예제 #1
 def __init__(self, args, data_subset, transform=None, sample_inds=None):
     BaseDataset.__init__(self, args, data_subset)
     if transform is None:
         transform = BasicImagenetTransform(self.size, data_subset)
     datasets.ImageFolder.__init__(self, os.path.join(self.args.imagenet_data_path, data_subset), transform)
     if sample_inds is not None:
         self.samples = [self.samples[ii] for ii in sorted(sample_inds)]
    def __init__(self, opt):
        """Initialize this dataset class.

            opt (Option class) -- stores all the experiment flags; needs to be a subclass of BaseOptions
        BaseDataset.__init__(self, opt)
        self.A_paths = sorted(make_dataset(opt.dataroot, opt.max_dataset_size))
        input_nc = self.opt.output_nc if self.opt.direction == 'BtoA' else self.opt.input_nc
        self.transform = get_transform(opt, grayscale=(input_nc == 1))
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, train_file):
        BaseDataset.__init__(self, train_file)
        # original documents for test
        self.train_documents = []
        # vectorizers to apply
        self.vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=1, ngram_range=(1, 1))
        # score functions for feature_selector

        # for extra features
        self.extra_features_names = ['0'] * len(self.EXTRA_FEATURES)
        # for extra features. We do not know in advance the number of instances
        self.extra_features_values = None

예제 #4
    def __init__(self, opt):
        BaseDataset.__init__(self, opt)

        self.image_list = util.get_file_list(
            os.path.join(self.opt.data_dir, 'crop'))

        self.landmark_dict = self.load_landmark_dict()

        self.transforms_input = transforms.Compose([
            transforms.Resize((224, 224)),
            transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.5141, 0.4074, 0.3588],
                                 std=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0])

        self.transforms_gt = transforms.ToTensor()
예제 #5
    def __init__(self, opt):
        """Initialize this dataset class.

            opt (Option class) -- stores all the experiment flags; needs to be a subclass of BaseOptions
        BaseDataset.__init__(self, opt)

        self.dir_A = os.path.join(opt.dataroot, 'trainA')  # create a path '/path/to/data/trainA'
        self.dir_B = os.path.join(opt.dataroot, 'trainB')  # create a path '/path/to/data/trainB'

        if os.path.exists(self.dir_A) and os.path.exists(self.dir_B):
            self.A_paths = sorted(make_dataset(self.dir_A, opt.max_dataset_size))   # load images from '/path/to/data/trainA'
            self.B_paths = sorted(make_dataset(self.dir_B, opt.max_dataset_size))    # load images from '/path/to/data/trainB'
        self.A_size = len(self.A_paths)  # get the size of dataset A
        self.B_size = len(self.B_paths)  # get the size of dataset B

        assert len(self.A_paths) == 1 and len(self.B_paths) == 1,\
            "SingleImageDataset class should be used with one image in each domain"
        A_img = Image.open(self.A_paths[0]).convert('RGB')
        B_img = Image.open(self.B_paths[0]).convert('RGB')
        print("Image sizes %s and %s" % (str(A_img.size), str(B_img.size)))

        self.A_img = A_img
        self.B_img = B_img

        # In single-image translation, we augment the data loader by applying
        # random scaling. Still, we design the data loader such that the
        # amount of scaling is the same within a minibatch. To do this,
        # we precompute the random scaling values, and repeat them by |batch_size|.
        A_zoom = 1 / self.opt.random_scale_max
        zoom_levels_A = np.random.uniform(A_zoom, 1.0, size=(len(self) // opt.batch_size + 1, 1, 2))
        self.zoom_levels_A = np.reshape(np.tile(zoom_levels_A, (1, opt.batch_size, 1)), [-1, 2])

        B_zoom = 1 / self.opt.random_scale_max
        zoom_levels_B = np.random.uniform(B_zoom, 1.0, size=(len(self) // opt.batch_size + 1, 1, 2))
        self.zoom_levels_B = np.reshape(np.tile(zoom_levels_B, (1, opt.batch_size, 1)), [-1, 2])

