예제 #1
def checkio(from_date, to_date):
    result = 0
    while from_date != date.fromordinal(to_date.toordinal() + 1):
        if from_date.weekday() > 4:
            result += 1
        from_date = date.fromordinal(from_date.toordinal() + 1)
    return result
예제 #2
    def initialize1( self,stockTicker, date1, date2, interval, resolution, dataFeedType):

        self.stockTicker = stockTicker;
        if(dataFeedType =="yahoo"):
            self.quotes = quotes_historical_yahoo(self.stockTicker, date1, date2)
            self.N          = self.quotes.__len__();
            self.vDateInt   = zeros(self.N)
            self.vDate      = empty(self.N, dtype=object);
            self.vOpen      = zeros(self.N)
            self.vClose     = zeros(self.N)
            self.vHigh      = zeros(self.N)
            self.vLow       = zeros(self.N)
            self.vVolume    = zeros(self.N)

            index = 0;
            for line in self.quotes:
                self.vDateInt[index]= line [0];
                self.vDate[index]   = date.fromordinal( int( line [0] ) )
                self.vOpen[index]   = line [1];
                self.vClose[index]  = line [2];
                self.vHigh[index]   = line [3];
                self.vLow[index]    = line [4];
                self.vVolume[index] = line [5];
                index =  index +1;
        elif (dataFeedType == "google"):
            self.vDateInt, self.vOpen, self.vHigh, self.vLow, self.vClose, self.vVolume = quotes_historical_google.getData(symbol=self.stockTicker, startDate=date1, endDate=date2, resolution=resolution);
            self.N = size(self.vDateInt);
            self.vDate      = empty(self.N, dtype=object);
            index = 0;
            for d in self.vDateInt:
                self.vDate[index] = date.fromordinal( int( d) );
                index = index + 1;
예제 #3
파일: euler19.py 프로젝트: iranye/SamSome
def main(start_ord, end_ord):
    print "start_ord: %d, end_ord: %d" % (start_ord, end_ord)
    first_sunday_ord = 0
    datearr = []
    for day_ord in range(start_ord, start_ord + 7):
        # find the first Sunday within the range
        dt = date.fromordinal(day_ord)
        if 'Sun' in dt.ctime():
            first_sunday_ord = day_ord
            # print dt.ctime()

    st = date.fromordinal(first_sunday_ord)
    print st.ctime()
    # return
    pat = re.compile(r'Sun [\w]{3}  1 .*')
    # st = 'Sun Jan  1 00:00:00 1901'
    # if pat.match(st):
        # print "OK"
    sundays_counted = 0
    for day_ord in range(first_sunday_ord, end_ord, 7):
        # count the Sundays that are on the first
        # print "day_ord: %d, first_sunday_ord: %d, ctime: %s" % (day_ord. first_sunday_ord, dt.ctime())
        dt = date.fromordinal(day_ord)
        if pat.match(dt.ctime()):
            print dt.ctime()
            sundays_counted += 1
            # print first_sunday_ord = day_ord

    print "sundays_counted: %d" % sundays_counted
예제 #4
def dateCode(iDate):
	rDate = []
	Date = iDate.upper()
	global TodaysDate
	# if a single letter code is entered, return the associated date
	if len(Date) == 1:
		code = codeToNum(Date)
		fDate = date.fromordinal(TodaysDate.toordinal() + code)
		return rDate
	# if a code for a next week date is entered, returns associated date
	elif Date[0:1] == 'N':
		code = codeToNum(Date[1:2])
		code += 7
		fDate = date.fromordinal(TodaysDate.toordinal() + code)
		return rDate
	# if a code for multiple dates is entered, returns associated dates
	elif Date[0:1].isdigit():
		lNum = re.findall(r'\d+', Date)
		iNum = int(lNum[0])
		# if code is two digits
		if iNum>=10:
			code = codeToNum(Date[2:3])
		# if code is a single digit
			code = codeToNum(Date[1:2])
		fDate = date.fromordinal(TodaysDate.toordinal() + code)
		# append dates for day of each week for the number of weeks designated
		for i in range(1,iNum):
			code += 7
			fDate = date.fromordinal(TodaysDate.toordinal() + code)
		return rDate
예제 #5
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        _fields_to_update = ["Joomla Paid Count"]
        joomla = JoomlaInterface(settings.JOOMLA_USER, settings.JOOMLA_PASSWORD)

        if options['year']:
            year = options['year']
            month = options['month']
            _start_date = date(year, month, 1)
            _end_date = date.fromordinal(date(year, month + 1, 1).toordinal() - 1)
            _schedules = ProgramSchedule.objects.filter(start_date__gte=_start_date,
            reference_date = date.fromordinal(date.toordinal(date.today()) - 50)
            _schedules = ProgramSchedule.objects.filter(start_date__gte=reference_date)

        for each_schedule in _schedules:
            if not each_schedule.online_registration_code:

            if each_schedule.online_registration_code.startswith("FAILED"):


            paid_count = joomla.get_paid_count(each_schedule.online_registration_code)
            print("%d paid for %s" % (paid_count, each_schedule.online_registration_code))

            _create_or_update(_fields_to_update, (paid_count,), each_schedule)
예제 #6
 def get_monthly_totals(self, start, end, paid):
     # Return a list of categories and totals for the given month
     ret = []
     records = self.actions.get_monthly_totals(date.fromordinal(start), date.fromordinal(end), paid)
     for record in records:
     return ret
예제 #7
    def aluguelreserv(nomeCliente = None, cpfCliente = None):
        clientes = shelve.open("clientes.pyc") #Clientes eh o ARQUIVO

        for c in clientes:
            if clientes[c].nome == nomeCliente:
                if cpfCliente != None and clientes[c].cpf == cpfCliente:
                    c = clientes[c]
                    return "Erro! CPF nao especificado ou congruencia entre CPF/Nome nao encontrada.", False

        if c.filmesReservados[nomeFilme]["DataAluguel"] == date.today():
            for nomeFilme in c.filmesReservados:
                dataDevolucao = date.fromordinal(date.toordinal(dataAluguel)+len(c.filmesReservados)) #Data na qual o DVD esta sendo alugado baseado na quantidade de filmes reservados
                if diaDevolucao == 6:
                    dataDevolucao = date.fromordinal(date.toordinal(dataDevolucao)+1)
                c.filmesAlugados[nomeFilme] = c.filmesReservados[nomeFilme]
                c.filmesAlugados[nomeFilme]["DataDevolucao"] = "%d-%d-%d" %(dataDevolucao.date,dataDevolucao.month,dataDevolucao.year)           
            c.filmesReservados = {}
            return "Aluguel efetuado com exito", valor, True 
            return "Filme reservado para o dia: ",c.filmesReservados[nomeFilme]["DataAluguel"], False
예제 #8
def DelVmReten(vm, TIME_LIMIT, SLEEP, retencao, day, dias):
        TIME_WAITING = 0
            reten = retencao[vm.name]
            reten = 1
        ant = date.fromordinal(day.toordinal() - reten)
        day_ant = dias[ant.weekday()]
        number_day_ant = date.fromordinal(day.toordinal() - reten).day
        number_month_ant = date.fromordinal(day.toordinal() - reten).month
        VM_BKP_ANT = vm.name + '-%s-%s-%s' % (day_ant, number_day_ant, number_month_ant)
        logging.info('Verificando se VM %s existe' % VM_BKP_ANT)
        if api.vms.get(VM_BKP_ANT):
            while True:
                if api.vms.get(VM_BKP_ANT):
                if TIME_WAITING >= TIME_LIMIT:
                    logging.error('ERROR: VM nao deletada apos %s segundos' %
                          TIME_LIMIT, exc_info=True)
                TIME_WAITING += SLEEP
            logging.info('%s removida com sucesso ' % VM_BKP_ANT)
            logging.info('%s nao existe ' % VM_BKP_ANT) 
        return True
    except Exception as e:
        logging.error('Falha ao remover \n%s' %  str(e), exc_info=True)
        return False
    def save_to_pgsql(self, connection, table_name='"Municipio"."Notificacao"'):
        print("Escrevendo no PostgreSQL...")
        ano = self.time_span[1].year if self.time_span[0] == self.time_span[1] else self.ano
        geoclist_sql = ",".join([str(gc) for gc in self.geocodigos])
        with connection.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor) as cursor:
            cursor.execute("select * from {} limit 1;".format(table_name))
            col_names = [c.name for c in cursor.description if c.name != "id"]
            df_names = [field_map[n] for n in col_names]
            insert_sql = 'INSERT INTO {}({}) VALUES ({}) on conflict on CONSTRAINT casos_unicos do UPDATE SET {}'. \
                       ','.join(['%s' for i in col_names]),
                       ','.join(['{0}=excluded.{0}'.format(j) for j in col_names]))
            for row in self.tabela[df_names].iterrows():
                i = row[0]
                row = row[1]
                row[0] = None if isinstance(row[0], pd.tslib.NaTType) else date.fromordinal(
                    row[0].to_datetime().toordinal())  # dt_notific
                row[1] = int(str(int(row[1]))[-2:])  # se_notific
                row[2] = int(self.ano) if pd.isnull(row[2]) else int(row[2])  # ano_notific
                row[3] = None if isinstance(row[3], pd.tslib.NaTType) else date.fromordinal(
                    row[3].to_datetime().toordinal())  # dt_sin_pri
                row[4] = None if not row[4] else int(str(row[4])[-2:])  # se_sin_pri
                row[5] = None if isinstance(row[5], pd.tslib.NaTType) else date.fromordinal(
                    row[5].to_datetime().toordinal())  # dt_digita
                row[7] = None if not row[7] else int(row[7])  # bairro_bairro_id
                row[8] = None if row[8] == '' else add_dv(int(row[8]))  # municipio_geocodigo
                row[9] = int(row[9])  # nu_notific
                cursor.execute(insert_sql, row)
                if (i % 1000 == 0) and (i > 0):

