def next_batch_train(self, initial_step): """ returns: a tuple(image, depths) where: image is a float tensor with shape [batch size] + input_size depth is a float tensor with shape [batch size] + depth_size """ filenames = self.train_file dataset = dataset = self._parse_function) # Parse the record into tensors. dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=3000) dataset = dataset.batch(self.config_dict["batch_size"]) dataset = dataset.repeat( self.config_dict["num_epochs"]) # Repeat the input. dataset = dataset.skip(initial_step) iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() images, depths = iterator.get_next() #depths = tf.reshape(depths, [None] + self.output_size) #images = tf.reshape(images, [None] + self.input_size) images = simulator.applyTurbidity(images, depths, self.c, self.binf, self.range_array) tf.summary.image("depth", depths) tf.summary.image("image", images) return images, depths
def input_fn(filenames, train=True, batch_size=16, buffer_size=512): # Args: # filenames: Filenames for the TFRecords files. # train: Boolean whether training (True) or testing (False). # batch_size: Return batches of this size. # buffer_size: Read buffers of this size. The random shuffling # is done on the buffer, so it must be big enough. # Create a TensorFlow Dataset-object which has functionality # for reading and shuffling data from TFRecords files. dataset = # Parse the serialized data in the TFRecords files. # This returns TensorFlow tensors for the image and labels. dataset = if train: # If training then read a buffer of the given size and # randomly shuffle it. dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=buffer_size) # Allow infinite reading of the data. num_repeat = None else: # If testing then don't shuffle the data. num_repeat = 1 # Repeat the dataset the given number of times. dataset = dataset.repeat(num_repeat) # Get a batch of data with the given size. dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size) # Create an iterator for the dataset and the above modifications. iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() # Get the next batch of images and labels, may take dimensionality info later but for now we set to _ images_batch, labels_batch, \ xdim_batch, ydim_batch, channels_batch = iterator.get_next() if train: images_batch = distort_batch(images_batch) # The input-function must return a dict wrapping the images. x = {'x': images_batch} y = labels_batch return x, y
def next_batch_train(self, initial_step): """ args: batch_size: number of examples per returned batch num_epochs: number of time to read the input data returns: a tuple(image, transmissions) where: image is a float tensor with shape [batch size] + patch_size transmissions is a float tensor with shape [batch size] """ filenames = self.train_file dataset = dataset = self._parse_function) # Parse the record into tensors. dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=3000) dataset = dataset.batch(self.config_dict["batch_size"]) dataset = dataset.repeat( self.config_dict["num_epochs"]) # Repeat the input. dataset = dataset.skip(initial_step) iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() images = iterator.get_next() size_x = self.config_dict['patch_size'][0] size_y = self.config_dict['patch_size'][1] offset_x = random.randint(0, self.input_size[0] - size_x - 1) offset_y = random.randint(0, self.input_size[0] - size_y - 1) images = images[:, offset_x:offset_x + size_x, offset_y:offset_y + size_y] transmissions = self.random_transmissions(self.batch_size) images = simulator.applyTurbidityTransmission(images, self.binf, transmissions) tf.summary.image("image", images) return images, transmissions
def next_batch_train(self, initial_step, sess): """ returns: a tuple(image, depths) where: image is a float tensor with shape [batch size] + input_size depth is a float tensor with shape [batch size] + depth_size """ filenames = self.train_file dataset = dataset = self._parse_function) # Parse the record into tensors. dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=3000) dataset = dataset.batch(self.config_dict["batch_size"]) dataset = dataset.repeat( self.config_dict["num_epochs"]) # Repeat the input. dataset = dataset.skip(initial_step) iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() images_gt, depths = iterator.get_next() #print (depths.eval(session=sess)) #depths = tf.reshape(depths, [None] + self.output_size) #images = tf.reshape(images, [None] + self.input_size) images = simulator.applyTurbidity(images_gt, depths, self.c, self.binf, self.range_array) tf.summary.image("image_gt", images_gt) tf.summary.image("depth", depths) tf.summary.image("image", images) # sess = tf.Session() # d, im =[depths[0], images_gt[0]]) # print (im.dtype) # pic = Image.fromarray(img_as_ubyte(im)) # print("depths[0]", np.min(d), np.max(d), np.mean(d)) # return images, images_gt
