def pushfile(self, md5sum, fullfname): logging.debug('Monitor: pushfile({})'.format(fullfname)) try: #!cmdstr = ('dqcli --pushfile "{}"'.format(fullfname)) #!logging.debug('EXECUTING: {}'.format(cmdstr)) #!subprocess.check_call(cmdstr, shell=True) logging.debug('EXECUTING: push_direct; redis_port="{}"' .format(settings.redis_port)) ru.push_direct(socket.getfqdn(), # this host settings.redis_port, #qcfg['redis_port'], fullfname, md5sum) except Exception as err: logging.error('Could not push file. {}'.format(err))
def pushfile(self, md5sum, fullfname): logging.debug('Monitor: pushfile({})'.format(fullfname)) try: #!cmdstr = ('dqcli --pushfile "{}"'.format(fullfname)) #!logging.debug('EXECUTING: {}'.format(cmdstr)) #!subprocess.check_call(cmdstr, shell=True) logging.debug('EXECUTING: push_direct; redis_port="{}"' .format(ts.redis_port)) ru.push_direct(socket.getfqdn(), # this host ts.redis_port, #qcfg['redis_port'], fullfname, md5sum) except Exception as err: logging.error('Could not push file. {}'.format(err))
def pushfile(self, md5sum, fullfname): logging.debug('Monitor: pushfile({})'.format(fullfname)) #rport = yaml.load(open('/etc/tada/tada.conf')).get('redis_port','6379') rport = read_hiera_yaml().get('redis_port') try: #!cmdstr = ('dqcli --pushfile "{}"'.format(fullfname)) #!logging.debug('EXECUTING: {}'.format(cmdstr)) #!subprocess.check_call(cmdstr, shell=True) logging.debug('EXECUTING: push_direct; redis_port="{}"' .format(rport)) ru.push_direct(socket.getfqdn(), # this host rport, #qcfg['redis_port'], fullfname, md5sum) except Exception as err: logging.error('Could not push file. {}'.format(err)) raise
def network_move(rec, qname): "Transfer from Mountain to Valley" logging.debug('EXECUTING network_move()') thishost = socket.getfqdn() md5sum = rec['checksum'] auditor.set_fstop(md5sum, 'mountain:cache', thishost) tempfname = rec['filename'] # absolute path (in temp cache) fname = tempfname.replace('/cache/.queue/', '/cache/') os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fname), exist_ok=True) shutil.move(tempfname,fname) # from temp (non-rsync) dir to rsync dir shutil.move(tempfname+'.yaml', fname+'.yaml') source_root = '/var/tada/cache' sync_root = 'rsync://tada@{}/cache'.format(settings.valley_host) valley_root = '/var/tada/cache' popts, pprms = fu.get_options_dict(fname) # .yaml if thishost == settings.valley_host: logging.error(('Current host ({}) is same as "valley_host" ({}). ' 'Not moving file!') .format(thishost, settings.valley_host)) return None logging.debug('source_root={}, fname={}'.format(source_root, fname)) if fname.find(source_root) == -1: raise Exception('Filename "{}" does not start with "{}"' .format(fname, source_root)) # ifname = os.path.join(sync_root, os.path.relpath(fname, source_root)) # optfname = ifname + ".options" newfname = fname # temp dir, not rsync out = None try: # Use feature of rsync 2.6.7 and later that limits path info # sent as implied directories. The "./" marker in the path # means "append path after this to destination prefix to get # destination path". # e.g. '/var/tada/mountain_cache/./pothiers/1294/' rsync_source_path = '/'.join([str(PurePath(source_root)), '.', str(PurePath(newfname) .relative_to(source_root).parent), '']) # The directory of newfname is unique (user/jobid) # Copy full contents of directory containing newfname to corresponding # directory on remote machine (under mountain_mirror). cmdline = ['rsync', '--super', '--perms', # preserve permissions '--stats', # give some file-transfer stats ### '--chmod=ugo=rwX', #!'--compress', # we generally fpack fits files '--contimeout=20', '--password-file', '/etc/tada/rsync.pwd', '--recursive', '--relative', '--exclude=".*"', '--remove-source-files', #sender removes synchronized files (non-dir) '--timeout=40', # seconds #! '--verbose', #! source_root, sync_root] rsync_source_path, sync_root ] diag.dbgcmd(cmdline) tic = time.time() out = subprocess.check_output(cmdline, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) logging.debug('rsync completed in {:.2f} seconds' .format(time.time() - tic)) except Exception as ex: logging.warning('Failed to transfer from Mountain to Valley using: {}; ' '{}; {}' .format(' '.join(cmdline), ex, out )) # Any failure means put back on queue. Keep queue handling # outside of actions where possible. # raise # Do NOT raise exception since we will re-do rsync next time around return False # successfully transfered to Valley auditor.set_fstop(md5sum, 'valley:cache', settings.valley_host) logging.debug('rsync output:{}'.format(out))'Successfully moved file from {} to VALLEY'.format(newfname)) logging.debug('VALLEY transfer is: {}'.format(sync_root)) mirror_fname = os.path.join(valley_root, os.path.relpath(newfname, source_root)) try: # What if QUEUE is down?!!! ru.push_direct(settings.valley_host, settings.redis_port, mirror_fname, md5sum) except Exception as ex: logging.error('Failed to push to queue on {}; {}' .format(settings.valley_host, ex)) logging.error('push_to_q stack: {}'.format(du.trace_str())) raise auditor.set_fstop(md5sum, 'valley:queue', settings.valley_host) return True