예제 #10
 def reset(self):
     self.EF = 2.5
     self.repeat = 0
     self.interval = 0
     self.initDate = date.fromordinal(1)
     self.startDate = date.fromordinal(1)
     self.nextDate = date.fromordinal(1)
    def __setstate__(self, state: Dict[str, Any]):
        if state['version'] > 1:
            raise ValueError('cannot deserialize {} definition newer than version 1 (version {} '
                             'received)'.format(self.__class__.__name__, state['version']))

        self.years, self.months, self.weeks, self.days = state['interval']
        self.time = (time(*state['time']) if 'time' in state else time())
        self.start_date = date.fromordinal(state['start_date']) if 'start_date' in state else None
        self.end_date = date.fromordinal(state['end_date']) if 'end_date' in state else None
예제 #12
파일: hunger.py 프로젝트: brantsch/hunger
	def __check_date(thedate):
		weekday = thedate.weekday()
		if weekday >= 5:
			print("Error: given date is on a weekend. Please try {0} or {1} instead.".format(\
			return thedate in menu
예제 #13
파일: days_time.py 프로젝트: nagyist/agilo
def get_working_days(start, end, week_days_off=None):
    """Returns a list of working days within the given interval, start and end
    are passed either as datetimes, dates or ordinal values."""
    if start is not None and end is not None:
        if isinstance(start, (date, datetime)) and isinstance(end, (date, datetime)):
            # passed dates are date values
            return _compute_interval(start, end=end, week_days_off=week_days_off)
        elif isinstance(start, int) and isinstance(end, int):
            # passed dates are ordinal values
            return _compute_interval(date.fromordinal(start), end=date.fromordinal(end), week_days_off=week_days_off)
    return []
예제 #14
파일: gov_nih.py 프로젝트: leb2dg/SHARE
    def get_days_of_week(self, start_date, end_date, day_of_week):
        First convert start_date and end_date to have the day of week we require.
        Then get all the dates of the specified day of week between the start_date and end_date.
        start_date = start_date - timedelta(days=(start_date.weekday() - day_of_week))
        end_date = end_date - timedelta(days=(end_date.weekday() - day_of_week))

        for ordinal in range(start_date.toordinal(), end_date.toordinal() + 1):
            if date.fromordinal(ordinal).weekday() == day_of_week:
                yield date.fromordinal(ordinal)
예제 #15
def Run(input_nc, output_nc, input_JRC):

    # Define names
    #Name_py_Discharge_dict_CR2 = os.path.join(Dir_Basin, 'Simulations', 'Simulation_%d' %Simulation, 'Sheet_5', 'Discharge_dict_CR2_simulation%d.npy' %(Simulation))    
    #Name_py_River_dict_CR2 = os.path.join(Dir_Basin, 'Simulations', 'Simulation_%d' %Simulation, 'Sheet_5', 'River_dict_CR2_simulation%d.npy' %(Simulation))
    #Name_py_DEM_dict_CR2 = os.path.join(Dir_Basin, 'Simulations', 'Simulation_%d' %Simulation, 'Sheet_5', 'DEM_dict_CR2_simulation%d.npy' %(Simulation))    
    #Name_py_Distance_dict_CR2 = os.path.join(Dir_Basin, 'Simulations', 'Simulation_%d' %Simulation, 'Sheet_5', 'Distance_dict_CR2_simulation%d.npy' %(Simulation))
    #if not (os.path.exists(Name_py_Discharge_dict_CR2) and os.path.exists(Name_py_River_dict_CR2) and os.path.exists(Name_py_DEM_dict_CR2) and os.path.exists(Name_py_Distance_dict_CR2)):      
    # Copy dicts as starting adding reservoir
    import wa.General.raster_conversions as RC
    import numpy as np
    from datetime import date
    Discharge_dict_CR2 = RC.Open_nc_dict(output_nc, "dischargedict_dynamic")
    DEM_dataset = RC.Open_nc_array(input_nc, "dem")  
    time = RC.Open_nc_array(output_nc, "time")  
    Startdate = date.fromordinal(time[0])
    Enddate = date.fromordinal(time[-1])
    # Define names for reservoirs calculations
    #Name_py_Diff_Water_Volume =  os.path.join(Dir_Basin,'Simulations','Simulation_%d' %Simulation, 'Sheet_5','Diff_Water_Volume_CR2_simulation%d.npy' %(Simulation))
    #Name_py_Regions =  os.path.join(Dir_Basin,'Simulations','Simulation_%d' %Simulation, 'Sheet_5','Regions_simulation%d.npy' %(Simulation))

    geo_out, proj, size_X, size_Y = RC.Open_array_info(input_JRC)  
    Boundaries = dict()
    Boundaries['Lonmin'] = geo_out[0]
    Boundaries['Lonmax'] = geo_out[0] + size_X * geo_out[1]
    Boundaries['Latmin'] = geo_out[3] + size_Y * geo_out[5]
    Boundaries['Latmax'] = geo_out[3]
    Regions = Calc_Regions(input_nc, output_nc, input_JRC, Boundaries)

    Amount_months = len(Discharge_dict_CR2[0])

    Diff_Water_Volume = np.zeros([len(Regions), Amount_months, 3])

    for region in Regions:

        popt = Find_Area_Volume_Relation(region, input_JRC, input_nc)

        Area_Reservoir_Values = GEE_calc_reservoir_area(region, Startdate, Enddate)

        Diff_Water_Volume[reservoir,:,:] = Calc_Diff_Storage(Area_Reservoir_Values, popt)

    ################# 7.3 Add storage reservoirs and change outflows ##################
    Discharge_dict_CR2, River_dict_CR2, DEM_dict_CR2, Distance_dict_CR2 = Add_Reservoirs(output_nc, Diff_Water_Volume, Regions)       
    return(Discharge_dict_CR2, River_dict_CR2, DEM_dict_CR2, Distance_dict_CR2)
예제 #16
    def _get_lastProperSearch():
        Find last propersearch from DB

        sqlResults = main_db.MainDB().select("SELECT * FROM info")

            last_proper_search = date.fromordinal(int(sqlResults[0][b"last_proper_search"]))
            return date.fromordinal(1)

        return last_proper_search
예제 #17
파일: models.py 프로젝트: bmander/operator
 def __repr__(self):
     return "<ServicePeriod %s %s%s%s%s%s%s%s %s %s>" % (
예제 #18
파일: models.py 프로젝트: dpeinado/nike
 def num_guardias_total_hasta_fin_mes_asignadas(self, hoy):
     from guardias.models import Guardia
     import calendar
     añoc = date.fromordinal(hoy).year
     mesc = date.fromordinal(hoy).month
     inicio = date(añoc, 1, 1).toordinal()
     fin = date(añoc, mesc, calendar.monthrange(añoc, mesc)[1]).toordinal()
     return Guardia.objects.filter(
         owner = self
예제 #19
파일: smcli.py 프로젝트: disser/supermemo
def browse_mode(CardList, today):
    index = 0
    len_list = len(CardList)
    while len_list > 0:
        index %= len_list
        card = CardList[index]
        print '------(', index + 1, ')-------'
        print '-----------------'

        # Input command for each card to init or reset it.
        while True:
            subcommand = raw_input(\
                '(a)dd|(r)eset|(e)xit|(i)nfo, "enter key" to go next: ')

            if subcommand == 'a':
                if card.initDate == date.fromordinal(1):
                    print 'This card is added'
                    print 'This card has already been added'

            elif subcommand == 'r':
                if card.initDate == date.fromordinal(1):
                    print 'This card has already been reset'
                    print 'This card is reseted'

            elif subcommand == 'i':

            elif subcommand == 'p':
                index -= 1

            elif subcommand == 'e':

            elif subcommand == '':
                index += 1

                print("Oops... ")

        if subcommand == 'e':
예제 #20
    def _confirmday(self, backupday):
        backupday may be ...
        1. date object
        2. string looking like a date
        3. int or number coercible to an integer being pre or post today

        If it is a valid date look at smallhours in relation to the current
        time to see whether to use yesterday or today as a label.

        Note: This will permit smallhours to affect future dates.

            # test for an integer and if so, add it to date.today()
            x = int(backupday)
            self.increment = x
            # this naturally defeats smallhours
            return date.fromordinal(date.today().toordinal() + self.increment)
        except Exception:
            # might have been a real date or a date in a string
                # None or '' is a pseudo-default to today
                if backupday is None or backupday == "":
                    backupday = date.today()
                    # looks like a date in a string
                    guess = guessdate(backupday)
                    # if it crashes the exception is raised in guessdate
                    backupday = guess
            except Exception:
            # after crashing at int(backupday) above, backupday is now valid
            # but if guessdate crashed ... this will too
            ordbackupdate = backupday.toordinal()
        except Exception:
            raise ValueError("Invalid date")
            # and abandon

        # here we have a valid backupday and valid ordbackupday
        if self.smallhours > 0:
            hrs = datetime.now().timetuple()[3]
            if hrs < self.smallhours:
                # yesterday please
                return date.fromordinal(ordbackupdate - 1)
        # must return a proper datetime object
        if backupday == date.today():
            return date.fromordinal(date.today().toordinal() + self.increment)
        return backupday or date.today()
예제 #21
    def save_to_pgsql(self, table_name='"Municipio"."Notificacao"', default_cid=None):
        connection = self._get_postgres_connection()
        logger.info("Escrevendo no PostgreSQL")
        ano = self.time_span[1].year if self.time_span[0] == self.time_span[1] else self.ano
        geoclist_sql = ",".join([str(gc) for gc in self.geocodigos])
        with connection.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor) as cursor:
            cursor.execute("select * from {} limit 1;".format(table_name))
            col_names = [c.name for c in cursor.description if c.name != "id"]
            df_names = [field_map[n] for n in col_names]
            insert_sql = 'INSERT INTO {}({}) VALUES ({}) on conflict on CONSTRAINT casos_unicos do UPDATE SET {}'. \
                       ','.join(['%s' for i in col_names]),
                       ','.join(['{0}=excluded.{0}'.format(j) for j in col_names]))
            logger.info("Formatando linhas e inserindo em {}".format(
            for row in self.tabela[df_names].iterrows():
                i = row[0]
                row = row[1]
                row[0] = None if isinstance(row[0], pd.tslib.NaTType) else date.fromordinal(
                    row[0].to_datetime().toordinal())  # dt_notific
                row[1] = int(str(int(row[1]))[-2:])  # se_notific
                row[2] = int(self.ano) if pd.isnull(row[2]) else int(row[2])  # ano_notific
                row[3] = None if isinstance(row[3], pd.tslib.NaTType) else date.fromordinal(
                    row[3].to_datetime().toordinal())  # dt_sin_pri
                row[4] = None if not row[4] else int(str(row[4])[-2:])  # se_sin_pri
                row[5] = None if isinstance(row[5], pd.tslib.NaTType) else date.fromordinal(
                    row[5].to_datetime().toordinal())  # dt_digita
                row[7] = None if not row[7] else int(row[7])  # bairro_bairro_id
                row[8] = None if row[8] == '' else add_dv(int(row[8]))  # municipio_geocodigo
                row[9] = int(row[9])  # nu_notific
                if row[10] is None:
                    if default_cid is None:
                        raise ValidationError(_("Existem nesse arquivo notificações "
                                                "que não incluem a coluna ID_AGRAVO."))
                        row[10] = default_cid

