class extractGeempre(): def __init__(self): self._DB = DB() self._connection = self._DB.getConnection() self._cursor = None self._columns = [] self._connectionMongo = ConnectMongo() self._dbMongo = self._connectionMongo.getConnetion() self._collection = self._dbMongo['ExtractCompanies'] def getCompanies(self): try: self._cursor = self._connection.cursor() sql = "SELECT codi_emp, nome_emp FROM bethadba.geempre ORDER BY codi_emp" self._cursor.execute(sql) df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, self._connection) data = json.loads(df.to_json(orient='records', date_format='iso')) return data except Exception as e: print(f"Erro ao executar a consulta. O erro é: {e}") finally: if self._cursor is not None: self._cursor.close() def exportData(self): try: today = - relativedelta.relativedelta(months=1) month = today.month year = today.year companies = self.getCompanies() print('- Exportando dados de movimentação geral empresas:') for companie in companies: self._cursor = self._connection.cursor() sql = readSql(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'geempre_users_acess.sql', companie['codi_emp'], year, month) self._cursor.execute(sql) df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, self._connection) data = { 'codi_emp': companie['codi_emp'], f'{year}-{month:0>2}': json.loads(df.to_json(orient='records', date_format='iso')) } self._collection.update_one( { "codi_emp": data['codi_emp'] }, { "$set": data}, upsert=True ) print(f"\t -{companie['codi_emp']} - {companie['nome_emp']}") except Exception as e: print(f"Erro ao executar a consulta. O erro é: {e}") finally: if self._cursor is not None: self._cursor.close() self._DB.closeConnection() self._connectionMongo.closeConnection()
class extractExportFoAll(): def __init__(self): self._DB = DB() self._connection = self._DB.getConnection() self._cursor = None self._columns = [] def getTables(self): try: self._cursor = self._connection.cursor() sql = readSql(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'tables_db.sql') self._cursor.execute(sql) df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, self._connection) data = json.loads(df.to_json(orient='records', date_format='iso')) return data except Exception as e: print(f"Erro ao executar a consulta. O erro é: {e}") finally: if self._cursor is not None: self._cursor.close() def exportData(self): cursor = None try: tables = self.getTables() print('- Exportando dados das tabelas:') for table in tables: table_name = table['table_name'] print(f'\t- Tabela {table_name}') if (table['exist_codi_emp'] is not None): sql = f"SELECT * FROM bethadba.{table_name} WHERE codi_emp IN (1693,1695,1696,1848,1849)" else: sql = f"SELECT * FROM bethadba.{table_name}" cursor = self._connection.cursor() cursor.execute(sql) df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, self._connection) df.to_csv(os.path.join(wayDefaultToSave, f"{table_name}.csv"), index=False, date_format='iso', sep=';', decimal='.', escapechar=None, quotechar='"') except Exception as e: print(f"Erro ao executar a consulta. O erro é: {e}") finally: if cursor is not None: cursor.close() self._DB.closeConnection()
class extractEfentradaspar(): def __init__(self): self._DB = DB() self._connection = self._DB.getConnection() self._cursor = None self._wayCompanies = os.path.join(wayDefaultToSave, 'empresas.json') def exportData(self, filterCompanie=0, filterMonthStart=1, filterYearStart=2013): with open(self._wayCompanies) as companies: data = json.load(companies) try: for companie in data: self._wayToSave = os.path.join(wayDefaultToSave) if os.path.exists(self._wayToSave) is False: os.makedirs(self._wayToSave) self._wayToSave = os.path.join( self._wayToSave, f"entradas_parcelas/{companie['codi_emp']}-efentradaspar.json" ) # only companies actives if companie[ 'codi_emp'] == filterCompanie or filterCompanie == 0: print( f"- Exportando parcelas das NFs de entrada da empresa {companie['codi_emp']} - {companie['nome_emp']}" ) self._cursor = self._connection.cursor() sql = ( f"SELECT par.codi_emp, par.codi_ent, par.parc_entp, ent.nume_ent, forn.codi_for, ent.ddoc_ent, ent.dent_ent, par.vcto_entp, par.vlor_entp " f" FROM bethadba.efentradaspar AS par " f" INNER JOIN bethadba.efentradas AS ent " f" ON ent.codi_emp = par.codi_emp " f" AND