        # While the crop locations are randomized, the negative samples should
        # not come from the same location. To do this, we precompute the
        # crop locations with no repetition.
        self.patch_indices_A = list(range(len(self)))
        self.patch_indices_B = list(range(len(self)))
예제 #6
    def __init__(self, opt):
        """Initialize this dataset class.

            opt (Option class) -- stores all the experiment flags; needs to be a subclass of BaseOptions

        A few things can be done here.
        - save the options (have been done in BaseDataset)
        - get image paths and meta information of the dataset.
        - define the image transformation.
        # save the option and dataset root
        BaseDataset.__init__(self, opt)
        # get the image paths of your dataset;
        self.image_paths = [
        ]  # You can call sorted(make_dataset(self.root, opt.max_dataset_size)) to get all the image paths under the directory self.root
        # define the default transform function. You can use <base_dataset.get_transform>; You can also define your custom transform function
        self.transform = get_transform(opt)
    def __init__(self, opt):
        """Initialize this dataset class.

            opt (Option class) -- stores all the experiment flags; needs to be a subclass of BaseOptions
        BaseDataset.__init__(self, opt)
        self.dir_A = os.path.join(opt.dataroot, opt.phase + 'A')  # create a path '/path/to/data/trainA'
        self.dir_B = os.path.join(opt.dataroot, opt.phase + 'B')  # create a path '/path/to/data/trainB'

        if opt.phase == "test" and not os.path.exists(self.dir_A) \
           and os.path.exists(os.path.join(opt.dataroot, "valA")):
            self.dir_A = os.path.join(opt.dataroot, "valA")
            self.dir_B = os.path.join(opt.dataroot, "valB")

        self.A_paths = sorted(make_dataset(self.dir_A, opt.max_dataset_size))   # load images from '/path/to/data/trainA'
        self.B_paths = sorted(make_dataset(self.dir_B, opt.max_dataset_size))    # load images from '/path/to/data/trainB'
        self.A_size = len(self.A_paths)  # get the size of dataset A
        self.B_size = len(self.B_paths)  # get the size of dataset B
예제 #8
    def get_loader(self, dataset_file, transforms, gpu, train=False):
        required_input = None
        if 'required_input' in self._conf:
            required_input = self._conf['required_input']

        # import dataset class form /datasets/
        dataset_class = import_shortcut('datasets', self._args.dataset)

        # create BaseDataset wrapper
        base_dataset = BaseDataset(self._args.subdataset, self._data_conf,
                                   dataset_file, dataset_class, self._conf,
                                   gpu, transforms, required_input,
                                   self._cache_manager, train == False,

        batch_size = self._conf['batch_size']  # batch size
        shuffle_images = True  # whether to randomly shuffle images

        # no need to shuffle if not training
        if train is False:
            shuffle_images = False

        # batch size=-1 means that we use the whole dataset for a batch
        if batch_size == -1:
            batch_size = len(base_dataset)
            shuffle_images = False  # no need to shuffle

        sampler = None
        # import the sampler from /samplers/
        if 'sampler' in self._conf:
            sampler_class = import_shortcut('samplers', self._conf['sampler'])
            sampler = sampler_class(base_dataset, batch_size)

        # create pytorch dataloader
        if sampler is None:
            loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(
            loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(

        # create a cache dataloader with batch size=1
        # we use this to show progress with tqdm
        cache_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(

        return base_dataset, loader, cache_loader
예제 #9
def run_evaluation(model, opt, options, dataset_name, log_freq=50):
    """Run evaluation on the datasets and metrics we report in the paper. """

    device = torch.device('cuda') if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device('cpu')
    # Create SMPL model
    smpl = SMPL().to(device)
    if dataset_name == '3dpw' or dataset_name == 'surreal':
        smpl_male = SMPL(cfg.MALE_SMPL_FILE).to(device)
        smpl_female = SMPL(cfg.FEMALE_SMPL_FILE).to(device)

    batch_size = opt.batch_size

    # Create dataloader for the dataset
    if dataset_name == 'surreal':
        dataset = SurrealDataset(options, use_augmentation=False, is_train=False, use_IUV=False)
        dataset = BaseDataset(options, dataset_name, use_augmentation=False, is_train=False, use_IUV=False)

    data_loader = DataLoader(dataset,  batch_size=opt.batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=int(opt.num_workers),

    print('data loader finish')

