "data-set/%s/%03d" % (diVideoSet["sName"], diVideoSet["nClasses"]) print("\nStarting gesture recognition live demo ... ") print(os.getcwd()) print(diVideoSet) # load label description oClasses = VideoClasses(sClassFile) sModelFile = "model/20180627-0729-chalearn020-oflow-i3d-entire-best.h5" h, w = 224, 224 keI3D = I3D_load(sModelFile, diVideoSet["nFramesNorm"], (h, w, 2), oClasses.nClasses) # open a pointer to the webcam video stream oStream = video_start(device=1, tuResolution=(320, 240), nFramePerSecond=diVideoSet["nFpsAvg"]) #liVideosDebug = glob.glob(sVideoDir + "/train/*/*.*") nCount = 0 sResults = "" timer = Timer() # loop over action states while True: # show live video and wait for key stroke key = video_show(oStream, "green", "Press <blank> to start", sResults, tuRectangle=(h, w)) # start! if key == ord(' '): # countdown n sec video_show(oStream, "orange", "Recording starts in ", tuRectangle=(h, w), nCountdown=3) # record video for n sec fElapsed, arFrames, _ = video_capture(oStream, "red", "Recording ", \ tuRectangle = (h, w), nTimeDuration = int(diVideoSet["fDurationAvg"]), bOpticalFlow = False) print("\nCaptured video: %.1f sec, %s, %.1f fps" % \ (fElapsed, str(arFrames.shape), len(arFrames)/fElapsed)) # show orange wait box frame_show(oStream, "orange", "Translating sign ...", tuRectangle=(h, w)) # crop and downsample frames arFrames = images_crop(arFrames, h, w) arFrames = frames_downsample(arFrames, diVideoSet["nFramesNorm"]) # Translate frames to flows - these are already scaled between [-1.0, 1.0] print("Calculate optical flow on %d frames ..." % len(arFrames)) timer.start() arFlows = frames2flows(arFrames, bThirdChannel=False, bShow=True) print("Optical flow per frame: %.3f" % (timer.stop() / len(arFrames))) # predict video from flows print("Predict video with %s ..." % ( arX = np.expand_dims(arFlows, axis=0) arProbas = keI3D.predict(arX, verbose=1)[0] nLabel, sLabel, fProba = probability2label(arProbas, oClasses, nTop=3) sResults = "Sign: %s (%.0f%%)" % (sLabel, fProba * 100.) print(sResults) nCount += 1 # quit elif key == ord('q'): break # do a bit of cleanup oStream.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() return
def train_I3D_oflow_end2end(): """ Training the keras model. :return: None """ sClassFile = "class.csv" sOflowDir = "Training_data" sModelDir = "model" diTrainTop = {"fLearn": 1e-3, "nEpochs": 5} diTrainAll = {"fLearn": 1e-4, "nEpochs": 1} nBatchSize = 4 print("\nStarting I3D end2end training ...") print(os.getcwd()) oClasses = VideoClasses(sClassFile) # Load training data path = os.path.join(sOflowDir, "train") genFramesTrain = FramesGenerator(path, nBatchSize, 40, 224, 224, 2, oClasses.liClasses) path = os.path.join(sOflowDir, "val") genFramesVal = FramesGenerator(path, nBatchSize, 40, 224, 224, 2, oClasses.liClasses) if (genFramesTrain): print("Generated training data.") if (genFramesVal): print("Generated validation data") # Load pretrained i3d model and adjust top layer print("Load pretrained I3D flow model ...") keI3DOflow = Inception_Inflated3d(include_top=False, weights='flow_imagenet_and_kinetics', input_shape=(40, 224, 224, 2)) print("Add top layers with %d output classes ..." % oClasses.nClasses) keI3DOflow = layers_freeze(keI3DOflow) keI3DOflow = add_i3d_top(keI3DOflow, oClasses.nClasses, dropout_prob=0.5) if (keI3DOflow): print("Model loaded successfully") sLog = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M", time.gmtime()) + "-%s%03d-oflow-i3d" % ("ISL", 105) # Save the model os.makedirs(sModelDir, exist_ok=True) cpTopLast = keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath=sModelDir + "/" + sLog + "-top-last.h5", verbose=1, save_best_only=False, save_weights_only=False) cpTopBest = keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath=sModelDir + "/" + sLog + "-top-best.h5", verbose=1, save_best_only=True, save_weights_only=False) cpAllLast = keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath=sModelDir + "/" + sLog + "-entire-last.h5", verbose=1, save_weights_only=False, save_best_only=False) cpAllBest = keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath=sModelDir + "/" + sLog + "-entire-best.h5", verbose=1, save_best_only=True, save_weights_only=False) cbTensorBoard = keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(log_dir="logs", histogram_freq=1, update_freq='batch', write_graph=True, write_images=True, batch_size=32) callbacks1 = [cpTopLast, cpTopBest, cbTensorBoard] callbacks2 = [cpAllBest, cpAllLast, cbTensorBoard] # Fit top layers print("Fit I3D top layers with generator: %s" % (diTrainTop)) optimizer = keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=diTrainTop["fLearn"]) keI3DOflow.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=optimizer, metrics=['accuracy']) count_params(keI3DOflow) keI3DOflow.fit_generator(generator=genFramesTrain, validation_data=genFramesVal, epochs=diTrainTop["nEpochs"], workers=4, use_multiprocessing=False, max_queue_size=8, verbose=1, callbacks=callbacks1) """ Fit entire I3D model print("Finetune all I3D layers with generator: %s" % (diTrainAll)) keI3DOflow = layers_unfreeze(keI3DOflow) optimizer = keras.optimizers.Adam(lr = diTrainAll["fLearn"]) keI3DOflow.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=optimizer, metrics=['accuracy']) count_params(keI3DOflow) keI3DOflow.fit_generator( generator = genFramesTrain, validation_data = genFramesVal, epochs = diTrainAll["nEpochs"], workers = 4, use_multiprocessing = False, max_queue_size = 8, verbose = 1, callbacks=callbacks2) """ return
def train_mobile_lstm(diVideoSet, bImage=True, bOflow=True): # feature extractor diFeature = { "sName": "mobilenet", "tuInputShape": (224, 224, 3), "tuOutputShape": (1024, ) } #diFeature = {"sName" : "inception", # "tuInputShape" : (299, 299, 3), # "nOutput" : 2048} # directories sFolder = "%03d-%d" % (diVideoSet["nClasses"], diVideoSet["nFramesNorm"]) sClassFile = "data-set/%s/%03d/class.csv" % (diVideoSet["sName"], diVideoSet["nClasses"]) sVideoDir = "data-set/%s/%03d" % (diVideoSet["sName"], diVideoSet["nClasses"]) sImageDir = "data-temp/%s/%s/image" % (diVideoSet["sName"], sFolder) sImageFeatureDir = "data-temp/%s/%s/image-mobilenet" % ( diVideoSet["sName"], sFolder) sOflowDir = "data-temp/%s/%s/oflow" % (diVideoSet["sName"], sFolder) sOflowFeatureDir = "data-temp/%s/%s/oflow-mobilenet" % ( diVideoSet["sName"], sFolder) sModelDir = "model" print("\nStarting training with MobileNet + LSTM ...") print(os.getcwd()) # read the classes oClasses = VideoClasses(sClassFile) # Image: Load LSTM and train it if bImage: sLogPath = "log/" + time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M", time.gmtime()) + \ "-%s%03d-image-mobile-lstm.csv"%(diVideoSet["sName"], diVideoSet["nClasses"]) print("Image log: %s" % sLogPath) keModelImage = lstm_build(diVideoSet["nFramesNorm"], diFeature["tuOutputShape"][0], oClasses.nClasses, fDropout=0.5) train_feature_generator(sImageFeatureDir, sModelDir, sLogPath, keModelImage, oClasses, nBatchSize=16, nEpoch=100, fLearn=1e-4) # Oflow: Load LSTM and train it if bOflow: sLogPath = "log/" + time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M", time.gmtime()) + \ "-%s%03d-flow-mobile-lstm.csv"%(diVideoSet["sName"], diVideoSet["nClasses"]) print("Optical flow log: %s" % sLogPath) keModelOflow = lstm_build(diVideoSet["nFramesNorm"], diFeature["tuOutputShape"][0], oClasses.nClasses, fDropout=0.5) train_feature_generator(sOflowFeatureDir, sModelDir, sLogPath, keModelOflow, oClasses, nBatchSize=16, nEpoch=100, fLearn=1e-4) return