ent.codi_ent = par.codi_ent " f" INNER JOIN bethadba.effornece AS forn " f" ON forn.codi_emp = ent.codi_emp " f" AND forn.codi_for = ent.codi_for " f" WHERE ent.codi_emp = {companie['codi_emp']}" f" AND year(ent.dent_ent) >= {filterYearStart}" f" AND month(ent.dent_ent) >= {filterMonthStart}" f"ORDER BY par.codi_emp, ent.dent_ent DESC, par.parc_entp" ) self._cursor.execute(sql) df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, self._connection) df.to_json(self._wayToSave, orient='records', date_format='iso') except Exception as e: print(f"Erro ao executar a consulta. O erro é: {e}") finally: if self._cursor is not None: self._cursor.close() self._DB.closeConnection()
class extractCtlancto(): def __init__(self): self._DB = DB() self._connection = self._DB.getConnection() self._cursor = None self._today = self._currentMonth = self._today.month self._currentYear = self._today.year self._geempre = ExtractGeempre() self._connectionMongo = ConnectMongo() self._dbMongo = self._connectionMongo.getConnetion() self._collection = self._dbMongo['ExtractContasContabeis'] def exportData(self, filterCompanie=0): try: companies = self._geempre.getCompanies() for companie in companies: codi_emp = companie['codi_emp'] if filterCompanie != 0 and filterCompanie != codi_emp: continue # ignora as empresas que não estão no filtro print( f"- Exportando as contas contábeis da empresa {codi_emp} - {companie['nome_emp']}" ) self._collection.delete_many({'codi_emp': codi_emp}) self._cursor = self._connection.cursor() sql = readSql(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'ctcontas.sql', codi_emp) self._cursor.execute(sql) df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, self._connection) data = json.loads( df.to_json(orient='records', date_format='iso')) if len(data) > 0: self._collection.insert_many(data) except Exception as e: print(f"Erro ao executar a consulta. O erro é: {e}") finally: if self._cursor is not None: self._cursor.close() self._DB.closeConnection() self._connectionMongo.closeConnection()
class extractGeempre(): def __init__(self): self._DB = DB() self._connection = self._DB.getConnection() self._cursor = None self._wayToSave = 'C:\\Programming\\api-sieg\\backend\\exportData\\companies.json' self._data = [] self._columns = [] self._dataExport = {} def exportaDados(self): try: self._cursor = self._connection.cursor() sql = ( f"SELECT codi_emp, nome_emp, cgce_emp, stat_emp, tins_emp, dina_emp " f"FROM bethadba.geempre " f"WHERE /*codi_emp IN (1,1403,1444) " f" AND ( dina_emp >= YMD(year(today()), month(today())-5, 1) OR ( stat_emp NOT IN ('I') ) )" f" AND*/ tins_emp IN (1,2)" f" AND cgce_emp IS NOT NULL" f" AND TRIM( COALESCE(cgce_emp, '')) <> '' " f"ORDER BY codi_emp") self._cursor.execute(sql) row = self._cursor.fetchone() for t in row.cursor_description: self._columns.append(t[0]) df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, self._connection) for column in self._columns: if df[column].dtype == 'int64': df[column] = df[column].astype('int64') elif df[column].dtype == 'float64': df[column] = df[column].astype('float64') else: df[column] = df[column].astype(str).str.replace( '\\r\\n', '') df[column] = df[column].replace('\\n', '').replace( '\\r', '').replace('\\t', '') df.to_json(self._wayToSave, orient='records') except Exception as e: print(f"Erro ao executar a consulta. O erro é: {e}") finally: if self._cursor is not None: self._cursor.close() self._DB.closeConnection()
class ExtractGeempre(): def __init__(self): self._DB = DB() self._connection = self._DB.getConnection() self._wayToSave = os.path.join(wayDefaultToSave, 'empresas.json') self._columns = [] self._connectionMongo = ConnectMongo() self._dbMongo = self._connectionMongo.getConnetion() self._collection = self._dbMongo['ExtractCompanies'] def getCompanies(self): try: sql = "SELECT codi_emp, nome_emp FROM bethadba.geempre ORDER BY codi_emp" df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, self._connection) data = json.loads(df.to_json(orient='records', date_format='iso')) return data except Exception as e: print(f"Erro ao executar a consulta. O erro é: {e}") finally: self._DB.closeConnection() def exportData(self): try: sql = readSql(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'geempre.sql') df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, self._connection) data = json.loads(df.to_json(orient='records', date_format='iso')) print('- Exportando empresas:') for companie in data: self._collection.update_one({"codi_emp": companie['codi_emp']}, {"$set": companie}, upsert=True) print(f"\t-{companie['codi_emp']} - {companie['razao_emp']}") df.to_json(self._wayToSave, orient='records', date_format='iso') except Exception as e: print(f"Erro ao executar a consulta. O erro é: {e}") finally: self._DB.closeConnection() self._connectionMongo.closeConnection()