    # Transfer model to the GPU
    device = torch.device('cuda') if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device('cpu')

    # Pose metrics
    # MPJPE and Reconstruction error for the non-parametric and parametric shapes
    mpjpe = np.zeros(len(dataset))
    mpjpe_pa = np.zeros(len(dataset))

    # Shape metrics
    # Mean per-vertex error
    shape_err = np.zeros(len(dataset))

    # Mask and part metrics
    # Accuracy
    accuracy = 0.
    parts_accuracy = 0.
    # True positive, false positive and false negative
    tp = np.zeros((2, 1))
    fp = np.zeros((2, 1))
    fn = np.zeros((2, 1))
    parts_tp = np.zeros((7, 1))
    parts_fp = np.zeros((7, 1))
    parts_fn = np.zeros((7, 1))
    # Pixel count accumulators
    pixel_count = 0
    parts_pixel_count = 0

    eval_pose = False
    eval_shape = False
    eval_masks = False
    eval_parts = False
    joint_mapper = cfg.J24_TO_J17 if dataset_name == 'mpi-inf-3dhp' else cfg.J24_TO_J14
    # Choose appropriate evaluation for each dataset
    if 'h36m' in dataset_name or dataset_name == '3dpw' or dataset_name == 'mpi-inf-3dhp':
        eval_pose = True
    elif dataset_name in ['up-3d', 'surreal']:
        eval_shape = True
    elif dataset_name == 'lsp':
        eval_masks = True
        eval_parts = True
        annot_path = cfg.DATASET_FOLDERS['upi-s1h']

    if eval_parts or eval_masks:
        from utils.part_utils import PartRenderer
        renderer = PartRenderer()

    # Iterate over the entire dataset
    for step, batch in enumerate(tqdm(data_loader, desc='Eval', total=len(data_loader))):
        # Get ground truth annotations from the batch
        gt_pose = batch['pose'].to(device)
        gt_betas = batch['betas'].to(device)
        gt_vertices = smpl(gt_pose, gt_betas)
        images = batch['img'].to(device)

        curr_batch_size = images.shape[0]

        # Run inference
        with torch.no_grad():
            out_dict = model(images)

        pred_vertices = out_dict['pred_vertices']
        camera = out_dict['camera']
        # 3D pose evaluation
        if eval_pose:
            # Get 14 ground truth joints
            if 'h36m' in dataset_name or 'mpi-inf' in dataset_name:
                gt_keypoints_3d = batch['pose_3d'].cuda()
                gt_keypoints_3d = gt_keypoints_3d[:, joint_mapper, :-1]
                gt_pelvis = (gt_keypoints_3d[:, [2]] + gt_keypoints_3d[:, [3]]) / 2
                gt_keypoints_3d = gt_keypoints_3d - gt_pelvis
                gender = batch['gender'].to(device)
                gt_vertices = smpl_male(gt_pose, gt_betas)
                gt_vertices_female = smpl_female(gt_pose, gt_betas)
                gt_vertices[gender == 1, :, :] = gt_vertices_female[gender == 1, :, :]

                gt_keypoints_3d = smpl.get_train_joints(gt_vertices)[:, joint_mapper]
                # gt_keypoints_3d = smpl.get_lsp_joints(gt_vertices)    # joints_regressor used in cmr
                gt_pelvis = (gt_keypoints_3d[:, [2]] + gt_keypoints_3d[:, [3]]) / 2
                gt_keypoints_3d = gt_keypoints_3d - gt_pelvis

            # Get 14 predicted joints from the non-parametic mesh
            pred_keypoints_3d = smpl.get_train_joints(pred_vertices)[:, joint_mapper]
            # pred_keypoints_3d = smpl.get_lsp_joints(pred_vertices)    # joints_regressor used in cmr
            pred_pelvis = (pred_keypoints_3d[:, [2]] + pred_keypoints_3d[:, [3]]) / 2
            pred_keypoints_3d = pred_keypoints_3d - pred_pelvis