dense_ssd = Densenet_SSD(4, 12, training_flag) anchors = dense_ssd.anchors gclasses, glocations, gscores = dense_ssd.bboxes_encode( train_y, train_location, anchors) predictions, locations = dense_ssd.densenet_ssd(train_x) #predictions=tf.nn.softmax(predictions) #tf.cast(predictions,tf.int32) loss = dense_ssd.loss(predictions, locations, gclasses, glocations, gscores) optimizer = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(learning_rate=1e-4) train = optimizer.minimize(loss) dataset = dataset.get_dataset('./train.tfrecords') dataset = dataset.shuffle(2) dataset = dataset.batch(1) dataset = dataset.repeat(2) iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() initializer = tf.global_variables_initializer() with tf.Session() as sess: for i in range(iteration): data_x, data_y, data_location = iterator.get_next() data_x = tf.decode_raw(data_x, tf.uint8) data_x = tf.reshape(data_x, [-1, 4096, 2048, 3]) data_y = tf.reshape(data_y, [-1, 1]) data_location = tf.reshape(data_location, [-1, 4]) #print(data_x) #dic={train_x:data_x,train_y:data_y,train_location:data_location} data_x, data_y, data_location = [data_x, data_y, data_location]), feed_dict={
def main(_): tf_record_base = '/home/westwell/Desktop/dolores_storage/humpback_whale_identification/' \ 'data/all/tfrecord_single_image/' os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = FLAGS.gpu if FLAGS.cfg_file is None: raise ValueError('You must supply the cfg file !') cfg = _cfg_from_file(FLAGS.cfg_file) train_cfg = cfg['train'] # print all configs print('############################ cfg ############################') for k in cfg: print('%s: %s' % (k, cfg[k])) tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO) ####################################################################### ############## sigle GPU version ############## ####################################################################### #### get features #### input_image = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, shape=[None, None, 3], name='input_image') image = resize_to_range(input_image, cfg['min_resize_value'], cfg['max_resize_value']) image = corp_image(image, cfg['corp_size'], random_crop=False) image = tf.expand_dims(image, axis=0) feature_for_dst, _ = feature_extractor.extract_features( images=image, num_classes=None, output_stride=cfg['output_stride'], global_pool=True, model_variant=cfg['model_variant'], weight_decay=0.0, dropout_keep_prob=1.0, regularize_depthwise=False, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE, is_training=False, fine_tune_batch_norm=False, cfg=cfg) if len(feature_for_dst.shape) == 4: feature_for_dst = tf.squeeze(feature_for_dst, axis=[1, 2], name='features_for_dst') elif len(feature_for_dst.shape) == 2: feature_for_dst = tf.identity(feature_for_dst, name='features_for_dst') else: raise Exception('feature_for_dst shape not right, got %s' % (feature_for_dst.shape)) #### get similarity probs of two features #### ref_features = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, feature_for_dst.shape[-1]], name='ref_features') dut_feature = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[1, feature_for_dst.shape[-1]], name='dut_features') prob_same_ids = similarity_prob_for_one_query( ref_features=ref_features, dut_feature=dut_feature, d_cfg=cfg['distance_config'], scope='similarity_prob_for_one_query') #### set up session config #### # session config: sess_cfg = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False) sess_cfg.gpu_options.allow_growth = True #### do test the model #### with tf.Session(config=sess_cfg) as sess: # init # restore vars from pretrained ckpt: vars_to_restore = _var_to_restore(None) for v in vars_to_restore: print( restor_saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=vars_to_restore) restor_saver.