def train_I3D_oflow_end2end(): """ Training the keras model. :return: None """ # directories sClassFile = "class.csv" sOflowDir = "Training_data" sModelDir = "model" diTrainTop = { "fLearn": 1e-6, "nEpochs": 5} diTrainAll = { "fLearn": 1e-4, "nEpochs": 1} nBatchSize = 4 print("\nStarting I3D end2end training ...") print(os.getcwd()) # read the ChaLearn classes oClasses = VideoClasses(sClassFile) # Load training data # print(oClasses.liClasses) path = os.path.join(sOflowDir, "train") genFramesTrain = FramesGenerator(path, nBatchSize, 40, 224, 224, 2, oClasses.liClasses) path = os.path.join(sOflowDir, "val") genFramesVal = FramesGenerator(path, nBatchSize, 40, 224, 224, 2, oClasses.liClasses) if (genFramesTrain): print("train true") if (genFramesVal): print("val true") # Load pretrained i3d model and adjust top layer print("Load pretrained I3D flow model ...") keI3DOflow = models.load_model("model/20190320-2118-ISL105-oflow-i3d-top-best.h5") if (keI3DOflow): print("loaded successfully") # print(keI3DOflow.summary()) # Prep logging sLog = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M", time.gmtime()) + "-%s%03d-oflow-i3d" % ("ISL", 105) # Helper: Save results csv_logger = keras.callbacks.CSVLogger("log/" + sLog + "-acc.csv", append=True) # Helper: Save the model os.makedirs(sModelDir, exist_ok=True) cpTopLast = keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath=sModelDir + "/" + sLog + "-top-last.h5", verbose=1, save_best_only=False, save_weights_only=False) cpTopBest = keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath=sModelDir + "/" + sLog + "-top-best.h5", verbose=1, save_best_only=False, save_weights_only=False) cpAllLast = keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath=sModelDir + "/" + sLog + "-entire-last.h5", verbose=1, save_weights_only=False, save_best_only=False) cpAllBest = keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath=sModelDir + "/" + sLog + "-entire-best.h5", verbose=1, save_best_only=False, save_weights_only=False) cbTensorBoard = keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(log_dir="logs", histogram_freq=1, update_freq='batch', write_graph=True, write_images=True, batch_size=32) callbacks1 = [cpTopLast, cpTopBest, cbTensorBoard] #callbacks2 = [cpAllBest, cpAllLast, cbTensorBoard] # Fit top layers print("Fit I3D top layers with generator: %s" % (diTrainTop)) optimizer = keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=diTrainTop["fLearn"], decay=1e-6) keI3DOflow.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=optimizer, metrics=['accuracy']) count_params(keI3DOflow) keI3DOflow.fit_generator( generator=genFramesTrain, validation_data=genFramesVal, epochs=diTrainTop["nEpochs"], workers=4, use_multiprocessing=False, max_queue_size=8, verbose=1, callbacks=callbacks1) ''' # Fit entire I3D model print("Finetune all I3D layers with generator: %s" % (diTrainAll)) keI3DOflow = layers_unfreeze(keI3DOflow) optimizer = keras.optimizers.Adam(lr = diTrainAll["fLearn"]) keI3DOflow.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=optimizer, metrics=['accuracy']) count_params(keI3DOflow) keI3DOflow.fit_generator( generator = genFramesTrain, validation_data = genFramesVal, epochs = diTrainAll["nEpochs"], workers = 4, use_multiprocessing = False, max_queue_size = 8, verbose = 1, callbacks=callbacks2) ''' return
