예제 #1
def runApp():
	''' Runs all the functions in a loop
		If the submit button is pressed for each app, the next app will shows
		If the back button is pressed, the previous app will show up (data will be reentered entirely)
	conn = data.connectDB()

	c = conn.cursor()

	numOfFrames = 6

	inputStage = 0 		#initialize
	while inputStage != numOfFrames:

		if inputStage == 0:

			inputStage = inputCredits(c,inputStage)

		elif inputStage == 1:

			inputStage = inputUnitFees(c,inputStage)

		elif inputStage == 2:

			inputStage = inputBIU(c,inputStage)

		elif inputStage == 3:

			inputStage = inputFormulaFees(c,inputStage)

		elif inputStage == 4:

			inputStage = inputNormalUnits(c,inputStage)

		elif inputStage == 5:

			inputStage = inputProgWeights(c,inputStage)

		elif inputStage == -1:	#when it is equal to -1 (go back on inputCredits)

			inputStage = 0  #makes them input credits again

		c.execute('''INSERT INTO timeRecord(time_id,timeStam) 
					VALUES (2,?);''',(dateTimeOutput.pythonTime(),))
	except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
		c.execute('''UPDATE timeRecord
				SET timeStam = ?
				WHERE time_id = 2;''',(dateTimeOutput.pythonTime(),))

예제 #2
def runApp():

	conn = data.connectDB()
	c = conn.cursor()

	sheetName = "DBMS Enrollment Data.xls"		#name of the excel spreadsheet

	tuitionGrantSheetName = "Course Tuition and Grant Revenue Totals"
	programTotalsSheetName = "Course Breakdown Based on Program"
	programPercentTotalsSheetName = "Course Percentage Breakdown based on Faculty"
	planTotalsSheetName = "Course Breakdown Based on All Plans"
	sigPlanTotalsSheetName = "Course Breakdown Based on Plans (with >10 enrollments)"
	yearTotalsSheetName = "Course Breakdown Based on Year"
	planBreakdownSheetName = "Course Breakdown Based on Selected Plans"
	programYearSheetName = "Program Breakdown Based on Year"
	programInfoSheetName = "Program Info"

	sheetsOrderedDict = OrderedDict([
									(tuitionGrantSheetName, 0),
									(programTotalsSheetName, 1),
									(planTotalsSheetName, 2),
									(sigPlanTotalsSheetName, 3),
									(yearTotalsSheetName, 4),
									(planBreakdownSheetName, 5),
									(programYearSheetName, 6),
									(programInfoSheetName, 7),

	cdLocation = os.getcwd()
	excelLocation = cdLocation + "\\" + sheetName

	except WindowsError:

	'''	Asks user for information that needs to be shown

	selectedSheets = UI.sheetsOptionsCheckBox.runScrollingApp(sheetsOrderedDict)		#UI module asks for sheets
	while not checkError(selectedSheets):
		selectedSheets = UI.sheetsOptionsCheckBox.runScrollingApp(sheetsOrderedDict)
	selectedSheetsKey = []			#used to store the keys of the selected sheets

	for name in selectedSheets:


	''' Sheets that will be written to the outputted workbook

	book = xlwt.Workbook()

	if sheetsOrderedDict[tuitionGrantSheetName] in selectedSheetsKey:


	if sheetsOrderedDict[programTotalsSheetName] in selectedSheetsKey:	


	if sheetsOrderedDict[planTotalsSheetName] in selectedSheetsKey:


	if sheetsOrderedDict[sigPlanTotalsSheetName] in selectedSheetsKey:


	if sheetsOrderedDict[yearTotalsSheetName] in selectedSheetsKey:


	if sheetsOrderedDict[planBreakdownSheetName] in selectedSheetsKey:
		#Make list of plans with only the plan code e.g. "BCHM"
		rawPlanList = data.grabFullPlanList(c)

		checkPlanList = []
		for plan in rawPlanList:
			plan = plan[0]			#unpack the tuple
			breakPoint = plan.index('-')	#find the first occurence of "-" that separates BCHM-M-BSH
			plan = plan[0:breakPoint]		#splice the string to get just BCHM
				temp = checkPlanList.index(plan)		#check if the course code BCHM exists in the list

			except ValueError:
				checkPlanList.append(plan)			#if not, it is added to the list

		selectedPlans = UI.planOptionsCheckBox.runScrollingApp(checkPlanList)
		while not checkError(selectedPlans):			#ensure plans are chosen to be output
			selectedPlans = UI.planOptionsCheckBox.runScrollingApp(checkPlanList)

		for plan in selectedPlans:


	if sheetsOrderedDict[programYearSheetName] in selectedSheetsKey:


	if sheetsOrderedDict[programInfoSheetName] in selectedSheetsKey:


	'''Save the file into a specific location. This uses the tkfiledialog module
		to select the save location.
		The default save name is "DBMS Enrollment Data " and the timestamp date.
		A location must be chosen for save location.