class TitulosDao: def __init__(self): self._DB = DB() self._connection = self._DB.getConnection() self._cursor = None def consultaPagamentoTitulo(self, codi_emp, i_faturamento_e_parcela): try: self._cursor = self._connection.cursor() self._cursor.execute("SELECT SUM(COALESCE(rec.valor_recebido, 0)) AS valor_recebido," f" MAX(rec.data_recebimento) as data_recebimento, " f" SUM( COALESCE(par.valor_original, 0) - COALESCE(par.valor_desconto, 0) - COALESCE(par.valor_desconto_adimplente, 0) ) AS valor_parcela, " f" MAX(CASE WHEN par.vencimento <> par.vencimento_original THEN 'alterado' ELSE 'nao_alterado' END) AS alterado_venc, " f" MAX(CASE WHEN rec.valor_refaturado > 0 OR rec.valor_reparcelado > 0 THEN 'renegociado' ELSE 'nao_renegociado' END) AS renegociado " f" FROM bethadba.hrrecebimento AS rec " f" INNER JOIN bethadba.hrfaturamento_parcela AS par" f" ON par.codi_emp = rec.codi_emp " f" AND par.i_faturamento = rec.i_faturamento " f" AND par.i_parcela = rec.i_parcela " f" LEFT OUTER JOIN bethadba.hrrenegociacao_faturamento AS renfat " f" ON renfat.codi_emp = par.codi_emp " f" AND renfat.i_faturamento_destino = par.i_faturamento " f" AND renfat.i_parcela_destino = par.i_parcela " f" LEFT OUTER JOIN bethadba.hrrenegociacao AS ren " f" ON ren.codi_emp = renfat.codi_emp " f" AND ren.i_renegociacao = renfat.i_renegociacao " f" LEFT OUTER JOIN bethadba.hrfaturamento_parcela AS par_ant " f" ON par_ant.codi_emp = renfat.codi_emp " f" AND par_ant.i_faturamento = renfat.i_faturamento_origem " f" AND par_ant.i_parcela = renfat.i_parcela_origem " f" WHERE rec.codi_emp = {codi_emp}" f" AND CASE WHEN ren.i_renegociacao IS NOT NULL THEN STRING(renfat.i_faturamento_origem) || STRING(renfat.i_parcela_origem) " f" ELSE STRING(par.i_faturamento) || STRING(par.i_parcela) " f" END = {i_faturamento_e_parcela}") self._data = self._cursor.fetchall() return self._data except Exception as e: print(f"Erro ao executar a consulta. O erro é: {e}") finally: if self._cursor is not None: self._cursor.close() self._DB.closeConnection()
class extractGeConexoesAtivas(): def __init__(self): self._DB = DB() self._connection = self._DB.getConnection() self._cursor = None self._columns = [] self._hourProcessing = self._connectionMongo = ConnectMongo() self._dbMongo = self._connectionMongo.getConnetion() self._collection = self._dbMongo[ 'ExtractConnectionsDominioActiveTotal'] def exportData(self): try: self._cursor = self._connection.cursor() # sql = ("SELECT * FROM bethadba.geconexoesativas ORDER BY usuario") sql = ("SELECT count(usuarios.usuario) AS qtd" " FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT usuario, estacao" " FROM bethadba.geconexoesativas ) AS usuarios") self._cursor.execute(sql) df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, self._connection) data = json.loads(df.to_json(orient='records', date_format='iso')) for connectionActive in data: connectionActive['hourProcess'] = self._hourProcessing self._collection.insert_one(connectionActive) print(f'Dados exportados - {self._hourProcessing}') except Exception as e: print(f"Erro ao executar a consulta. O erro é: {e}") finally: if self._cursor is not None: self._cursor.close() self._DB.closeConnection() self._connectionMongo.closeConnection()