                row[11] = None if (isinstance(row[11], pd.tslib.NaTType) or row[11] is None) else date.fromordinal(row[11].to_datetime().toordinal())  # dt_nasc
                row[13] = None if not row[13] else int(row[13])  # nu_idade_n
                cursor.execute(insert_sql, row)
                if (i % 1000 == 0) and (i > 0):
                    logger.info("{} linhas inseridas. Commitando mudanças "
                                "no banco".format(i))

            logger.info("Sinan {} inserido no banco".format(self.dbf))
예제 #22
파일: util.py 프로젝트: ericso/scrying-me
def rand_date(start, end):
  """Returns a tuple of two randomly generated datetime objects between the
  start and end seed dates
  # convert dates to epoch representation
  start_ordinal = start.toordinal()
  end_ordinal = end.toordinal()
  # generate a random date between start and end
  rand_start_day = randint(start_ordinal, end_ordinal)
  rand_end_day = randint(start_ordinal, end_ordinal)
  # make sure end is after start
  while rand_end_day < rand_start_day:
    rand_end_day = randint(start_ordinal, end_ordinal)

  return (date.fromordinal(rand_start_day), date.fromordinal(rand_end_day))
예제 #23
    def __init__(self, *cardTuple):
        # print(cardTuple)
        initDate = date.fromordinal(1)

        self.question = cardTuple[0]
        self.answer = cardTuple[1]
        self.EF = 2.5 if cardTuple[2] == None else cardTuple[2]
        self.repeat = 0 if cardTuple[3] == None else cardTuple[3]
        self.interval = 0 if cardTuple[4] == None else cardTuple[4]
        self.initDate = initDate if cardTuple[5] == None \
            else date.fromordinal(cardTuple[5])
        self.startDate = initDate if cardTuple[6] == None \
            else date.fromordinal(cardTuple[6])
        self.nextDate = initDate if cardTuple[7] == None \
            else date.fromordinal(cardTuple[7])
예제 #24
    def searchBacklog(self, which_shows=None):

        if self.amActive:
            sickrage.srLogger.debug("Backlog is still running, not starting it again")

        self.amActive = True
        self.amPaused = False

        if which_shows:
            show_list = which_shows
            show_list = sickrage.srCore.SHOWLIST


        curDate = date.today().toordinal()
        fromDate = date.fromordinal(1)

        if not which_shows and not ((curDate - self._lastBacklog) >= self.cycleTime):
                    "Running limited backlog on missed episodes " + str(
                            sickrage.srConfig.BACKLOG_DAYS) + " day(s) and older only")
            fromDate = date.today() - timedelta(days=sickrage.srConfig.BACKLOG_DAYS)

        # go through non air-by-date shows and see if they need any episodes
        for curShow in show_list:

            if curShow.paused:

            segments = self._get_segments(curShow, fromDate)

            for season, segment in segments.iteritems():
                self.currentSearchInfo = {'title': curShow.name + " Season " + str(season)}

                backlog_queue_item = BacklogQueueItem(curShow, segment)
                sickrage.srCore.SEARCHQUEUE.add_item(backlog_queue_item)  # @UndefinedVariable
                sickrage.srLogger.debug("Nothing needs to be downloaded for {show_name}, skipping".format(show_name=curShow.name))

        # don't consider this an actual backlog search if we only did recent eps
        # or if we only did certain shows
        if fromDate == date.fromordinal(1) and not which_shows:

        self.amActive = False
예제 #25
파일: views.py 프로젝트: hugutux/wozo
def cargar_menu_dia(request, ordinal_dia):
    "Carga un menu para un dia determinado"
    dia = date.fromordinal(int(ordinal_dia))
    menu_dia_form = MenuDiaForm()
    error = None
    if request.method == 'POST':
        nombre = request.POST['nombre']
        contenido = request.POST['contenido']
        if nombre and contenido:
            menu_dia = MenuDia()
            menu_dia.dia = dia
            menu_dia.nombre = nombre
            menu_dia.contenido = contenido
            return HttpResponseRedirect(request.GET['next'])
            menu_dia_form = MenuDiaForm(request.POST)
            error = "Che, faltan completar algunas cosas."

    dia_semana = DIAS_SEMANA[dia.weekday()]
    menues = MenuDia.objects.filter(dia=dia).order_by('nombre')

    return render_to_response('wozoapp/cargar_menu_dia.html', {'menu_dia_form': menu_dia_form,
                                                               'dia_ordinal': dia.toordinal(),
                                                               'dia': dia,
                                                               'dia_semana': dia_semana,
                                                               'menues': menues,
                                                               'user': request.user,
                                                               'root_url': root_url,
                                                               'actual_url': request.path,
                                                               'error': error})
예제 #26
    def setUp(self):


        self.phone = Phone(self.marionette)

        current_time = repr(time.time()).replace('.', '')
        self.phone_number_1 = '555%s' % current_time[-7:]
        self.phone_number_2 = '444%s' % current_time[-7:]

        self.yesterday_date = date.fromordinal(date.today().toordinal()-1)
        self.past_date_1 = date(2014, 12, 01)
        self.past_date_2 = date(2013, 12, 01)


        self.data_layer.insert_call_entry(MockCall(phone_number=self.phone_number_1, date=self.yesterday_date))

        self.data_layer.insert_call_entry(MockCall(phone_number=self.phone_number_1, date=self.past_date_1))
        self.data_layer.insert_call_entry(MockCall(phone_number=self.phone_number_2, date=self.past_date_1))
        self.data_layer.insert_call_entry(MockCall(phone_number=self.phone_number_2, date=self.past_date_1))

        self.data_layer.insert_call_entry(MockCall(phone_number=self.phone_number_1, date=self.past_date_2))
    def generate_event(self, event_num):
	e = Event()
	min_date = (date.today() + timedelta(days=-5)).toordinal()
	max_date = (date.today() + timedelta(days=5)).toordinal()
	e.start_date = random_day = date.fromordinal(random.randint(min_date, max_date))
	e.end_date = e.start_date + timedelta(0, 60 * 60) # duration 60 minutes
	e.title = 'Event %d' % event_num
	e.descr = 'Description for event %d' % event_num
	e.lat = random.randint(24000, 26000)/1000.0
	e.lon = random.randint(58000, 62000)/1000.0
	e.street_address = models.CharField(max_length=500)
	e.city = models.CharField(max_length=500)
	e.country = models.CharField(max_length=100)
	e.org_name = 'Sample Organizer'
	e.org_email = '*****@*****.**'
	e.org_phone = '+358501234567'
예제 #28
파일: queue_stats.py 프로젝트: ceph/paddles
    def run(self, args):
        super(QueueStatsCommand, self).run(args)
        days = int(args.days) + 1
        today = date.today()
        day_objs = []
        for day_num in range(days)[::-1]:
            day = date.fromordinal(today.toordinal() - day_num)

        job_counts = {}
        for day in day_objs:
            if day_objs[0] == day:
            prev_day = day_objs[day_objs.index(day) - 1]
            jobs_sched = self.jobs_scheduled_between(prev_day, day).count()
            jobs_done = self.jobs_completed_between(prev_day, day).count()
            if jobs_sched == 0:
                percent = 0
                percent = float(jobs_done) / float(jobs_sched) * 100
            job_counts[day] = OrderedDict(scheduled=jobs_sched,
            print "{day}: {sched: >4} scheduled, {done: >4} completed ({percent:.0f}%)".format(
예제 #29
 def fromordinal(cls, ordinal):
     """Return the week corresponding to the proleptic Gregorian ordinal,
     where January 1 of year 1 starts the week with ordinal 1.
     if ordinal < 1:
         raise ValueError("ordinal must be >= 1")
     return super(Week, cls).__new__(cls, *(date.fromordinal((ordinal-1) * 7 + 1).isocalendar()[:2]))
예제 #30
	def _calc_historical_200_day_sma(self,symbol):
		retArray = [];
		prArray = [];
		today = date.today()
		enddate = today.strftime("%Y%m%d")
		today_ordinal = date.toordinal(today)
		start_ordinal = today_ordinal - 380;
		startdate = (date.fromordinal(start_ordinal)).strftime("%Y%m%d")
		#print startdate 
		#print enddate 
		xx = yahoostock.get_historical_prices(symbol,startdate,enddate)
		#print xx
		#print xx[1]

		for i in range (1,241):
		    #print "%d" % (i)
		    #print xx[i]
	    	    x2 = xx[i];
		for i in range (1,self.numSma+1):
	    	    sma = 0.0
	    	    for mm in range (i,i+200):
			sma += float(prArray[mm]);
	    	    sma = sma / 200.0

		return [retArray, prArray]
예제 #31
def random_date():
    start_dt = date.today().replace(day=1, month=1, year=2012).toordinal()
    end_dt = date.today().replace(day=31, month=12, year=2042).toordinal()
    random_day = date.fromordinal(random.randint(start_dt, end_dt))
    return (random_day)
 def from_matlab(self, v):
     return date.fromordinal(int(v - 366))
예제 #33
파일: test_assim.py 프로젝트: Fhdoi/metroms
import Perturb
# Set cpus for ROMS:
# Set cpus for CICE:
# Choose a predefined ROMS-application:
app='arctic-20km' # Arctic-20km

start_date = datetime(2010,1,01,00)
#end_date   = datetime(2010,01,11,00)

new_end = date.fromordinal(date.toordinal(start_date) +interval)
end_date = datetime(new_end.year, new_end.month, new_end.day,00)


if os.path.isdir(dest_folder) is False:
	os.mkdir( dest_folder, 0755 );
	print "Path is created"
예제 #34
      '--user mdehghaniashkez --pwd Jazireie08 ' + \
      '--motu http://nrt.cmems-du.eu/motu-web/Motu ' + \
      '--service-id OCEANCOLOUR_GLO_CHL_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_009_033-TDS ' + \
      '--product-id dataset-oc-glo-chl-multi-l4-oi_4km_daily-rt-v02 ' + \
      '--longitude-min 0.125 --longitude-max -0.125 ' + \
      '--latitude-min -89.875 --latitude-max 89.875 --date-min "'

c3 = '" --date-max "'
c4 = '" --variable CHL --variable CHL_error --out-dir %s --out-name  ' % cfgv.nrt_chl_raw

