예제 #1
def blsTask(clip):
#    import dave.blsCode.bls_ktwo as bls
    import bls

    time_days = clip['serve.time']
    flux_norm = clip['detrend.flux_frac']
    flags = clip['detrend.flags']

    minPeriod = 1.
    maxPeriod = 20.

    period, epoch, duration, depth, bls_search_periods, convolved_bls = \
	bls.doSearch(time_days[~flags], flux_norm[~flags], minPeriod, maxPeriod)

    out = clipboard.Clipboard()
    out['period'] = period
    out['epoch'] = epoch
    ut['duration_hrs'] = duration * 24
    out['depth'] = depth
    clip['bls'] = out

    ##Enforce contract

    return clip
예제 #2
def createConfig(detrendType, sector, tic, planetNum, period, tepoch, tdepth, tdur, debugMode=True):
    cfg = dict()
    cfg['debug'] = debugMode
    cfg['sector'] = sector
    cfg['campaign'] = sector
    cfg['tic'] = tic
    cfg['planetNum'] = planetNum
    cfg['value'] = tic
    cfg['detrendType'] = detrendType#"eleanor"#"tess"#
    cfg['period'] = period
    cfg['tepoch'] = tepoch
    cfg['tdepth'] = tdepth
    cfg['tdur'] = tdur

    #TODO This shouldn't be hardcoded, but passed as a parameter
    cfg['dvtLocalPath'] = "/Users/.eleanor/"
    #TODO Need modshift paths
    cfg['lppMapFile'] = "/Users/LPP_map/combMapDR25AugustMapDV_6574.mat"

    cfg['modshiftBasename'] = "/Users/justVet/"      
    cfg['onepageBasename'] = "/Users/justVet/"

    if detrendType == 'tess':
	cfg['taskList'] = ['serveTask', 'trapezoidFitTask','modshiftTask', 'sweetTask', 'lppMetricTask','centroidsTask', 'dispositionTask']

    elif detrendType == 'eleanor':
	cfg['taskList'] = ['serveTask', 'detrendTask', 'trapezoidFitTask','modshiftTask', 'sweetTask', 'lppMetricTask', 'centroidsTask', 'dispositionTask']
    clip = clipboard.Clipboard(cfg)
    return clip
예제 #3
def dispositionTask(clip):
    """Decide whether an event is a planet candidate or not

    Much of this should be parcelled off into a function

    snrThreshold = clip['config.minSnrForDetection']
    lppThreshold = clip['config.maxLppForTransit']
    minProbForFail = clip['config.minProbDiffImgCentroidForFail']
    snr = clip['trapFit.snr']
    modshiftDict = clip['modshift']
    centroidArray = clip['diffImg.centroid_timeseries']

    out = clipboard.Clipboard(isSignificantEvent=True, isCandidate=True, \

    #Compute centroid offset and significance
    centVet = {'Warning': "None"}
        prob, chisq = cent.measureOffsetProbabilityInTimeseries(centroidArray)
    except ValueError, e:
        centVet['Warning'] = "Probability not computed: %s" % (e)
        prob = 0
        chisq = 0
예제 #4
def getMilesLightcurveTask(clip):

    # get input data from clip
    cube = clip['serve.cube']
    time = clip['serve.time']
    flags = clip['serve.flags'] > 0
    flags |= ~np.isfinite(time)

    nt, nr, nc = cube.shape
    pixSeries, pixSeriesNorm = milesPCA.pixSeriesPrep(cube, flags)

    totLightcurve = milesPCA.getRawLightcurve(pixSeries)