class extractEffornece(): def __init__(self): self._DB = DB() self._connection = self._DB.getConnection() self._cursor = None self._wayCompanies = os.path.join(wayDefaultToSave, 'empresas.json') def exportData(self, filterCompanie=0): with open(self._wayCompanies) as companies: data = json.load(companies) try: for companie in data: self._wayToSave = os.path.join(wayDefaultToSave, 'fornecedores') if os.path.exists(self._wayToSave) is False: os.makedirs(self._wayToSave) self._wayToSave = os.path.join(self._wayToSave, f"{companie['codi_emp']}-effornece.json") # only companies actives if companie['codi_emp'] == filterCompanie or filterCompanie == 0: print(f"- Exportando fornecedores da empresa {companie['codi_emp']} - {companie['nome_emp']}") self._cursor = self._connection.cursor() sql = ( f"SELECT forn.codi_for, forn.nome_for, forn.nomr_for, forn.cgce_for, forn.codi_cta, forn.insc_for, forn.imun_for, " f" forn.codigo_municipio, forn.sigl_est, forn.conta_cliente_for, forn.conta_compensacao_for " f" FROM bethadba.effornece AS forn " f" WHERE forn.codi_emp = {companie['codi_emp']}" f"ORDER BY forn.codi_emp, forn.codi_for") self._cursor.execute(sql) df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, self._connection) df.to_json(self._wayToSave, orient='records', date_format='iso' ) except Exception as e: print(f"Erro ao executar a consulta. O erro é: {e}") finally: if self._cursor is not None: self._cursor.close() self._DB.closeConnection()
class extractAccountBalance(): def __init__(self): self._DB = DB() self._connection = self._DB.getConnection() self._cursor = None self._wayCompanies = os.path.join(wayDefault['wayDefaultToSaveFiles'], 'empresas.json') self._dataCompanies = readJson(self._wayCompanies) self._baseWayToSave = os.path.join(wayDefault['wayDefaultToSaveFiles'], 'entradas') if os.path.exists(self._baseWayToSave) is False: os.makedirs(self._baseWayToSave) self._today = self._currentMonth = self._today.month self._currentYear = self._today.year self._connectionMongo = ConnectMongo() self._dbMongo = self._connectionMongo.getConnetion() self._collection = self._dbMongo['AccountBalance'] def exportData(self, filterCompanie=0, filterMonthStart=1, filterYearStart=2015, filterMonthEnd=0, filterYearEnd=0): filterMonthEnd = self._currentMonth if filterMonthEnd == 0 else filterMonthEnd filterYearEnd = self._currentYear if filterYearEnd == 0 else filterYearEnd try: for companie in self._dataCompanies: codi_emp = companie['codi_emp'] if filterCompanie != 0 and filterCompanie != codi_emp: continue # ignora as empresas que não estão no filtro print(f"- Exportando saldos das contas contábeis da empresa {codi_emp} - {companie['nome_emp']}") wayToSaveCompanie = os.path.join(self._baseWayToSave, str(codi_emp)) if os.path.exists(wayToSaveCompanie) is False: os.makedirs(wayToSaveCompanie) competenceStartEnd = extractFunctions.returnCompetenceStartEnd(companie, filterMonthStart, filterYearStart, filterMonthEnd, filterYearEnd) startYear = competenceStartEnd['filterYearStart'] endYear = competenceStartEnd['filterYearEnd'] year = startYear while year <= endYear: print(f'\t - {year}', end='') self._cursor = self._connection.cursor() sql = ( "SELECT emp.codi_emp," " emp.nome_emp," " emp.cgce_emp," " con.codi_cta," " con.nome_cta," " con.clas_cta," " con.tipo_cta," " deb = IF con.tipo_cta = 'S' THEN" " IsNull((SELECT sum(l.vlor_lan)" " FROM bethadba.ctlancto AS l" " INNER JOIN bethadba.ctcontas AS c" " ON c.codi_emp = l.codi_emp" " WHERE l.codi_emp = con.codi_emp" f" AND l.data_lan > DATE('1900-01-01') AND YEAR(l.data_lan) <= {year}" " AND Trim(con.clas_cta) = substr(c.clas_cta, 1, length(con.clas_cta))" " AND c.codi_cta = l.cdeb_lan), 0)" " ELSE" " IsNull((SELECT sum(l.vlor_lan)" " FROM bethadba.ctlancto AS l" " INNER JOIN bethadba.ctcontas AS c" " ON c.codi_emp = l.codi_emp" " WHERE l.codi_emp = con.codi_emp" f" AND l.data_lan > DATE('1900-01-01') AND YEAR(l.data_lan) <= {year}" " AND c.codi_cta = con.codi_cta" " AND c.codi_cta = l.cdeb_lan), 0) ENDIF," " cred = IF con.tipo_cta = 'S' THEN " " IsNull((SELECT sum(l.vlor_lan) " " FROM bethadba.ctlancto AS l" " INNER JOIN bethadba.ctcontas AS c" " ON c.codi_emp = l.codi_emp " " WHERE l.codi_emp = con.codi_emp" f" AND l.data_lan > DATE('1900-01-01') AND YEAR(l.data_lan) <= {year}" " AND Trim(con.clas_cta) = substr(c.clas_cta, 1, length(con.clas_cta)) " " AND c.codi_cta = l.ccre_lan), 0)" " ELSE " " IsNull((SELECT sum(l.vlor_lan) " " FROM bethadba.ctlancto AS l" " INNER JOIN bethadba.ctcontas AS c" " ON c.codi_emp = l.codi_emp " " WHERE l.codi_emp = con.codi_emp" f" AND l.data_lan > DATE('1900-01-01') AND YEAR(l.data_lan) <= {year}" " AND c.codi_cta = con.codi_cta" " AND c.codi_cta = l.ccre_lan), 0) ENDIF," " saldo = deb - cred" " FROM bethadba.ctcontas AS con" " INNER JOIN bethadba.geempre