def addSig(self, *args, **kwd): if len(args) > 2: args = args[0:2] + (allsamples.getmany(args[2]),) + args[3:] elif 'samples' in kwd: kwd['samples'] = allsamples.getmany(kwd['samples']) self.sigGroups.append(GroupSpec(*args, **kwd))
def addBkg(self, *args, **kwd): if len(args) > 2: args = args[0:2] + allsamples.getmany(args[2]) + args[3:] elif 'samples' in kwd: kwd['samples'] = allsamples.getmany(kwd['samples']) if len(args) < 4 and 'region' not in kwd: kwd['region'] = self.obs.region self.bkgGroups.append(GroupSpec(*args, **kwd))
def addBkg(self, *args, **kwd): if len(args) > 2: args = args[0:2] + allsamples.getmany(args[2]) + args[3:] elif 'samples' in kwd: if type(kwd['samples'][0]) == tuple: kwd['samples'] = [ allsamples.get(sname) for (sname, _) in kwd['samples'] ] else: kwd['samples'] = allsamples.getmany(kwd['samples']) self.bkgGroups.append(GroupSpec(*args, **kwd))
def __init__(self, name, obsSamples = []): = name # name serves as the default region selection (e.g. monoph) self.baseline = '1' self.fullSelection = '' self.obs = GroupSpec('data_obs', 'Observed', samples = allsamples.getmany(obsSamples)) self.prescales = dict([(s, 1) for s in self.obs.samples]) self.sigGroups = [] self.signalPoints = [] self.bkgGroups = [] self.plots = [] self.treeMaker = ''
def processSampleNames(_inputNames, _selectorKeys, _plotConfig = ''): snames = [] if _plotConfig: # if a plot config is specified, use the samples for that snames = plotconfig.getConfig(_plotConfig).samples() else: snames = _inputNames # handle special group names if 'all' in snames: snames.remove('all') snames = _selectorKeys if 'data16' in snames: snames.remove('data16') snames += [key for key in _selectorKeys if '16' in key and allsamples[key].data] if 'bkgd' in snames: snames.remove('bkgd') snames += [key for key in _selectorKeys if not allsamples[key].data and not key.startswith('dm') and not key.startswith('add') and not key.endswith('-d')] if 'dmfs' in snames: snames.remove('dmfs') snames += [key for key in _selectorKeys if key.startswith('dm') and key[3:5] == 'fs'] if 'dm' in snames: snames.remove('dm') snames += [key for key in _selectorKeys if key.startswith('dm') and not key[3:5] == 'fs'] if 'add' in snames: snames.remove('add') snames += [key for key in _selectorKeys if key.startswith('add')] if 'fs' in snames: snames.remove('fs') snames += [key for key in _selectorKeys if 'fs' in key] # filter out empty samples for name in list(snames): if '*' in name: # wild card snames.remove(name) snames.extend([ for s in allsamples.getmany(name)]) try: samp = allsamples[name] except KeyError: print name, "is not in datasets.csv. Removing it from the list of samples to run over." snames.remove(name) snames = [name for name in snames if allsamples[name].sumw != 0.] return snames
basedir = os.path.dirname(thisdir) sys.path.append(basedir) TEMPLATEONLY = True FITPSEUDODATA = False from datasets import allsamples from plotstyle import SimpleCanvas import config import utils ROOT.RooMsgService.instance().setGlobalKillBelow(ROOT.RooFit.ERROR) ROOT.gROOT.LoadMacro(basedir + '/../common/') #targs = allsamples.getmany(['sph-16b-m', 'sph-16c-m', 'sph-16d-m']) targs = allsamples.getmany(['sph-16*-m']) dataLumi = sum(s.lumi for s in targs) ### Canvas from plotstyle import SimpleCanvas canvas = SimpleCanvas() canvas.lumi = dataLumi ### Make templates # Visualization def plotHist(hist): canvas.addHistogram(hist) canvas.xtitle = '#phi\'' canvas.printWeb('monophoton/halo', hist.GetName(), logy=False) canvas.Clear()