    # package results
    out = clipboard.Clipboard()
    out['rawLightcurve'] = totLightcurve
    out['time'] = time
    out['pixSeries'] = pixSeries
    out['pixSeriesNorm'] = pixSeriesNorm
    out['flags'] = flags

    clip['extract'] = out

    #Enforce contract
    return clip
예제 #5
def loadMultipleDetrendings(epic, campaign, dataStorePath, detrendTypes):
    #Definition of the different kinds of detrendings and how to
    #parse the output of their archive class
    dTypeDict = dict()
    dTypeDict['PDC'] = (mastio.K2Archive(), pdcParser, "PDC")
    dTypeDict['AGP'] = (mastio.K2SCArchive(), agpParser, "K2SC")
    dTypeDict['EVEREST'] = (mastio.EverestArchive(), everestParser, "Everest")
    dTypeDict['SFF'] = (mastio.VanderburgArchive(), sffParser,
                        "Vanderburg SFF")

    out = dpc.Clipboard()

    #Load the TPF data cube
    ar = mastio.K2Archive(dataStorePath)
    fits, hdr = ar.getLongTpf(epic, campaign, header=True, mmap=False)
    hdr0 = ar.getLongTpf(epic, campaign, ext=0, mmap=False)
    cube = tpf.getTargetPixelArrayFromFits(fits, hdr)

    out['time'] = fits['TIME']
    out['cube'] = cube
    out['tpfHeader'] = hdr
    out['tpfHeader0'] = hdr0

    #Load PA data
    fits = ar.getLongCadence(epic, campaign)
    out['rawFlux'] = fits['SAP_FLUX']

    #Load lightcurves from a specific detrending, and replace
    #the pdc time series with the new detrending
    nDetrend = 0
    for i, dType in enumerate(detrendTypes):
        key = dType.upper()
        if key not in dTypeDict:
            raise IOError("Unrecognised detrended %s" % (key))

        ar, parser, label = dTypeDict[key]

        data = ar.getLongCadence(epic, campaign)
        flux = parser(out['time'], data)

        typeName = "type%i" % (i + 1)
        out[typeName] = key
        fluxName = "flux%i" % (i + 1)
        out[fluxName] = flux
        labelName = "label%i" % (i + 1)
        out[labelName] = label

        nDetrend += 1

    out['numDetrendings'] = nDetrend

    #Enforce contract

    return out
예제 #6
def runOneEphem(k2id, period, epoch, config, duration=2, depth=.0001):
    Run just the vetting and return an output.
        (int) Epic id of the target to run on.
        (float) period of the target
        (float) Time in days
        (dict) Dictionary of configuration parameters

    tasks = """dpp.checkDirExistTask dpp.serveTask dpp.extractLightcurveFromTpfTask
        dpp.computeCentroidsTask dpp.rollPhaseTask dpp.cotrendSffDataTask
        dpp.detrendDataTask dpp.trapezoidFitTask dpp.lppMetricTask 
        dpp.modshiftTask dpp.measureDiffImgCentroidsTask dpp.dispositionTask

    taskList = tasks

    clip = clipboard.Clipboard()
    clip['config'] = config
    clip['value'] = k2id
    out = clipboard.Clipboard()
    out['period'] = period
    out['epoch'] = epoch
    out['duration_hrs'] = duration
    out['depth'] = depth
    clip['bls'] = out

    #Check that all the tasks are properly defined
    for t in taskList:
        f = eval(t)

    #Now run them.
    for t in taskList:
        f = eval(t)
        clip = f(clip)

    return clip
예제 #7
def dispositionTask(clip):
    """Decide whether an event is a planet candidate or not

    Much of this should be parcelled off into a function

    snrThreshold = clip['config.minSnrForDetection']
    #    lppThreshold = clip['config.maxLppForTransit']
    offsetThreshold_sigma = clip['config.minCentroidSignifForFp']

    #Data on which to make a decision
    snr = clip['trapFit.snr']
    modshiftDict = clip['modshift']
    centroidArray = clip['diffImg.centroid_timeseries']

    out = clipboard.Clipboard(isSignificantEvent=True, isCandidate=True, \
    if snr < snrThreshold:
        out['isSignificantEvent'] = False
        out['isCandidate'] = False
        out['reasonForFail'] = "SNR (%.1f) below threshold %.1f" \
            %(snr, snrThreshold)
        return out