	timeStam = dateTimeOutput.pythonTime()		#only the date of the timestamp will be printed


	filename = asksaveasfilename(defaultextension = '.xls', initialfile = 'DBMS Enrollment Data ' + timeStam[:10])

	while filename == '':		#a location must be saved
		#UI.errorMessageBox.runApp("File was not saved. Please enter valid name.")
		filename = asksaveasfilename(defaultextension = '.xls', initialfile = 'DBMS Enrollment Data ' + timeStam[:10])

	except IndexError:		#exists if no sheets are printed (empty file)
	except IOError:
		UI.errorMessageBox.runApp("Error: Please close all Excel workbooks.")
예제 #3
def main(rawDataLocation):  # pass in the raw data directory
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Open Database
    """ Initialize all the connections to SQLite
        Configure database stuff

    cdLocation = os.getcwd()
    dbName = "\\enrolldata.db"
    dbLocation = cdLocation + dbName

    # try:
    #     os.remove(dbLocation) #"""@@@@@@@@@@ REMOVES THE DB EACH TIME THIS RUNS, FOR TESTING PURPOSES"""
    # except WindowsError:        #WindowsError appreas when there is no database file
    #     pass

    conn = sqlite3.connect(dbLocation)

    c = conn.cursor()

    c.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON;")  # enables foreign keys

    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Open Excel workbooks
    """Initialize the Excel workbook connections for reading using xlrd module
        Find all xls files and then store the location and addresses of all of them
    excelExtension = "xls"
    filesList = findFiles(rawDataLocation, excelExtension)

    wbData = []
    sheetAddress = []
    for i in range(len(filesList)):
        )  # will access and store the location of the FIRST sheet in each workbook

    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Preprocess the excel columns from text to float
    """Use Excel Macros and control it through coms with win32com.client
    preprocessHeadings = [
        "Student ID",
        "Proj Level",
    ]  # these are the headings of columns that are floats and need to be made into floats

    macroLocation = (
        cdLocation + "\\excelMacro\\intToFloat.xlsm"
    )  # """@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ change to make it dynamic"""

    xl = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application")  # accesses the excel application
    xl.Visible = 1

    wbPre = xl.Workbooks.Open(macroLocation)  # open the workbook containing the macro

    wbList = []

    for i in range(len(filesList)):


        preprocessHeadingsLocation = dbFormat.findHeadingsList(preprocessHeadings, sheetAddress[i])
        # this only uses one set of table headings so if the table heading columns are different, there will be   problem

        for j in range(len(preprocessHeadingsLocation)):

            preprocessHeadingsLocation[j] = (
                preprocessHeadingsLocation[j] + 1
            )  # the table headings must be incremented by 1 so the macro below can process the correct heading

            xl.Application.Run("makeTexttoFloat", preprocessHeadingsLocation[j], filesList[i])

    wbPre.Save()  # close and save the excel workbook with macros

    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Reopens the files using XLRD again (after being updated using macro)
    wbData = []
    sheetAddress = []
    for i in range(len(filesList)):
        )  # will access and store the location of the FIRST sheet in each workbook

    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Create Table Headings

    # students table
    # determining headings from excel and making into table headings for sql [hardcoded but will make into dropdown input for UI]

    studentTableHeadings = ["Student ID", "Program", "Proj Level", "Plan"]
    studentDataTypes = [
        "TEXT NOT NULL",
        "TEXT NOT NULL",
    ]  # where student_id is a unique field
    maxCourses = (
    )  # number of courses that can be enrolled in (should be 5 for A&S for one term, 10 for a year)<<<LOOK INTO IT

    if checkTableExist(c, "students") is False:

        studentSQLHeadings = dbFormat.generateHeading(sheetAddress[0], studentTableHeadings, studentDataTypes)

        studentSQLHeadings = (
            studentSQLHeadings + ", plan2 TEXT, plan3 TEXT"
        )  # amend the headings to add the second plan column (for double majors)

        c.execute("CREATE TABLE students(stud_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + studentSQLHeadings + ")")

        for i in range(maxCourses):
            c.execute("ALTER TABLE students ADD COLUMN course" + str(i + 1) + " INTEGER REFERENCES courses(course_id);")

    # course table
    courseTableHeadings = [
        "Catalog Number",
    ]  # catalog number must be null because of suffix letters e.g. PHYG 214A
    courseDataTypes = ["TEXT NOT NULL", "TEXT NOT NULL", "INTEGER NOT NULL"]

    if checkTableExist(c, "courses") is False:

        headingsLocation = []
        for i in range(len(courseTableHeadings)):
                dbFormat.findCol(sheetAddress[0], courseTableHeadings[i])
            )  # headingsLocation are found in order of courseTableHeadings, not actual order on sheet

        courseSQLHeadings = dbFormat.generateHeading(sheetAddress[0], courseTableHeadings, courseDataTypes)

        c.execute("CREATE TABLE courses(course_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + courseSQLHeadings + ")")