def train_I3D_oflow_end2end(diVideoSet): """ * Loads pretrained I3D model, * reads optical flow data generated from training videos, * adjusts top-layers adequately for video data, * trains only news top-layers, * then fine-tunes entire neural network, * saves logs and models to disc. """ # directories sFolder = "%03d-%d" % (diVideoSet["nClasses"], diVideoSet["nFramesNorm"]) #sClassFile = "data-set/chalearn/249/class.csv" sClassFile = "data-set/%s/%03d/class.csv" % (diVideoSet["sName"], diVideoSet["nClasses"]) #sVideoDir = "data-set/%s/%03d"%(diVideoSet["sName"], diVideoSet["nClasses"]) #sImageDir = "data-temp/%s/%s/image"%(diVideoSet["sName"], sFolder) #sImageFeatureDir = "data-temp/%s/%s/image-i3d"%(diVideoSet["sName"], sFolder) #sOflowDir = "data-temp/chalearn/249-40/image" sOflowDir = "data-temp/%s/%s/oflow" % (diVideoSet["sName"], sFolder) #sOflowFeatureDir = "data-temp/%s/%s/oflow-i3d"%(diVideoSet["sName"], sFolder) sModelDir = "model" diTrainTop = {"fLearn": 1e-3, "nEpochs": 3} diTrainAll = {"fLearn": 1e-4, "nEpochs": 17} nBatchSize = 4 print("\nStarting I3D end2end training ...") print(os.getcwd()) # read the ChaLearn classes oClasses = VideoClasses(sClassFile) # Load training data genFramesTrain = FramesGenerator(sOflowDir + "/train", nBatchSize, diVideoSet["nFramesNorm"], 224, 224, 2, oClasses.liClasses) genFramesVal = FramesGenerator(sOflowDir + "/valid", nBatchSize, diVideoSet["nFramesNorm"], 224, 224, 2, oClasses.liClasses) # Load pretrained i3d model and adjust top layer print("Load pretrained I3D flow model ...") keI3DOflow = Inception_Inflated3d(include_top=False, weights='flow_imagenet_and_kinetics', input_shape=(diVideoSet["nFramesNorm"], 224, 224, 2)) print("Add top layers with %d output classes ..." % oClasses.nClasses) keI3DOflow = layers_freeze(keI3DOflow) keI3DOflow = add_i3d_top(keI3DOflow, oClasses.nClasses, dropout_prob=0.5) # Prep logging sLog = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M", time.gmtime()) + \ "-%s%03d-oflow-i3d"%(diVideoSet["sName"], diVideoSet["nClasses"]) # Helper: Save results csv_logger = keras.callbacks.CSVLogger("log/" + sLog + "-acc.csv", append=True) # Helper: Save the model os.makedirs(sModelDir, exist_ok=True) cpTopLast = keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath=sModelDir + "/" + sLog + "-above-last.h5", verbose=0) cpTopBest = keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath=sModelDir + "/" + sLog + "-above-best.h5", verbose=1, save_best_only=True) cpAllLast = keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath=sModelDir + "/" + sLog + "-entire-last.h5", verbose=0) cpAllBest = keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath=sModelDir + "/" + sLog + "-entire-best.h5", verbose=1, save_best_only=True) # Fit top layers print("Fit I3D top layers with generator: %s" % (diTrainTop)) optimizer = keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=diTrainTop["fLearn"]) keI3DOflow.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=optimizer, metrics=['accuracy']) count_params(keI3DOflow) keI3DOflow.fit_generator(generator=genFramesTrain, validation_data=genFramesVal, epochs=diTrainTop["nEpochs"], workers=4, use_multiprocessing=True, max_queue_size=8, verbose=1, callbacks=[csv_logger, cpTopLast, cpTopBest]) # Fit entire I3D model print("Finetune all I3D layers with generator: %s" % (diTrainAll)) keI3DOflow = layers_unfreeze(keI3DOflow) optimizer = keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=diTrainAll["fLearn"]) keI3DOflow.