#for index in range(startDay,endDay+1):
index = startDay
while index <= endDay:
    print('Downloading: ' + str(yr * 1000 + index))
    tup = date.fromordinal(date(yr, 1, 1).toordinal() + index - 1)
    c2 = str(tup.year) + '-' + str(tup.month).zfill(2) + '-' + str(
    c5 = cfgv.nrt_chl_prefix + str(yr) + str(index).zfill(3) + '.nc'
    command = c1 + c2 + c3 + c2 + c4 + c5
    if raw_file_exists(cfgv.nrt_chl_raw, cfgv.nrt_chl_prefix,
                       yr * 1000 + index, '.nc'):
        index = index + 1
        print('Not Successful in downloading: ' + str(yr * 1000 + index))

    #dml.updateChecklist(index, dl.daynToDate(index).year, dl.daynToDate(index).month, dl.daynToDate(index).day, 'NRT_CHL_Raw', 1)
예제 #35
def feriadomovel(str_ano, str_data):
    print('feriadomovel ano:' + str_ano)
    print('feriadomovel data:' + str_data)
    cferiado = ""
    X = 24
    Y = 5
    ANO = int(str_ano)
    A = ANO % 19
    # print A
    B = ANO % 4
    # print B
    C = ANO % 7
    # print C
    D = (19 * A + X) % 30
    # print D
    E = (2 * B + 4 * C + 6 * D + Y) % 7
    # print E
    if ((D + E) > 9):
        DIA = D + E - 9
        MES = 4
        if DIA < 10:
            DIAATUAL = "0" + str(DIA)
            DIAATUAL = str(DIA)

        PASCOA = str(ANO) + "-0" + str(MES) + "-" + DIAATUAL
        if (str_data == PASCOA): cferiado = "Pascoa"
        DATA1 = date(ANO, MES, DIA)

        # O carnaval sera a subtracao de 47 dias da data da pascoa
        CARNAVAL = date.fromordinal(DATA1.toordinal() - 47)
        if (str_data == str(CARNAVAL)): cferiado = "Carnaval"

        # corpus christi ocorre 60 dias após o domingo de Páscoa
        CORPUSCRISTI = date.fromordinal(DATA1.toordinal() + 60)
        if (str_data == str(CORPUSCRISTI)): cferiado = "Corpus Christi"

        # A sexta-feira santa ocorre 2 dias antes do domingo de Páscoa
        SEXTAFEIRASANTA = date.fromordinal(DATA1.toordinal() - 2)
        if (str_data == str(SEXTAFEIRASANTA)): cferiado = "Sexta-Feira Santa"

        DIA = D + E + 22
        MES = 3

        if DIA < 10:
            DIAATUAL = "0" + str(DIA)
            DIAATUAL = str(DIA)

        PASCOA = str(ANO) + "-0" + str(MES) + "-" + DIAATUAL
        if (str_data == PASCOA): cferiado = "Pascoa"

        DATA1 = date(ANO, MES, DIA)
        CARNAVAL = date.fromordinal(DATA1.toordinal() - 47)
        if (str_data == str(CARNAVAL)): cferiado = "Carnaval"

        # corpus christi ocorre 60 dias após o domingo de Páscoa
        CORPUSCRISTI = date.fromordinal(DATA1.toordinal() + 60)
        if (str_data == str(CORPUSCRISTI)): cferiado = "Corpus Christi"

        # A sexta-feira santa ocorre 2 dias antes do domingo de Páscoa
        SEXTAFEIRASANTA = date.fromordinal(DATA1.toordinal() - 2)
        if (str_data == str(SEXTAFEIRASANTA)): cferiado = "Sexta-Feira Santa"

    return (cferiado)
예제 #36
def date_from_ordinal(ordinal):
    return date.fromordinal(ordinal + BASE_ORDINAL)
예제 #37
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
import os
import functions as funct

### Sea Level Pressure
SSP_file = '/Users/jmh2g09/Documents/PhD/Data/SSPressure/ERA_Interim_mean_sea_level_pressure.nc'

# Load SSP data
nc = Dataset(SSP_file, 'r')
SSP_lat = nc.variables['latitude'][:]
SSP_lon = nc.variables['longitude'][:]
SSP_time = nc.variables['time'][:] / 24 + date.toordinal(date(1900, 1, 1))# Convert to days
SSP_dates = []
for it in range(len(SSP_time)):
# SSP (Pa)
SSP_data = nc.variables['msl'][:]# (time, lat, lon)

# Apply the GMT land mask
nc = Dataset('/Users/jmh2g09/Documents/PhD/Data/Gridded/mask_full_05degree.nc', 'r')
# Load the mask (ocean == 1)
ocean_mask_05 = np.flipud(nc.variables['z'][:])
ocean_mask_05[ocean_mask_05 != 1] = np.NaN

SSP_data_anom_masked = np.full(np.shape(SSP_data), fill_value=np.NaN)
for it in range(len(SSP_time)):
    SSP_data_anom_masked[it, :, :] = SSP_data[it, :, :] * ocean_mask_05
예제 #38
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Fetch a week of tweets
Once a week go over the entire year to fill in possible gaps in the local database
requires celery worker to be up and running
but this script will actually be executed by cron
import sys, os
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date
from crawlclima.tasks import pega_tweets
from itertools import islice

# Data inicial da captura

today = date.fromordinal(date.today().toordinal())
week_ago = date.fromordinal(date.today().toordinal()) - timedelta(8)
year_start = date(date.today().year, 1, 1)

with open("municipios") as f:
    municipios = f.read().split('\n')

municipios = list(filter(None, municipios))

def chunk(it, size):
    divide a long list into sizeable chuncks
    :param it: iterable
    :param size: chunk size
예제 #39
 def fromordinal(self, ordinal):
     """lunardate.fromordinal(ordinal) -> new lunardate object
     Returns corresponding lunardate object from Gregorian ordinal."""
     return self.fromsolardate(date.fromordinal(ordinal))
예제 #40
def get_start_date(days_to_check):
    return date.fromordinal(
        max(date.today().toordinal() - (days_to_check - 1),
예제 #41
from datetime import date
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pylab as pl
import numpy as np
start = datetime(2014, 1, 1)
end = datetime(2014, 12, 31)
quotesMSFT = quotes_historical_yaho_ochl('MSFT', start, end)
quotesINTC = quotes_historical_yahoo_ochl('INTC', start, end)
fields = ['date', 'open', 'close', 'high', 'low', 'volume']
#quotesdf = pd.DataFrame(quotes, columns = fields)
#quotesdf = pd.DataFrame(quotes, index = range(1,len(quotes)+1),columns = fields)
list1 = []
for i in range(0, len(quotesMSFT)):
    x = date.fromordinal(int(quotesMSFT[i][0]))
    y = datetime.strftime(x, '%Y-%m-%d')
#print list1
list2 = []
for i in range(0, len(quotesINTC)):
    x = date.fromordinal(int(quotesINTC[i][0]))
    y = datetime.strftime(x, '%Y-%m-%d')
quotesmsftdf = pd.DataFrame(quotesMSFT, index=list1, columns=fields)
quotesmsftdf = quotesmsftdf.drop(['date'], axis=1)
#print quotesdf
quotesintcdf = pd.DataFrame(quotesINTC, index=list1, columns=fields)
quotesintcdf = quotesintcdf.drop(['date'], axis=1)
listtemp1 = []
for i in range(0, len(quotesmsftdf)):
예제 #42
            t_data[cnt] = dates_data[cnt].toordinal()
            cnt += 1
    sst_data[sst_data == fillValue] = np.nan
    sst_data[sst_data <= -2] = np.nan
    sst_data[sst_data >= 35] = np.nan
    lat_data = np.flipud(lat_data)  # flip order of lat coords
    sst_data = sst_data[:, ::-1, :]

T_data = len(t_data)
LON = len(lon_data)
LAT = len(lat_data)

year_data = np.zeros(T_data)
month_data = np.zeros(T_data)
for mth in range(T_data):
    year_data[mth] = date.fromordinal(t_data[mth].astype(int)).year
    month_data[mth] = date.fromordinal(t_data[mth].astype(int)).month

# Limit data to post-yearStart
years_proxies = range(yearStart, yearEnd + 1)
tt = (year_data >= yearStart) * (year_data <= yearEnd)
sst_data = sst_data[tt]
if sw_sig:
    sig_data = sig_data[tt]
year_data = year_data[tt]
month_data = month_data[tt]

