def prepare_data(): #Set the training configuration first cfg_path="models/pvanet/lite/train_1K.yml" cfg_from_file(cfg_path) """ 1. PREPARING DATASET """ #Firstly, prepare the dataset for fine-tuning #Different kind of dataset is wrapped by the IMDB class, originally designed by Ross Girshick #You need to put coco data directory(soft-link works as well) under the PVA-NET directory #COCO IMDB needs two parameter: data-split and year , "Sedans_1", "Sedans_2" #coco_train = coco("train", "20SNAPSHOT_ITERS: 6014") main_classes = CLASS_SETS["3-car"] mapper = { "trailer-head": '__background__', 'person': '__background__', 'scooter': '__background__', 'bike':'__background__', "motorcycle": "__background__", "bicycle": "__background__", "truck":"__background__", "bus":"__background__"} vatic_names = ["A1HighwayDay", 'B2HighwayNight', "pickup", "tanktruck", "van", "PU_Van", "Sedans_1", "Sedans_2"] vatics = [VaticData(vatic_name, main_classes, CLS_mapper=mapper, train_split="all") for vatic_name in vatic_names] NCTU_VIDEOS = [13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 3, 36, 38, 4, 5 ,6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] NCTU_vatic_names = ["NCTU_{}.MOV".format(video) for video in NCTU_VIDEOS] NCTU_vatics = [VaticData(vatic_name, main_classes, CLS_mapper=mapper, train_split="all") for vatic_name in NCTU_vatic_names] imdb_group = IMDBGroup(vatics + NCTU_vatics) #imdb_group = IMDBGroup(vatics) imdb, roidb = combined_roidb(imdb_group) total_len = float(len(imdb_group.gt_roidb())) print(total_len) return roidb
def prepare_data(): #Set the training configuration first cfg_path = "models/pvanet/lite/train.yml" cfg_from_file(cfg_path) """ 1. PREPARING DATASET """ #Firstly, prepare the dataset for fine-tuning #Different kind of dataset is wrapped by the IMDB class, originally designed by Ross Girshick #You need to put coco data directory(soft-link works as well) under the PVA-NET directory #COCO IMDB needs two parameter: data-split and year coco_train = coco("train", "2014") coco_val = coco("val", "2014") #Fetch the classes of coco dataet, this will be useful in the following section classes = coco_val._classes #Next, we import the VOC dataset via pascal_voc wrapper #Since VOC and COCO data have different naming among classes, a naming mapper is needed to unify the class names mapper = { "tvmonitor": "tv", "sofa": "couch", "aeroplane": "airplane", "motorbike": "motorcycle", "diningtable": "dining table", "pottedplant": "potted plant" } #Finnaly, let's wrap datasets from Vatic. #A vatic dataset directory should be located under ~/data/ directory in the naming of data-* #For example: ~/data/data-YuDa, ~/data/data-A1HighwayDay vatic_names = [ "YuDa", "A1HighwayDay", "B2HighwayNight", "airport", "airport2" ] mapper = {"van":"car", "trailer-head":"truck",\ "sedan/suv":"car", "scooter":"motorcycle", "bike":"bicycle"} vatics = [ VaticData(vatic_name, classes, CLS_mapper=mapper, train_split="all") for vatic_name in vatic_names ] #Combine all the IMDBs into one single IMDB for training datasets = vatics + [coco_train, coco_val] imdb_group = IMDBGroup(datasets) imdb, roidb = combined_roidb(imdb_group) total_len = float(len(imdb_group.gt_roidb())) #Show the dataset percentage in the whole composition for dataset in imdb_group._datasets: img_nums = len(dataset.gt_roidb()) print(, img_nums, "{0:.2f}%".format(img_nums / total_len * 100)) return roidb
def get_imdb(name, class_set_name="pedestrian"): """Get an imdb (image database) by name.""" return VaticData(name, class_set_name)