def myfunc(): ingredients = [{ "name": "עלי בייבי", "amount": "1 חבילה" }, { "name": "עגבנית שרי", "amount": "חופן" }, { "name": "אפרסק", "amount": "1" }, { "name": "מוצרלה", "amount": "150 גרם" }, { "name": "חומץ בלסמי", "amount": "4 כפיות" }, { "name": "מלח", "amount": "1 כפית" }] directions = [ "בקערה גדולה מערבבים את העלים עם העגבניות ופרוסות האפרסק.", "קורעים את המוצרלה לחתיכות גסות בידיים ומוסיפים לקערה.", "מתבלים בשמן הזית, בחומץ הבלסמי ובמלח. מערבבים, טועמים ומוסיפים מלח או חומץ לפי הטעם." ] #db_operations.add_recipe("סלט ירוק עם אפרסקים וגבינה ברוטב בלסמי",ingredients , directions, "jpg") from db import db_init collection = db_init.init_collection('recipes') myquery = {"name": "סלט ירוק עם אפרסקים וגבינה ברוטב בלסמי"} mydoc = collection.find(myquery) for doc in mydoc: id = id = doc["_id"] print(id)
def get_next_sequence_value(): collection = init_collection("counters") sequence_document = collection.find_and_modify( query = {'_id': "ingredientid" }, update = {"$inc":{'sequence_value':1}}, new = 'true' ##? ) return sequence_document["sequence_value"]
def get_ing(): collection = db_init.init_collection('ingredients') #myquery = { "name":"תפוח אדמה"} mydoc = collection.find() print(mydoc) for doc in mydoc: id = doc["_id"] print(id)
def add_ingredients_from_recipe(recipe): #Create a dictionary and add to the Collection ##TO: for each ingredient in list: if does not exist: add to ingredients = init_collection("ingredients") counters = init_collection("counters") for recipe_ing in recipe['ingredients']: ##print(recipe_ing) name = recipe_ing["name"] if (ingredients.find_one({"name":name}) == None) and name != "": #only is it is a new ingredient, add to ingredients collection: vector = fast_text.get_vector(name) ##use fsst text op vector_list = vector.tolist() id = get_next_sequence_value() ingredients.insert_one({"_id": id, "name":name, "vector": vector_list })
def add_rec(): name = "אפונה" ingredients = [{ "name": "אפונה", "amount": "2 כוסות" }, { "name": "מים", "amount": "חצי כוס" }, { "name": "שום", "amount": "2 שיניים" }, { "name": "כורכום", "amount": "רבע כפית" }, { "name": "כמון", "amount": "רבע כפית" }, { "name": "אבקת מרק", "amount": "כפית" }, { "name": "מלח", "amount": "כפית" }, { "name": "פלפל שחור", "amount": "קמצוץ" }] directions = [ "מחממים מחבת רחבה עם כף שמן ומוסיפים את השום והאפונה (אין צורך להפשיר לפני). מערבבים במשך כ-2 דקות.", "מוסיפים חצי כוס מים ומתבלים באבקת מרק, מלח, כורכום, כמון ופלפל שחור. מבשלים עם מכסה על אש בינונית במשך 8-10 דקות, עד שהרוטב מצטמצם." ] db_operations.add_recipe(name, ingredients, directions, "jpg") # # # ########### test - printing the recipe that we have inserted: # # collection = db_init.init_collection('recipes') myquery = {"name": name} mydoc = collection.find(myquery) for doc in mydoc: id = doc["_id"] print(doc)
def add_ingredients(ingredients_list): ## gerring list of names - strings # myclient = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://") # mydb = myclient["RecipeForMe"] # ingredientsCollection = mydb["ingredients"] ingredients_collection = init_collection("ingredients") # ingredients_collection.insert_many(ingredients_list) # # documents = ingredients_collection.find() # for x in documents: # print(x) # for ing in ingredients_list: vector = fast_text.get_vector(ingredients_list) ##use fsst text op vector_list = vector.tolist() #id = get_next_sequence_value() id=40 ingredients_collection.insert_one({"_id": id, "name":ingredients_list,#ing, "vector": vector_list })
def add_recipe(name, ingredients, directions, picture_type): collection = init_collection('recipes') exist = collection.find_one({"name":name}) if exist != None: print("ERROR - Already exist recipe with this name!") return collection.insert_one({"name":name, "ingredients":ingredients, "directions":directions #"pictureName":'C:\pictures\default.jpg' }) #adding picture name myquery = { "name": name , "pictureName" : { "$exists": False } } mydoc = collection.find(myquery) ## change to find_one?? and then loop is not required?? # update picture name ##add validation: only if there is only one doc -- add (for case of ) for doc in mydoc: # suppose to find only one id = doc["_id"] # add picture name filed picture_url = str(id) + "." + picture_type updated = collection.find_one_and_update( {"_id" : id}, {"$set": {"pictureName": picture_url} },upsert=True ) #update={ "$set": { "pictureName": { "$regex": "^S" } } } #collection.update_one(myquery, update) add_ingredients_from_recipe(doc) # print the doc dict returned by API call if type(updated) == dict: print ("doc dict obj:", updated)
def get_rec(): collection = db_init.init_collection('recipes') mydoc = collection.find() for doc in mydoc: id = doc["_id"] print(doc)
def remove_rec(): collection = db_init.init_collection('recipes') collection.delete_one({"name": "פיתה מטוגנת"}) collection2 = db_init.init_collection('ingredients') collection2.delete_one({"name": "פיתות"})
def get_recipes_list(): recipes_collection = init_collection("recipes") recipes_list = recipes_collection.find({},{"_id": 0}) return recipes_list
def get_ingredients_list(): ## returns only names and _ids ingredients_collection = init_collection("ingredients") ingredients_list = ingredients_collection.find({},{'name' : 1}) return ingredients_list
def get_ing_by_name(name): ingredients_collection = init_collection("ingredients") return ingredients_collection.find_one({"name" : name})
def get_ing_by_id(id): ingredients_collection = init_collection("ingredients") return ingredients_collection.find_one({"_id" : id})
def get_ingredient_id_by_name(ingredient_name): collection = db_init.init_collection('ingredients') doc = collection.find_one({"name": ingredient_name}) id = doc['_id'] return id