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint(FLAGS.output_dir)) # forward all ref images filenames = _get_tfrecord_names(tf_record_base, FLAGS.ref_images_set) dataset = dataset = lambda record: _parser_humpback_whale(record, 'eval')) dataset.batch(batch_size=1) iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() ref_image, _, ref_image_name, ref_class_name, _, _ = iterator.get_next( ) all_ref_features = None all_ref_cls_name = [] all_ref_images_name = [] i = 0 while True: try: one_ref_image, one_ref_image_name, one_ref_class_name = [ref_image, ref_image_name, ref_class_name]) if i % 100 == 0: print(i, one_ref_class_name) all_ref_cls_name.append(one_ref_class_name) all_ref_images_name.append(one_ref_image_name) one_ref_feature = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name( 'features_for_dst:0'), feed_dict={'input_image:0': one_ref_image}) if all_ref_features is None: all_ref_features = one_ref_feature else: all_ref_features = np.concatenate( (all_ref_features, one_ref_feature), axis=0) i += 1 except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:'End of forward ref images') break if FLAGS.save_features: ref_concated = np.concatenate( (all_ref_features, np.array(all_ref_images_name).reshape( (all_ref_features.shape[0], 1)), np.array(all_ref_cls_name).reshape( (all_ref_features.shape[0], 1))), axis=1) os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, '..', 'ref_concated_%s.npy' % (FLAGS.ref_images_set)), ref_concated) all_ref_cls_name.append('new_whale'.encode(encoding='utf-8')) # forward all test images filenames = _get_tfrecord_names(tf_record_base, FLAGS.dut_images_set) dataset = dataset = lambda record: _parser_humpback_whale(record, 'eval')) dataset.batch(batch_size=1) iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() dut_image, _, dut_image_name, dut_class_name, _, _ = iterator.get_next( ) all_dut_featurs = None all_dut_cls_name = [] all_dut_image_names = [] i = 0 while True: try: one_dut_image, one_dut_image_name, one_dut_class_name = [dut_image, dut_image_name, dut_class_name]) if i % 100 == 0: print(i, one_dut_image_name) all_dut_cls_name.append(one_dut_class_name) all_dut_image_names.append(one_dut_image_name) one_dut_feature = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name( 'features_for_dst:0'), feed_dict={'input_image:0': one_dut_image}) if all_dut_featurs is None: all_dut_featurs = one_dut_feature else: all_dut_featurs = np.concatenate( (all_dut_featurs, one_dut_feature), axis=0) i += 1 except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:'End of forward dut images') break if FLAGS.save_features: dut_concated = np.concatenate( (all_dut_featurs, np.array(all_dut_image_names).reshape( (all_dut_featurs.shape[0], 1)), np.array(all_dut_cls_name).reshape( (all_dut_featurs.shape[0], 1))), axis=1) os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, '..', 'dut_concated_%s.npy' % (FLAGS.dut_images_set)), dut_concated) # got prob_same_id for every test image and write result # submission file for nw_prob in FLAGS.new_whale_prob: output_file_path = os.path.join( FLAGS.output_dir, '..', 'submission_%s_%s.csv' % (nw_prob, time.time())) if os.path.isfile(output_file_path): raise Exception("submission file exists!! : %s" % (output_file_path)) with open(output_file_path, 'w') as f: f.write('Image,Id\n') for i in range(len(all_dut_image_names)): one_prob_same_ids = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name( 'similarity_prob_for_one_query/prob_same_ids:0'), feed_dict={ 'ref_features:0': all_ref_features, 'dut_features:0': np.expand_dims(all_dut_featurs[i], axis=0) }) one_prob_same_ids = np.concatenate( (np.squeeze(one_prob_same_ids), [nw_prob]), axis=0) if i % 100 == 0: print('compare with: %f' % (nw_prob), i, all_dut_image_names[i], one_prob_same_ids.min(), one_prob_same_ids.max()) one_order = np.argsort(one_prob_same_ids)[::-1] # prob index one_order = one_order.tolist() one_predictions = [] for idx in one_order: tmp_prediction = all_ref_cls_name[idx] if tmp_prediction not in one_predictions: one_predictions.append(tmp_prediction) if len(one_predictions) == 5: # write one result with open(output_file_path, 'a') as f: content = os.path.basename( all_dut_image_names[i].decode()) + ',' for j in range(len(one_predictions)): if j == 0: content = content + one_predictions[ j].decode() else: content = content + ' ' + one_predictions[ j].decode() content = content + '\n' f.write(content) break # finish on dut image i += 1