def check_meeting_conflict(message, intent): """Check if meetings are conflicted Args: message (Message): the Telegram message object intent (IntentResult): the intent result from Dialogflow Returns: bool: whether the meetings are conflicted """ end = intent.params["datetime"].shift( minutes=int(intent.params["duration"])) meetings = database.get_meetings(message.chat_id) is_conflict = False for meeting in meetings: tmp_start = meeting.datetime tmp_end = tmp_start.shift(minutes=meeting.duration) if end <= tmp_start or intent.params["datetime"] >= tmp_end: continue else: is_conflict = True tmp_time = consts.DATETIME_FORMAT) message.reply_text( "Can't schedule this meeting, time conflicting with meeting at <b>{}</b> lasting for <b>{} mins</b>." .format(tmp_time, meeting.duration), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML, ) break return is_conflict
def remind_main_menu_keyboard(chat_id): """Get the meetings keyboard for user to choose to change the reminder Args: chat_id (int): the chat ID Returns: InlineKeyboardMarkup: the meetings keyboard """ meetings = database.get_meetings(chat_id, after=arrow.utcnow()) keyboard = [] reply_markup = None for meeting in meetings: keyboard.append([ InlineKeyboardButton( meeting.formatted_datetime(), callback_data=f"rf{meeting.meeting_id}", ) ]) if keyboard: keyboard.append([ InlineKeyboardButton("Cancel", callback_data="cancel_change_reminder") ]) reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) return reply_markup
def store_notes_without_datetime(message): """Store notes without a given datetime, provide user with a list of meetings to choose from Args: message (Message): the Telegram message object """ meetings = database.get_meetings(message.chat_id, before=arrow.utcnow()) keyboard = [] for meeting in meetings: keyboard.append([ InlineKeyboardButton( meeting.formatted_datetime(), callback_data=f"{consts.STORE_NOTES},{meeting.meeting_id}", ) ]) if keyboard: reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) message.reply_text( "Please select the meeting that you'll like to store the notes.", reply_markup=reply_markup, ) else: message.reply_text("You haven't scheduled any meetings or your " "scheduled meetings haven't passed yet.")
def get_notes_without_datetime(message): """Get notes without a given datetime, provide user with a list of meetings to choose from Args: message (Message): the Telegram message object """ meetings = database.get_meetings(message.chat_id) keyboard = [] for meeting in meetings: if meeting.notes: keyboard.append([ InlineKeyboardButton( meeting.formatted_datetime(), callback_data=f"{consts.GET_NOTES},{meeting.meeting_id}", ) ]) if keyboard: reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) message.reply_text( "Please select the meeting that you'll like to retrieve the notes.", reply_markup=reply_markup, ) else: message.reply_text("No meeting notes found.")
def cancel_meeting_main_menu_keyboard(team_id): """Get the keyboard of meetings to choose to cancel Args: team_id (int): the team ID Returns: InlineKeyboardMarkUp: the keyboard of meetings """ meetings = database.get_meetings(team_id, after=arrow.utcnow()) keyboard = [] reply_markup = None for meeting in meetings: keyboard.append([ InlineKeyboardButton( meeting.formatted_datetime(), # cf: cancel_meeting_first callback_data=f"cf{meeting.meeting_id}", ) ]) if keyboard: keyboard.append([ InlineKeyboardButton("Cancel", callback_data="cancel_cancel_meeting") ]) reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) return reply_markup
def list_meetings_intent(message, intent): """Handle list meetings intent Args: message (Message): the Telegram message intent intent (IntentResult): the intent result from Dialogflow """ meetings = database.get_meetings(message.chat_id, after=arrow.utcnow()) reply = intent.fulfill_text + "\n" i = 1 for meeting in meetings: tmp = "\n{}: {} for {} mins".format(i, meeting.formatted_datetime(), meeting.duration) reply += tmp i += 1 if meetings: message.reply_text(reply) else: message.reply_text("There's no upcoming meetings")