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=optimizer, metrics=['accuracy']) count_params(keI3DOflow) keI3DOflow.fit_generator(generator=genFramesTrain, validation_data=genFramesVal, epochs=diTrainAll["nEpochs"], workers=4, use_multiprocessing=True, max_queue_size=8, verbose=1, callbacks=[csv_logger, cpAllLast, cpAllBest]) return
def livedemo(): fDurationAvg = 3.0 # seconds # files sClassFile = "class_ISL.csv" print("\nStarting gesture recognition live demo ... ") # load label description oClasses = VideoClasses(sClassFile) sModelFile = "model/20190322-1841-ISL105-oflow-i3d-top-best.h5" h, w = 224, 224 keI3D = I3D_load(sModelFile, 40, (h, w, 2), oClasses.nClasses) if (keI3D): print("Model loaded successfully") # open a pointer to the webcam video stream oStream = video_start(device=0, tuResolution=(320, 240), nFramePerSecond=10) nCount = 0 sResults = "" timer = Timer() # loop over action states while True: # show live video and wait for key stroke key = video_show(oStream, "green", "Press key to start", sResults, tuRectangle=(h, w)) # start! if (key == ord('3') or key == ord('5')): # countdown n sec video_show(oStream, "orange", "Recording starts in ", tuRectangle=(h, w), nCountdown=3) # record video for n sec if key == ord('3'): fDurationAvg = 3 fElapsed, arFrames, _ = video_capture( oStream, "red", "Recording ", tuRectangle=(h, w), nTimeDuration=int(fDurationAvg), bOpticalFlow=False) else: fDurationAvg = 5 fElapsed, arFrames, _ = video_capture( oStream, "red", "Recording ", tuRectangle=(h, w), nTimeDuration=int(fDurationAvg), bOpticalFlow=False) print("\nCaptured video: %.1f sec, %s, %.1f fps" % (fElapsed, str(arFrames.shape), len(arFrames) / fElapsed)) # show orange wait box frame_show(oStream, "orange", "Translating sign ...", tuRectangle=(h, w)) # crop and downsample frames arFrames = images_crop(arFrames, h, w) arFrames = frames_downsample(arFrames, 40) # Translate frames to flows - these are already scaled between [-1.0, 1.0] print("Calculate optical flow on %d frames ..." % len(arFrames)) timer.start() arFlows = frames2flows(arFrames, bThirdChannel=False, bShow=True) print("Optical flow per frame: %.3f" % (timer.stop() / len(arFrames))) # predict video from flows print("Predict video with %s ..." % ( arX = np.expand_dims(arFlows, axis=0) arProbas = keI3D.predict(arX, verbose=1)[0] nLabel, sLabel, fProba = probability2label(arProbas, oClasses, nTop=3) sResults = "Sign: %s (%.0f%%)" % (sLabel, fProba * 100.) print(sResults) nCount += 1 # quit elif key == ord('q'): break oStream.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() return
def unittest_videocapture(): print("--> Loading Nerual Network Model ...") i3d_model = keras.models.load_model( "./model/20181011-1229-chalearn249-oflow-i3d-entire-best.h5") pool = ThreadPool(processes=1) cv2.namedWindow("Video", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.resizeWindow("Video", 320, 240) cv2.namedWindow("Optical flow", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.resizeWindow("Optical flow", 224, 224) # open a pointer to the video stream print("--> Opening the stream...") oStream = video_start(device = "rtsp://", tuResolution = (320, 240), nFramePerSecond = 15) #oStream.set(3, 320) #oStream.set(4, 240) #liFrames = [] # loop over action states sResults = "" while True: # show live video and