AS emp" " ON emp.codi_emp = con.codi_emp" f" WHERE emp.codi_emp = {codi_emp}" " AND saldo <> 0" " ORDER BY emp.codi_emp, con.clas_cta, con.nome_cta" ) self._cursor.execute(sql) df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, self._connection) data = json.loads(df.to_json(orient='records', date_format='iso')) for accountBalance in data: accountBalance['year'] = year self._collection.update_one( { "codi_emp": accountBalance['codi_emp'], "codi_cta": accountBalance['codi_cta'], "year": accountBalance['year'] }, { "$set": accountBalance }, upsert=True ) print('') year += 1 except Exception as e: print(f"Erro ao executar a consulta. O erro é: {e}") finally: if self._cursor is not None: self._cursor.close() self._DB.closeConnection()
class CompaniesMonthsIntegrated(): def __init__(self): self._DB = DB() self._connection = self._DB.getConnection() self._connectionMongo = ConnectMongo() self._dbMongo = self._connectionMongo.getConnetion() self._collection = self._dbMongo[ 'CompaniesMonthsIntegrated'] # vai adicionar na tabela de empresas os dados def getCompaniesMonthsIntegrated(self, codiEmp): try: sql = readSql(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'companies_months_integrated.sql', codiEmp) df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, self._connection) data = json.loads(df.to_json(orient='records', date_format='iso')) return data except Exception as e: print(e) def checkMonthsIntegrated(self, companieSettingView, companieMonthsIntegrated): statusAccountPaid = treatTextField( companieSettingView['statusAccountPaid']) isCompanyBranch = treatTextField( companieSettingView['isCompanyBranch']) dateAccountPaid = retornaCampoComoData( analyzeIfFieldIsValid(companieSettingView, 'dateAccountPaid', '01/01/1900')) dateStart = retornaCampoComoData('01/01/2021') dateNow = - relativedelta(months=1) year = dateStart.year startYear = dateStart.year startMonth = dateStart.month endYear = dateNow.year endMonth = dateNow.month while year <= endYear: months = extractFunctions.returnMonthsOfYear( year, startMonth, startYear, endMonth, endYear) print('\t\t - ', end='') for month in months: monthYearFormated = f'{month:0>2}/{year}' competence = retornaCampoComoData(f"01/{monthYearFormated}") print(f'{monthYearFormated}, ', end='') integrated = list( filter( lambda companieMonths: companieMonths['comp'][:10] == f"{year}-{month:0>2}-01", companieMonthsIntegrated)) try: companieSettingView['monthIntegratedMandatory'] = True if dateAccountPaid < competence and \ statusAccountPaid.find('CONCLUIDA') >= 0 and statusAccountPaid.find('ANTIGO') < 0 and \ isCompanyBranch == "NAO" else False except Exception: companieSettingView['monthIntegratedMandatory'] = False if len(integrated) > 0: integrated = integrated[0] companieSettingView[ 'existIntegrated'] = True if integrated[ 'qtd_lan_ti_importado_dlan'] > 0 else False companieSettingView[ 'qtd_lan_ti_importado_dlan'] = analyzeIfFieldIsValid( integrated, 'qtd_lan_ti_importado_dlan', 0) companieSettingView[ 'qtd_lan_ti_importado_dori'] = analyzeIfFieldIsValid( integrated, 'qtd_lan_ti_importado_dori', 0) companieSettingView[ 'qtd_lan_operacao'] = analyzeIfFieldIsValid( integrated, 'qtd_lan_operacao', 0) companieSettingView[ 'qtd_lan_operacao_dori'] = analyzeIfFieldIsValid( integrated, 'qtd_lan_operacao_dori', 0) companieSettingView['cgce_matriz'] = analyzeIfFieldIsValid( integrated, 'cgce_matriz') companieSettingView['competence'] = f'{year}-{month:0>2}' self._collection.update_one( { "codi_emp": companieSettingView['codi_emp'], "competence": companieSettingView['competence'] }, {"$set": companieSettingView}, upsert=True) print('') year += 1 def exportData(self): print('- Exportando dados de integração:') try: companiesSettingsView = list( self._dbMongo['CompaniesSettingsView'].find({})) for companieSettingView in companiesSettingsView: del companieSettingView['_id'] codiEmp = companieSettingView['codi_emp'] print( f"\t- Processando empresa {codiEmp} - {companieSettingView['nome_emp']}" ) companieMonthsIntegrated = self.getCompaniesMonthsIntegrated( codiEmp) self.checkMonthsIntegrated(companieSettingView, companieMonthsIntegrated) except Exception as e: print(f"Erro ao executar a consulta. O erro é: {e}") finally: self._connectionMongo.closeConnection() self._DB.closeConnection()