            # Absolute error (MPJPE)
            error = torch.sqrt(((pred_keypoints_3d - gt_keypoints_3d) ** 2).sum(dim=-1)).mean(dim=-1).cpu().numpy()
            mpjpe[step * batch_size:step * batch_size + curr_batch_size] = error

            # Reconstuction_error
            r_error = reconstruction_error(pred_keypoints_3d.cpu().numpy(), gt_keypoints_3d.cpu().numpy(),
            mpjpe_pa[step * batch_size:step * batch_size + curr_batch_size] = r_error

        # Shape evaluation (Mean per-vertex error)
        if eval_shape:
            if dataset_name == 'surreal':
                gender = batch['gender'].to(device)
                gt_vertices = smpl_male(gt_pose, gt_betas)
                gt_vertices_female = smpl_female(gt_pose, gt_betas)
                gt_vertices[gender == 1, :, :] = gt_vertices_female[gender == 1, :, :]

            gt_pelvis_mesh = smpl.get_eval_joints(gt_vertices)
            pred_pelvis_mesh = smpl.get_eval_joints(pred_vertices)
            gt_pelvis_mesh = (gt_pelvis_mesh[:, [2]] + gt_pelvis_mesh[:, [3]]) / 2
            pred_pelvis_mesh = (pred_pelvis_mesh[:, [2]] + pred_pelvis_mesh[:, [3]]) / 2

            # se = torch.sqrt(((pred_vertices - gt_vertices) ** 2).sum(dim=-1)).mean(dim=-1).cpu().numpy()
            se = torch.sqrt(((pred_vertices - pred_pelvis_mesh - gt_vertices + gt_pelvis_mesh) ** 2).sum(dim=-1)).mean(dim=-1).cpu().numpy()
            shape_err[step * batch_size:step * batch_size + curr_batch_size] = se

        # If mask or part evaluation, render the mask and part images
        if eval_masks or eval_parts:
            mask, parts = renderer(pred_vertices, camera)
        # Mask evaluation (for LSP)
        if eval_masks:
            center = batch['center'].cpu().numpy()
            scale = batch['scale'].cpu().numpy()
            # Dimensions of original image
            orig_shape = batch['orig_shape'].cpu().numpy()
            for i in range(curr_batch_size):
                # After rendering, convert imate back to original resolution
                pred_mask = uncrop(mask[i].cpu().numpy(), center[i], scale[i], orig_shape[i]) > 0
                # Load gt mask
                gt_mask = cv2.imread(os.path.join(annot_path, batch['maskname'][i]), 0) > 0
                # Evaluation consistent with the original UP-3D code
                accuracy += (gt_mask == pred_mask).sum()
                pixel_count += np.prod(np.array(gt_mask.shape))
                for c in range(2):
                    cgt = gt_mask == c
                    cpred = pred_mask == c
                    tp[c] += (cgt & cpred).sum()
                    fp[c] += (~cgt & cpred).sum()
                    fn[c] += (cgt & ~cpred).sum()
                f1 = 2 * tp / (2 * tp + fp + fn)

        # Part evaluation (for LSP)
        if eval_parts:
            center = batch['center'].cpu().numpy()
            scale = batch['scale'].cpu().numpy()
            orig_shape = batch['orig_shape'].cpu().numpy()
            for i in range(curr_batch_size):
                pred_parts = uncrop(parts[i].cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8), center[i], scale[i], orig_shape[i])
                # Load gt part segmentation
                gt_parts = cv2.imread(os.path.join(annot_path, batch['partname'][i]), 0)
                # Evaluation consistent with the original UP-3D code
                # 6 parts + background
                for c in range(7):
                    cgt = gt_parts == c
                    cpred = pred_parts == c
                    cpred[gt_parts == 255] = 0
                    parts_tp[c] += (cgt & cpred).sum()
                    parts_fp[c] += (~cgt & cpred).sum()
                    parts_fn[c] += (cgt & ~cpred).sum()
                gt_parts[gt_parts == 255] = 0
                pred_parts[pred_parts == 255] = 0
                parts_f1 = 2 * parts_tp / (2 * parts_tp + parts_fp + parts_fn)
                parts_accuracy += (gt_parts == pred_parts).sum()
                parts_pixel_count += np.prod(np.array(gt_parts.shape))