    #Parse modshift results
    fluxVetDict = RoboVet.roboVet(modshiftDict)
    out['fluxVet'] = fluxVetDict
    assert (fluxVetDict['disp'] in ["candidate", "false positive"])

    if fluxVetDict['disp'] == "false positive":
        out['isCandidate'] = False
        out['reasonForFail'] = fluxVetDict['comments']
        return out

    #Compute centroid offset and significance
    result = cent.measureOffsetInTimeseries(centroidArray)
    out['centroidVet'] = result
    signif = result['signif']
    offset = result['offset']

    if signif > offsetThreshold_sigma:
        out['isCandidate'] = False
        out['reasonForFail'] = "Centroid offset of %.2f (%.1f sigma) detected" \
            %( offset, signif)
        return out

    clip['disposition'] = out

    #Enforce contract
    return clip
예제 #8
def runOneDv(detrendType , sector, tic, planetNum, period, epoch, tdepth, tdur, debugMode=True):
    cfg = createConfig(detrendType, sector, tic, planetNum, period, epoch, tdepth, tdur, debugMode=True)
    clip = tessPipeline.runOne(cfg,returnClip=True)
    out = clipboard.Clipboard(isSignificantEvent=True, isCandidate=True, reasonForFail="None")
    # This is an attempt at quickly vetting the signals.
    # This should be its own task.
    return clip
예제 #9
def runOneEphem(k2id,period,epoch,config,duration=3.5,depth=.0001):
    Run just the vetting and return an output.
        (int) Epic id of the target to run on.
        (float) period of the target
        (float) Time in days
        (dict) Dictionary of configuration parameters
    taskList = config['taskList']; 

    clip = clipboard.Clipboard()
    clip['config'] = config
    clip['value'] = k2id
    out = clipboard.Clipboard()
    out['period'] = period
    out['epoch'] = epoch
    out['duration_hrs'] = duration
    out['depth'] = depth
    clip['bls'] = out

    #Check that all the tasks are properly defined
    for t in taskList:
        f = eval(t)

    #Now run them.
    for t in taskList:
        f = eval(t) 
        clip = f(clip)

    return clip
예제 #10
def placeholderBls(clip):
    """Debugging code. Returns the ephemeris of the largest event in
    K2Id 206103150
    out = clipboard.Clipboard()
    out['period'] = 4.15892
    out['epoch'] = 2145.76
    out['duration_hrs'] = 1.94443
    out['depth'] = .01112825

    clip['bls'] = out
    return clip
예제 #11
def searchForEvent(clip):
    subClip = clip.shallowCopy()

    originalKeyList = subClip.keys()
    taskList = clip['config.searchTaskList']

    #Set the flags attribute of the new subclip
    #Problem with this code is it closely tied to the behaviour
    #of multiEventSearchTask
        tmp = clip.eventList[-1]
        flags = tmp['flags']
    except (IndexError, KeyError):
        flags = clip['detrend.flags']
    subClip['flags'] = flags

    #Check that all the tasks are properly defined
    for t in taskList:
        f = eval(t)

    #Now run them.
    for t in taskList:
        f = eval(t)
        subClip = f(subClip)

#    #@TODO List of tasks to run should be config param
#    subClip = placeholderBls(subClip)
#    subClip = trapezoidFitTask(subClip)
#    subClip = modshiftTask(subClip)
#    subClip = measureDiffImgCentroidsTask(subClip)
#    subClip = dispositionTask(subClip)

    newKeys = list(set(subClip.keys()) - set(originalKeyList))
    out = clipboard.Clipboard(__meta__=subClip['__meta__'])
    for k in newKeys:
        out[k] = subClip[k]

    #Mark all locations for this event as data not to be used.
    time = subClip['serve.time']
    period_days = subClip['trapFit.period_days']
    epoch_bkjd = subClip['trapFit.epoch_bkjd']
    duration_days = subClip['trapFit.duration_hrs'] / 24.