class extractCtlancto(): def __init__(self): self._DB = DB() self._connection = self._DB.getConnection() self._cursor = None self._today = self._currentMonth = self._today.month self._currentYear = self._today.year self._connectionMongo = ConnectMongo() self._dbMongo = self._connectionMongo.getConnetion() self._collection = self._dbMongo['ExtractLancContabeis'] def getCompanies(self): try: self._cursor = self._connection.cursor() sql = "SELECT codi_emp, nome_emp FROM bethadba.geempre WHERE stat_emp = 'A' ORDER BY codi_emp" self._cursor.execute(sql) df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, self._connection) data = json.loads(df.to_json(orient='records', date_format='iso')) return data except Exception as e: print(f"Erro ao executar a consulta. O erro é: {e}") finally: if self._cursor is not None: self._cursor.close() def exportData(self, filterCompanie=0, filterMonthStart=5, filterYearStart=2015, filterMonthEnd=0, filterYearEnd=0): filterMonthEnd = self._currentMonth if filterMonthEnd == 0 else filterMonthEnd filterYearEnd = self._currentYear if filterYearEnd == 0 else filterYearEnd try: companies = self.getCompanies() for companie in companies: codi_emp = companie['codi_emp'] if filterCompanie != 0 and filterCompanie != codi_emp: continue # ignora as empresas que não estão no filtro print(f"- Exportando os lançamentos contábeis da empresa {codi_emp} - {companie['nome_emp']}") competenceStartEnd = extractFunctions.returnCompetenceStartEnd(companie, filterMonthStart, filterYearStart, filterMonthEnd, filterYearEnd) startMonth = competenceStartEnd['filterMonthStart'] startYear = competenceStartEnd['filterYearStart'] endMonth = competenceStartEnd['filterMonthEnd'] endYear = competenceStartEnd['filterYearEnd'] year = startYear while year <= endYear: months = extractFunctions.returnMonthsOfYear(year, startMonth, startYear, endMonth, endYear) print('\t - ', end='') for month in months: print(f'{month:0>2}/{year}, ', end='') # tem que deletar os dados mensais, pois não dá pra atualizar as informações, visto que o codi_ent que seria # o item a ser atualizado pode mudar na domínio. Antes uma nota que era 100 pode ser excluída, e a 100 ser # outra nota totalmente diferente self._collection.delete_many( {"$and": [{'codi_emp': companie['codi_emp']}, {'monthFilter': month}, {'yearFilter': year}] } ) self._cursor = self._connection.cursor() sql = readSql(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'ctlancto.sql', year, month, companie['codi_emp'], year, month) self._cursor.execute(sql) df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, self._connection) data = json.loads(df.to_json(orient='records', date_format='iso')) if len(data) > 0: self._collection.insert_many( data ) print('') year += 1 except Exception as e: print(f"Erro ao executar a consulta. O erro é: {e}") finally: if self._cursor is not None: self._cursor.close() self._DB.closeConnection() self._connectionMongo.closeConnection()
class extractEfsaidas(): def __init__(self): self._DB = DB() self._connection = self._DB.getConnection() self._cursor = None self._wayCompanies = os.path.join(wayDefault['wayDefaultToSaveFiles'], 'empresas.json') self._dataCompanies = readJson(self._wayCompanies) self._baseWayToSave = os.path.join(wayDefault['wayDefaultToSaveFiles'], 'saidas') if os.path.exists(self._baseWayToSave) is False: os.makedirs(self._baseWayToSave) self._today = self._currentMonth = self._today.month self._currentYear = self._today.year def exportData(self, filterCompanie=0, filterMonthStart=1, filterYearStart=2013, filterMonthEnd=0, filterYearEnd=0): filterMonthEnd = self._currentMonth if filterMonthEnd == 0 else filterMonthEnd filterYearEnd = self._currentYear if filterYearEnd == 0 else filterYearEnd try: for companie in self._dataCompanies: codi_emp = companie['codi_emp'] if filterCompanie != 0 and filterCompanie != codi_emp: continue # ignora as empresas que não estão no filtro print( f"- Exportando NF de saídas da empresa {codi_emp} - {companie['nome_emp']}" ) wayToSaveCompanie = os.path.join(self._baseWayToSave, str(codi_emp)) if os.path.exists(wayToSaveCompanie) is False: os.makedirs(wayToSaveCompanie) competenceStartEnd = extractFunctions.returnCompetenceStartEnd( companie, filterMonthStart, filterYearStart, filterMonthEnd, filterYearEnd) startMonth = competenceStartEnd['filterMonthStart'] startYear = competenceStartEnd['filterYearStart'] endMonth = competenceStartEnd['filterMonthEnd'] endYear = competenceStartEnd['filterYearEnd'] year = startYear while year <= endYear: months = extractFunctions.returnMonthsOfYear( year, startMonth, startYear, endMonth, endYear) print('\t - ', end='') for month in months: print(f'{month:0>2}/{year}, ', end='') self._wayToSave = os.path.join( wayToSaveCompanie, f'{str(year)}{month:0>2}.json') self._cursor = self._connection.cursor() sql = ( f"SELECT nf.codi_emp, nf.codi_sai, nf.nume_sai, nf.codi_cli, nf.codi_esp, nf.codi_acu, nf.codi_nat, nf.segi_sai, " f" nf.seri_sai, nf.dsai_sai, nf.ddoc_sai, nf.vcon_sai, nf.situacao_sai, nf.chave_nfe_sai " f" FROM bethadba.efsaidas AS nf " f" WHERE nf.codi_emp = {codi_emp}" f" AND year(nf.ddoc_sai) = {year}" f" AND month(nf.ddoc_sai) = {month}" f"ORDER BY nf.codi_emp, nf.codi_sai") self._cursor.execute(sql) df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, self._connection) df.to_json(self._wayToSave, orient='records', date_format='iso') print('') year += 1 except Exception as e: print(f"Erro ao executar a consulta. O erro é: {e}") finally: if self._cursor is not None: self._cursor.close() self._DB.closeConnection()
class CompaniesMonthsIntegrated(): def __init__(self): self._DB = DB() self._connection = self._DB.getConnection() self._connectionMongo = ConnectMongo() self._dbMongo = self._connectionMongo.getConnetion() self._collection = self._dbMongo['CompaniesMonthsAmountNotes'] def getCompaniesMonthsAmountNotes(self, cgceMatriz): try: sql = readSql(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'companies_months_fiscal_lancamentos.sql', cgceMatriz, cgceMatriz, cgceMatriz) df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, self._connection) data = json.loads(df.to_json(orient='records', date_format='iso')) return data except Exception as e: print(e) def saveMongo(self, codiEmp, cgceMatriz, companieMonthsAmountNotes): dateStart = retornaCampoComoData('01/01/2021') dateNow = - relativedelta(months=1) year = dateStart.year startYear = dateStart.year startMonth = dateStart.month endYear = dateNow.year endMonth = dateNow.month while year <= endYear: months = extractFunctions.returnMonthsOfYear(year, startMonth, startYear, endMonth, endYear) print('\t\t - ', end='') for month in months: companieDataToSave = {} monthYearFormated = f'{month:0>2}/{year}' print(f'{monthYearFormated}, ', end='') amountNotaSaida = list(filter(lambda companieMonths: companieMonths['comp'][:10] == f"{year}-{month:0>2}-01" \ and companieMonths['tipo'] == 'SAIDA', companieMonthsAmountNotes)) amountNotaSaida = analyzeIfFieldIsValidMatrix(amountNotaSaida, 1, []) amountNotaEntrada = list(filter(lambda companieMonths: companieMonths['comp'][:10] == f"{year}-{month:0>2}-01" \ and companieMonths['tipo'] == 'ENTRADA', companieMonthsAmountNotes)) amountNotaEntrada = analyzeIfFieldIsValidMatrix(amountNotaEntrada, 1, []) amountNotaServico = list(filter(lambda companieMonths: companieMonths['comp'][:10] == f"{year}-{month:0>2}-01" \ and companieMonths['tipo'] == 'SERVICO', companieMonthsAmountNotes)) amountNotaServico = analyzeIfFieldIsValidMatrix(amountNotaServico, 1, []) companieDataToSave['qtd_notas_saidas_operacao'] = analyzeIfFieldIsValid(amountNotaSaida, 'qtd_notas_operacao', 0) companieDataToSave['qtd_notas_saidas_operacao_dori'] = analyzeIfFieldIsValid(amountNotaSaida, 'qtd_notas_operacao_dori', 0) companieDataToSave['qtd_notas_entradas_operacao'] = analyzeIfFieldIsValid(amountNotaEntrada, 'qtd_notas_operacao', 0) companieDataToSave['qtd_notas_entradas_operacao_dori'] = analyzeIfFieldIsValid(amountNotaEntrada, 'qtd_notas_operacao_dori', 0) companieDataToSave['qtd_notas_servicos_operacao'] = analyzeIfFieldIsValid(amountNotaServico, 'qtd_notas_operacao', 0) companieDataToSave['qtd_notas_servicos_operacao_dori'] = analyzeIfFieldIsValid(amountNotaServico, 'qtd_notas_operacao_dori', 0) companieDataToSave['codi_emp'] = codiEmp companieDataToSave['cgce_matriz'] = cgceMatriz companieDataToSave['competence'] = f'{year}-{month:0>2}' self._collection.update_one( { "codi_emp": companieDataToSave['codi_emp'], "competence": companieDataToSave['competence'] }, { "$set": companieDataToSave }, upsert=True ) print('') year += 1 def exportData(self): print('- Exportando dados de integração:') try: companiesSettingsView = list(self._dbMongo['CompaniesSettingsView'].find({})) for companieSettingView in companiesSettingsView: del companieSettingView['_id'] codiEmp = companieSettingView['codi_emp'] print(f"\t- Processando empresa {codiEmp} - {companieSettingView['nome_emp']}") cgceEmp = str(treatNumberField(companieSettingView['cgce_emp'])) cgceMatriz = cgceEmp[:8] isCompanyBranch = treatTextField(companieSettingView['isCompanyBranch']) if isCompanyBranch == 'NAO': companieMonthsAmountNotes = self.getCompaniesMonthsAmountNotes(cgceMatriz) else: companieMonthsAmountNotes = self.getCompaniesMonthsAmountNotes(cgceEmp) self.saveMongo(codiEmp, cgceMatriz, companieMonthsAmountNotes) except Exception as e: print(f"Erro ao executar a consulta. O erro é: {e}") finally: self._connectionMongo.closeConnection() self._DB.closeConnection()
class extractEfmvspro(): def __init__(self): self._DB = DB() self._connection = self._DB.getConnection() self._cursor = None self._wayCompanies = os.path.join(wayDefault['wayDefaultToSaveFiles'], 'empresas.json') self._dataCompanies = readJson(self._wayCompanies) self._baseWayToSave = os.path.join(wayDefault['wayDefaultToSaveFiles'], 'saidas_produtos') if os.path.exists(self._baseWayToSave) is False: os.makedirs(self._baseWayToSave) self._today = self._currentMonth = self._today.month self._currentYear = self._today.year def exportData(self, filterCompanie=0, filterMonthStart=1, filterYearStart=2019, filterMonthEnd=0, filterYearEnd=0): filterMonthEnd = self._currentMonth if filterMonthEnd == 0 else filterMonthEnd filterYearEnd = self._currentYear if filterYearEnd == 0 else filterYearEnd try: for companie in self._dataCompanies: codi_emp = companie['codi_emp'] if filterCompanie != 0 and filterCompanie != codi_emp: continue # ignora as empresas que não estão no filtro print( f"- Exportando produtos das NF de saídas da empresa {codi_emp} - {companie['nome_emp']}" ) wayToSaveCompanie = os.path.join(self._baseWayToSave, str(codi_emp)) if os.path.exists(wayToSaveCompanie) is False: os.makedirs(wayToSaveCompanie) competenceStartEnd = extractFunctions.returnCompetenceStartEnd( companie, filterMonthStart, filterYearStart, filterMonthEnd, filterYearEnd) startMonth = competenceStartEnd['filterMonthStart'] startYear = competenceStartEnd['filterYearStart'] endMonth = competenceStartEnd['filterMonthEnd'] endYear = competenceStartEnd['filterYearEnd'] year = startYear while year <= endYear: months = extractFunctions.returnMonthsOfYear( year, startMonth, startYear, endMonth, endYear) print('\t - ', end='') for month in months: print(f'{month:0>2}/{year}, ', end='') self._wayToSave = os.path.join( wayToSaveCompanie, f'{str(year)}{month:0>2}.json') self._cursor = self._connection.cursor() sql = ( f"SELECT pro.codi_emp, codigo_nota = pro.codi_sai, numero = sai.nume_sai, cli_for = cli.nome_cli, chave_nfe = sai.chave_nfe_sai, " f" emissao = sai.ddoc_sai, saida_entrada = sai.dsai_sai, codi_pdi = pro.codi_pdi, desc_pdi = procad.desc_pdi, " f" cfop = pro.cfop_msp, qtd = pro.qtde_msp, vunit = pro.valor_unit_msp, vtot = pro.vpro_msp /*, pro.vipi_msp, pro.bcal_msp, " f" pro.cst_msp, pro.vdes_msp, pro.bicms_msp, pro.bicmsst_msp, pro.aliicms_msp, pro.valor_icms_msp, pro.valor_subtri_msp, " f" pro.vfre_msp, pro.vseg_msp, pro.vdesace_msp */ " f" FROM bethadba.efmvspro AS pro " f" INNER JOIN bethadba.efsaidas AS sai " f" ON sai.codi_emp = pro.codi_emp " f" AND sai.codi_sai = pro.codi_sai " f" INNER JOIN bethadba.efclientes AS cli " f" ON cli.codi_emp = sai.codi_emp " f" AND cli.codi_cli = sai.codi_cli " f" INNER JOIN bethadba.efprodutos AS procad " f" ON procad.codi_emp = pro.codi_emp " f" AND procad.codi_pdi = pro.codi_pdi " f" WHERE sai.codi_emp = {codi_emp}" f" AND year(sai.ddoc_sai) = {year}" f" AND month(sai.ddoc_sai) = {month}" f"ORDER BY pro.codi_emp, pro.codi_sai, pro.nume_msp" ) self._cursor.execute(sql) df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, self._connection) df.to_json(self._wayToSave, orient='records', date_format='iso') print('') year += 1 except Exception as e: print(f"Erro ao executar a consulta. O erro é: {e}") finally: if self._cursor is not None: self._cursor.close() self._DB.closeConnection()