wait for key stroke key = video_show(oStream, "green", "Press <blank> to start", sResults) # start! if key == ord(' '): # countdown n sec video_show(oStream, sColor = "orange", sUpper = "Recording starts in ", sLower = None, tuRectangle = (224, 224), nCountdown = 3) # record video for n sec fElapsed, liFrames, liFlows = video_capture(oStream, "red", "Recording ", nTimeDuration=5, bOpticalFlow=True) # show orange wait box frame_show(oStream, "orange", "Translating sign ...") #_thread.start_new_thread( predict, (liFlows, "./model/20181011-1058-chalearn249-oflow-i3d-entire-best.h5", VideoClasses("./my_classes.csv")) ) #async_result = pool.apply_async(predict, (liFlows, i3d_model, VideoClasses("./my_classes.csv")) ) #top = async_result.get() # run NN to translate video to label top = predict(liFlows, i3d_model, VideoClasses("./my_classes.csv")) #time.sleep(3) #predict(liFlows, "./model/20181011-1058-chalearn249-oflow-i3d-entire-best.h5", VideoClasses("./my_classes.csv")) oStream = video_start(device = "rtsp://", tuResolution = (320, 240), nFramePerSecond = 15) #sResults = "Video duration {:.1f} sec, {} frames recorded, {:.1f} fps". \ #format(fElapsed, len(liFrames), len(liFrames)/fElapsed) sResults = f"label:{top['detail']}-{top['confidence']}" #video info print("Video duration {:.1f} sec, {} frames recorded, {:.1f} fps". \ format(fElapsed, len(liFrames), len(liFrames)/fElapsed)) # ready for next video elif key == ord("+"): fFPS *= 2. print("Frame per second increased from %.1f to %.1f" % (oStream.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS),fFPS)) oStream.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS, fFPS) elif key == ord("-"): fFPS /= 2. print("Frame per second decreased from %.1f to %.1f" % (oStream.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS), fFPS)) oStream.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS, fFPS) # quit elif key == ord('q'): break cv2.waitKey(1) # do a bit of cleanup oStream.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() return
"nMinDim": 240, # smaller dimension of saved video-frames "tuShape": (224, 226), # height, width "nFpsAvg": 10, "nFramesAvg": 50, "fDurationAvg": 5.0 } # seconds # files sClassFile = "class.csv" print("\nStarting gesture recognition live demo ... ") print(os.getcwd()) print(diVideoSet) # load label description oClasses = VideoClasses(sClassFile) sModelFile = "epochs_001-val_acc_0.980.hdf5" h, w = 224, 224 keI3D = I3D_load(sModelFile, diVideoSet["nFramesNorm"], (h, w, 2), oClasses.nClasses) def live(): gameDisplay.blit(carImg, (0, 0)) # open a pointer to the webcam video stream oStream = video_start(device=1, tuResolution=(320, 240), nFramePerSecond=diVideoSet["nFpsAvg"])
def unittest_videocapture(): i3d_models = { "oflow": "./model/35class/20181023-0930-chalearn035-oflow-i3d-entire-best_downloaded.h5", #"./model/20181011-1229-chalearn249-oflow-i3d-entire-best.h5", "rgb": "./model/35class/20181023-1505-chalearn035-rgb-i3d-entire-best_download.h5" } #"./model/20181015-1456-chalearn249-rgb-i3d-entire-best.h5"} csvFile_dir = "./35class.csv" camera_config = "rtsp://" print("--> Loading Nerual Network Models ...") rgb_model = None oflow_model = None if i3d_models["rgb"] is not None: rgb_model = keras.models.load_model(i3d_models["rgb"]) if i3d_models["oflow"] is not None: oflow_model = keras.models.load_model(i3d_models["oflow"]) #pool = ThreadPool(processes=4) cv2.namedWindow("Video", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.resizeWindow("Video", 320, 