# Initialize empty dictionary of proxies
T_proxies = len(years_proxies)
missing = np.nan * np.zeros((T_proxies, LAT, LON))
proxy = {}
    13314.5, 13345.5, 13376.5, 13406.5, 13437.5, 13467.5, 13498.5, 13529.5,
    13558.5, 13588.5, 13618.5, 13649.5, 13679.5, 13710.5, 13741.5, 13771.5,
    13802.5, 13832.5, 13863.5, 13894.5, 13924.5, 13954.5, 13984.5, 14015.5,
    14045.5, 14076.5, 14107.5, 14137.5, 14168.5, 14198.5, 14229.5, 14260.5,
    14289.5, 14319.5, 14349.5, 14380.5, 14410.5, 14441.5, 14472.5, 14502.5,
    14533.5, 14563.5, 14594.5, 14625.5, 14654.5, 14684.5, 14714.5, 14745.5,
    14775.5, 14806.5, 14837.5, 14867.5, 14898.5, 14928.5, 14959.5, 14990.5,
    15019.5, 15049.5, 15079.5, 15110.5, 15140.5, 15171.5, 15202.5, 15232.5,
    15263.5, 15293.5, 15324.5, 15355.5, 15386.5, 15415.5, 15446.5, 15476.5

base = date(1970, 01, 01)
arcMap = {}
index = 1
for aBandtime in arcBandTime:
    d = date.fromordinal(int(base.toordinal() + aBandtime))
    arcMap[d.strftime('%Y-%m')] = str(index)
    index += 1


def ratio490Threshold(region):
    if region in ratio490Threshholds:
        return ratio490Threshholds.get(region)
        return '0.65'  # default

def arcAuxdata(region, year, month):
    if region in arcFileIdByRegion:
예제 #44
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from matplotlib.finance import quotes_historical_yahoo_ochl
from datetime import date
import pandas as pd

today = date.today()
start = (today.year - 2, today.month, today.day)
quotesMS = quotes_historical_yahoo_ochl('MSFT', start, today)
attributes = ['date', 'open', 'close', 'high', 'low', 'volume']
quotesdfMS = pd.DataFrame(quotesMS, columns=attributes)

list = []
for i in range(0, len(quotesMS)):
    x = date.fromordinal(int(quotesMS[i][0]))
    y = date.strftime(x, '%y/%m/%d')

quotesdfMS.index = list
quotesdfMS = quotesdfMS.drop(['date'], axis=1)
list = []
quotesdfMS15 = quotesdfMS['15/01/01':'15/12/31']

for i in range(0, len(quotesdfMS15)):
    list.append(int(quotesdfMS15.index[i][3:5]))  # get month just like '02'
quotesdfMS15['month'] = list

예제 #45
def acaoMenu(acaoParaRealizar):
    if acaoParaRealizar == "1":  #Agendar Vacina
        listaUsada = listarVacina()  #Função para listar as vacinas do usuário

        agendarTemp = int(
                "\n Por favor, selecione o número correspondente à vacina que você deseja agendar: "
            )) - 1  #Determina a vacina que será agendada

        while listaRepeticaoVacina[
                agendarTemp] == 0:  #Caso a repetição da vacina escolhida seja = 0
            agendarTemp = int(
                    "Você já tomou todas as doses desta vacina. Por favor, selecione o número correspondente à vacina que você deseja agendar: "
                )) - 1

        if listaRepeticaoVacina[
                agendarTemp] > 0:  #Se ainda tiver aplicações da vacina pendentes
            disponibilidade = random.randrange(
                3, 25
            )  #Determina aleatóriamente uma data disponível para aplicação dos postos de saúde (através da biblioteca random)
            agendarDia = int(
                    "\nOs postos de saúde terão disponibilidade para aplicação desta vacina em "
                    + str(disponibilidade) +
                    " dias. \nDaqui a quantos dias você deseja agendar a aplicação da mesma? (O número deve ser maior ou igual a data de disponibilidade e menor que 1 ano): "
                ))  #Pede o dia desejado para aplicação

            while (
                    agendarDia < disponibilidade or agendarDia > 365
            ):  #Verifica se a data está disponível e está dentro do limite de um ano
                agendarDia = int(
                        "\nA data precisa ser maior ou igual à disponibilidade e estar dentro do período de um ano. \nOs postos de saúde terão disponibilidade para aplicação desta vacina em "
                        + str(disponibilidade) +
                        " dias. \nDaqui a quantos dias você deseja agendar a aplicação da mesma? (O número deve ser maior ou igual a data de disponibilidade e menor que 1 ano): "

            numeroDiaAtualtemp = diaAtual.toordinal(
            )  #Variável que armazena o dia atual em ordinal. (Através da biblioteca date)
            diaAgendado = agendarDia + numeroDiaAtualtemp  #Calcula o dia para aplicação (ordinal)
            diaAgendado = date.fromordinal(
                diaAgendado)  #Determina o dia de aplicação (não ordinal)

            )  #Transforma em string a data de aplicação (No formato Dia/Mês/Ano)

                "Vacina : " + str(listaUsada[agendarTemp]) + " Dia: " +
            )  #Adiciona a vacina e a data agendada na lista de agendamentos

            repeticaoTemp = listaRepeticaoVacina[
                agendarTemp]  #Armazena a(s) dose(s) da vacina escolhida
            repeticaoTemp -= 1  #Diminui uma dose da vacina escolhida
                agendarTemp)  #Retira a dose da lista (por posição)
                agendarTemp, repeticaoTemp
            )  #Adiciona a dose ajustada na lista (na mesma posição)

            input("A vacina " + str(listaUsada[agendarTemp]) +
                  " está agendada para o dia " + str(diaAgendado) +
                  ". Pressione ENTER para retornar ao menu."
                  )  #Mensagem de confirmação e retorno ao menu
    elif acaoParaRealizar == "2":  #Vacinas Agendadas
        for i in listaVacinasAgendadas:  #Printa as vacinas agendadas de acordo com a lista

        input("Pressione ENTER para voltar ao menu: ")  #Retornar ao menu
        acaoParaRealizar = "0"
    elif acaoParaRealizar == "3":  #Histórico de vacinação
        for i in listaVacinasTomadas:  #Printa as vacinas já aplicadas de acordo com a lista
        input("Pressione ENTER para retornar ao menu.")  #Retornar ao menu
    elif acaoParaRealizar == "4":  #Aplicação de vacina não agendada
        listaUsada = listarVacina()  #Printa as vacinas do usuário
        vacinaAplicada = int(
            input("Informe o número correspondente a vacina aplicada: ")
        ) - 1  #Pede o número correspondente a vacina aplicada

        while listaRepeticaoVacina[
                vacinaAplicada] <= 0:  #Verifica se a vacina já não estava aplicada anteriormente ou se existe um agendamento prévio
            vacinaAplicada = int(
                    "Esta vacina já foi aplicada, ou existe um agendamento pendente. Informe o número correspondente a vacina aplicada: "
                )) - 1

        diaTomado = int(input("Há quantos dias a vacina foi aplicada? : ")
                        )  #Pede a data de aplicação da vacina

        while diaTomado < 0:  #Verifica se a aplicação foi retroativa
            diaTomado = int(
                    "(Insira um número maior ou igual à zero.) Há quantos dias a vacina foi aplicada? : "

        numeroDiaAtualtemp = diaAtual.toordinal(
        )  #Armazena a data atual do sistema
        diaTomado = numeroDiaAtualtemp - diaTomado  #Calcula o dia de aplicação
        diaTomado = date.fromordinal(
            diaTomado)  #Transforma o dia de aplicação em não ordinal

        repeticaoTemp = listaRepeticaoVacina[
            vacinaAplicada]  #Armazena a(s) dose(s) da vacina escolhida
        repeticaoTemp -= 1  #Diminui uma dose da vacina aplicada
            vacinaAplicada)  #Retira a dose da lista (por posição)
            vacinaAplicada, repeticaoTemp
        )  #Adiciona a dose ajustada na lista (na mesma posição)

            "%d/%m/%Y")  #Transforma a data de aplicação em string

            "Vacina : " + str(listaUsada[vacinaAplicada]) + " Dia: " +
        )  #Adiciona a data de aplicação na lista de vacinas tomadas
    elif acaoParaRealizar == "5":  #Informações sobre as vacinas
            "Informações sobre as vacinas fornecidas pelo Ministério da Saúde: "
        for i in listaInformacoesVacina:  #Printa as informações sobre as vacinas listadas

        input("\n Pressione ENTER para voltar ao menu.")  #Retornar ao menu
    elif acaoParaRealizar == "6":  #Perfil do usuário

        dataTemp = listaNascimento[
            identificadorDoUsuario]  #Armazena a data de nascimento do usuário
        diaTemp = dataTemp[0:2]  #Armazena o dia de nascimento
        mesTemp = dataTemp[2:4]  #Armazena o mês de nascimento
        anoTemp = dataTemp[4:9]  #Armazena o ano de nascimento
        dataEscrita = str(diaTemp) + "/" + str(mesTemp) + "/" + str(
        )  #Adiciona os caracteres especiais relacionados a data de nascimento

        print("\nNome do Usuário: ", nome, ".\nCPF: ",
              listaLogin[identificadorDoUsuario], "\nData de nascimento: ",
              dataEscrita, "\nCidade: ",
              )  #Lista os dados do usuário
        input("\nPressione 'ENTER' para voltar ao menu.")  #Retornar ao menu
    elif acaoParaRealizar == "7":  #Informações sobre o PyVacina
            "\nO ditado popular “melhor prevenir do que remediar” se aplica perfeitamente à vacinação. Muitas doenças comuns \nno Brasil e no mundo deixaram de ser um problema de saúde pública por causa da vacinação massiva da população.\nPoliomielite, sarampo, rubéola, tétano e coqueluche são só alguns exemplos de doenças comuns no passado e que \nas novas gerações só ouvem falar em histórias. O resultado da vacinação não se resume a evitar doença. \nVacinas salvam vidas."
            "\nO PyVacina é um aplicativo que auxilia no monitoramento de suas vacinas. \nNele é possível ver as suas vacinas aplicadas e agendar novas aplicações. \nO PyVacina está em sua versão beta "
            + str(versao) +
            "\nDesenvolvedores: Bryan Yassunori Tanaka e Leonardo Mafra Salin."
        input("\nPressione 'ENTER' para voltar ao menu.")  #(1)
        acaoParaRealizar = "0"
    elif acaoParaRealizar == "8":  #Deslogar
        acaoParaRealizar = 0
        return 0
    elif acaoParaRealizar == "9":  #Fechar o programa
        acaoParaRealizar = 0
        acaoParaRealizar = "0"
예제 #46
    | |     _ __    __ _  | |_    __ _    | \  / | | |  | | | (___   
    | |    | '__|  / _` | | __|  / _` |   | |\/| | | |  | |  \___ \  
    | |    | |    | (_| | | |_  | (_| |   | |  | | | |__| |  ____) | 
    |_|    |_|     \__,_|  \__|  \__,_|   |_|  |_|  \____/  |_____/ 
                        powered on PYTHON!!!
                        developer: N5669203