    #    assert(np.all(np.isfinite(time[~flags])))
    #    assert(np.any(flags))
    idx = kplrfits.markTransitCadences(time, period_days, epoch_bkjd, \
        duration_days, numberOfDurations=2, flags=flags)

    out['flags'] = flags | idx

    return out
예제 #12
def runOne(k2id, config, returnClip=False):
    """Run the pipeline on a single target.

        (int) Epic id of target to run on.

        (dict) Dictionary of configuration parameters as created by, e.g

    A clipboard containing the results.

    Don't edit this function. The pipeline can recover gracefully from
    errors in any individual task, but an error in this function will crash
    the pipeline

    taskList = config['taskList']

    clip = clipboard.Clipboard()
    clip['config'] = config
    clip['value'] = k2id

    #Check that all the tasks are properly defined
    print "Checking tasks exist"
    for t in taskList:
        f = eval(t)

    #Now run them.
    for t in taskList:
        print "Running %s" % (t)
        f = eval(t)
        clip = f(clip)

    if returnClip:
        return clip
예제 #13
def runOne(k2id, config):

    taskList = config['taskList']

    clip = clipboard.Clipboard()
    clip['config'] = config
    clip['value'] = k2id
    #clip['dataStorePath'] = config['dataStorePath']

    #Check that all the tasks are properly defined
    for t in taskList:
        f = eval(t)

    #Now run them.
    for t in taskList:
        f = eval(t)
        clip = f(clip)

    return clip
예제 #14
def createConfig(sector, tic, planetNum, debugMode=True):
    cfg = dict()
    cfg['debug'] = debugMode
    cfg['sector'] = sector
    cfg['tic'] = tic
    cfg['planetNum'] = planetNum

    #TODO This shouldn't be hardcoded, but passed as a parameter
    cfg['dvtLocalPath'] = "/home/fergal/data/tess/dvt/sector1"

    #TODO Need modshift paths
    cfg['lppMapFile'] = "/home/fergal/data/tess/lppmaps/combMapDR25AugustMapDV_6574.mat"

    cfg['modshiftBasename'] = "/home/fergal/data/tess/daveOutput/"

    #    cfg['taskList'] = ['serveTask', 'lppMetricTask', 'modshiftTask']
    cfg['taskList'] = ['serveTask', 'sweetTask']

    clip = clipboard.Clipboard(cfg)
    return clip
예제 #15
def dispositionTask(clip):
    """Decide whether an event is a planet candidate or not

    out = clipboard.Clipboard(isSignificantEvent=True, isCandidate=True, reasonForFail="None")

    minProbForFail = 0.99
    centVet = {'Warning':"None"}
    	centroids = clip['diffImgCentroids.results']

    	ootCol_prf, ootRow_prf = np.mean([centroids[:,0],centroids[:,4]], axis = 0), np.mean([centroids[:,1],centroids[:,5]], axis = 0)
    	diffCol_prf, diffRow_prf = centroids[:,2], centroids[:,3]
    	diffC, diffR = (ootCol_prf - diffCol_prf), (ootRow_prf - diffRow_prf)

    	prob, chisq = covar.computeProbabilityOfObservedOffset(diffC, diffR)
    except ValueError, e:
	centVet['Warning'] = "Probability not computed: %s" %(e)
	prob = 0
	chisq = 0
예제 #16
def createConfig(sector, tic, planetNum, debugMode=True):
    cfg = dict()
    cfg['debug'] = debugMode
    cfg['sector'] = sector
    cfg['tic'] = tic
    cfg['planetNum'] = planetNum
    cfg['value'] = tic