if isSensitive or outFile: usedPoints = [] for sspec in plotConfig.signalPoints: usedPoints.append( hist = groupHist(, vardef, plotConfig, args.skimDir, samples = [], name =, lumi = lumi, outFile = outFile) if == 'count' or == args.bbb or == args.chi2: counters[] = hist elif plotDir: canvas.addSignal(hist, title = sspec.title, color = sspec.color, drawOpt = drawOpt) # write out all signal distributions if asked for if args.allSignal: for group in plotConfig.sigGroups: for sample in allsamples.getmany(group.samples): if not in usedPoints: usedPoints.append( groupHist(group, vardef, plotConfig, args.skimDir, samples = [], name =, lumi = lumi, outFile = outFile) if args.asimov == '': print 'data_obs' if args.saveTrees: obshist = [] else: obshist = vardef.makeHist('data_obs', outDir = outFile) for sname in plotConfig.obs.samples: if args.saveTrees: obshist += getHist(sname, allsamples[sname], plotConfig, vardef, args.skimDir, prescale = plotConfig.prescales[sname], outDir = sampleDir) else:
data.Add('/mnt/hadoop/scratch/yiiyama/monophoton/skim/sph-16*-m_tpeg.root') data.Draw('probes.sieie>>hdata', selection, 'goff') hmc.Scale(hdata.GetSumOfWeights() / hmc.GetSumOfWeights()) ratio = hdata.Clone('ratio') ratio.Divide(hmc) line = ROOT.TF1('line', '[0] + [1] * x', 0.0085, 0.0105) line.SetParameters(1.5, -100.) ratio.Fit(line) hmc.Write() hdata.Write() ratio.Write() line.Write('fit') # visualize canvas = DataMCCanvas(lumi=sum(s.lumi for s in allsamples.getmany('sph-16*-m'))) canvas.legend.setPosition(0.7, 0.7, 0.9, 0.9) canvas.addStacked(hmc, title='MC', color=ROOT.kBlue, style=3003) canvas.addObs(hdata, title='Data') canvas.printWeb('purity', 'sieie_ratio', logy=False)
import sys import os import math thisdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) basedir = os.path.dirname(thisdir) sys.path.append(basedir) import ROOT from datasets import allsamples file1 = ROOT.TFile("../data/muo_muon_idsf_2016_bcdef.root") file2 = ROOT.TFile("../data/muo_muon_idsf_2016_gh.root") lumi1 = sum(s.lumi for s in allsamples.getmany("sph-16{b,c,d,e,f}-m")) lumi2 = sum(s.lumi for s in allsamples.getmany("sph-16{g,h}-m")) lids = ['Loose', 'Tight'] outfile = ROOT.TFile("../data/muo_muon_idsf_2016.root", "RECREATE") unc = 0.01 for lid in lids: folder = "MC_NUM_" + lid + "ID_DEN_genTracks_PAR_pt_eta" axes = "pt_abseta" sfhistname = folder + "/" + axes + "_ratio" sfhist1 = file1.Get(sfhistname) sfhist2 = file2.Get(sfhistname)
return (obs, exp) ###====================================================================================== ### Make Datacards and compute limits ###====================================================================================== classes = {} # "dmv" : ( [mMed], [mDM] ) modelList = [] if opts.models == []: opts.models = ['add', 'dmv', 'dmvfs', 'dma', 'dmafs', 'dmewk', 'zgr'] for model in opts.models: samples = allsamples.getmany(model + '-*') snames = [ for s in samples] modelList += snames for sname in snames: (name, xval, yval) = sname.split('-') if not name in classes.keys(): classes[name] = ([], []) if not xval in classes[name][0]: classes[name][0].append(xval) if not yval in classes[name][1]: classes[name][1].append(yval) LimitToolDir = os.path.join(os.environ['CMSSW_BASE'], 'src/HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit') cardDir = os.path.join(LimitToolDir, 'data/monoph')
('w{m,p}lnuewk', mc_wlnu), ('znn{,n}-*', mc_cand), ('dyn-50', applyMod(mc_cand + mc_lep + mc_dilep + [tpegLowPt, tpmgLowPt, 'tp2e', 'tp2m'], s.addGenPhotonVeto)), ('dyn-50@', applyMod(mc_cand + mc_lep + mc_dilep + [tpegLowPt, tpmgLowPt, 'tp2e', 'tp2m'], s.addGenPhotonVeto, s.genBosonPtTruncator(maximum = 50.))), ('dyn-50-*', applyMod(mc_cand + mc_lep + mc_dilep + [tpegLowPt, tpmgLowPt, 'tp2e', 'tp2m'], s.addGenPhotonVeto)), ('zewk', applyMod(mc_cand + mc_lep + mc_dilep + [tpegLowPt, tpmgLowPt, 'tp2e', 'tp2m'], s.addGenPhotonVeto)), ('qcd-*', mc_cand + mc_qcd + mc_dilep + mc_lep), ('add-*', mc_sig), ('dm*', mc_sig), ('dph*', mc_sig), ('hbb-nlo-125', mc_sig) """ allSelectors = {} for pat, sels in allSelectors_byPattern: samples = allsamples.getmany(pat) for sample in samples: if sample in allSelectors: raise RuntimeError('Duplicate skim config for ' + sampleSelectors = {} for sel in sels: # sel has to be either a selector function name or a tuple of form (region, selector[, modifiers]) if type(sel) is str: sampleSelectors[sel] = getattr(s, sel) elif len(sel) == 2: sampleSelectors[sel[0]] = sel[1] else: sampleSelectors[sel[0]] = sel[1:] allSelectors[sample] = sampleSelectors