240) cv2.namedWindow("Translate", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.resizeWindow("Translate", 450, 300) cv2.namedWindow("Optical flow", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.resizeWindow("Optical flow", 224, 224) # open a pointer to the video stream print("--> Opening the stream...") oStream = video_start(device=camera_config, tuResolution=(320, 240), nFramePerSecond=15) #oStream.set(3, 320) #oStream.set(4, 240) #liFrames = [] # show live video and wait for key stroke interval = False key = video_show(oStream, "green", "Press <blank> to start", "") # loop over action states sResults = ["cümle:"] blackImg = np.zeros((512, 512, 3), np.uint8) #cv2.imread("./my_black.jpg") top = None #async_result = None while True: # start! if True: blackImg = print_on_black(blackImg, sResults) cv2.imshow("Translate", blackImg) #key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF if key == 114: key = video_show(oStream, "green", "Press <blank> to start", "") sResults = ["cümle:"] blackImg = np.zeros((512, 512, 3), np.uint8) blackImg = print_on_black(blackImg, sResults) cv2.imshow("Translate", blackImg) key = video_show(oStream, sColor="orange", sUpper="next word in ", sLower=None, tuRectangle=(224, 224), nCountdown=3) print("keyyyy:", key) if key == 114: continue # countdown n sec #video_show(oStream, sColor = "orange", sUpper = "Recording starts in ", sLower = None, #tuRectangle = (224, 224), nCountdown = 3) # record video for n sec if key != 100: fElapsed, liFrames, liFlows, key = video_capture( oStream, "red", "Recording ", nTimeDuration=5, bOpticalFlow=True) if key != 114 and key != 100: #async_result = pool.apply_async(predict, (liFlows, i3d_model, VideoClasses("./my_classes.csv")) ) top = get_predicts(liFrames, liFlows, VideoClasses(csvFile_dir), oflow_model, rgb_model, nTop=3) sResults.append(f"{top['detail']}") elif key == 100: if len(sResults) > 1: sResults.pop() key = 0 blackImg = np.zeros((512, 512, 3), np.uint8) blackImg = print_on_black(blackImg, sResults) cv2.imshow("Translate", blackImg) continue # show orange wait box frame_show(oStream, "orange", "Translating sign ...") #_thread.start_new_thread( predict, (liFlows, "./model/20181011-1058-chalearn249-oflow-i3d-entire-best.h5", VideoClasses("./my_classes.csv")) ) key = 0 # run NN to translate video to label #top = predict(liFlows, i3d_model, VideoClasses("./my_classes.csv")) #time.sleep(3) #predict(liFlows, "./model/20181011-1058-chalearn249-oflow-i3d-entire-best.h5", VideoClasses("./my_classes.csv")) #rtsp:// oStream = video_start(device=camera_config, tuResolution=(320, 240), nFramePerSecond=15) #sResults = "Video duration {:.1f} sec, {} frames recorded, {:.1f} fps". \ #format(fElapsed, len(liFrames), len(liFrames)/fElapsed) #sResults = f"label:{top['detail']}-{top['confidence']}" #video info print("Video duration {:.1f} sec, {} frames recorded, {:.1f} fps". \ format(fElapsed, len(liFrames), len(liFrames)/fElapsed)) # ready for next video elif key == ord("+"): fFPS *= 2. print("Frame per second increased from %.1f to %.1f" % (oStream.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS), fFPS)) oStream.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS, fFPS) elif key == ord("-"): fFPS /= 2. print("Frame per second decreased from %.1f to %.1f" % (oStream.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS), fFPS)) oStream.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS, fFPS) # quit elif key == ord('q'): break cv2.waitKey(1) # do a bit of cleanup oStream.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() return