예제 #1
    def create_source(self):
        Create a VTK source from data in a SfePy-supported file.

        All data need to be set here, otherwise time stepping will not
        work properly - data added by user later will be thrown away on
        time step change.
        if self.io is None:

        dataset = self.create_dataset()

            out = self.io.read_data(self.step)
        except ValueError:
            out = None

        if out is not None:
            self.add_data_to_dataset(dataset, out)

        if self.mat_id_name is not None:
            mat_id = nm.concatenate(self.mesh.mat_ids)
            if self.single_color:
                rm = mat_id.min(), mat_id.max()
                mat_id[mat_id > rm[0]] = rm[1]

            dm = DatasetManager(dataset=dataset)
            dm.add_array(mat_id, self.mat_id_name, 'cell')

        src = VTKDataSource(data=dataset)
#        src.print_traits()
#        debug()
        return src
예제 #2
    def create_source(self):
        Create a VTK source from data in a SfePy-supported file.

        All data need to be set here, otherwise time stepping will not
        work properly - data added by user later will be thrown away on
        time step change.
        if self.io is None:

        dataset = self.create_dataset()

            out = self.io.read_data(self.step)
        except ValueError:
            out = None

        if out is not None:
            self.add_data_to_dataset(dataset, out)

        if self.mat_id_name is not None:
            mat_id = self.mesh.cmesh.cell_groups
            if self.single_color:
                rm = mat_id.min(), mat_id.max()
                mat_id[mat_id > rm[0]] = rm[1]

            dm = DatasetManager(dataset=dataset)
            dm.add_array(mat_id, self.mat_id_name, 'cell')

        src = VTKDataSource(data=dataset)
#        src.print_traits()
#        debug()
        return src
예제 #3
    def add_data_to_dataset(self, dataset, data):
        """Add point and cell data to the dataset."""
        dim = self.dim
        sym = (dim + 1) * dim / 2

        dm = DatasetManager(dataset=dataset)
        for key, val in data.iteritems():
            vd = val.data
##             print vd.shape
            if val.mode == 'vertex':
                if vd.shape[1] == 1:
                    aux = vd.reshape((vd.shape[0],))

                elif vd.shape[1] == 2:
                    zz = nm.zeros((vd.shape[0], 1), dtype=vd.dtype)
                    aux = nm.c_[vd, zz]

                elif vd.shape[1] == 3:
                    aux = vd

                    raise ValueError('unknown vertex data format! (%s)'\
                                     % vd.shape)

                dm.add_array(aux, key, 'point')

            elif val.mode == 'cell':
                ne, aux, nr, nc = vd.shape
                if (nr == 1) and (nc == 1):
                    aux = vd.reshape((ne,))

                elif (nr == dim) and (nc == 1):
                    if dim == 3:
                        aux = vd.reshape((ne, dim))
                        zz = nm.zeros((vd.shape[0], 1), dtype=vd.dtype);
                        aux = nm.c_[vd.squeeze(), zz]

                elif (((nr == sym) or (nr == (dim * dim))) and (nc == 1)) \
                         or ((nr == dim) and (nc == dim)):
                    vd = vd.squeeze()

                    if dim == 3:
                        if nr == sym:
                            aux = vd[:,[0,3,4,3,1,5,4,5,2]]
                        elif nr == (dim * dim):
                            aux = vd[:,[0,3,4,6,1,5,7,8,2]]
                            aux = vd.reshape((vd.shape[0], dim*dim))
                        zz = nm.zeros((vd.shape[0], 1), dtype=vd.dtype);
                        if nr == sym:
                            aux = nm.c_[vd[:,[0,2]], zz, vd[:,[2,1]],
                                        zz, zz, zz, zz]
                        elif nr == (dim * dim):
                            aux = nm.c_[vd[:,[0,2]], zz, vd[:,[3,1]],
                                        zz, zz, zz, zz]
                            aux = nm.c_[vd[:,0,[0,1]], zz, vd[:,1,[0,1]],
                                        zz, zz, zz, zz]

                dm.add_array(aux, key, 'cell')
예제 #4
    def add_data_to_dataset(self, dataset, data):
        """Add point and cell data to the dataset."""
        dim = self.dim
        sym = (dim + 1) * dim / 2

        dm = DatasetManager(dataset=dataset)
        for key, val in data.iteritems():
            vd = val.data
##             print vd.shape
            if val.mode == 'vertex':
                if vd.shape[1] == 1:
                    aux = vd.reshape((vd.shape[0],))

                elif vd.shape[1] == 2:
                    zz = nm.zeros((vd.shape[0], 1), dtype=vd.dtype)
                    aux = nm.c_[vd, zz]

                elif vd.shape[1] == 3:
                    aux = vd

                    raise ValueError('unknown vertex data format! (%s)'\
                                     % vd.shape)

                dm.add_array(aux, key, 'point')

            elif val.mode == 'cell':
                ne, aux, nr, nc = vd.shape
                if (nr == 1) and (nc == 1):
                    aux = vd.reshape((ne,))

                elif (nr == dim) and (nc == 1):
                    if dim == 3:
                        aux = vd.reshape((ne, dim))
                        zz = nm.zeros((vd.shape[0], 1), dtype=vd.dtype);
                        aux = nm.c_[vd.squeeze(), zz]

                elif (((nr == sym) or (nr == (dim * dim))) and (nc == 1)) \
                         or ((nr == dim) and (nc == dim)):
                    vd = vd.squeeze()

                    if dim == 3:
                        if nr == sym:
                            aux = vd[:,[0,3,4,3,1,5,4,5,2]]
                        elif nr == (dim * dim):
                            aux = vd[:,[0,3,4,6,1,5,7,8,2]]
                            aux = vd.reshape((vd.shape[0], dim*dim))
                        zz = nm.zeros((vd.shape[0], 1), dtype=vd.dtype);
                        if nr == sym:
                            aux = nm.c_[vd[:,[0,2]], zz, vd[:,[2,1]],
                                        zz, zz, zz, zz]
                        elif nr == (dim * dim):
                            aux = nm.c_[vd[:,[0,2]], zz, vd[:,[3,1]],
                                        zz, zz, zz, zz]
                            aux = nm.c_[vd[:,0,[0,1]], zz, vd[:,1,[0,1]],
                                        zz, zz, zz, zz]

                dm.add_array(aux, key, 'cell')