import ROOT mask = collections.defaultdict(set) if args.mask: with open(args.mask) as source: for run, ranges in json.load(source).items(): for begin, end in ranges: mask[int(run)] |= set(range(begin, end + 1)) allLumis = collections.defaultdict(set) sampleRuns = collections.defaultdict(set) if not args.list: print 'Calculating integrated luminosity for', args.snames, 'from', config.ntuplesDir for sample in allsamples.getmany(args.snames): dname = config.ntuplesDir + '/' + + '/' + sample.fullname for fname in os.listdir(dname): if not fname.endswith('.root'): continue path = dname + '/' + fname source = ROOT.TFile.Open(path) if not source: continue gr = source.Get('ProcessedRunsLumis') if gr: for iP in range(gr.GetN()):
thisdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) basedir = os.path.dirname(thisdir) sys.path.append(basedir) from datasets import allsamples import config try: os.makedirs(config.histDir + '/trigger') except OSError: pass obj = sys.argv[1] snames = sys.argv[2:] samples = allsamples.getmany(snames) print 'Skimming samples' print [ for s in samples] ROOT.gSystem.Load(config.libsimpletree) ROOT.gSystem.AddIncludePath('-I' + config.dataformats + '/interface') ROOT.gROOT.LoadMacro(thisdir + '/') # available object - sample - skim type configurations configs = { 'photon': {'sph': ROOT.kDiphoton, 'sel': ROOT.kElectronPhoton, 'smu': ROOT.kMuonPhoton, 'jht': ROOT.kJetHT}, 'muon': {'smu': ROOT.kDimuon}, 'electron': {'sel': ROOT.kDielectron}, 'met': {'sel': ROOT.kElectronMET}
return (obs, exp) ###====================================================================================== ### Make Datacards and compute limits ###====================================================================================== classes = {} # "dmv" : ( [mMed], [mDM] ) modelList = [] if opts.models == []: opts.models = ['add', 'dmv', 'dmvfs', 'dma', 'dmafs', 'dmewk', 'zgr'] for model in opts.models: samples = allsamples.getmany(model + '-*') snames = [ for s in samples] modelList += snames for sname in snames: (name, xval, yval) = sname.split('-') if not name in classes.keys(): classes[name] = ( [], [] ) if not xval in classes[name][0]: classes[name][0].append(xval) if not yval in classes[name][1]: classes[name][1].append(yval) LimitToolDir = os.path.join(os.environ['CMSSW_BASE'], 'src/HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit') cardDir = os.path.join(LimitToolDir, 'data/monoph') if not os.path.exists(cardDir):
import os import sys import shutil thisdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) basedir = os.path.dirname(thisdir) sys.path.append(basedir) import config import utils from datasets import allsamples import ROOT for sample in allsamples.getmany('sph-16*'): source = ROOT.TFile.Open(utils.getSkimPath(, 'offtime')) tree = source.Get('events') tmpname = '/tmp/' + os.environ[ 'USER'] + '/' + + '_offtimeIso.root' outputFile = ROOT.TFile.Open(tmpname, 'recreate') newtree = tree.CopyTree( 'TMath::Abs(photons.scEta) < 1.4442 && photons.scRawPt > 175 && photons.mipEnergy < 4.9 && photons.time > -15. && photons.time < -10. && (photons.mediumX[][2] || (photons.type == 2 && photons.trackIso < 40.)) && photons.sieie < 0.0104 && photons.hOverE < 0.026 && > 170. && t1Met.photonDPhi > 0.5 && t1Met.minJetDPhi > 0.5' ) newtree.Write() source.Close() outputFile.Close() shutil.copy(tmpname, config.skimDir + '/' + + '_offtimeIso.root') os.remove(tmpname)