    #TODO This shouldn't be hardcoded, but passed as a parameter
    cfg['dvtLocalPath'] = "/Users/smullally/TESS/TCEs/Sector1/dvt/"
    #TODO Need modshift paths
    cfg['lppMapFile'] = "/Users/smullally/Code/lpptransitlikemetric/data/maps/combMapDR25AugustMapDV_6574.mat"

    cfg['modshiftBasename'] = "/Users/smullally/TESS/TCEs/Sector1/dave"    
    cfg['taskList'] = ['serveTask', 'lppMetricTask','sweetTask']
    clip = clipboard.Clipboard(cfg)
    return clip
예제 #17
def runOne(k2id, config):

    print "WARN: This function is deprecated. See main.py instead."
    taskList = config['taskList']

    clip = clipboard.Clipboard()
    clip['config'] = config
    clip['value'] = k2id
    #clip['dataStorePath'] = config['dataStorePath']

    #Check that all the tasks are properly defined
    for t in taskList:
        f = eval(t)

    #Now run them.
    for t in taskList:
        f = eval(t)
        clip = f(clip)

    if 'vet' in clip.keys(
    ):  # Jeff edits here - See if vetting has been done yet
        if 'reasonForFail' in clip.vet.keys(
        ):  # Make sure a value for reason to fail exists else program may crash
            if 'ODD_EVEN_DIFF' in clip[
                    'vet.reasonForFail']:  # If it failed due to odd-even, then
                clip['bls.period'] = 2 * clip[
                    'bls.period']  # Double the period
                taskList = """trapezoidFitTask vetTask plotTask""".split(
                )  # And re-fit, re-vet, and re-plot
                clip['vet.fluxVet.comments'] = clip[
                    'vet.fluxVet.comments'] + "Re-fit at twice period due to odd/even"  # Make a note we re-fit at 2*period
                for t in taskList:
                    f = eval(t)
                    clip = f(clip)

    print "WARN: This function is deprecated. See main.py instead."
    return clip
예제 #18
def vetTask(clip):

    print "WARN: vetTask is deprecated. Use dispostionTask instead"

    snr = clip['trapFit.snr']
    snrThreshold = clip['config.minSnrForDetection']
    lppThreshold = clip['config.maxLppForTransit']
    offsetThreshold_sigma = clip['config.minCentroidSignifForFp']

    out = clipboard.Clipboard(isCandidate=True, reasonForFail="None")
    if snr < snrThreshold:
        out['isCandidate'] = False
        out['reasonForFail'] = "SNR (%.1f) below threshold %.1f" \
            %(snr, snrThreshold)
#        clip['vet'] = out
#        return clip

    clip = lppMetricTask(clip)
    if 'exception' in clip.keys():
        return clip

#    Tlpp = clip['lpp.TLpp']
#    if Tlpp > lppThreshold:
#        out['isCandidate'] = False
#        out['reasonForFail'] = "TLpp (%.1f) above threshold %.1f" \
#            %(Tlpp, lppThreshold)
##        clip['vet'] = out
##        return clip

    clip = modshiftTask(clip)
    if 'exception' in clip.keys():
        return clip
    modshift = clip['modshift']
    fluxVetDict = RoboVet.roboVet(modshift)
    out['fluxVet'] = fluxVetDict

    assert (fluxVetDict['disp'] in ["candidate", "false positive"])

    if fluxVetDict['disp'] == "false positive":
        out['isCandidate'] = False
        out['reasonForFail'] = fluxVetDict['comments']
#        clip['vet'] = out
#        return clip

    clip = measureDiffImgCentroidsTask(clip)
    if 'exception' in clip.keys():
        return clip
    centroids = clip['diffImg.centroid_timeseries']

    result = cent.measureOffsetInTimeseries(centroids)
    out['centroidVet'] = result
    signif = result['signif']
    offset = result['offset']

    if signif > offsetThreshold_sigma:
        out['isCandidate'] = False
        out['reasonForFail'] = "Centroid offset of %.2f (%.1f sigma) detected" \
            %( offset, signif)

#        clip['vet'] = out
#        return clip

    clip['vet'] = out

    #Enforce contract
    return clip