예제 #1
    def set_day(self):
        # make the day
        from day.models import Day

        if not self.taken:
            log.error("tried to set day but no taken date set. %s" % (self.id and str(self.id) or "no id"))
            return False
        date = self.taken.date()
        qq = date
            day = Day.objects.filter(date=date).get()
        except Day.DoesNotExist:
            day = Day(date=date)
        # first time through myphoto is null.
        if self.id:
            # if self.myphoto==False:
            # do nothing, don't re-add the day
            # pass

            # elif self.myphoto:
            self.day = day
            return True
        else:  # when you are first saved, treat as myphoto.
            self.day = day
            self.myphoto = True
            return True
예제 #2
def first_day(request):
    # TODO optimize this
    first_day = Day.first_day()
    if not first_day:
        first_day = datetime.today()

    return {"FIRST_DAY": first_day }
def include_statistics():
    # TODO cache these or otherwise optimize them
    start_date = Day.first_day()
    num_total_stories = Story.all_fiction.count()
    mod_ten = num_total_stories % 10
    num_total_stories -= mod_ten
    featured_stories = Story.verified_fiction.exclude(featured_days=None).filter(featured_days__day__lte=datetime.today())
    num_featured_stories = featured_stories.count()
    num_total_journals = Journal.objects.count()
    num_featured_journals = len(set([s.journal for s in featured_stories]))
    return {
        "start_date": start_date,
        "num_total_journals": num_total_journals,
        "num_total_stories": num_total_stories,
        "num_featured_stories": num_featured_stories,
        "num_featured_journals": num_featured_journals,

# Since Feb 1, 2012, 7 featured stories from 12 unique journals, drawn from 345 stories from 12 unique journals.
예제 #4
def random_day_view(request):
    return redirect(Day.random().get_absolute_url())
예제 #5
def select_story_for_next_day():
    If tomorrow (Day after today) exists and has a Story, does nothing.
    If it doesn't exist, creates it. (Note: for now, Day.save() automatically assigns a Story, so the next step shouldn't happen.)
    If it exists and doesn't have a Story assigned, assigns it a Story.
    logger = select_story_for_next_day.get_logger(logfile="logs/user/tasks.log")


        logger.info("in try")

        today = date.today()

        tomorrow = date.fromordinal(today.toordinal() + 1)

        day_after_tomorrow = date.fromordinal(tomorrow.toordinal() + 1)

        today_days = Day.objects.filter(day__gte=today).filter(day__lte=tomorrow)
        logger.info("today_days.count() is %d" % today_days.count())

        if today_days.count() < 1:
            logger.warning("No Day for today. Creating one.")
            today_day = Day.objects.create(day=today)
            today_day = today_days[0]
            if today_days.count() > 1:
                    "Multiple Days for today! This violates the db constraint on Day so should never happen. today_days.count() is %d."
                    % today_days.count()

        logger.info("today_day is %s" % today_day)

        if not today_day.story:
            logger.warning("No story set for today! Setting one.")
            today_day.story = Day.find_random_unfeatured_story(num_days_recent=settings.NUM_DAYS_RECENT)
            logger.info("today_day.story is %s" % today_day.story)

        tomorrow_days = Day.objects.filter(day__gte=tomorrow).filter(day__lte=day_after_tomorrow)
        logger.debug("Selecting story for %s. tomorrow_days.count() is %d." % (tomorrow, tomorrow_days.count()))

        if tomorrow_days.count() > 1:
            # error--multiple Days for tomorrow!
                "Multiple Days for tomorrow! This violates the db constraint on Day so should never happen. tomorrow_days.count() is %d."
                % tomorrow_days.count()

        if tomorrow_days:
            tomorrow_day = tomorrow_days[0]
            tomorrow_day = Day.objects.create(day=tomorrow)

        logger.info("tomorrow_day is %s" % tomorrow_day)

        if not tomorrow_day.story:
            # As long as Day.save() is also calling find_random_unfeatured_story, this should not be called
            tomorrow_day.story = Day.find_random_unfeatured_story(num_days_recent=settings.NUM_DAYS_RECENT)
            logger.info("tomorrow_day.story is %s" % tomorrow_day.story)

    except Exception, exc:
        logger.warning("Exception in select_story_for_tomorrow. Retrying. Exception was '%s'." % exc)
        select_story_for_next_day.retry(exc=exc)  # retry in default (3 * 60 seconds)