if args.mask: with open(args.mask) as source: for run, ranges in json.load(source).items(): for begin, end in ranges: mask[int(run)] |= set(range(begin, end + 1)) allLumis = collections.defaultdict(set) sampleRuns = collections.defaultdict(set) if not args.list: print 'Calculating integrated luminosity for', args.snames arun = array.array('I', [0]) alumi = array.array('I', [0]) for sample in allsamples.getmany(args.snames): print for path in sample.files(): source = ROOT.TFile.Open(path) if not source: print 'Cannot open', path continue tree = source.Get('lumiSummary') if not tree: print path, 'does not have lumiSummary. Extracting the lumi list from the events tree.' tree = source.Get('events') tree.SetBranchStatus('*', False) tree.SetBranchStatus('runNumber', True)
import array thisdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) basedir = os.path.dirname(thisdir) sys.path.append(basedir) from plotstyle import DataMCCanvas from datasets import allsamples from main.plotutil import PlotDef from main.plotconfig import getConfig import config import ROOT as r r.gROOT.SetBatch(True) lumi = sum([s.lumi for s in allsamples.getmany('sph-16*-m')]) canvas = DataMCCanvas(lumi=lumi) varDef = PlotDef('phoPt', 'E_{T}^{#gamma}', 'photons.scRawPt[0]', [175.0, 200., 250., 300., 400., 600., 1000.0], unit='GeV', overflow=True) gj = ['gj-100', 'gj-200', 'gj-400', 'gj-600'] wlnun = [ 'wlnun-0', 'wlnun-50', 'wlnun-100', 'wlnun-250', 'wlnun-400', 'wlnun-600' ] top = ['ttg', 'tg'] gg = ['gg-40', 'gg-80']
import ROOT thisdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) basedir = os.path.dirname(thisdir) sys.path.append(basedir) from datasets import allsamples import config ROOT.gSystem.Load(config.libsimpletree) ROOT.gSystem.AddIncludePath('-I' + config.dataformats + '/interface') skim = sys.argv[1] snames = sys.argv[2:] puSource = ROOT.TFile.Open(basedir + '/data/pileup.root') puweight = puSource.Get('puweight') ROOT.gROOT.LoadMacro(thisdir + '/') ROOT.gROOT.LoadMacro(thisdir + '/') for sample in allsamples.getmany(snames): source = ROOT.TChain('events') source.Add(config.ntuplesDir + '/' + + '/' + sample.fullname + '/*.root') outName = config.histDir + '/veto_eff/' + skim +'_' + + '.root' if getattr(ROOT, skim)(source, outName) else: getattr(ROOT, skim)(source, outName, sample.crosssection / sample.sumw, puweight)
# garbage collection if subdet == 'barrel': template = ROOT.TH1D('template', ';#sigma_{i#etai#eta}', 44, 0.004, 0.015) else: template = ROOT.TH1D('template', ';#sigma_{i#etai#eta}', 45, 0.015, 0.06) ratioTemplate = ROOT.TH1D('ratio', ';I_{CH} (GeV)', 3, array.array('d', [0., chIsoCuts[isub][1], 3.5, 5.])) ptTotal = ROOT.TH1D('ptTotal', '', 1, 0., 1.) outputFile = ROOT.TFile.Open(outputFileName, 'recreate') # target and hadron templates dataPlotter = ROOT.multidraw.MultiDraw() dataPlotter.setWeightBranch('') lumi = 0. for sample in allsamples.getmany(fakeParams.measurementDataset): utils.addSkimPaths(dataPlotter,, fakeParams.measurementSelection) lumi += sample.lumi if subdet == 'barrel': dataPlotter.setFilter(' < 100. && photons.isEB[0]') else: dataPlotter.setFilter(' < 100. && !photons.isEB[0]') mcPlotter = ROOT.multidraw.MultiDraw() for sample in allsamples.getmany(fakeParams.measurementMC): utils.addSkimPaths(mcPlotter,, fakeParams.measurementSelection) if subdet == 'barrel': mcPlotter.setFilter(' < 100. && photons.isEB[0]') else:
def plotiso(loc, pid, pt, met, tune): inputKey = tune + '_' + loc + '_' + pid + '_PhotonPt' + pt + '_Met' + met try: ptSel = s.PhotonPtSels['PhotonPt' + pt] except KeyError: print 'Inputted pt range', pt, 'not found!' print 'Not applying any pt selection!' ptSel = '(1)' try: metSel = s.MetSels['Met' + met] except KeyError: print 'Inputted met range', met, 'not found!' print 'Not applying any met selection!' metSel = '(1)' var = s.getVariable('chiso', tune, loc) versDir = s.versionDir WEBDIR = os.environ['HOME'] + '/public_html/cmsplots' plotDir = os.path.join(WEBDIR, 'purity', s.Version, inputKey, 'chiso') histDir = os.path.join(versDir, inputKey) if not os.path.exists(plotDir): os.makedirs(plotDir) if not os.path.exists(histDir): os.makedirs(histDir) pids = pid.split('-') pid = pids[0] extras = pids[1:] selections = s.getSelections(tune, loc, pid) itune = s.Tunes.index(tune) ### Plot I_{CH} from sph data and gjets MC # selection on H/E & INH & IPh baseSel = ' && '.join([ ptSel, metSel, selections['fiducial'], selections['hovere'], selections['nhiso'], selections['phiso'] ]) if 'pixel' in extras: baseSel = baseSel + ' && ' + s.Cuts['pixelVeto'] if 'monoph' in extras: baseSel = baseSel + ' && ' + s.Cuts['monophId'] if 'max' in extras: baseSel = baseSel.replace('chIso', 'chIsoMax') var = s.Variable('TMath::Max(0., photons.chIsoMaxX[0][%d])' % itune, *var[1:]) truthSel = '(photons.matchedGenId == -22)' # output file outName = 'chiso' # + inputKey print 'plotiso writing to', histDir + '/' + outName + '.root' outFile = ROOT.TFile(histDir + '/' + outName + '.root', 'RECREATE') # don't use var.binning for binning binning = [0., var.cuts[pid]] + [0.1 * x for x in range(20, 111, 5)] # make the data iso distribution for reference extractor = s.HistExtractor('sphData', s.Samples['sphData'], var) print 'setBaseSelection(' + baseSel + ')' extractor.plotter.setBaseSelection(baseSel) extractor.categories.append( ('data', 'I_{CH} Distribution from SinglePhoton Data', '')) hist = extractor.extract(binning)[0] hist.Scale(1. / hist.GetSumOfWeights()) formatHist(hist, 'Events') printHist([hist], 'HIST', outName + '_data', plotDir, logy=True) extractor = s.HistExtractor('gjetsMc', s.Samples['gjetsMc'], var) print 'setBaseSelection(' + baseSel + ' && ' + truthSel + ')' extractor.plotter.setBaseSelection(baseSel + ' && ' + truthSel) extractor.categories.append( ('rawmc', 'I_{CH} Distribution from #gamma+jets MC', '')) raw = extractor.extract(binning)[0] raw.Scale(1. / raw.GetSumOfWeights()) formatHist(raw, 'Events') ### Plot I_{CH} from sph data and dy MC Zee samples eSelScratch = ' && '.join([ 'tp.mass > 81 && tp.mass < 101', metSel, selections['fiducial'], selections['hovere'], selections['nhiso'], selections['phiso'], selections['sieie'] ]) eSel = 'weight * (' + eSelScratch.replace("photons", "probes") + ')' eExpr = var.expression.replace('photons', 'probes') print 'Extracting electron MC distributions' mcTree = ROOT.TChain('events') for sample in allsamples.getmany('dy-50-*'): mcTree.Add(utils.getSkimPath(, 'tpeg')) print 'Draw(' + eExpr + ', ' + eSel + ')' mcHist = raw.Clone("emc") mcHist.Reset() mcTree.Draw(eExpr + ">>emc", eSel, 'goff') mcHist.Scale(1. / mcHist.GetSumOfWeights()) formatHist(mcHist, 'Events') print 'Extracting electron data distributions' dataTree = ROOT.TChain('events') for sample in allsamples.getmany('sph-16*'): dataTree.Add(utils.getSkimPath(, 'tpeg')) print 'Draw(' + eExpr + ', ' + eSel + ')' dataHist = raw.Clone("edata") dataHist.Reset() dataTree.Draw(eExpr + ">>edata", eSel, 'goff') dataHist.Scale(1. / dataHist.GetSumOfWeights()) formatHist(dataHist, 'Events') printHist([mcHist, dataHist], 'HIST', outName + '_electrons', plotDir, logy=True) scaled = raw.Clone("scaledmc") scaleHist = raw.Clone("escale") scaleHist.SetTitle("Data/MC Scale Factors from Electrons") scaleHist.Reset() for iBin in range(1, scaleHist.GetNbinsX() + 1): dataValue = dataHist.GetBinContent(iBin) dataError = dataHist.GetBinError(iBin) mcValue = mcHist.GetBinContent(iBin) mcError = mcHist.GetBinError(iBin) if mcValue == 0 or dataValue == 0: ratio = 1 error = 0.05 else: ratio = dataValue / mcValue error = ratio * ((dataError / dataValue)**2 + (mcError / mcValue)**2)**(0.5) scaleHist.SetBinContent(iBin, ratio) scaled.SetBinContent(iBin, ratio * scaled.GetBinContent(iBin)) scaleHist.SetBinError(iBin, error) scaled.Scale(1. / scaled.GetSumOfWeights()) formatHist(scaled, 'Events') formatHist(scaleHist, 'Scale Factor', lstyle=ROOT.kSolid) printHist([scaleHist], '', outName + '_scale', plotDir, logy=False) printHist([raw, scaled], 'HIST', outName + '_photons', plotDir, logy=True) outFile.Close()
def addObs(self, snames, prescale=1): samples = allsamples.getmany(snames) for sample in samples: self.obs.samples.append(sample) self.prescales[sample] = prescale
sys.path.append(basedir) from plotstyle import SimpleCanvas, RatioCanvas from datasets import allsamples import purity.selections as selections import config import utils ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(True) ########################### # Setup and configuration # ########################### snames = ['sph-16*-m'] lumi = sum(s.lumi for s in allsamples.getmany(snames)) canvas = SimpleCanvas(lumi=lumi) rcanvas = RatioCanvas(lumi=lumi) binning = array.array('d', map(float, selections.photonPtBinning)) pid = 'medium' tune = 'Spring16' # 'GJetsCWIso' extras = 'pixel-chargedpf' # -monoph' suffix = '_Spring16' # '_GJetsCWIso' itune = selections.Tunes.index(tune) inputFile = ROOT.TFile.Open(basedir + '/data/impurity_' + tune + '.root') impurityGraph = inputFile.Get("barrel-" + pid + "-" + extras + "-Met0to60") outputFile = ROOT.TFile.Open(
names = ' '.join(sorted(sampleIds.keys())) print names sys.exit(0) elif targets[0] == 'all': targets = sampleIds.keys() # if target contains mc / eldata / mudata for confName in skimConfig: if confName in targets: targets.remove(confName) for sname in skimConfig[targets][0]: if sname not in targets: targets.append(sname) samples = allsamples.getmany(targets) suffix = {'kEG': 'eg', 'kMG': 'mg', 'kMMG': 'mmg'} puSource = ROOT.TFile.Open(basedir + '/data/pileup.root') if not puSource: print 'NPV reweight absent - run monophoton/' sys.exit(1) reweight = puSource.Get('puweight') reweight.SetDirectory(ROOT.gROOT) puSource.Close() #npvSource = ROOT.TFile.Open('npvreweight.root') #reweight = npvSource.Get('reweight')
for omname in omnames: oname = omname[0] mname = omname[1] print oname, mname snames, region, basesel, colname = measurements[(oname, mname)] outputFile = ROOT.TFile.Open( outDir + '/trigger_efficiency_%s_%s.root' % (oname, mname), 'recreate') # fill the histograms plotter = ROOT.MultiDraw() plotter.setWeightBranch('') for sample in allsamples.getmany(snames): plotter.addInputPath(utils.getSkimPath(, region)) plotter.setBaseSelection(basesel) # make an empty histogram for each (trigger, variable) combination histograms = [] for tname, (passdef, commonsel, title, variables) in confs[oname].items(): if len(omname) > 2 and tname != omname[2]: continue trigDir = outputFile.mkdir(tname) passdef = passdef.format(col=colname)
import os import sys import shutil import ROOT NENTRIES = -1 thisdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) basedir = os.path.dirname(thisdir) sys.path.append(basedir) from datasets import allsamples import config sphSamples = allsamples.getmany('sph-16*') tree = ROOT.TChain('skimmedEvents') for sample in sphSamples: tree.Add('/data/t3home000/yiiyama/studies/monophoton/efake_skim/' + + '_eg.root') rhoBins = [0., 5., 7., 9.] + [10. + x for x in range(8)] + [18., 20., 23., 30., 35.] outputFile = ROOT.TFile.Open(config.histDir + '/worstIsoEA.root', 'recreate') graph = ROOT.TGraphErrors(len(rhoBins) - 1) for iP in range(len(rhoBins) - 1): rhoMin = rhoBins[iP] rhoMax = rhoBins[iP + 1]