예제 #1
def get_metric_id(day, probe_id, instrument_id):
    """ Returns a string that can be used as the document id for
        storing metric data.  Metric data is stored at daily 
        granularity, the id is a composite key of the day, probe id
        and instrument (sensor/actuator) id.
          ex:  YYYYMMDD-probe_id-instrument_id

    mm = date_util.pad_month_day_value(day.month)
    dd = date_util.pad_month_day_value(day.day)
    return "%s%s%s-%s-%s" % (day.year, mm, dd, probe_id, instrument_id)
예제 #2
def update_daily_metrics(term, yyyy, mm, dd, first_of_month,
        days_in_curr_month, term_count):
    global docs_created_daily, dr_time, dw_time, dc_time

    # Create the metric identifier
    id_daily_metric = {
        "_id" : {
            "term" : term,
            "yyyy" : yyyy,
            "mm"   : date_util.pad_month_day_value(mm)

    # Check if a doc for this identifier already exists, if not
    # allocate the doc
    r_time = datetime.now()
    if (db_metric_data_daily.find(id_daily_metric).count() == 0):
        dr_time += (datetime.now() - r_time)
        c_time = datetime.now()

        docs_created_daily += 1
        metric_doc_daily = {
            "_id"  : id_daily_metric["_id"],
            "term" : term,
            "date" : first_of_month,
            "daily": {}

        for day in range(1, days_in_curr_month + 1):
            metric_doc_daily["daily"][str(day)] = 0

        dc_time += (datetime.now() - c_time)
        dr_time += (datetime.now() - r_time)

    # Update the daily metric data with this value
    w_time = datetime.now()
    metric_update_daily = {"$inc" : {"daily." + str(dd) : term_count}}
    db_metric_data_daily.update(id_daily_metric, metric_update_daily,
            True)  # True for upsert
    dw_time +=  (datetime.now() - w_time)