#Aqui tenho um dicionario com os meses do ano para buscar a pagina do MOS pela data do dia anterior

mes = {0:'lixo', 1:'JAN', 2:'FEB', 3:'MAR', 4:'APR', 5:'MAY', 6:'JUN', 7:'JUL', 8:'AUG', 9:'SEP', 10:'OCT', 11:'NOV', 12:'DEC'}
endereco_MOS = ['http://vqr.virtua.com.br/get_vqr_status.php?data=', '10-OCT-17', '&switch_id=114&switch_name=JPADTCDPI-01&schema_version=v766']

hoje = date.today()
diaTratativa = date.fromordinal(hoje.toordinal()- 1)
anoTratativa = str(diaTratativa.year)

#print(str(diaTratativa.day) + '-' + str(mes[diaTratativa.month]) + '-' + anoTratativa[2:4])

#Aqui eu monto a string para buscar a pagina

#Abaixo temos o endereco ja pronto para fazer a consulta, mas para testes vou usar o endereço local
#consultaMOS = endereco_MOS[0] + str(diaTratativa.day) + '-' + str(mes[diaTratativa.month]) + '-' + anoTratativa[2:4] + endereco_MOS[2]

#Aqui seto o endereco local. para usar a web usar o request
paginaMOS = open('html_teste\VQR - Call Scores.html')

paginaSoup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(paginaMOS.read(), "html.parser") #caso de erro no linux, tirar a referencia ao html5lib
예제 #47
    def _ep_data(self, ep_obj):
        Creates an elementTree XML structure for a MediaBrowser style episode.xml
        and returns the resulting data object.

        show_obj: a TVShow instance to create the NFO for

        eps_to_write = [ep_obj] + ep_obj.relatedEps

        persons_dict = {'Director': [], 'GuestStar': [], 'Writer': []}

        indexer_lang = ep_obj.show.lang

            lINDEXER_API_PARMS = sickrage.srCore.INDEXER_API(

            lINDEXER_API_PARMS[b'actors'] = True

            if indexer_lang and not indexer_lang == sickrage.srConfig.INDEXER_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE:
                lINDEXER_API_PARMS[b'language'] = indexer_lang

            if ep_obj.show.dvdorder != 0:
                lINDEXER_API_PARMS[b'dvdorder'] = True

            t = sickrage.srCore.INDEXER_API(

            myShow = t[ep_obj.show.indexerid]
        except indexer_shownotfound as e:
            raise ShowNotFoundException(e.message)
        except indexer_error as e:
                "Unable to connect to " +
                sickrage.srCore.INDEXER_API(ep_obj.show.indexer).name +
                " while creating meta files - skipping - {}".format(e.message))
            return False

        rootNode = Element("Item")

        # write an MediaBrowser XML containing info for all matching episodes
        for curEpToWrite in eps_to_write:

                myEp = myShow[curEpToWrite.season][curEpToWrite.episode]
            except (indexer_episodenotfound, indexer_seasonnotfound):
                    "Unable to find episode %dx%d on %s... has it been removed? Should I delete from db?"
                    % (curEpToWrite.season,
                return None

            if curEpToWrite == ep_obj:
                # root (or single) episode

                # default to today's date for specials if firstaired is not set
                if ep_obj.season == 0 and not getattr(myEp, 'firstaired',
                    myEp[b'firstaired'] = str(date.fromordinal(1))

                if not (getattr(myEp, 'episodename', None)
                        and getattr(myEp, 'firstaired', None)):
                    return None

                episode = rootNode

                if curEpToWrite.name:
                    EpisodeName = SubElement(episode, "EpisodeName")
                    EpisodeName.text = curEpToWrite.name

                EpisodeNumber = SubElement(episode, "EpisodeNumber")
                EpisodeNumber.text = str(ep_obj.episode)

                if ep_obj.relatedEps:
                    EpisodeNumberEnd = SubElement(episode, "EpisodeNumberEnd")
                    EpisodeNumberEnd.text = str(curEpToWrite.episode)

                SeasonNumber = SubElement(episode, "SeasonNumber")
                SeasonNumber.text = str(curEpToWrite.season)

                if not ep_obj.relatedEps and getattr(myEp, 'absolute_number',
                    absolute_number = SubElement(episode, "absolute_number")
                    absolute_number.text = str(myEp[b'absolute_number'])

                if curEpToWrite.airdate != date.fromordinal(1):
                    FirstAired = SubElement(episode, "FirstAired")
                    FirstAired.text = str(curEpToWrite.airdate)

                MetadataType = SubElement(episode, "Type")
                MetadataType.text = "Episode"

                if curEpToWrite.description:
                    Overview = SubElement(episode, "Overview")
                    Overview.text = curEpToWrite.description

                if not ep_obj.relatedEps:
                    if getattr(myEp, 'rating', None):
                        Rating = SubElement(episode, "Rating")
                        Rating.text = myEp[b'rating']

                    if getattr(myShow, 'imdb_id', None):
                        IMDB_ID = SubElement(episode, "IMDB_ID")
                        IMDB_ID.text = myShow[b'imdb_id']

                        IMDB = SubElement(episode, "IMDB")
                        IMDB.text = myShow[b'imdb_id']

                        IMDbId = SubElement(episode, "IMDbId")
                        IMDbId.text = myShow[b'imdb_id']

                indexerid = SubElement(episode, "id")
                indexerid.text = str(curEpToWrite.indexerid)

                # fill in Persons section with collected directors, guest starts and writers
                Persons = SubElement(episode, "Persons")
                for person_type, names in persons_dict.iteritems():
                    # remove doubles
                    names = list(set(names))
                    for cur_name in names:
                        Person = SubElement(Persons, "Person")
                        cur_person_name = SubElement(Person, "Name")
                        cur_person_name.text = cur_name
                        cur_person_type = SubElement(Person, "Type")
                        cur_person_type.text = person_type

                if getattr(myShow, '_actors', None):
                    for actor in myShow[b'_actors']:
                        if not ('name' in actor and actor[b'name'].strip()):

                        cur_actor = SubElement(Persons, "Person")

                        cur_actor_name = SubElement(cur_actor, "Name")
                        cur_actor_name.text = actor[b'name'].strip()

                        cur_actor_type = SubElement(cur_actor, "Type")
                        cur_actor_type.text = "Actor"

                        if 'role' in actor and actor[b'role'].strip():
                            cur_actor_role = SubElement(cur_actor, "Role")
                            cur_actor_role.text = actor[b'role'].strip()

                Language = SubElement(episode, "Language")
                    Language.text = myEp[b'language']
                except Exception:
                    Language.text = sickrage.srConfig.INDEXER_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE  # tvrage api doesn't provide language so we must assume a value here

                thumb = SubElement(episode, "filename")
                # TODO: See what this is needed for.. if its still needed
                # just write this to the NFO regardless of whether it actually exists or not
                # note: renaming files after nfo generation will break this, tough luck
                thumb_text = self.get_episode_thumb_path(ep_obj)
                if thumb_text:
                    thumb.text = thumb_text

                # append data from (if any) related episodes
                if curEpToWrite.episode:
                    if not EpisodeNumberEnd.text:
                        EpisodeNumberEnd.text = curEpToWrite.episode
                        EpisodeNumberEnd.text = EpisodeNumberEnd.text + ", " + curEpToWrite.episode

                if curEpToWrite.name:
                    if not EpisodeName.text:
                        EpisodeName.text = curEpToWrite.name
                        EpisodeName.text = EpisodeName.text + ", " + curEpToWrite.name

                if curEpToWrite.description:
                    if not Overview.text:
                        Overview.text = curEpToWrite.description
                        Overview.text = Overview.text + "\r" + curEpToWrite.description

            # collect all directors, guest stars and writers
            if getattr(myEp, 'director', None):
                persons_dict[b'Director'] += [
                    x.strip() for x in myEp[b'director'].split('|')
                    if x.strip()
            if getattr(myEp, 'gueststars', None):
                persons_dict[b'GuestStar'] += [
                    x.strip() for x in myEp[b'gueststars'].split('|')
                    if x.strip()
            if getattr(myEp, 'writer', None):
                persons_dict[b'Writer'] += [
                    x.strip() for x in myEp[b'writer'].split('|') if x.strip()

        data = ElementTree(rootNode)

        return data
예제 #48
 def _get_random_day(self):
     return date.fromordinal(random.randint(self.start_date, self.end_date))
예제 #49
     pas_fut = input("Esciba solo \'p\'o\'f\'según su opción: ")
 Dia1 = date(1, 1, 1)
 HOY = int((today -
            Dia1).days) + 1  #SE ESTABLECE EL ORDINAL DE LA FECHA ACTUAL
 Dia_ult = date(9999, 12, 31)
 fut_hoy = int(
     (Dia_ult -
 if pas_fut == ("p"):
     while num > HOY:
             "La cantidad introducida es superior al numero de dias transcurridos, el tope es de",
             HOY - 1, "dias")
         num = OKI(input("Prueba con otro número: "))
     dist = HOY - num
     dateo = date.fromordinal(dist)  #RESUMIR
     date_spl = str(dateo).split("-")
     mes_nom = meses(date_spl)
     week_day = (dateo).weekday()
     dia_semana = semana(week_day)
     print("\nHace", num, "días era", dia_semana, date_spl[2], "de",
           mes_nom, "de", date_spl[0])
 if pas_fut == ("f"):
     while num > fut_hoy:
             "La cantidad introducida es superior al numero de dias restantes, el tope es de",
             fut_hoy, "dias")
         num = OKI(input("Prueba con otro número: "))
     dist = HOY + num
     dateo = date.fromordinal(dist)  #RESUMIR
     date_spl = str(dateo).split("-")
from datetime import date

print("1. Saber data daqui a x dias")
print("2. Saber data há x dias")

dia = date.today()
escolha = int(input("Escolha uma opção: "))

if escolha == 1:
    x = int(input("Valor: "))
    futuro = date.fromordinal(dia.toordinal() + x)
    print("Data requerida:", futuro)
elif escolha == 2:
    x = int(input("Valor: "))
    passado = date.fromordinal(dia.toordinal() - x)
    print("Data requerida:", passado)
    print("Valor inválido!")
예제 #51
if my_bday < today:
    my_bday = my_bday.replace(year=today.year + 1)