        # Print intermediate results during evaluation
        if step % log_freq == log_freq - 1:
            if eval_pose:
                print('MPJPE: ' + str(1000 * mpjpe[:step * batch_size].mean()))
                print('MPJPE-PA: ' + str(1000 * mpjpe_pa[:step * batch_size].mean()))
            if eval_shape:
                print('Shape Error: ' + str(1000 * shape_err[:step * batch_size].mean()))
            if eval_masks:
                print('Accuracy: ', accuracy / pixel_count)
                print('F1: ', f1.mean())
            if eval_parts:
                print('Parts Accuracy: ', parts_accuracy / parts_pixel_count)
                print('Parts F1 (BG): ', parts_f1[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]].mean())

    # Print final results during evaluation
    print('*** Final Results ***')
    if eval_pose:
        print('MPJPE: ' + str(1000 * mpjpe.mean()))
        print('MPJPE-PA: ' + str(1000 * mpjpe_pa.mean()))
    if eval_shape:
        print('Shape Error: ' + str(1000 * shape_err.mean()))
    if eval_masks:
        print('Accuracy: ', accuracy / pixel_count)
        print('F1: ', f1.mean())
    if eval_parts:
        print('Parts Accuracy: ', parts_accuracy / parts_pixel_count)
        print('Parts F1 (BG): ', parts_f1[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]].mean())

    # Save final results to .txt file
    txt_name = join(opt.save_root, dataset_name + '.txt')
    f = open(txt_name, 'w')
    f.write('*** Final Results ***')
    if eval_pose:
        f.write('MPJPE: ' + str(1000 * mpjpe.mean()))
        f.write('MPJPE-PA: ' + str(1000 * mpjpe_pa.mean()))
    if eval_shape:
        f.write('Shape Error: ' + str(1000 * shape_err.mean()))
    if eval_masks:
        f.write('Accuracy: ' + str(accuracy / pixel_count))
        f.write('F1: ' + str(f1.mean()))
    if eval_parts:
        f.write('Parts Accuracy: ' + str(parts_accuracy / parts_pixel_count))
        f.write('Parts F1 (BG): ' + str(parts_f1[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]].mean()))
 def __init__(self, opt, training):
     BaseDataset.__init__(self, opt, training)
     self.dirA = opt.dirA
     self.dirB = opt.dirB
     self.pathsA = file_utils.load_paths(self.dirA)
     self.pathsB = file_utils.load_paths(self.dirB)
예제 #11
 def load_dataset(self):
예제 #12
 def __init__(self, configuration):
     BaseDataset.__init__(self, configuration)
예제 #13
 def load_dataset(self):
     if 'train_src_names' in self.configuration:
         self.y_train = np.asarray(self.y_train, dtype=np.float)
     elif 'test_src_names' in self.configuration:
         self.y_test = np.asarray(self.y_test, dtype=np.float)
예제 #14
from baseline.baseline_model import Seq2Seq
from datasets.vocab import VocabEntry

SEED = 1000

torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True

device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')


dataset = BaseDataset(['kushman.json'])

eqFlattened = [item for sublist in dataset.equations for item in sublist]
quFlattened = [item for sublist in dataset.questions for item in sublist]

INPUT_DIM = len(set(quFlattened))
OUTPUT_DIM = len(set(eqFlattened))

src_vocab = VocabEntry(dict([(v, i) for i, v in enumerate(set(quFlattened))]))
trg_vocab = VocabEntry(dict([(v, i) for i, v in enumerate(set(eqFlattened))]))

train_size = int(len(dataset) * (3. / 10))
valid_size = int(len(dataset) * (1. / 10))
test_size = len(dataset) - train_size - valid_size
예제 #15
 def __init__(self, opt, training):
     BaseDataset.__init__(self, opt, training)
     self.dir = opt.dir
     self.paths = file_utils.load_paths(self.dir)