예제 #1
    def processInput(self, textData):
        parent = DataObject()
        tempKey = ""
        tempValue = ""
        tracker = ""  #tracker options include "", creatingKey, creatingValue
        tempGroupKey = self.groupKey
        tempListKey = ""

        i = 0
        while i < len(textData):
            if textData[i] in self.specialCharacters:
                if textData[i] == '<':
                    if tracker == "":
                        if textData[i:i + 2] == '</':
                            if textData[i:(i + len(tempListKey) +
                                           3)] == "</" + tempListKey + ">":
                                parent.kind = "list"
                                parent.name = tempListKey
                                i = i + len(
                                ) + 2  #there is an i increment by 1 at the bottom
                                self.counter = i
                                return parent
                            elif textData[i:(i + len(tempGroupKey) +
                                             3)] == "</" + tempGroupKey + ">":
                                parent.kind = "group"
                                parent.name = tempGroupKey
                                i = i + len(
                                ) + 2  #there is an i increment by 1 at the bottom
                                self.counter = i
                                return parent
                            tracker = "creatingKey"
                    elif tracker == "creatingValue":
                        if textData[i:i + 2] == '</':
                            if textData[i:(i + len(tempKey) +
                                           3)] == "</" + tempKey + ">":
                                tracker = ""
                                parent.addKeyValue(tempKey, tempValue)
                                i = i + len(
                                ) + 2  #there is an i increment by 1 at the bottom
                                tempKey = ""
                                tempValue = ""
                        elif textData[i:i + 2] != '</' and tempGroupKey != "":
                            childObject = InputXML(textData[i:], tempKey)
                            child = childObject.processedInput
                            tempKey = ""
                            tracker = ""
                            if child.kind == "group":
                                if self.previousGroupKey != "" and self.previousGroupKey != child.name:
                                    self.previousGroupKey = child.name
                                elif self.previousGroupKey == "":
                                    self.previousGroupKey = child.name
                                elif self.previousGroupKey == child.name:
                                    tempListKey = tempGroupKey
                            i = i + childObject.counter
                        elif textData[i:i + 2] != '</':
                            tempGroupKey = tempKey
                            tempKey = ""
                            tempValue = ""
                            tracker = ""
                            i -= 1  #this is to reset the count so the < is looked at again
                if textData[i] == '>':
                    if tracker == "creatingKey":
                        tracker = "creatingValue"

                if tracker == "creatingKey":
                    tempKey = tempKey + textData[i]
                elif tracker == "creatingValue":
                    tempValue = tempValue + textData[i]  #+ "*"
            i += 1
        self.counter = i
        return parent
예제 #2
	def processInput(self, textData, tracker = "", tempKey = ""):
		parent = DataObject()
		tempValue = ""
		#tracker options include "", creatingKey, completedKey, creatingValue, creatingList
		groupListEndTracker = None
		for i in range (1, len(textData)):
			if groupListEndTracker == "group":                #this is to allow skipping through the part of the input text that is called recursively
				if textData[i] == "}":
					groupListEndTracker = None
			elif groupListEndTracker == "list":                #this is to allow skipping through the part of the input text that is called recursively
				if textData[i] == "]":
					groupListEndTracker = None
			elif textData[i] in self.specialCharacters:
				if textData[i] == '"':
					if tracker == "":
						tracker = "creatingKey"
					elif tracker == "creatingKey":
						tracker = "completedKey"
					elif tracker == "completedKey":
						tracker = "creatingValue"
					elif tracker == "creatingValue":
						tracker = ""
						parent.addKeyValue(tempKey, tempValue)
						tempKey = ""
						tempValue = ""	
						print('ERROR: Invalid "')
				elif textData[i] == ",":
					if tracker == "creatingValue":
						tracker = ""
						parent.addKeyValue(tempKey, tempValue)
						tempKey = ""
						tempValue = ""	
				elif textData[i] == "{":
					groupListEndTracker = "group"
					child = self.processInput(textData[i:])
					child.kind = "group"
					if tracker == "completedKey":
						tracker = ""
						child.name = tempKey
						tempKey = ""
					elif tracker == "creatingList":
						groupName = tempKey + "_item"
						child.name = groupName
				elif textData[i] == "}":
					if tracker == "creatingValue":
						tracker = ""
						parent.addKeyValue(tempKey, tempValue)
						tempKey = ""
						tempValue = ""	
					return parent
				elif textData[i] == "[":
					groupListEndTracker = "list"
					child = self.processInput(textData[i:], "creatingList", tempKey)
					child.kind = "list"
					if tracker == "completedKey":
						tracker = ""
					child.name = tempKey
					tempKey = ""
				elif textData[i] == "]":
					return parent

				if tracker == "creatingKey":
					tempKey = tempKey + textData[i]
				elif tracker == "completedKey":
					if textData[i] != " ":
						tracker = "creatingValue"
						tempValue = tempValue + textData[i] 
				elif tracker == "creatingValue":
					tempValue = tempValue + textData[i]     #+ "*"
		return parent
예제 #3
	def processInput(self, textData):
		parent = DataObject()
		tempKey = ""
		tempValue = ""
		tracker = ""		#tracker options include "", creatingKey, creatingValue
		tempGroupKey = self.groupKey
		tempListKey = ""

		i = 0
		while i < len(textData):
			if textData[i] in self.specialCharacters:
				if textData[i] == '<':
					if tracker == "":
						if textData[i:i+2] == '</':
							if textData[i:(i+len(tempListKey)+3)] == "</"+ tempListKey +">":
								parent.kind = "list"
								parent.name = tempListKey
								i= i + len(tempListKey) + 2	#there is an i increment by 1 at the bottom
								self.counter = i
								return parent
							elif textData[i:(i+len(tempGroupKey)+3)] == "</"+ tempGroupKey +">":
								parent.kind = "group"
								parent.name = tempGroupKey
								i= i + len(tempGroupKey) + 2	#there is an i increment by 1 at the bottom
								self.counter = i
								return parent
							tracker = "creatingKey"
					elif tracker == "creatingValue":
						if textData[i:i+2] == '</':
							if textData[i:(i+len(tempKey)+3)] == "</"+ tempKey +">":
								tracker = ""
								parent.addKeyValue(tempKey, tempValue)
								i = i + len(tempKey) + 2      #there is an i increment by 1 at the bottom 
								tempKey = ""
								tempValue = ""	
						elif textData[i:i+2] != '</' and tempGroupKey != "":	
							childObject = InputXML(textData[i:], tempKey)
							child = childObject.processedInput
							tempKey = ""
							tracker = ""
							if child.kind == "group":
								if self.previousGroupKey != "" and self.previousGroupKey != child.name:
									self.previousGroupKey = child.name
								elif self.previousGroupKey == "":
									self.previousGroupKey = child.name
								elif self.previousGroupKey == child.name:
									tempListKey = tempGroupKey
							i = i + childObject.counter
						elif textData[i:i+2] != '</':	
							tempGroupKey = tempKey
							tempKey = ""
							tempValue = ""
							tracker = ""
							i -= 1  		#this is to reset the count so the < is looked at again					
				if textData[i] == '>':
					if tracker == "creatingKey":
						tracker = "creatingValue"	

				if tracker == "creatingKey":
					tempKey = tempKey + textData[i]
				elif tracker == "creatingValue":
					tempValue = tempValue + textData[i]     #+ "*"
			i += 1
		self.counter = i
		return parent