예제 #1
def get_communities(dsname):
    """Use datasource get_communities() facility."""
    c.log( 'Starting' )

    # Build the datasource configuration
    dsconfig = ds.build_conf( dsname, DATASOURCES_CONF )

    # Get the cache directory
    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
    dsconfig['cache_dir'] = config.get('paths','cache_dir')

    communities = ds.get_communities( dsconfig )
    fields = ds.fields('communities')
    for community in communities:
        id = community[fields['id']]
        title = (community[fields['title']], '(no title)')\
                [community[fields['title']] is None]
        start_date = (community[fields['start_date']], '(no start date)')\
                [community[fields['start_date']] is None]
        end_date = (community[fields['end_date']], '(no end date)')\
                [community[fields['end_date']] is None]
        print '{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}'.format( id, title.encode('UTF-8'),
                                           start_date, end_date )
    c.log( 'Finished' )
예제 #2
    def soap_getCommunities(self, ps, **kw):
        request, response = RobustCommunityAnalysis \
                            .soap_getCommunities(self, ps, **kw)

        # Get arguments
        accessKey = request.get_element_accessKey()
        if not checkKey(accessKey):
            raise Exception("Your accessKey is not valid.")
        dataSourceId = request.get_element_dataSourceId()
        c.log( 'Starting for dataSourceId {}'.format(dataSourceId) )

        # Build the datasource configuration
        dsconfig = ds.build_conf( DATASOURCES[dataSourceId]['name'],
                                  DATASOURCES_CONF )

        # Get the cache directory
        config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
        dsconfig['cache_dir'] = config.get('paths','cache_dir')

        # Compute the available communities
        COMMUNITIES = ds.get_communities(dsconfig)
        response = getCommunitiesResponse()
        communities = []
        for id, title, startDate, endDate in COMMUNITIES:
            if startDate is None or endDate is None:
            community = response.new_communities().new_community()
            community.set_element_startDate( startDate.timetuple() )
            community.set_element_endDate( endDate.timetuple() )
            communities += [ community ]
        _communities = response.new_communities()
        _communities.set_element_community( communities )
        response.set_element_communities( _communities )

        # Return response
        c.log( 'Finished' )
        return request, response
예제 #3
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
    print 'Usage: %s [datasource_name] [feat_name]' % sys.argv[0]

ds_name = sys.argv[1]
feat_name = sys.argv[2]

# Build the datasource configuration
dsconfig = ds.build_conf( ds_name, DATASOURCES_CONF )

# Get the cache directory
config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
dsconfig['cache_dir'] = config.get('paths','cache_dir')

# Get a community for testing
communities = ds.get_communities( dsconfig )
communityId = random.choice(communities)[0]

# Get some dates
t1 = dt.date( 2006, 1, 1 )
t2 = dt.date( 2006, 1, 31 )

# Compute the feature
exec( 'from features import %s as feat' % feat_name )
print 'Computing \'%s\' ...' % feat_name
start_time = t.time()
values = feat.compute( dsconfig, communityId, t1 , t2 )
print 'Time elapsed: %f s' % ( t.time() - start_time )
print values