    # time stamp table
    if checkTableExist(c, "timeRecord") is False:

            """CREATE TABLE timeRecord 
                        time_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, 
                        timeStam TEXT

        c.execute("""INSERT INTO timeRecord (timeStam) VALUES (?);""", (dateTimeOutput.pythonTime(),))

    # info stored about programs, used to calculate tuition and grants
    if checkTableExist(c, "program_info") is False:

            """CREATE TABLE program_info 
                        program_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, 
                        program_name TEXT UNIQUE, 
                        unit_fees FLOAT, 
                        formula_fees FLOAT, 
                        program_weight FLOAT,
                        normal_units INTEGER

    # storing values like BIU
    if checkTableExist(c, "constants") is False:

            """CREATE TABLE constants 
                        id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, 
                        name TEXT, 
                        value INTEGER

    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    # Pulling student data

    """ Each student list from a workbook is appended to the master student list (studentLists).
        Thus, each item in that array is an array itself, making studentLists a multi-dimensional
        A tuple in the list courseLists has just the information about the course from a particular
        workbook. It is a one-dimensional array.
        A list in studentList will correspond to a tuple in courseList when the index of the two lists
        are the same. e.g. studentLists[2] will correspond to courseLists[2]

    studentTableHeadings = [
        "Student ID",
        "Proj Level",
    ]  # restate because some function above messes with it
    courseTableHeadings = ["Subject", "Catalog Number", "Term"]

    studentLists = []
    courseLists = []
    courseNames = []

    for i in range(len(sheetAddress)):
        courseLists.append(getCourseInfo(courseTableHeadings, sheetAddress[i]))

    if not dbFormat.checkColumnExist(c, "course_code", "courses"):
            "ALTER TABLE courses ADD course_code TEXT;"
        )  # adding the column with the concatenateCourseCoded course code

    for i in range(len(sheetAddress)):

            """SELECT DISTINCT course_id FROM courses WHERE course_code = ? and term = ?""",
            (str(courseNames[i]), str(courseLists[i].term)),
        checkRecordExist = (
        )  # if the record already exists in the course table, it will return the index of the record

        if (
            checkRecordExist == []
        ):  # the course will only be inputted into the database if it has unique course_code and term
                """INSERT INTO courses(subject, catalog_number, course_code, term) 
                (courseLists[i].subject, courseLists[i].catalog, courseNames[i], courseLists[i].term),

        studentLists.append(getStudents(studentTableHeadings, sheetAddress[i]))

        for stud in studentLists[
        ]:  # OR IGNORE will only input the record if it is unique (does not show the error message)
                """INSERT OR IGNORE INTO students (student_id, program, proj_level, plan, plan2, plan3) 
                (stud.studID, stud.program, stud.proj_level, stud.plan, stud.plan2, stud.plan3),

            """SELECT course_id 
                    FROM courses 
                    WHERE course_id=(SELECT MAX(course_ID) 
                                    FROM courses);"""
        # finds the course_id of the most recently entered course list from the courses table

        # convert the tuple to an integer
        temp = c.fetchone()
        courseNum = 0
        count = 0
        for a in reversed(temp):
            courseNum = courseNum + a * 10 ** count
            count = count + 1

        """ Goes through all the students in the current course list and accesses all rows from the SQL database.
         It will add the courses that a student is enrolled in.
        c.execute("SELECT * FROM students")
        val = c.fetchall()

        for stud in studentLists[i]:  # goes through all the students in current course list
            for row in val:  # goes through all rows of the table
                for i in reversed(
                    range(1, maxCourses + 1)
                ):  # accesses the row's course values, course 1 thru maxCourses
                    if (
                        row[len(row) - i] is None and stud.studID == row[1]
                    ):  # must check if the student is enrolled in the current course
                            "UPDATE students SET course" + str(maxCourses + 1 - i) + "=? WHERE student_id=?;",
                            (str(courseNum), row[1]),

    # Initialize the program_info table by inserting just the program names
    c.execute("SELECT DISTINCT program FROM students;")
    programList = c.fetchall()

    for i in range(len(programList)):
        val = "".join(programList[i])
            c.execute("INSERT INTO program_info(program_name) VALUES (?);", (val,))
        except sqlite3.IntegrityError:

    # Update the timestamp
        """UPDATE timeRecord 
                SET timeStam = ? 
                WHERE time_id = 1;""",
    )  # updates the time stamp for the table after the spreadsheets were pulled

    # Add the credits column (blank)
    if not dbFormat.checkColumnExist(c, "credits", "courses"):
        c.execute("ALTER TABLE courses ADD credits FLOAT;")


    # Closing Excel Spreadsheet (close it at the very end so the user knows the program is still running)
    xl.Application.Quit()  # killing the dispatch
    xl.Visible = 0  # need to make it not visible
    del (xl)