# In[61]:

timeToBday = abs(my_bday - today)

# In[62]:


from datetime import date

d = date.fromordinal(730920)  # 730920th day after 1. 1. 0001

# In[99]:

d = date.fromordinal(736948)  # 736965th day after 1. 1. 0001

# In[100]:

t = d.timetuple()

# In[101]:

for i in t:
예제 #52
def date_ordinal(match, other=None):
    data = {k: int(v) for k, v in match.groupdict().items() if v}
    days = (date_(data.get('year', 1), 1, 1) - date_(1, 1, 1)).days
    return date_.fromordinal(days + data.get('day', 0))
예제 #53
def strptime(data_string, format="%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"):
    """Return a time struct based on the input data and the format string."""
    global _locale_cache
    global _regex_cache
    locale_time = _locale_cache.locale_time
    # If the language changes, caches are invalidated, so clear them
    if locale_time.lang != _getlang():
        _locale_cache = TimeRE()
    format_regex = _regex_cache.get(format)
    if not format_regex:
        # Limit regex cache size to prevent major bloating of the module;
        # The value 5 is arbitrary
        if len(_regex_cache) > 5:
        format_regex = _locale_cache.compile(format)
        _regex_cache[format] = format_regex
    found = format_regex.match(data_string)
    if not found:
        raise ValueError("time data did not match format:  data=%s  fmt=%s" %
                         (data_string, format))
    if len(data_string) != found.end():
        raise ValueError("unconverted data remains: %s" %
    year = 1900
    month = day = 1
    hour = minute = second = 0
    tz = -1
    week_of_year = -1
    week_of_year_start = -1
    # weekday and julian defaulted to -1 so as to signal need to calculate values
    weekday = julian = -1
    found_dict = found.groupdict()
    for group_key in found_dict.iterkeys():
        if group_key == 'y':
            year = int(found_dict['y'])
            # Open Group specification for strptime() states that a %y
            #value in the range of [00, 68] is in the century 2000, while
            #[69,99] is in the century 1900
            if year <= 68:
                year += 2000
                year += 1900
        elif group_key == 'Y':
            year = int(found_dict['Y'])
        elif group_key == 'm':
            month = int(found_dict['m'])
        elif group_key == 'B':
            month = _insensitiveindex(locale_time.f_month, found_dict['B'])
        elif group_key == 'b':
            month = _insensitiveindex(locale_time.a_month, found_dict['b'])
        elif group_key == 'd':
            day = int(found_dict['d'])
        elif group_key == 'H':
            hour = int(found_dict['H'])
        elif group_key == 'I':
            hour = int(found_dict['I'])
            ampm = found_dict.get('p', '').lower()
            # If there was no AM/PM indicator, we'll treat this like AM
            if ampm in ('', locale_time.am_pm[0].lower()):
                # We're in AM so the hour is correct unless we're
                # looking at 12 midnight.
                # 12 midnight == 12 AM == hour 0
                if hour == 12:
                    hour = 0
            elif ampm == locale_time.am_pm[1].lower():
                # We're in PM so we need to add 12 to the hour unless
                # we're looking at 12 noon.
                # 12 noon == 12 PM == hour 12
                if hour != 12:
                    hour += 12
        elif group_key == 'M':
            minute = int(found_dict['M'])
        elif group_key == 'S':
            second = int(found_dict['S'])
        elif group_key == 'A':
            weekday = _insensitiveindex(locale_time.f_weekday, found_dict['A'])
        elif group_key == 'a':
            weekday = _insensitiveindex(locale_time.a_weekday, found_dict['a'])
        elif group_key == 'w':
            weekday = int(found_dict['w'])
            if weekday == 0:
                weekday = 6
                weekday -= 1
        elif group_key == 'j':
            julian = int(found_dict['j'])
        elif group_key in ('U', 'W'):
            week_of_year = int(found_dict[group_key])
            if group_key == 'U':
                # U starts week on Sunday
                week_of_year_start = 6
                # W starts week on Monday
                week_of_year_start = 0
        elif group_key == 'Z':
            # Since -1 is default value only need to worry about setting tz if
            # it can be something other than -1.
            found_zone = found_dict['Z'].lower()
            if found_zone in ("utc", "gmt"):
                tz = 0
            elif time.tzname[0] == time.tzname[1] and \
                continue  #Deals with bad locale setup where timezone info is
                # the same; first found on FreeBSD 4.4.
            elif locale_time.timezone[2].lower() == found_zone:
                tz = 0
            elif time.daylight and \
                locale_time.timezone[3].lower() == found_zone:
                tz = 1
    # If we know the week of the year and what day of that week, we can figure
    # out the Julian day of the year
    # Calculations below assume 0 is a Monday
    if julian == -1 and week_of_year != -1 and weekday != -1:
        # Calculate how many days in week 0
        first_weekday = datetime_date(year, 1, 1).weekday()
        preceeding_days = 7 - first_weekday
        if preceeding_days == 7:
            preceeding_days = 0
        # Adjust for U directive so that calculations are not dependent on
        # directive used to figure out week of year
        if weekday == 6 and week_of_year_start == 6:
            week_of_year -= 1
        # If a year starts and ends on a Monday but a week is specified to
        # start on a Sunday we need to up the week to counter-balance the fact
        # that with %W that first Monday starts week 1 while with %U that is
        # week 0 and thus shifts everything by a week
        if weekday == 0 and first_weekday == 0 and week_of_year_start == 6:
            week_of_year += 1
        # If in week 0, then just figure out how many days from Jan 1 to day of
        # week specified, else calculate by multiplying week of year by 7,
        # adding in days in week 0, and the number of days from Monday to the
        # day of the week
        if week_of_year == 0:
            julian = 1 + weekday - first_weekday
            days_to_week = preceeding_days + (7 * (week_of_year - 1))
            julian = 1 + days_to_week + weekday
    # Cannot pre-calculate datetime_date() since can change in Julian
    #calculation and thus could have different value for the day of the week
    if julian == -1:
        # Need to add 1 to result since first day of the year is 1, not 0.
        julian = datetime_date(year, month, day).toordinal() - \
                  datetime_date(year, 1, 1).toordinal() + 1
    else:  # Assume that if they bothered to include Julian day it will
        #be accurate
        datetime_result = datetime_date.fromordinal(
            (julian - 1) + datetime_date(year, 1, 1).toordinal())
        year = datetime_result.year
        month = datetime_result.month
        day = datetime_result.day
    if weekday == -1:
        weekday = datetime_date(year, month, day).weekday()
    return time.struct_time(
        (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, weekday, julian, tz))
예제 #54
import allure
import os
import string
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from datetime import date
import logging

d = date.fromordinal(730920)
now = d.strftime("%d-%m-%Y")
path = os.path.abspath(
    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), os.pardir))
screen_dir = os.path.join(path, "screenshot", str(now))

def screen_path():
    global screen_dir
    if not os.path.exists(screen_dir):
        os.chmod(screen_dir, 0o755)
    return screen_dir

def remove_special_characters(text):
    # text = text.translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation))
    text = text.translate(str.maketrans('', '', '\ / : * ? " < > |'))
    return text
예제 #55
def days_between(start, stop):
    today = date(*start)
    stop = date(*stop)
    while today < stop:
        yield "http://jtwolohan.com/evilblog/" + today.strftime("%m-%d-%Y")
        today = date.fromordinal(today.toordinal() + 1)
예제 #56
def dtferiadomovel(cnomeferiado):
    cferiadodt = ""
    X = 24
    Y = 5
    ANO = datetime.date.today().year
    A = ANO % 19
    # print A
    B = ANO % 4
    # print B
    C = ANO % 7
    # print C
    D = (19 * A + X) % 30
    # print D
    E = (2 * B + 4 * C + 6 * D + Y) % 7
    # print E
    if ((D + E) > 9):
        DIA = D + E - 9
        MES = 4
        if DIA < 10:
            DIAATUAL = "0" + str(DIA)
            DIAATUAL = str(DIA)

        PASCOA = str(ANO) + "-0" + str(MES) + "-" + DIAATUAL
        if (cnomeferiado == "pascoa"): cferiadodt = PASCOA

        DATA1 = date(ANO, MES, DIA)
        # O carnaval sera a subtracao de 47 dias da data da pascoa
        CARNAVAL = date.fromordinal(DATA1.toordinal() - 47)

        if (cnomeferiado == "carnaval"): cferiadodt = str(CARNAVAL)

        # corpus christi ocorre 60 dias após o domingo de Páscoa
        CORPUSCRISTI = date.fromordinal(DATA1.toordinal() + 60)
        if (cnomeferiado) == "corpus-christi": cferiadodt = str(CORPUSCRISTI)
        if (cnomeferiado) == "corpus christi": cferiadodt = str(CORPUSCRISTI)

        # A sexta-feira santa ocorre 2 dias antes do domingo de Páscoa
        SEXTAFEIRASANTA = date.fromordinal(DATA1.toordinal() - 2)
        if (cnomeferiado == "sexta-feira santa"):
            cferiadodt = str(SEXTAFEIRASANTA)
        if (cnomeferiado == "sexta-feira-santa"):
            cferiadodt = str(SEXTAFEIRASANTA)
        DIA = D + E + 22
        MES = 3
        if DIA < 10:
            DIAATUAL = "0" + str(DIA)
            DIAATUAL = str(DIA)

        PASCOA = str(ANO) + "-0" + str(MES) + "-" + DIAATUAL
        if (cnomeferiado == "pascoa"): cferiadodt = str(DIAATUAL)

        DATA1 = date(ANO, MES, DIA)
        CARNAVAL = date.fromordinal(DATA1.toordinal() - 47)
        if (cnomeferiado == "carnaval"): cferiadodt = str(CARNAVAL)

        # corpus christi ocorre 60 dias após o domingo de Páscoa
        CORPUSCRISTI = date.fromordinal(DATA1.toordinal() + 60)
        if (cnomeferiado) == "corpus-christi": cferiadodt = str(CORPUSCRISTI)
        if (cnomeferiado) == "Corpus christi": cferiadodt = str(CORPUSCRISTI)
        if (cnomeferiado) == "corpus christi": cferiadodt = str(CORPUSCRISTI)
        if (cnomeferiado) == "Corpus Christi": cferiadodt = str(CORPUSCRISTI)

        # A sexta-feira santa ocorre 2 dias antes do domingo de Páscoa
        SEXTAFEIRASANTA = date.fromordinal(DATA1.toordinal() - 2)
        if (cnomeferiado == "sexta-feira santa"):
            cferiadodt = str(SEXTAFEIRASANTA)
        if (cnomeferiado == "sexta-feira-santa"):
            cferiadodt = str(SEXTAFEIRASANTA)
    return (cferiadodt)
예제 #57
def read_date(data, writer_schema=None, reader_schema=None):
    return date.fromordinal(data + DAYS_SHIFT)
def ordinalToDate(ordinal):
    return date.fromordinal(ordinal) + datetime.timedelta(days=ordinal % 1) - datetime.timedelta(days=366)
예제 #59
def _strptime(data_string, format="%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"):
    """Return a 2-tuple consisting of a time struct and an int containing
    the number of microseconds based on the input string and the
    format string."""

    for index, arg in enumerate([data_string, format]):
        if not isinstance(arg, str):
            msg = "strptime() argument {} must be str, not {}"
            raise TypeError(msg.format(index, type(arg)))

    global _TimeRE_cache, _regex_cache
    with _cache_lock:

        if _getlang() != _TimeRE_cache.locale_time.lang:
            _TimeRE_cache = TimeRE()
        if len(_regex_cache) > _CACHE_MAX_SIZE:
        locale_time = _TimeRE_cache.locale_time
        format_regex = _regex_cache.get(format)
        if not format_regex:
                format_regex = _TimeRE_cache.compile(format)
            # KeyError raised when a bad format is found; can be specified as
            # \\, in which case it was a stray % but with a space after it
            except KeyError as err:
                bad_directive = err.args[0]
                if bad_directive == "\\":
                    bad_directive = "%"
                del err
                raise ValueError("'%s' is a bad directive in format '%s'" %
                                 (bad_directive, format)) from None
            # IndexError only occurs when the format string is "%"
            except IndexError:
                raise ValueError("stray %% in format '%s'" % format) from None
            _regex_cache[format] = format_regex
    found = format_regex.match(data_string)
    if not found:
        raise ValueError("time data %r does not match format %r" %
                         (data_string, format))
    if len(data_string) != found.end():
        raise ValueError("unconverted data remains: %s" %

    year = None
    month = day = 1
    hour = minute = second = fraction = 0
    tz = -1
    tzoffset = None
    # Default to -1 to signify that values not known; not critical to have,
    # though
    week_of_year = -1
    week_of_year_start = -1
    # weekday and julian defaulted to -1 so as to signal need to calculate
    # values
    weekday = julian = -1
    found_dict = found.groupdict()
    for group_key in found_dict.keys():
        # Directives not explicitly handled below:
        #   c, x, X
        #      handled by making out of other directives
        #   U, W
        #      worthless without day of the week
        if group_key == 'y':
            year = int(found_dict['y'])
            # Open Group specification for strptime() states that a %y
            #value in the range of [00, 68] is in the century 2000, while
            #[69,99] is in the century 1900
            if year <= 68:
                year += 2000
                year += 1900
        elif group_key == 'Y':
            year = int(found_dict['Y'])
        elif group_key == 'm':
            month = int(found_dict['m'])
        elif group_key == 'B':
            month = locale_time.f_month.index(found_dict['B'].lower())
        elif group_key == 'b':
            month = locale_time.a_month.index(found_dict['b'].lower())
        elif group_key == 'd':
            day = int(found_dict['d'])
        elif group_key == 'H':
            hour = int(found_dict['H'])
        elif group_key == 'I':
            hour = int(found_dict['I'])
            ampm = found_dict.get('p', '').lower()
            # If there was no AM/PM indicator, we'll treat this like AM
            if ampm in ('', locale_time.am_pm[0]):
                # We're in AM so the hour is correct unless we're
                # looking at 12 midnight.
                # 12 midnight == 12 AM == hour 0
                if hour == 12:
                    hour = 0
            elif ampm == locale_time.am_pm[1]:
                # We're in PM so we need to add 12 to the hour unless
                # we're looking at 12 noon.
                # 12 noon == 12 PM == hour 12
                if hour != 12:
                    hour += 12
        elif group_key == 'M':
            minute = int(found_dict['M'])
        elif group_key == 'S':
            second = int(found_dict['S'])
        elif group_key == 'f':
            s = found_dict['f']
            # Pad to always return microseconds.
            s += "0" * (6 - len(s))
            fraction = int(s)
        elif group_key == 'A':
            weekday = locale_time.f_weekday.index(found_dict['A'].lower())
        elif group_key == 'a':
            weekday = locale_time.a_weekday.index(found_dict['a'].lower())
        elif group_key == 'w':
            weekday = int(found_dict['w'])
            if weekday == 0:
                weekday = 6
                weekday -= 1
        elif group_key == 'j':
            julian = int(found_dict['j'])
        elif group_key in ('U', 'W'):
            week_of_year = int(found_dict[group_key])
            if group_key == 'U':
                # U starts week on Sunday.
                week_of_year_start = 6
                # W starts week on Monday.
                week_of_year_start = 0
        elif group_key == 'z':
            z = found_dict['z']
            tzoffset = int(z[1:3]) * 60 + int(z[3:5])
            if z.startswith("-"):
                tzoffset = -tzoffset
        elif group_key == 'Z':
            # Since -1 is default value only need to worry about setting tz if
            # it can be something other than -1.
            found_zone = found_dict['Z'].lower()
            for value, tz_values in enumerate(locale_time.timezone):
                if found_zone in tz_values:
                    # Deal with bad locale setup where timezone names are the
                    # same and yet time.daylight is true; too ambiguous to
                    # be able to tell what timezone has daylight savings
                    if (time.tzname[0] == time.tzname[1] and time.daylight
                            and found_zone not in ("utc", "gmt")):
                        tz = value
    leap_year_fix = False
    if year is None and month == 2 and day == 29:
        year = 1904  # 1904 is first leap year of 20th century
        leap_year_fix = True
    elif year is None:
        year = 1900
    # If we know the week of the year and what day of that week, we can figure
    # out the Julian day of the year.
    if julian == -1 and week_of_year != -1 and weekday != -1:
        week_starts_Mon = True if week_of_year_start == 0 else False
        julian = _calc_julian_from_U_or_W(year, week_of_year, weekday,
    # Cannot pre-calculate datetime_date() since can change in Julian
    # calculation and thus could have different value for the day of the week
    # calculation.
    if julian == -1:
        # Need to add 1 to result since first day of the year is 1, not 0.
        julian = datetime_date(year, month, day).toordinal() - \
                  datetime_date(year, 1, 1).toordinal() + 1
    else:  # Assume that if they bothered to include Julian day it will
        # be accurate.
        datetime_result = datetime_date.fromordinal(
            (julian - 1) + datetime_date(year, 1, 1).toordinal())
        year = datetime_result.year
        month = datetime_result.month
        day = datetime_result.day
    if weekday == -1:
        weekday = datetime_date(year, month, day).weekday()
    # Add timezone info
    tzname = found_dict.get("Z")
    if tzoffset is not None:
        gmtoff = tzoffset * 60
        gmtoff = None

    if leap_year_fix:
        # the caller didn't supply a year but asked for Feb 29th. We couldn't
        # use the default of 1900 for computations. We set it back to ensure
        # that February 29th is smaller than March 1st.
        year = 1900

    return (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, weekday, julian, tz,
            tzname, gmtoff), fraction
예제 #60
FUNCIONARIO += "(%d, %d,'%d-%d-%d','%s');\n\n" % (
    30, r(1500, 8000), r(1935, 2002), r(1, 12), r(1, 28),
    gerar_nome_IBGE(sexo=['F', 'M'][r(0, 1)],
                    composto=[True, False][r(0, 1)],

RESERVA = """insert into RESERVA(cod_RESERVA, cod_func, cod_hosp, num, dt_prev_entrada, dt_prev_saida)

HOSPEDAGEM = """insert into HOSPEDAGEM(cod_hospeda, cod_func, cod_hosp, num, dt_entrada, dt_saida)

GERAR_DATA = lambda x: date.fromordinal(x.toordinal() + r(1, 40)).isoformat()

for i in range(1, 1000):
    dataR = date(r(2018, 2019), r(1, 12), r(1, 28))
    dataH = date(r(2018, 2019), r(1, 12), r(1, 28))
    if r(0, 1):
        cod_hosp = r(1, 500)
        ent = dataR.isoformat()
        sai = GERAR_DATA(dataR)
        num = r(1, 45)
        RESERVA += f"({i}, {r(1, 30)}, {cod_hosp}, {num}, '{ent}', '{sai}'),\n"
        HOSPEDAGEM += f"({i}, {r(1, 30)}, {cod_hosp}, {num}, '{ent}', '{sai}'),\n"
        RESERVA += f"({i}, {r(1, 30)}, {r(1, 500)}, {r(1, 45)}, '{dataR.isoformat()}', '{GERAR_DATA(dataR)}'),\n"
        HOSPEDAGEM += f"({i}, {r(1, 30)}, {r(1, 500)}, {r(1, 45)}, '{dataH.isoformat()}', '{GERAR_DATA(dataH)}'),\n"
dataR = date(r(2018, 2019), r(1, 12), r(1, 28))